"I'm Clyde, the Stone," he said, gaining the wide eyes of the queen. "Let's just say I'm here because destiny, fate or whatever is kind of a cryptic douchebag. If you don't mind, your highness, let me deal with Maverick."

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Flustered, the queen nodded. "Th—thank you, Lord Stone."

"Mother," Kaguya said, "I cannot live in the city anymore, as I've joined Team Stone. There is a bigger quest, and I'd like to see the greatest threat in the world, stopped."

The queen looked at her daughter for a long time before giving her a nod of approval.

"I understand. But…how are you. Are you dead?"

Kaguya chuckled. "Maybe I'm neither dead nor really alive."

"Undead," Ruri said.

The queen shifted her gaze to Clyde. "Then the Stone will receive a ring of promised marriage."

Everyone's chatting immediately ceased to stare at the queen in shock. She winked.

Kaguya turned to stare at her mother incredulously. "I don't want him to be my stepfather. That's so embarrassing."

"Then you'll have to take it yourself," the queen said, her smile small. Clyde could tell she was looking for something to distract herself from the current crisis.

"Don't I get a saying in this?" Clyde said.

Alice harrumphed tsundere-style. "And we're not approving. He's already taken. Go away."

The queen smirked. "Kaguya, you'd better join in the harem." She laughed at her daughter's blushing and pouting. The queen's expression became serious as she addressed Team Stone. "If you can blow Maverick's head off, like that girl, that'd be great. This Nation will be thankful."

Seth shuddered. "I'm still surprised she did it."

"Nya, that's only one pain-in-the-tail down," Neko said as she joined them on the roof.

"Shouldn't you be with support team, cat?" Alice said.

"Nyyyaa, we've got to go. I sense an Omen's sphere," Neko said.


Kindas Headquarters…

Maverick's office.

Maverick tossed the Omen's sphere in his palm repeatedly as he pieced together a way to salvage his ruined plan. So many years of ousting the royal family out of power permanently, gone, but he was a patient man. Killing the king took years, but he did it. His forces hadn't found the princess's sister yet, but really, that didn't matter. Adventurers rarely stayed in one place. He doubted she'd return to Alon to claim the throne.

Abruptly a flash of light emitted at the center of the man's room. Palona fell to the floor, gasping for breath. A large smile curled on Maverick's face as he observed her condition.

"Well well, look who's joining the failure club." He snickered.

"I was caught off guard and my barriers were all down as I approached the queen," Palona snapped. "Unlike you, I actually made the attempt to get my hands dirty."

Maverick grinned. "And failed. This is why you hire professionals to get certain jobs done." He tapped his fingers against his new desk, eyes thoughtful. "The least I can do is let you rest here before you resort to abandoning our agreement." The man chuckled. "I've lived for a long time and can patiently wait for another window of opportunity. It is not like the queen can spout out any truthful accusations without any evidence. Come, Palona, join me on a walk outside. We could use some fresh air." He picked her up, starting a slow heal. Why wasn't she able to heal herself? "I think you may enjoy hearing my new offer." He puffed his cigar and blew smoke into the air. Palona groaned.

"I targeted the Stone in the name of the Pillars and it backfired," Palona said softly. "His destruction will produce the core."

Maverick shook his head. "You still believe in that nonsense about godly or legendary figures turning into cores after death. How childish."

Palona could only sneer.


Attincusburon, Nation's Seat of Alon…

Near the wizards' headquarters…

Clyde held up his Executioner's staff, charging a risky spell.

"Fuck, this casting time sucks. Come on!"

"Nyyyaa, please listen to me—that is dangerous," Neko said.

"And I said trust in Tear and the others," Clyde told the catgirl. "Alice will contain it."

Neko looked at him and then the building nervously. "Besides, Yusuke confirmed it was absent of any innocents, with pictures of every floor. Seth and Airi did the same. Three different minds, capable people." He nodded. "We can rely on the others you know."

"Nyyya," Neko said, her ears sagging. "I know I said the Omen's sphere left the building, but skipping the raid. Do you not feel that some people will be disappointed? The Watchers. You know, those who are reading your life and dictating the stone-viper games."

"Remind me to find the fucks I left somewhere," Clyde said. "I'll give that to the Watchers one day. Maybe." He petted Neko. "But thank you for looking out for me. I really enjoy having you on the team."

Neko purred. "Flattery won't get you out of my lecture. I heard about the Viper's arrogance. Don't become like him."

Clyde laughed. "I can only hope it's not too late. Now stand back, this is going to be nasty."

Neko hid behind Clyde's back.

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[All buffs activated.]

[Noona's buffs activated.]

[Noona activated Tier 1 skill: Honed Sharpness!]

[Alice's containing barrier is drastically boosted by Tear, Noona, Airi, Harumi, Matsume, and Yuki.]

*[Clyde activated Silver tier skill: Meteor!]*

[Silver tier skill: A powerful skill with highly destructive capabilities. Send down a giant meteor to destroy your enemies. Just…don't accidentally blow up a city with it. Does cosmic, colossal fire, explosive, and earth damage.]

A giant flaming meteor erupted from the sky and slammed into the building. Clyde thought this was overkill at first, but Naoko surprisingly convinced him to send a message. If anything, Neko should be lecturing the kuudere loli, not him.

The giant headquarters exploded, threatening to launch shrapnel in all directions, but Alice's barrier contained all of the energy and physical matter inside as well as the gasses and pressure.

"What a dangerous barrier," Misaka said. "She's…amazing. I wish I could be like her."

Clyde chuckled, feeling pride in his soulmate.

"Me too," Kaguya said, emerging from the ground. Once again, Clyde was reminded that he no longer feared anything. He hadn't for a while, only recently noticing.

The young man froze as his eyes widened. There was another barrier inside of Alice's barrier. The remaining wizards fell to their faces, magic drained.

"Take care of them, Naoko," Clyde ordered as he turned around. The man from before stood there with Palona at his side, shaking his head. Dressed in decorative wizard attire, his eyes glowed yellow as he puffed his cigar and blew a smoke cloud into the air.

"Was that necessary?" Maverick said.

"That's pretty much what you've done to this nation," Clyde said.

"Such interference from meddling outsiders," Maverick continued. "Years of planning. I think it's time we settle this. I don't know how you disabled the barrier to my b—"

"That was my doing," Airi said cheerfully. "No hard feelings, right?" She winked.

Maverick puffed his cigar one last time before putting it out and tossing it to the side.

"I hope your guard is up, Palona," he said. The crusader woman rolled her eyes.

"I am a Pillar," she said. "He won't catch me with the same trick twice."

Fog began to ooze from the wizard leader's mouth. Clyde analyzed them. Maverick's eyes widened.

"Ka—Kaguya…" He laughed. "You'll watch your faith in them get shattered from beyond the grave." The ghostly princess stuck her tongue out at him.

"They'll make you eat those words," Princess Kaguya said.

Maverick, Demon Warlock Leader of Kindas

Level: 400

Type: ancient demon

Work under: N/A

Special: ???

Weakness: ???

Resistances: ???

Secret: blocked. Something isn't right about this one…

Palona, Fourth Pillar of the Crusaders

Level: ???

Type: entity

Work under: The Order. An entity…in the crusaders.

Special: ???

Weakness: ???

Resistances: dark.

Secret: blocked by a barrier created by The Order.

Clyde needed the experience points…

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[Your party has entered a BOSS fight!]

[stone-viper games]

"You won't catch me off guard again, Stone!" Palona yelled, energy charging. "I am Palona, fourth pillar of the Crusaders. You will pay for your disrespect! I will do everything it takes to kill you."

[Entity Palona has accessed Forbidden Magic.]

[Warning! Access of this magic could attract the Punishment Squad.]

"Naoko, stop that," Clyde said. "I've never met the Punishment Squad and I'm not trying to."

The kuudere nodded without saying anything. Natalia harrumphed, chasing Naoko to assist her.

Maverick gestured to Clyde.

"Come on, boy. Or will your entire team attack. I can take you all."

Chika's stealth undid itself as she almost nailed him with an upward dagger strike. Maverick blocked it with a cigar…

[Maverick activated Void tier skill: Absolute Death Hand.]

Clyde's fist met his face, stopping his void magic, but the demon warlock held his ground.

[Maverick's HP has dropped to 300%]

Warping Bloodlight from his inventory, Clyde sliced toward Maverick, but was met by a block. An electric sword materialized from nothing into the demon's grasps. He chuckled. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Is that all you got?" Maverick taunted.

"Clyde what are you doing?" Yusuke said. "Kill him! Now isn't the time to mess around. Go god mode already."

"No, I can't rely on that," Clyde said, "I need the experience points." The amount of rewards he could potentially get from this fight couldn't be passed up. How would he touch the Viper if he let massive grinds like this slip away from his grasps?

Clyde switched to a shatter strike, surprising the demon warlock. He didn't stop there. The young man kept him on the defenses switching to Precise slash into Spirit slash, into Deep slash, and then finishing the combo with a Sound slash.

Maverick's sword trembled, just barely blocking the moves.

[Maverick's HP has dropped to 210%]

Suddenly, Maverick blurred to Clyde's side with demon speed, stepping into his guard. Clyde grinned evilly.

[Ruri activated Silver tier skill: Atomic Face Crusher.]

Clyde winced as the hellhound smashed her magic-powered fist against the demon warlock's face. And away he flew, twenty yards before gaining his footing. Bat-like wings emerged from his back.

[Maverick's HP has dropped to 135%]

The man calmly dusted himself off, yellow eyes glowing brighter.

"Let's call that the end of the warm-up."

Clyde just happened to turn Palona's magic tracking back on for a second just in time to catch her upcoming skill.

[Palona activated ENTITY TIER SKILL: Great Crash of Goliath.]

And she had that aimed at Clyde. The young man flashed stepped, but wasn't able to dodge all of the gray magic.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 350%]

[Harumi activated HP damage shield.]

[Clyde received a damage shield.]

"God, I love you Harumi," Clyde said. He figured she learned this skill recently from all of the experience they've gained.

The grazing of Palona's skill burned and stung a little. But one attack of that power took out half of his health. Holy shit.

"Okay, fuck this," Clyde said. Palona was too much of a risk to keep alive for the grind. That attack wouldn't be the end of it. And since when did entities have tier magic?

"Alice, Chika, Ming, hold off Maverick. I need to deal with Palona. Tear make sure she can't teleport. Harumi support her."

"Already ahead of you," Tear said, her magic spanning the area.

[The God of Life and Eternity is Awakening…]

Clyde became one with time and space, aura and power surging around him. Instead of the red and gold colors, the aura was blue-white this time, almost like electricity.

[Warning! While in Stone Mode, your rewards and EXP will be dramatically reduced. Use this state ONLY when you need it.]

[Awakened Stone Mode…]

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Clyde teleported next to a surprised Palona.

"No, no, no, you can't do this," the crusader woman said.

[Palona desperately activated Jump.]

[Palona has been muted by Tear.]

She sneered at the succubus. "You will rue the day!"

Maverick laughed. "You claim to be one of the four pillars, but you're the weakest. Even as an entity."

Naoko nodded. "She's still strong, onii-chan. But…compared to you, she'd be better off committing seppuku."

"I won't—"

Palona's words never spat out of her mouth. Clyde's finger created a spark as it made contact with the woman, hurdling her backward at millions of miles an hour.

[Palona's HP has dropped to 0%. Her body was vaporized by flames.]

"Jesus Christ," Clyde said. "Is this what the Viper feels like on a daily basis?"

Maverick's eyes were wide. "No…no… no. I have one last card!"

Clyde let out a breath, relaxing his body and depowering the transformation.

"Oh, come on," Seth said. "Kill him too."

"We need the experience," Clyde said.

"You have grown up, onii-chan," Naoko said. "Using Awaken Stone mode only when you need it will teach you not to rely on it. However, keep in mind that it's still your true powers. You should not accept scrutiny for using your own abilities."

"Yeah, but the lack of rewards doesn't make using it appealing," Clyde said. He hoped that RNGesus would give him some goddamn rare crafting materials.

Naoko tilted her head, staring at him with mismatched kuudere eyes.

"Oh don't give me that look," he said, ruffling the loli-entity's hair.

Harumi transformed into her kitsune form, wand aimed at Maverick.

[Maverick activated Enhanced Void tier skill: Unforgiving World Dominance! This attack is unblockable, undodgeable, and unstoppable. This attack may kill Team Stone members!]

Suddenly, Maverick's pants fell down revealing leopard underwear. All of the magic the man gathered vanished as he quickly pulled up his pants. Kaguya, hovering at his side shook her head.

"Oh I'm sorry, you were being quite obnoxious," Kaguya said.

The glowing in the demon's eyes turned red, but at that time, Team Stone's attack force had unleashed their magic as one. The princess had provided a perfect distraction.

[Clyde activated his special. GOD TIER SKILL: Godly Omen Crush! Due to Chika's aura, this is an unblockable attack.]

[God tier skill: Godly Omen Crush. Does immense deity, almighty, holy, light, and purity damage. Chance to instantly kill some enemies. While this attack comes out as an enormous blast of energy, you may condense it into a single punch, adding colossal physical damage.]

Maverick took a lot of damage, howling in pain, but somehow he survived. His eyes shifted back to yellow, but glowed like lightbulbs.

[CRITICAL! Technical!]

[Maverick's HP has dropped to 1%]

[Maverick's focus sash was destroyed.]

Are you fucking kidding me, System, Clyde thought. Really now. A focus sash joke. He flashed stepped in front of Maverick before he had the chance to pull any bullshit from his ass, thrusted a dagger up his neck and twisted.

"This is for what you've did to Alon," Clyde said, "you piece of garbage. To Hell you go. Tell Andrew that HE needs to learn to think for himself. After all, he listened to you without question."

Clyde dropped the dead demon. He burst into purple flames.

"Oh thank god this was a fight that didn't require a goddamn struggle," Seth said. "Dude, I think I pulled a muscle."

"I know just the person who can massage it," a voice said.

They turned to see…a familiar half-pixy young woman with white hair. She actually had the twin drill style going on, with a small curly bang dropping a little on her forehead. For some reason, she wore the school uniform.

Abruptly a roar erupted from everywhere and nowhere.


[Maverick's Forbidden tier skill: One Chance from the Grave is activating…]

[Warning use of Forbidden magic could attract the Punishment Squad.]

Clyde's eyes widened as the ground rapidly shook. An enormous hole emerged several feet in front of the party. Maverick….giant, emerged from it, his wings spanning thirty feet wide. Standing at least a few stories high, the demon roared.

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"Well, I didn't expect it to be that easy," Clyde said softly.

[Your party has entered a BOSS fight, phase 2!]

Maverick roared. "All of those who oppose me shall die. First, I will crush your healer!"

His giant meaty fist blurred toward Harumi, but she jumped out of the way.

Clyde warped the Executioner's staff from his inventory, taking aim.

[Clyde activated Unknown tier skill: Wrath of Raijin and Fujin!]

[Special tier skill: Wrath of Raijin and Fujin [evolution 3]. Type: spiritual, holy, deity. Class: mysterious. You can only use this if you have 200% MP or more. Shoot a wave of godly energy. Does Immense spiritual damage. Chance to inflict triple super-severe damage on dark creatures at 35%.

Chance to cause spiritual blight at 59%. Does holy and purity damage.

[If conditions are met, this attack will become Super Fallen Angel Spirit Wave instead. Will do demonic and taint damage. Chance to cause agony at 41%. Chance to do quadruple damage on non-dark creatures at: 37%. Chance to summon dark creatures from the abyss at 1%]

[Execution's staff- Soul bar has reached 100%]

[Clyde activated Skill fusion- Wrath of Raijin and Fujin + Balinor's Havoc.]

Maverick's eyes widened as enormous amounts of golden magic washed over him. When it cleared, the giant still stood, laughing.

[Maverick's HP has dropped to 21.3M%]

[Maverick activated Void tier skill: Soul Cripple Tail Death Slash. Warning, this may harm your children.]

"Holy shit," Seth said, his voice nearly a wheeze. A glowing lizard-like tail knocked over almost the entire party.

[Clyde's HP has dropped to 45%]

[Clyde's damage shield was destroyed.]

The bone-crushing pain set him to a boiling fury as he protected Harumi and Alice with his own body.

Clyde's eyes turned into a burning bright red furnace as mountains of black, red, and gold aura poured off him. Wings sprouted from his back, both seeming to be a fusion of angel, demon, and something else.

The entire plane of existence shook under the Stone's fury. He never thought much about his children, maybe believing that he would only do so when the time of birth arrived. But looking at the faces of Harumi and Alice and the innocent life inside of them brought out an anger he never felt before.

"You piece of garbage," Clyde said darkly, his voice a god chant. "When I order your death, you stay dead."

Clyde's aura suddenly expanded through every universe at the same time—a sickly red. Maverick yelled.

[Form: ???]

[Unstoppable Pressure….]

[Awaken Stone Mode Pressure…]

"You…what are you! I won't die!" Maverick growled then brought down his fists toward the god, Harumi, and Alice.

Clyde caught it with a finger, his aura collapsing and oozing around him like the light of a star. The sky darkened as lightning pulsed around the young man.

The god aimed his other hand at the giant demon.

"Did I not order you to stay dead?"

[Clyde activated SUPREME OVER GOD TIER SKILL: The Last Page of the Book of Life! This is an instant kill, unblockable, undodgeable, and unstoppable skill. Due to the pressure, all enemy teleporting skills have been disabled.]

Clyde's fury was too great for him to think about the intense evolution of an existing skill he attempted to use. He didn't pull these powers from his ass.

The intensely powerful magic showed up to everyone's eyes as a bright white light that covered everything. When it cleared, Maverick dissolved into ashes.

[Clyde inflicted Over-massive damage.]

[Battle completed! Victory! You gain all the rewards and experience from the first time you killed Maverick. Reward: 500 million EXP, Golden Wizard Robe set, Potion of Horniness, 200 million dollars. 1 *Omen's sphere*.]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 161-165. Stats increased!]

[You have started to learn the Ki passive Zen Inner Control. To obtain, you need Light at 3, Strength at 4, and Wisdom at 2.]

[You will need 6 more Omen's spheres to gain the next bonus.]

Clyde let out a breath, the transformation flickering out. Alice and Harumi hugged him, knowing what drove his righteous anger.

"Great ass of all fairies," Nuri cursed. "I came here to greet you guys and Seth. Instead, I meet the fucking walking incarnation of death."

"I need a drink," Airi said. "And no. I have no questions." She shuddered. "I'd rather let that stay a mystery."

A few Team Stone members snickered, which erupted into laughter. Clyde smiled, unable to hold it in. Natalia hopped on his shoulders.

"I don't even know anymore," Kitome said. Ruri placed a hand on the magical girl's shoulder, smiling.

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