Middle of Night….

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Unknown City…


The Disciple finalized her plans, feeling quite eager with the Soulless Head's discovery. That elder dragon sure knew how to brownnose a woman. Now if they presented the head of the two discovered kitsunes, one being considerably powerful, to their god, they would be granted the world, even a wish.

Of course the Disciple would simply choose to follow her goddess to wherever she goes, basking in her glory, and producing glory of her own.

Despite the beautiful, wonderful, glorious news, the Disciple had to prepare. She needed to not only be prepared to possibly take on the legendary nine-tailed fox, who was supposed to be extinct, but something else. A powerful deity that is almost half as strong as the Thousand Year Dragon herself.

Half of that incredible strength would force the Disciple to actually try. She didn't enjoy fighting. Powerful people like her sent assassins for that sort of thing. The woman chuckled. She had someone interesting in mind…Someone…incredible—one that even dragons respected. That person of course earning it through amazing work.

"Guard," she said to the man. "Locate the contact information of the number one adventurer. Airi the God Slayer."

"Do you know her, ma'am?" the guard replied.

"Not personally, but the underground knows of that delicious reputation," the Disciple said. "Before she started jumping into adventurer groups, Airi journeyed alone with a title different from her current one. I wouldn't be surprised if she's attempting to hide it." The Disciple dramatically pointed at her guard, smiling. "I want to hire her, but do it through a disposable proxy. We can't have anything traced back to us just in case she decides to undo that dangerous seal."

The guard shuddered. "I guess that's why the few who know about her says she discarded her humanity sometime ago." He shook his head. "Damn humans. We're dragons…"

"Like you said, she's no longer human," the Disciple said. "We don't need to stir the peace with her and make me lift a finger, do we?" Her voice was deadly.

"No Disciple," the guard replied.

"Good," the Disciple said. "I have other things to do. Now get the proxy ready. Give that person a hotel room, money, and anything else she needs. We're not sending her to die, just to talk and receive an answer. Make sure the offer is attractive to her. You know where my treasures are."

"Ma'am," the guard said, saluted, then hurried out to carry out the orders, unspoken ones included.

"Now, I wonder what the Soulless Head is going to do," the Disciple said, tilting her head, then leaned back in her chair, knocking over several mangas. "Oh well." The dragon woman unlocked her laptop. "Guess I'll order pizza. Is there anything you want, guard?"

"Pepperoni and rare steak will do, ma'am," the guard said.

"Good choice," the Disciple said. "I'm feeling a bit adventurous today. I'll order myself steak and anchovy."

The guard shuddered, but quickly hid his disgust behind his neutral stare.

"Sounds interesting."

"Right?" the Disciple said, smiling. "Thank goodness for online ordering." Despite leading an incredibly powerful organization, she did not like interacting with people. At least not for very long. The thought of being social made her queasy. How did the world do it? Why couldn't she?


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Libado Grasslands…

Hot springs Inn…

"Hmm, shouldn't the leader of Team Stone get his own area?" Natalia said, raising a finger. "That will make him seem cooler. Like the Shogun." The loli practically smashed some volume of the Hero-sama novel into Alice's face.

"No one cares about your dumb—"

"It's not dumb," Natalia interrupted then stuck her tongue out at Alice. "Meanie Highness. Waah." She dove into Tear's breasts.

Clyde sighed. Harumi gave the attendant an apologetic smile.

"Can I get an order of that sake from last time?" Clyde said.

"Sure thing," the attendant said. "It's good to see that all of you are doing well, keeping us safe in the process. Thank you for that."

The young man shrugged.

"You're welcome," Chika said, paper fanning Clyde. "Don't give her bad manners."

"I didn't give her bad manners," Clyde said. "Anyway, everyone to the showers."

"Boys stay on your side," Natalia said. "I'll be killing all perverts."

Seth opened his mouth to return with a burn, but Toru shook his head.

"Why do you always try," he said.

"I don't know dude," Seth said. "I guess I'll grab any chance to rip on that runt…" He sighed. "Never mind."

After showering, Clyde headed to the mixed side. He already gave an advanced warning to Team Stone not to crowd one side. They were there to relax, not cause more frustration. He should've known none of the women would listen.

The first of his fiancées to arrive was Melody. He didn't notice at first, his eyes closed, laying back, and simply not focusing on any kind of magic or presences. Then he felt her soft naked body lay back onto him. The young man's wood rose to max height.

"Hey, Mels," he said, trying out the nickname. He pulled her close.

"Hi," Melody said, enjoying his love and touch.

Clyde didn't pursue anything beyond that, not yet. He just loved being around the redhead, taking in some of the things she did such as twirl her hair, blush adorably, speak passionately about her favorite subjects and even books. Of course someone like her would score at the top of the most powerful college in the nation.

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"How are things?" he said. He clarified his question—no need to give her the wrong idea. Clyde paid plenty of attention to his fiancées. "How are things from home?"

"Tear's sources are keeping an eye on my world," Melody said. "My parents seem to be occupied with internal things and decided to leave me be. Apparently Mother told father about the…proposal and now he's acting like an old man. Like the energy was zapped from him." She giggled. Clyde chuckled.

"That's good to hear," he said.

"What about you?" Melody said. "Are you sure you're not feeling…homesick?"

"Like I said before, Satovia's my home now," Clyde replied. "Sure, I miss my family a little. It'd be weird if I didn't, but Team Stone's also my family. And…" he kissed the redhead. "I love you."

Blushing, Melody kissed back with even more passion. "I love you too."

Melody started to initiate something further than the kissing, but the young man's prediction came true. The others entered, Natalia being first.

"Pervy husbando, I have your sake," Natalia sang. She cheerfully filled his cup to the brim. While the young man preferred it at less than a third, he thanked her anyway. The runt didn't know better.

Alice, Tear, Tessa, Chika, Harumi, Ruri, Yuki, and Kitome were in a middle of a conversation as they entered. The others were in the gender-specific side of the hot springs. He felt a little bad for Toru, Seth, and Yusuke, stuck with Dark. Then again, maybe they'd get the more rare conversational side of the young man, where he dropped the chuuni for at least five minutes. He'd probably hear them bitch about it later. The thought made Clyde chuckle.

His fiancées gathered around him, relaxing and enjoying the springs. Beneath the steamy waters, he'd feel an occasional stroke of his wood from Tear's tail, Chika's or someone else's hand. And of course they pretty much took turns sitting on his lap, his member inside them.

Alice suddenly came, which triggered the young man to do the same, turned on. Her already containing his seed allowed them to hide it. That and the steam just happened to puff up in a way that no one caught the half-demoness's expression.

Clyde's unstoppable stamina still filled Tessa. Of course they had to quickly pretend like they were relaxing when the attendant came in to check on them or one of the others, such as Airi. In fact, Airi stayed in. While she didn't directly assault Clyde, her ass still rubbed up against his shaft a few times during some conversations.

He unleashed loads into Kitome and Harumi as well, managing to keep the act hidden. Eventually, Airi somehow pulled Ming and Misaka into their section of the spring. The yakuza daughter, more embarrassed than the prophet girl, urged Clyde not to look. He complied…a little. Airi pretty much made it impossible for him to take heed to her request, constantly gaining his attention while standing beside Misaka.

Clyde knew she was messing with them, but the pervert within didn't mind. At one point, he finally got his wood into Airi's tight ass. After a good riding, he almost unleashed a heavy load inside.

The cleanup crew would not be happy with them. Ha. The young man already took care of that problem. After he and Yuki finished, he asked her to use her magic to turn back the time of the hot spring. It'd thrive in the state it was in before their arrival.

"So, are you comfortable with the team," Chika asked Misaka suddenly, voice caring and friendly. Someone was in the silver-haired girl's good graces. Deep in.

Misaka blushed. "I…didn't have any friends before this. You know…about my family and all—I didn't want to involve anyone. But you're nice, welcoming. I…don't mind being a part of Team Stone forever."

Tear pulled the phoenix into a breast-filled hug. "We love you too, Misaka. You're so cute."


The temperature drop later that afternoon discouraged Clyde from going outside. From Amina's room, he heard Yuki yell at Nina for not immediately closing the door after entering. He focused back on the task at hand…the young man fought many powerful enemies, soloed the entirely of Team Stone, and yet, unhooking a bra from the back halted his very progress. It felt impossible. How did women deal with this on a daily basis, the young man thought. He figured many had newer, improved models, but anime being anime, of course Clyde would run into the bra trope. And it was a bitch and a half.

When he accidentally pushed against Amina's ass, attempting to end the bra fight once and for all, his tower rose to full height.

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"This fucking thing is impossible," he quickly said, hoping she didn't notice the awkward boner.

"You really are the king of perverts, aren't you," Amina said. She moved her ass in a way that almost signaled invitation. Too bad the door opened. He quickly pretended to focus on the main task at hand as Harumi and Melody walked in.

"Clyde, what are you doing?" Harumi said. There wasn't a threat in that voice yet.

"Failing at unhooking a bra," Clyde said, chuckling.

Amina's ass felt nice and soft, which meant his boner wasn't going away anytime soon, especially when the blonde woman rubbed against it.

Harumi sighed. "Move. I'll do it. I'll have to show you how it's done properly in private."

"No, I've got this," Clyde said. "I'm so close." He accidentally pushed his boner harder onto Amina's ass.

Harumi ended up guiding his hands until at last, the young man barely managed to unhook the bra.

"I swear that thing has way too many mechanisms," Clyde quickly said as he started for the door, preventing Harumi and Melody from seeing his boner. And hit Tetra with it the moment he stepped out.

"Tetra, hey," he said. "When'd you arrive?"

"Just a few minutes ago," she said, eyes right on his erect wood. "It seems like you didn't give Harumi and Melody the chance to tell you I arrived."

"You don't have to stare at it," Clyde said, giving her a blank stare, which the beautiful dark elf returned.

"Chiyo and I obtain information that could save the day and I came to hand deliver it to you," Tetra said. She grabbed the young man's wood, causing him to grunt….with pleasure. "But when I get here, I find Mr. Tower preparing to throw another sex party, I presume."

If Harumi and the others weren't behind him, witnessing the commotion, Clyde would've let out the beast—took her to the empty room ahead.

"So what's the news?" Clyde said, changing the subject. Tetra had let go of his wood before the other women saw. The young man was pretty sure they didn't care.

"Before we get into that, let's call a meeting," Tetra said. "I want to tell you about the Thousand Year dragon. This is important—you know fifty fully powered gods couldn't beat it."

"That thing again," Clyde said. "Look, if it's not bothering anyone—"

"I'll be waiting in the boardroom," Tetra interrupted. "And please don't show up naked." Then she whispered, "unless you're alone."

Clyde laughed. "Same to you. Well, you don't have to come alone."

"You perv master," Tetra said lowly. The young man would've watched her behind, but he turned to the others.

"Well, you heard the woman," Clyde said. "Call up the others. Chiyo and Liru too."

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He pulled Harumi close, kissing her. "I'll gladly fight something that took out fifty fucking gods if it means protecting you and your sister." He kissed her.

"Okay, that's it, I want in on this harem," Airi said. "I will not accept no." She smiled, but Clyde couldn't tell if she was joking.

"Me too," Amina said, then winked. "You smooth talker."

Harumi's blush made his promise worth it—even more. Airi placed her hand on her best friend's shoulder.

"Imagine if your sister heard that." She quickly raised her hands at the fox girl's glare. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Let's get to the meeting. Although…I'll see if Yuki wants to make us snacks."

"Don't go bothering Yuki," Melody said.

"HARUMI," Natalia whined from the living room. "Tetra's bullying me. Let me go, you meanie elf! Waah! Ow!"

Clyde sighed. Harumi softly facepalmed.

"I don't want to know what's happening in there," Harumi said.

"My sensors have detected a five percent chance that Tetra has spanked Natalia," Dera said, causing all of them to jump. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Don't sneak up on people like that," Amina said. "I almost turned you into a frog."

"Can you do that?" Clyde said.

"Who knows? But you know the magician stereotype," she said. Clyde stared at her blankly.

"You…don't get the humor, do you," Amina said then sighed. "Why do I try?"

"I get it, Amina-chan," Dera said.

Amina walked away.

"Wait!" Dera said. "I want you to tell me about Clyde's sex organ."

Amina ran, Dera chasing. Kanako, who just happened to be in the hall, shook her head.

"I wonder if humans bringing life to an android was a mistake," Kanako said. She flowed over to Clyde, cheerful, joining them in the walk. "Hi Master."

"I said to call me Clyde," he said. Kanako of course didn't acknowledge that fruitless demand. Although…how many people would get jealous if the beautiful genie called him that in public. Nah…that would probably be embarrassing.

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