Aunder's Castle…

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Aunder finished his training for the day, feeling quite good about his drastic improvements. In fact, he improved so much that the confidence that dwindled a little after that defeat returned. The esper of course wasn't one hundred percent sure if defeating the supreme goddess was possible, not that it mattered anymore.

Su Yang somehow convinced him to stop taking battle-mania risks. Even Dire chimed in, actually agreeing with her. The little twerp and the Venus sister came to a reasonable truce, promising to settle things between each other someday. Honestly, the man couldn't get a better result than that. Whether he had a driving hand behind it didn't matter.

Aunder accessed his party menu and did a roll check.

[Dire, Second-in-command of the Forgotten Party. Su Yang Venus, Aunder's Assistant and Back-Up Commander of the Forgotten Party. Terrance, the Super Psychic. Kaymen the Devourer. Tiffia, the Genius Scientist and ex-crusader researcher, Oliva Venus, Primary Tracker and Executive.]

[Current Members to recall: Julius.]

[Current released members: Momo Venus.]

Thanks to Terrance's psychic abilities, the party was able to call Olivia's spirit, then use the respawn doll Dire somehow obtained to bring her back. Needless to say, the woman actually thanked Aunder from pulling her for limbo and placing her in Paradise.

The man still didn't understand how his anger enabled him to do such a thing, but the results were still satisfying. For some reason, Oliva had no memories of how she died, so Aunder decided that was for the best. Who the hell wanted to remember something like that, anyway? He informed her that Momo and Julius successfully found the last of the True Poison and eradicated them.

And of course, the Maidens of Love were going to be the ONLY Viper Maidens. Aunder couldn't help but feel sorry for the women, but at least life seemed to be shaping up for them. Forced into a mysterious boarding school while training to be his servants. This world was just twisted as his own…

A quick thought about his remaining family made the esper flinch. While not as strong as he, they were conniving, backstabbing pricks. Especially his sister. With her ability to dive into sunlight, she leapt out a ray and killed Aunder's brother in an instant "duel."

Duel Aunder's ass—his world's laws about murder needed to be revamped. As if he could be the one to talk. Ever since he came to this world, the man had changed. He had too. No longer he could just live for the drink, take mercenary jobs, and fight until someone slayed him in an honorable battle.

His honor was gone. Destroying the gods is only one step in a tune of many. All of them, including his counterpart. Of course if the Stone simply stayed out of his way, Aunder would be more than happy to look the other way and let him live. That same mercy will not be given to the other "Players."

After receiving the death notification of the Falcon, that gave Aunder one more idea. No one had tested player revival just yet. He also didn't get the chance to fight him—not that it mattered since he now knew that the Stone killed other players.

The Stone was definitely worthy of being Aunder's foe, a man who got the job done. Of course the system revealed that it was the Falcon that provoked the other player and received a rude awakening.

Aunder chuckled. He could abandon everything and set for a madman's journey to locate the Stone, but pressing matters prevented him from doing so. After all, it wasn't the Stone's fault he couldn't go home.

Not that…he really cared about going back to his world. However, the gods in this one tortured him enough. It was time to fix the system.

"Thor!" Aunder bellowed.

Answering to his call, a bubble of lightning blasted in from the esper until the god stepped out, dressed in his trademark clothing from the tales.

"What do you want, Viper," Thor said. "I've got slaying to do, so make it snappy."

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"Remember who you speak with, thunder god," Aunder barked, causing Thor to freeze. "I have ascended past the strength of the gods, that I'm confident in. But I didn't call you here to antagonize you. We have a truce, so answer my question. Where can I find the Palace of this so-called Supreme demon lord?"

Thor nodded. "You can find her three thousand miles…about northwest of here. An Empire known as the Monster Kingdoms. Unfortunately, for you to break past the new border spell to get in, you're going to have to get yourself a succubus servant. She can place her hand on the barrier and allow you inside."

Aunder sighed. "I really don't want to go through all of that. Brute force will—"

"If you think some of the gods haven't already tried, then you're not ready to take on your ridiculous conquest. Just remember our deal and leave Asgard out of this."

Thor vanished in a flash of light and magic.

"If you cross me, Thor, Asgard's safety will be the least of your problems," Aunder said. The taint within him stirred, seeming to agree with the esper's promise. He paced back and forth thinking… Maybe now just wasn't the time to storm the Supreme's palace. Not yet anyway. First, he'll start with the binding of the Falcon.

Aunder charged magic. "Dire, you can show yourself now."

Dire danced from behind the tree and then hopped onto his shoulders.

"You're going somewhere, Master," she said. "Can I come?"

"What are the odds of finding another respawn doll." Aunder said.

"Slim to none," Dire replied. "We've been getting lucky, but I have a feeling that we've used the last one. And all the luck with it."

Aunder sighed, then released his magic. What was he thinking? Killing mobs and hoping that one would drop a chest containing exactly what he needed.

"Do you think you could tap into that resurrection magic yet?" Aunder asked.

"No…I'm sorry," Dire said.

"Don't be," Aunder said. "Let's just call it a day and go see what the maidens cooked for us. We will have to come up with a way to get ourselves a powerful, revenge-thirsty ally. While that's being planned, I'll call back Julius. If my hunch is correct, Momo will follow. She'll be angry until we surprise her with her sisters full and well."

"That's pretty twisted," Dire said, giggling. "But I like it."



Lot City, Yaponiya…

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Clyde's conversation with Amina didn't really get anywhere until she finally blurted out that she'd answer no question until he treated her to a meal. And that's how he ended up on a date with the leader of his Stone-Tokken deck. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

The golden-haired beauty attracted many eyes as they entered a shopping mall. The young man had to admit, her fascination and reaction to technology was just adorable. He forced his eyes to stop stealing glances at the melons of the heavens—there would be time for that later.

"You know, it's been a while since I had a little fast food," Clyde said, pointing at a burger joint. "Sure, we can just go home and eat Yuki's cooking, which is the best, but there's nothing like a sloppy greasy burger."

"That doesn't sound exactly appetizing," Amina said. "And what do you mean by fast food?"

"You'll see," Clyde said. "Just don't make a habit of eating this too much. You don't want clogged arteries."

The young man ordered two bacon cheeseburgers with fries. And then watched Amina's pleasant reaction to eating what was normal to the average Joe.


Clyde's house…

Matsume's room…

"Matsume, why are you sniffing around?" Hinako said.

"I lost my other running shoe," Matsume said, eyes teary. "Ruri and I go running after dinner all the time."

The hellhound exited the closet, looking around, sampling the air with her nose. Hinako placed her hands on her hips, fixing the other woman with a blank stare.

"I guess it's time to shop for a new pair," she said then grabbed Matsume's arm. The hellhound grimaced, but had no choice but to comply to the professor's logical solution.

"May I join? I'd like to obtain some things for Mother," Dera said.

"You may certainly do so," Hinako said. "I don't trust leaving you here with Asu." She winked at the lich. Asu laughed.

"If you want to invite me along, just say so," Asu said. "The maidens have begun their first Stone prayer, but it sounds boring so I'd rather go shopping. The sunlight's weak in winters and is practically powerless this late in the day."

"Wow you sure are one neglecting leader," Kanako said as she passed by with a sketchpad and pen in hand. Asu nearly fell to the side, feeling the stab of correct words.

Natalia, sitting on the couch right before the hall, looked up from her game. Naoko and Nina were beside the witchling with their own games.

"Could you pick up some more candy while you're out neglecting your maidens," Natalia said. "Lady Alice hid her latest stash and I don't feel like finding it."

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"Didn't you eat her last donut?" Hinako said.

"Oh yeah, buy more of those too," Natalia said.

Matsume plucked the witchling from her perch. "As much as I'd rather leave you here, we're not your errand girls. You're coming along. Tear said you needed more kids clothes anyway." The hellhound grinned evilly. "And we're going to have a good time dressing you up."

"No! Let me go. Helpppp."

There was definitely a hint of a smirk on Yuki's normally expressionless face as the shopping ground took Natalia away. Neko emerged from behind the corner and let out a sigh of relief.

"Nya, for once it's not me facing abduction."

She spoke too soon, as Ako's hand rested on her shoulder.

"Dear sister, it seems you have eaten the last pack of tuna, nya."

Naoko could've sworn she heard a snort from Yuki as Ako dragged Neko away.

"That reminds me, I need to buy Ruri that cute flower case for her phone. That light blue color will go really well with that new dress Tear bought her." Yuki turned to Naoko, a Gin smile curling on her face.

The elf-like entity spotted Tessa emerging into the hall, chatting with Tear and Chika. Her anime-dive toward the only other elf-like person almost made it, but the demoness plucked her out of midair. She also grabbed Nina.

"Tear, I'm going shopping," Yuki said. "And playing dress-up with this cute entity."

Eyes starry, Tear chanted, "I'm in. Where's Fuyoko? I know she doesn't want to miss this."

"She's out with Melody, Kaguya, and Airi," Yuki replied. "I think they're at the salon."

"I'm in," Chika said. "I also need to pick up a few things. And maybe some school supplies. Are you sure you want to tra—"

Tessa covered Chika's mouth. "Shhhh. I want to surprise Clyde. Besides, Natalia's going to be his homeroom teacher. I think he'll need to let that sink in first."

Chika shrugged. "I mean if it's that big of a deal than fine. You'd think being from his world, this wouldn't matter."

Tessa shrugged with a shy smile. "I've never really been in a relationship to be honest, much less being proposed to…"

"Years apart and you two still have feelings for each other," Tear said, then threw an arm around Tessa. "Tell us a little about his childhood while we're walking."

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Chika almost laughed as she noticed that Yuki tuned in a little more than usual. How cute can the demoness get?


Late afternoon…

The date with Amina was excellent—although he couldn't help but take mental notes on how she struggled with any kind of technology. Even in the shopping center's elevator, she clung to him, nearly terrified at the "sorcery."

Sadly, the good vibes had to be ruined when they got home to find out that Alice took a prisoner.

A purple-haired cat girl named Chesire. Chesire, a resident of a Realm called Wonderland, with a purpose to abduct Alice for some unknown reason. Shouldn't the name be Cheshire? Like the story. Wait. This is Satovia. What kind of twisted Wonderland…never mind. Now isn't the time, Clyde, he thought.

Clyde gave the teary-eyed catgirl a glowing-eyed glare.

"You'd better start talking," Clyde said. "You're lucky Alice decided to let you live, despite knowing the same probably wouldn't be offered to her."

The trembling catgirl fainted. Misaka sighed, probably relating. Ruri's cold gaze melted away as she anime-dove into the young man.

"Alpha, I missed you," Ruri said, tail wagging excitedly. Harumi seemed to blush brightly from hearing the word, Alpha. Not a term associated with foxes or kitsunes, but that didn't mean they had no idea what it meant.

Clyde enjoyed the embrace with Ruri, giving her a head pat and then a kiss to maximize the affection. Little did he know, Ruri nearly lost control of her urges, overloaded with joy.

"What should we do with her?" Misaka asked.

"I guess toss her into an empty room for now," Clyde replied.

"I wouldn't object to tossing her outside," Alice said.

"I second that," Kitome agreed.

Tetra laughed. "Remind me to never piss off those two together."

Clyde of course shared the love with Alice, catching the half-demoness off guard. And she actually blushed. The flash of a camera snapped. Everyone turned to Sazuki.

The student council president also flushed.

"What? She was cute."

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