Last time on the Anime Trope System, Clyde dealt the finishing blow to the Falcon for good. It seems like we won't hear from him again, unless an ally revives him. Would Sol even want to come back after a defeat so brutal, his soul received damage. Ha.

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Afterward, a game-winning object known as the World Star Fragment presented itself before the young man. His obstacle being to liberate an old master chef and his granddaughter's restaurant from ruthless demon creditors….yeah, quite the ugly bastard by the way. An unexpected NTR villain boss fight finished the deal for the young man.

He has now obtained his second fragment. Six left to go! What happens upon retrieving them?

Welcome to the Anime Trope System Volume 14:

Nya! Nya! To be or not to be, Mad.


Lot City, Satovia…

Clyde's House…

Saturday. Week 1. Month 3. Year 1. Season: Winter.

[Satovian Universal Calendar: Domino, 46389]

[School: Winter Break. Day 15 of 30.]

[Current declared fiancée(s): Melody, Alice, Tear, Harumi, Chika, Natalia, Kitome, Yuki, Tessa, Ruri.]

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[Expecting: Harumi, Alice, Kitome. Time left: Harumi, kitsune- 5 months till due. Alice, half-demoness, half-angel: 5 months till due. Kitome, human: 9.3 months. Kitome: week 1, day 7. Harumi: week 3, day 2. Alice: week 2, day 7.]

Clyde's blank stare held as he watched Alice rage at her first time playing a shooter and it seemed like she pulled poor Misaka along for the ride. The black-haired beauty was currently waiting for Ming to return from a meeting with her editor. Sadly, Seth introduced the half-demoness to some kind of hardcore halo-like game. The shouts of rage woke the young man from his slumber.

"Nyyyaaa." Someone nibbled on his ear. Before he could shift his glare to the catgirl, the young man winced as the controller accidentally flew out of Alice's hands, nailing Misaka in the face. It looked as comical as it would for any anime, which was why the young man forced himself not to burst into laughter.

"Oh I'm so sorry," Alice said. "Stupid controller isn't made for normal hands."

Clyde could call the half-demoness out, but honestly, the situation was just too goddamn funny. "Nyyaaaa—Ugh!"

Clyde grabbed Neko's tail and squeezed.

"Neko, what are you doing? Don't make me get Matsume to chase you out of here."

Natalia snickered, then burst into a laughter. The young man sighed, petting the catgirl.

"So mean," Neko said as she snuggled into the covers with him.

"I'm mean?" Clyde countered. "I'm sleeping here."

"You can think Lady Alice's digital craving of blood and gore for waking you up."

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Yuki stepped out of the bathroom. She quickly pulled Neko out of the covers with a single hand.

"I don't think so," Yuki said. "You're going shopping with Ako, Kanako, and I. The Stone Maidens are out and we've got things to replace."

"Nyyyaa come on, it can wait."

The demoness kissed Clyde before hauling the catgirl out of the room. Harumi, who uncharacteristically slept in, rolled onto him. No…actually, onto Ruri, causing the hellhound to wake up.

"Ugh, what the hell?" Ruri said. "Soul sister, you're suffocating me with your breasts."

Harumi slowly opened her eyes.

"Hmm? Woops, sorry Ruri." She sat up, hugged, and pet the hellhound. Clyde gave the fox girl a nice pet, because he could tell she wanted one too. Harumi hid her instincts much better than the others.

"Pervy husbando nii, pet me too." Natalia dove into him.

"Oof," Clyde grunted. "Did you really have to crash into me with your handheld?"

He gave the loli a pet before crawling from the bed to stretch. Misaka nodded to him.

"Morning," she said, "and…sorry for disturbing you."

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"You're fine, Misaka," Clyde said. "You're not the one raging hard enough to wake our neighbors." He shot Alice a nice Toru-style blank stare. The half-demoness returned a sad smile.

"It's Seth's fault for challenging me to play this ridiculous game," Alice said. "Natalia told me that one of the snipers tea-bagged my character."

The young man and Harumi softly facepalmed.

"I'm going to wash up for the morning," Clyde said. "Airi and I are going to farm some hornets. You know, this would be a great training opportunity, Misaka." The young woman flinched. "I'm just kidding. I know you're waiting for Ming."

She blushed. "I don't…mind. Ming will not be back for another three hours."

Clyde nodded. "That sounds like a plan. We'll take off in about an hour or so."

He headed into the bathroom, followed by Harumi. After brushing their teeth and washing, Clyde and Harumi kissed, which sparked on passion. Sadly, it was interrupted. He could hear more voices from outside the bathroom.

"Hi Chika, Hi Melody," Alice said. "Where's Kitome?"

"She's in the front with Hinako," Melody said.

"It still feels odd having a professor that I was sure hated me, live here," Chika said.

"It looks like someone needs to hang out with her." That was Airi's voice. "Just in time. Before Clyde and I go beat up some hornets, I've got some new orc-rum-infused chocolate. Come on."

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"No way," Chika said. "I don't want your chocolates and I've got work to do anyway."

"I want some," Alice said.

Clyde and Harumi quickly rushed out of the bathroom right on time to intercept the half-demoness.

"We don't need you drunk and throwing controllers at people," Harumi said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Do you want me to call Tear to give you another lecture about eating healthy," Clyde said.

"But it's chocolate," Alice said. Airi laughed.

"Sorry Alice," the super druid said. "Harumi gave me the look."

Clyde picked up the half-demoness in a princess carry while messing around with his inventory. He accidentally…pulled out a breast potion. The small bottle spawned from midair. Half of it spilled on Alice's chest. The rest on Airi's.

"Did…a bottle just appear from thin air?" Misaka said in a deadpan.

Nothing happened to the women, so Clyde just bullshitted his way out of the dilemma.

"Just some random health potion I believe," he said. "Sorry about that, I was hoping to organize this inventory better. Anyway, I'm going to get dressed and then it's off to Libado Grasslands."

The women glared at him, not buying the young man's bullshit, but no one could call him out. The empty potion bottle disappeared.

Little did they know, someone powerful, who served another very powerful being was on her way to Lot City…

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