There were whispers in Clyde's dreams that night. Someone asking for the invitation, someone sleeping at the edge of the dreams. The voice almost sounded familiar, but recognition always fled.

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"You stubborn fool. It is only a matter of time before you let me in."

Clyde's eyes snapped awake.

Wednesday. Week 2. Year 1

The alarm shut off the moment he sat up. He let the shower water fall on him longer and his electric toothbrush spin just a bit more. A somewhat sluggish start to the morning. Someone knocked on the door as he finished his breakfast.

Harumi, Alice, and Natalia smiled and greeted him. Harumi was expected. After the prior night of not eating dinner with her—the patrols ended late—the pink-haired girl was probably pissed. No visible anger showed on her face, but that made it worse.

The other two did surprise him. Especially the annoying kid. He made sure to glare at the witch before allowing them all in.

"You're all early," he said. "What's up?"

"We've got a problem," Alice said.

"Another one to add to my ever-growing bucket," Clyde said. "What now?"

Natalia snooped into Clyde's fridge and opened his cabinets.

"Your pantry sucks. And you call yourself a man? Pathetic."

"Why you bi…" Clyde bit off his next words and forced himself to ignore the brat, but she hopped on his back. "Fucking hell—go away, witchling."

"Witchling?" Natalia cooed in his ear. "I have you know I'm one of the best in my covenant. And my true form has bigger boobies than even her." She pointed at Harumi. "Mister, you, Pervy-monster."

"I'll give you a candy bar if you be good, little girl," he said, hiding his evil girl.

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"Little girl? I'm older than you! But candy sounds nice."

Alice gave Clyde a look that held two meanings. The first was for him to focus. The second, revealed that she wanted candy too.

Harumi raised an eyebrow. Clyde gave her a sad smile. She returned it with a look of sympathy. He tried to pull the kid off his back, even shake, but she held on as if for her life.

"So what's the problem?" Clyde said as he pulled out multiple chocolate bars for his guests.

"Tear has a taken a huge interest in you," Alice said. Harumi stood up.

"What? Is it because he's the Stone?" she said.

Alice nodded.

"I love my cousin, but there are lines that cannot be crossed. And one of the biggest is targeting my Clyde. I brought Natalia to see if she can ward you or something."

"The succubus must be damned strong," Clyde said. "Is she as strong as you?"

"She's stronger than me," Alice admitted, putting a pit into the young man's guts. These were the words of his nightmares. He always kept a notion in his head that with his last summon, he'd be able to get out of anything.

"Shit," Clyde said. "What does she want?"

"I'm not sure," Alice said. "The twinkles in her eyes were a bit much for a simple craving of life energy."

"You'd never been the one to sugarcoat things, Princess," Natalia said, walking over to the demoness. "She thinks she's found him. A man capable of wedding her kind. And she wants to screw his brains out."

Alice frowned. Harumi flushed with indignance but said nothing. Clyde hid is emotions behind a stony face, hoping to mostly fool Harumi.

"She's a fool."

Natalia laughed as she pushed a finger into the demoness's cheek.

"Highness what about the time you said you'd abandon everything and marry Cly—"

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Alice quickly covered her mouth, blushing furiously.

"Silly girl just blabs her mouth whenever she wants. Eat your candy." She shoved the chocolate bar into Natalia's mouth. The loli ate wordlessly, but with a gleam in her eyes, set on Alice.

"When do you plan to start warding him?" Harumi asked.

"It's going to have to wait until after classes," Clyde said. "As long as we do this before I go to bed tonight, we'll be fine."

The airflow suddenly fluttered, just a bit. Clyde's body moved before he knew it, dodging Natalia.

"Do I look like a pony, little girl," he said.

"I wanna go to your school," she whined.

"Alice is she really older than ten?" he said. Harumi stifled a laugh.

Alice, looking weary, simply sagged in her seat.

"Are you okay?" Clyde said.

"Lord Hades is trying to make her Life-mate to some rival demon lord to form a pact," Natalia blabbed. "She spends most of time fighting off his plans."

Clyde and Harumi looked at her.

"Life mate?" Clyde said. A tinge of…something formed deep within him.

"All demonesses know it means sex slave!" Natalia said.

"Stop blabbing," Alice snarled. "I'm no one's slave." She started to raise a hand as if to use the force on the kid but sagged back into her seat. Very protective of her, Clyde noticed.

He met her eyes.

"It is something you want to talk about?"

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The demoness folded her arms.

"It isn't anything I can't handle. My father has no power over me."

She glared at Natalia—the kid seemed eager to tell it all.

"If you say so," Clyde said. "You know who to find if you need to vent."

His eyes caught the clock. "Harumi, we've got to go. Alice you know the drill. Just make sure," He shoved a finger at the loli's forehead. "That doesn't burn down the place."

Natalia almost bit his finger, but Clyde pulled it back in time, grinning. She stuck out her tongue.

[Your relationship with Natalia has changed from--]

Clyde cut off the prompt. System, you're taking this too far, Clyde thought, don't make me call the robo-cops. He almost wished it would reply to him.

The duo waved Alice off then started for the academy, speed-walking. Clouds gathered across the sky, promising a storm. The sidewalks and crosswalks weren't as crowded as usual, to the young man's relief. The cool day signified the start of autumn. Or this dimension's equivalent.

As they passed through the school gates, a group of students stood to the side, watching, Sazuki leading with glares.

"Why the hell is she looking at people like that?" Clyde said. "Is she supposed to be intimidating?"

"She's pouting," Harumi said. "Probably ticked off the dean again and got placed there."

Chika, Toru, Kitome and Seth showed up to meet them like usual. Chika anime-dove into Clyde's arms, easily evading Harumi's attempt to block her.

"Will never stop loving these strong arms," she said.

"Get moving to class." Sazuki separated Chika from Clyde. The silver-haired girl swatted the hand away, glare very dark.

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"Don't treat us like children," she said with a sniff. "A lower grade such as yourself should know her place." Chika walked off, leaving everyone else with their mouths agape. Sazuki's face was a mix of rage and embarrassment.

"I can get you some cold water for that burn," Seth said then followed Chika. Kitome laughed, turning around to go.

Clyde decided not to waste any pity, even if she was just doing her job. Harumi walked with him.

Toru shook his head.

"Sorry Sazuk—"

"Get moving," she said coldly. "No blocking the way."

"And that's why no one likes you." Toru stormed forward, only sparing a brief nod at Clyde and Harumi before marching to class.

Now that, Clyde knew was a little far, not that he had any time to care. He wasn't anyone's problem solver. However, there was a time and place to be a dick and Toru somewhat got it wrong.

"Pretty glad you're not like your old friend," Clyde said to Harumi.

"She wasn't always like that," the young woman seemed to say absent-mindedly. Harumi suddenly stopped. Clyde did too, turning to look at her. She was texting someone vigorously.

"Is something wrong?" he said.

The worried look in her eyes alarmed him.

"Sazuki, you idiot!" Harumi took off running, back toward the entrance. Clyde followed, curious.

When they arrived back to the scene, the duo saw the student council president beaten and bloodied, picking herself up from the ground. Another girl was unconscious next to her, worse.

Harumi looked furious.

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