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Clyde's house…

Matsume's room with the door locked…

It was really rare for Matsume of all people to request some head patting while watching some kind of action drama. Her tail patted against his leg excitedly. Her large breasts pressed against him, invoking a giga-boner.

"I can see why Ruri asks for these all the time," Matsume said. Her tongue lolled out in a manner similar to a dog for just a second before she quickly composed herself. The young man couldn't help but find that adorable.

He moved his hands across her soft breasts, massaging them, which triggered something in Matsume. She jumped him, kissing him passionately, enabling the young man to feel all of her soft body. "The foreplay was great, no, amazing, I'm glad we're on the same page. I don't see how Tear can resist jumping you every minute of the day."

The hellhound pulled off Clyde's boxers and mounted. The feeling of warm tightness, while sucking amazing breasts, turned on the beast within.

Matsume rode him like a machine and he did the same to her, smacking the hellhound woman's soft ass a few times.

After three rounds, they cuddled, his wood inside her, as they watched some random harem anime that auto-played after Matsume's favorite show ended. His head pats made the woman wetter and wetter until they were going at it again.

"We're hanging out more," Matsume said afterward. She kissed him. "You already know how to treat a hellhound. Food and sex."

Clyde laughed, pulling the hellhound woman even closer. She grinned.

The duo ended up showering and bathing together, rounds of sex in between, before heading to the living room to converse with the others. The Team Stone members that didn't live in the Lot City house already left for the night.

Kanako, Harumi, Alice, Liru, Tessa, and the Dragon sisters seemed to tease Ming over something. Ako, Noona, and the Stone Maidens were discussing light novels. Natalia was probably in the library with Naoko reading manga. Clare, who was still around, Fuyoko, Melody, Tear, Airi, Yuki, Chesire, Neko, Ruri and Hinako played what appeared to be an unfair game of cards. It had to be that Opals game they mentioned before. Matsume confirmed it immediately.

"You guys are playing Opals without us?"

Melody sighed. "How did I let Airi talk me into this horrible game?"

"No wonder why Kanako refused to play," Fuyoko said. "You guys are ruthless."

Airi grinned. "You want in on this, Matsume? I may not be able to beat Yuki, but everyone else is fair game."

"I fold," Ruri said with a sigh then anime-dove into Clyde, tail wagging in excitement. "Yuki's unstoppable."

"That's the goddess of luck for you," Clyde said with a laugh.

Grinning, Matsume took Ruri's spot.

"Do you want to try, Clyde?" Tear said. The young man could immediately since the intent there and wanted to challenge it head on.

"Can I get the rules?" he asked.

The women, except Yuki, grinned, even Melody. Ruri and Chesire were the only ones to give him a look of pity.

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"This game is never taught," Hinako said. "Not with this group at least. Wagers are on the line."

"I'm trying to get Yuki to cook me a private meal, but she's unbeatable," Clare said.

The young man saw just a hint of a smile on the kuudere demoness's face.

Clyde massaged Ruri's head. "I'm going to take a wild guess that I won't know the wagers until I enter the game."

"They're going to go after you," Ruri said.

Clyde shrugged. "Bring it. I'll show them all. Or probably lose horribly, but that's beside the point. Where's Selkie? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't miss the chance to take on the Yuki."

"She left early," Tear said. "Apparently she had something to take care of and would be back in the morning."

"The chuuni and Myr Myr left ahead of her," Alice said as she ditched the other group. She reached for the bowl of chocolates, only to stop short when Tear shot her a blank stare. The half-demoness puffed her cheeks up in a pout. "I've eaten healthy for long enough. I think one or two chocolates won't—"

"The entire bowl will be gone before you knew it," Tear interrupted. "So no. We can't have the head of Hades Household dabbling in a sugar coma."

"That sounds nice," Alice said, staring at the bowl of chocolates longingly. The young man found that comical, but didn't offer any input. He focused on the game, which was somehow avoided last time.

"Sit here," Tear said, patting at an empty chair next to him. Yuki pulled him to a chair next to her instead using the force. She didn't bring Ruri along for the ride.

"Someone's quite aggressive," Tear said. Rather than being pissed, the succubus seemed amused. Then again, sexual interpretation could be gathered from that exchange.

"Neko's turn to deal," Hinako said.

"Nya, I just dealt two turns ago," Neko said.

Tear laughed. "You've almost gotten the vibrator of doom."

"She's lucky Yuki doesn't wager anything of the sort," Fuyoko said.

"Yuki doesn't set any wagers," Tear said.

"Nya, she's the best. The peasants set the wagers, not her," Chesire said.

Neko grudgingly dealt the cards. The young man expected playing cards from Earth but what he received was completely unexpected. Hell, the deck was clearly more than Earth's standard fifty-two. Seven cards in hand, Clyde possessed a pearl, two fish, a hot anime girl with glowing gold hair, and three watches.

"Seriously, how do I actually learn this," the young man said. He tried searching for rules on the internet, but every forum and website stated that one must learn it the hard way. Or just have someone teach it. Yuki became his angel.

"The objective is to increase your wealth and bankrupt the person who challenged you," Yuki said. "A really simple guessing game of luck. And maybe some strategy. The wagers aren't officially in the rules, but one doesn't play Opals without them. Watch."

"Nya, Yuki you shouldn't have spilled the beans," Neko said.

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Yuki simply ignored the catgirl. "Everyone pick a number from the hat." She pointed at the upside-down fedora on the center of the table. "All challenges are random," the demoness continued, "unless someone draws a card that states otherwise."

"Nya, I think we should take off the randomization this round," Chesire said.

"Then everyone will just relentlessly target the newbie," Yuki said. "Let him learn today."

"Alice, why didn't you join?" Chika said. "Scared that Matsume will make you eat a salad?"

Alice glared at the silver-haired girl. "I'd make you drop your ridiculous diet for an entire month."

Chika grinned. "We hadn't started yet. Neko, deal Alice in."

"Fine!" the half-demoness said.

"Nyyyaaa, two angry hornets fighting each other," Neko said as she gave the blonde seven cards.

Everyone drew out of the hat. Clyde was number one.

"Now, since Neko's the dealer, she takes the role of game master and presses the button on the random number generator," Yuki said. The white-haired catgirl pressed the button on Tear's phone while muttering some choice words.

"Nya, number six and number five," Neko said.

"I'm five," Airi said.

"Nya, I'm six," Chesire said. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click <a href=""></a> for visiting.

"Six is first," Neko said.

"Let's do this," Airi said.

Chesire set two cards faced down. A Yugioh joke made the young man briefly think of the edge lord.

"Let's see. I'm going to guess, a fish and opal," Airi said.

Chesire revealed two lanterns. "Dammit!" Airi shook her head.

"Nya, too bad," Chesire laughed. The super druid sat down two cards. "Nyaaaa…you have a fish and royal letter."

Airi laughed. "I'm not dead yet!" She revealed two diamonds.

"Why are they guessing fish?" Clyde whispered to Yuki.

"It's the most common card," Yuki whispered back. "There are more of it than anything in the deck. You also want to try to get rid of them. They'll subtract from your final score."

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"This game feels like it can go on forever," Clyde said.

"There's a three-turn limit," Yuki countered. "Then we tally the hands to see who's the richest."

"Nya, dammit, I could've demanded something good," Chesire said. "What a waste of one of my precious turns."

Neko grayed out their numbers on the generator then spun. "Alice and Chika, you're up."

"They're actually going to get the chance to go at each other," Clyde said.

Alice smacked two cards face down. "Go ahead guess wrong."

"Hmm, you won't put down a fish on the first turn," Chika said. "Not after Chesire and Airi screwed up. Hmm…Lantern and diamond."

Alice grinned evilly and unveiled two fish. "Because it's double fish, I'll be taking two cards from your hand and these fish get shuffled back into the deck."

"Fuck!" Chika snapped. She watched in horror as Alice confiscated her two best cards. Clyde assumed it was against the rules for Chika to tell everyone the cards the half-demoness chose. The silver-haired girl placed two cards face down, boiling at a disadvantage. The fish may sink one's score, but damn were they a lethal offense.

"I'll go with, diamond and bamboo," Alice said.

"Ha!" Chika revealed a royal letter and apple. "Good thing all of my cards were different."

"Ugh!" Alice said. "Well, I'm still in the lead."

"Nya, lucky you," Neko said sarcastically, pressing the number generator. "Clyde and Tear."

The young man flinched, not expecting to go so early. Yuki explained the bare minimum of the rules, but nothing else. And she did that on purpose.

"One thing," Yuki said. "You can place two, three, even four cards face down. Though only the brave risk revealing too much of their hand. If you have less than a card in your hand, then you just play that one card until someone eliminates you."

Clyde wondered if he should replicate Alice's move. No one would suspect it after all. But…Tear was crafty. He'd have to play it safe.

He placed two cards face down. "Have at it."

"I wonder….let's go with pearl and watch," Tear said.

Clyde unveiled two fish, grinning evilly. "That's too bad. I'll be taking two of your best cards and shuffling these fish into the deck."

"You've got to be kidding me," Tear said, softly facepalming.

Clyde took Tear's only two opals—and according to Yuki, they had the highest value. That probably costed her the game, at least for now. The succubus placed two cards face down.

"Well you saw the hand, but can you get lucky?" she said.

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"Chariot and a lantern," Clyde said. Tear unveiled an apple and a lantern.

"Dammit," she said, surrendering the lantern.

"You guessed at least one, while Tear guessed none," Yuki said.

"Wager time! What are your demands. It can be anything," Airi said, smiling. "Even a naked lap dance right here."

"A favor for later," Clyde said, the thrilling of winning bombarding his blood.

"Wager acceptable," Yuki said.

[You are owed one favor from Tear to use any time after this current game of opals.]

Tear puffed her cheeks in a pout. "Beginners luck."

"This whole game is luck," Hinako said.

"Hinako and Matsume," Neko said after pressing the number generator button.

Matsume grinned. "Finally. Place down your cards! Let's see if luck's with me."

Abruptly, Clyde's phone rang, silencing the entire spirit of the game. Selkie?

"Hello?" he answered.

"Good, you're still awake," Selkie said. "I just wanted to give you one insie weensie heads up."

"Okkkaayy," the young man deadpanned.

"Did you know the fucking Supreme demon lord was living in your city? She's the one we watched at the hotel. I couldn't put a finger on her identity until my sources finally confirmed it."

The young man's blood chilled. "I kicked her out of the city and yet she still remains."

"What are you going to do?" Selkie said. "I certainly h…wait. You kicked her out of the city? I know that form from before was powerful, but—"

"It's a long story," Clyde said. "Anyway, we'll meet you at your hotel." He hung up right at the start of Selkie's protest. "Chesire, let's go." He looked at the others. "The goddamn Supreme is still here in the city."

Tear seemed to pale.

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