Nation's seat of Alon…

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Hotel Parking lot…

Clyde wasn't sure why he came up with this idea, but he figured if they were going to patiently wait for them to arrive, why not hide behind the vehicles outside? Dera gave him a surprisingly high probability of the plan working, so he went with it. The young man told everyone to be on the lookout for any gargoyles flying through the air. After that last encounter, he just wanted to avoid fighting them period. If he took one down in Stone Mode, then the young man would lose ninety-five percent of the rewards. Outside of that, they were simply too high-level—and sure his large team would take it out eventually by working together, that wasn't the point. The risk of the monster inflicting a surprise attack and seriously injuring one of his friends was there.

The young man tilted his head. He had a list of spells, but really…he needed to improve his technique. Stone Mode would be a last resort for anything unforeseen—the usual. However, from here on out, Clyde decided he'd not pick unnecessary fights. Not that he did on purpose. From the beginning, it always seemed like no matter what choices he made, at the end of the road stood either a high-level entity, a legendary beast, a pseudo deity, hell, even a dark god. And speaking of legendary beast…Wait. A gargoyle—casually walking around with such strength, had to be under some kind of classification. It had a detrimental weakness, but Kitome couldn't land her spell. Well, to be fair, the gargoyle came out of nowhere and they had to defend themselves. Fuck that. You win some; you lose some by running, but live to fight another day. Team Stone would not always be able to rely on him going god mode all the time. That didn't mean he'd not use his own powers. They were something he was born with; however, a strategy set in place just in case the system decided to fuck him over wouldn't hurt.

Clyde examined his list of spells through his mind's eye. They were evolvable, even if they didn't show a level. What if he selected a set few before each battle and utilized them in creative ways?

A lightbulb exploded in the young man's head as he silently changed the way he'd fight from here on out. First, he turned on his Area sense so that the mini-map would show.

[Your Area sense has increase to level 2. Keep at it!]

[Area sense level 2. You will be able to detect all enemies within a vicinity. You gain a Mini-map to accompany your mental navigation system. Your foes will show up as red dots. Level this system up and you'll gain more details and range. Example: yellow dots indicating tougher enemies and much more.]

So far, nothing showed up, so he resumed reforming himself. System, can you set all the buffs to auto-activate before battle, he thought. He normally did them manually, but taking that tidbit off his mind would be nice. The system complied.

[All current buffs will automatically activate at the start of each battle.]

[Quick meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost random stats. The buffs will last for up to two hours.

[Mystic meditation: once per cooldown, you can boost speed, will, and composure. This buff will last up to 2.5 hours. ]

He felt the power surging already. Good. Instead of making up half-baked strategies as he went, the young man would attempt a few things: overwhelm foes, fight dirty, and other nasty surprises. He chuckled. Battle could be a lot less tedious.

Just then, Clyde saw a mass of red dots moving quickly toward the hotel. The wizards had no idea they were hiding. To make matters even more complicated for them, the young man cast another surprise.

[Clyde activated Summon Mist.]

[Summon Mist: Type: water. Class: uncommon. Summon a thick mist that can cover an area the size of a small town. You and your allies will be able to see 40% better than any enemies. Warning, this is useless against enemies that do not rely on vision.]

Uncommon class his ass, this ability felt like gold to Clyde and something he should've utilized more. Then again, the young man was certain that most of his enemies didn't rely on vision. The wizards were human…

His Team watched him, felt his buffs and resolve, and waited for his signal. Support Team of course hid on the now-repaired bus, all lights off. The hotel guests were evacuated from the building. The young man had to tell them the truth. That the android police were killed and terrorists were on the way. Of course they heard most of it anyway from Pink Allure herself. And speaking of the tied up, he left the prisoners out in the open, secured. Tear muted them with magic so they wouldn't give away the dozens of traps Yuki took the time to set up. And to add more to their calamity of shittiness, they now had to deal with a new, thick mist.

[Your party has entered combat!]

"Get ready," Clyde said. "We're going to take them out with no injuries. Be tactical or something. Don't be stupid. I won't be using Stone Mode except as a last resort. Got it?"

Everyone nodded. Alice smiled.

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"I can see your ideas in my head," she said.

"You can?" Clyde said, surprised.

[You have unlocked Soul Mate Passive- Duo Sync. Type: spiritual. Class: ??? You may send combat strategies to Alice directly from your head during or even before battle. This will be automatically extended to any wife. And only wives. Chances of duo-attacks increased by 10%]

Sheesh, at this rate, Seth and Toru and any non-harem member would end up on the support team. Although Seth on support wasn't a bad idea. He found their headquarters. They'd raid it after learning as much as possible. The police were useless against the enemy. Nevertheless, that'd be for a later discussion. The blond's reliability was just too high.

Clyde smiled at the revelation of utilizing Alice in his strategy. Then he frowned. He couldn't make her do something too risky, not while pregnant. The reality sunk in again. Alice was pregnant.

Clyde and the others slowly crept from their hiding places, Chika in stealth, preparing to pick off a few. They wouldn't be killed of course, just knocked out, and secured. More androids were on the way. Team Stone had to make sure the wizards were no longer a threat to them nor the innocent civilians around. Also he just wanted to fucking sleep without these bastards retaliating.

"Tear, did you find us a new hotel yet?" Clyde asked.

"Not yet," Tear replied. "So many are full. I booked this one ahead of time and got lucky enough to reserve us all rooms."

Clyde observed the enemies. There seemed to be at least thirty or forty. A dozen of them succumbed the traps. Chika and Yusuke started their jobs. The young man and the team moved a little faster, knowing that the mist wouldn't go inside the building.

The wizards were a mix of blue, red, and even some newly green robes. A man wearing gold appeared to be their lieutenant, so Clyde analyzed him.

Wizard, Gold Robe: Jerret.

Level: 166

Type: human, spellcaster

Work under: Kindas.

Special: annoying wizard teleportation.

Weakness: physical.

Resistances: His magical barrier make him resistant to all magic..

Secret: he secretly wishes for a world of monster girls. He'd call himself a harem king.

A man of culture or a lunatic, the world would never know. Taking notice that Chika and Yusuke did the best that they could do while most of the wizards' guards were down, Clyde started his new combat plan.

"Take out any that fall from this," he said to Alice. She nodded. While incredibly powerful, the twin-tailed half-demoness knew not to accidentally kill them.

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[Clyde activated Giga Death Scatter Shot.]

[Giga Death Scatter Shot [evolution 2]. Type: spiritual. Class: mysterious. Shoot a flurry of energy balls at multiple enemies. 8% chance to stun or paralyze an enemy. Does gun, metal, and glass damage. 1% chance to instantly kill enemies ten levels or more below you. You can will the energy balls to explode upon contact]

Good thing they weren't ten or more levels below him. A one percent chance…

Six balls of deadly energy launched from the young man's hand and knocked each of its targets over like bowling pins. Clyde grabbed a few more with Binder's hand, yanking their legs and dragging them across the floor to end in a nice, classic wall smash. To make sure anyone conscious didn't easily get up, the young man pulled out his Executioner's staff and aimed at the floor. Alice took out a mob that bolted at the duo from a different direction with multiple beams and bursts of pink radiant magic.

[Clyde activated Tier 2 skill: Blizzard.]

The wizards were fucking miserable. Some of them launched fireballs in the young man's direction. He quickly responded with multiple bursts of Neptune's water edge. Then to make sure they had no luck with the floor, refroze it. By this time, the gold robe had set his sights on Clyde.

Anticipating the first teleport, the young man positioned Alice right in the perfect place. The minute he appeared, the young woman delivered an upper knee that broke some of the wizard's ribs. Clyde knew because he felt the cracking vibrations through his mystic senses.

The young man took a look around the battlefield. All forty wizards were down, many injured, all unconscious.

And there wasn't a single scratch on Team Stone. Clyde took mental notes to improve the strategy, figuring this wouldn't work every time. But holy shit. They were all level one hundred fifty and higher, although the gold robe was the strongest.

[Outstanding! Battle completed, PERFECT! Reward: 320 million EXP, 40 million dollars, and Elroot Wand part 1 of 3.]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 151-155. Stats increased! Random skill levels increased. Some have become enhanced skills.]

[You have earned the title, Strategist in the Making.]

As if on cue, sirens filled the air. Clyde motioned for the hotel manager to explain things, while Alice, Tear, and Fuyoko rounded the wizards up with telekinesis. Thankfully the androids took their tipoff very serious and brought in an army of police and what appeared to be some kind of SWAT team.

"This is going to take a while," Clyde said, but the results made him happy. Now he'd have to turn simple strategies into complex mechanisms.

Abruptly, Clyde's mystic senses flared into overdrive. One of the police officers had fired, but the bullet failed to penetrate the young man's aura. Not that it needed to. It fizzled gray gas and exploded.

While he took absolutely no damage, the force of the blast spiraled him backward to the wall. The fake officer blurred toward the young man before Team Stone knew to respond.

[You have been dragged into a *Sub-Boss fight!]

[Due to the Luedium gas, your defense have dropped.]

Rage barreled through the young man, but he forced his body NOT to jump into Stone Mode. The excess aura and wind slowed the advance of the terrorist, giving Clyde enough time to stand and right himself. He analyzed the newcomer.

Witch, Grey Robe, Zila

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Level: 200

Type: human, spellcaster.

Work under: Kindas

Special: ???

Weakness: ???

Resistances: holy

Secret: blocked.

Clyde flash stepped toward her, dodged her three dagger thrusts, then socked the witch in the face with a Stagger punch. He immediately moved into a Roundhouse kick, but she used magic to hold her ground. A spellcaster choosing to fight at close range set the young man's mental alarm bells at maximum. Was she going to suicide him? Frodo had such a skill, so it wouldn't be a surprise.

Why did the wizards do this to themselves? If they wanted some kind of change in this nation, they had to go for it in a manner that didn't threaten lives. Otherwise, what if the spellcaster accidentally killed someone who was beginning to take their message into consideration?

Still, they were willing to go this far, but for what end… Hell, judging by the crazed look in the woman's eyes, her so-called leadership did something…The young man…needed to know the other side of the story.

[Zila's HP has dropped to 150% of 200%]

Zila aimed a hand at Clyde, laughing.

"Eat eat eat eat, you interfering bastard!"

[Zila activated Tier 1 skill: Gauntlet Magic Bolt. This is an undodgeable skill.]

Clyde put up a cosmic shield, blocking the magic, then flash stepped in front of the witch. Tapping into Mystic combat, his fist left green trails of magic as he switched from a Stagger punch, to a kick, then finishing off with an upward dagger strike. He jumped backward when he noticed she attempted to grab him.

Whatever the fuck she had planned, the young man wanted no part of that.

[Zila's HP has dropped to 125%]

Her high level and maybe defense prevented his physical and generic attacks from doing much damage, but if he used magic in the wrong place, she'd possibly explode.

Wait… The young man had a fun spell for creative occasions. MP-costing, sure, but worth a shot.

[Clyde activated Special Tier skill: Energy Materialize. Boosted by Naoko. The energy will last longer.]

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[Special Tier Skill: Energy Materialize. Type: light, deity. Class: epic. Form weapons and objects made of energy in your hands for a short time. The more MP invested, the larger the object. Be careful of overdoing it. The magical backlash can daze you in the middle of a fight. Chance to inflict light blight at 4% Chance to burn at 2%. ]

Clyde briefly glanced at the kuudere loli, nodding his thanks. Zila was charging recklessly again, hoping to probably kill the young man off, Yamcha-style.

First, he created a steep slope right in front of her, catching the witch off guard. She tumbled backward. Clyde surrounded her in a super-thick coffin of blue magic, then packed on layer after layer, being careful to leave airholes.

[Your MP has dropped to 200% of 680% from this battle. Be thankful for the buffs!]

[Clyde activated Tier 2 skill: Blizzard.]

He froze over the coffin with ice, sensing that the energy from his materialize skill was preparing to dissipate.

"Quick, Natalia, trap her in something," Clyde said.

"You got it husbando onii," Natalia said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Husband?" Clyde heard an android say. "Should we be arresting him too?"

"No, I think she watches too much anime," another cop said.

Natalia surrounded the ice into one giant chamber of solid, unbreakable magic.

"Can anyone here disarm the magical bomb inside her?" Clyde asked. "If you fail, she'll explode into many pieces, but the blast will be contained."

Undine stepped forward.

"Leave it to me." She walked up to Natalia's barrier, placed a hand on it, then closed her eyes. Some kind of….not-magic seeped through like a black smog. It entered Zila's mouth and there they waited for thirty tense seconds. "There. All of her explosive magic is gone. And wow did she have a lot in there, but under too much pressure. I doubt she could hold you on the ground long enough to make it go off."

[Undine ended the battle!]

Clyde nodded.

"Now we'll let the police handle this. Also…" He turned to the androids. "How did she fool you? Do you not know your own?"

"Our sensors couldn't pierce her illusion magic," an android replied, then she looked down. "She killed our commander and took on her form. We…we have a job to do, so we can't mourn our officer. Someone who guided our hands and taught us how the world works."

The android joined the others into miserably cuffing terrorists with anti-magic handcuffs then stuffing them into the armored vehicles.

Clyde turned to look at Dera, who seemed to slump, eyes sad. Amina placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Either the princess or Palona or the queen needed to explain this shit. Clyde wished he could meet whoever or whatever created the androids.

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