Clyde took the time in Crafting class to arrange his thoughts. Despite Harumi wanting to help her friend, the young man felt there was more to it than she led on. Something she hid. Why would Sazuki call her a shell of her old self? Did she know of what happened to Harumi's family? A close friend moving away. And finding the missing sister of her other close friend but being unable to say anything about it. Clyde supposed he should be thanking his level four heart protection and high relationship with Harumi, otherwise helping her would be impossible. He wasn't a hero of justice and had his own shit to worry about, but this was among the exceptions. With only a week and a half in this world, the last thing he needed already was to lose a friend he made.

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Only a week and a half…How did time pass between this world and home? He quickly tried to shove away the thoughts of home, but it was too late. A saying his uncle Lenny used to say popped into his mind.

"You've got to crawl before you walk, boy. Think about that while taking out the trash."

His dad's voice made its way into his mind. His momma was sitting nearby, watching, smiling. His brother watched, leaning on the door's entrance, arms folded.

"Clyde, one day you'll need to decide if you're going to be a boy or a man. Man-up during hardship. Man-up if someone you know needs you, especially a loved one. Don't pull that vanishing act shit because one day, you may need them without knowing it. And you'll only wish you treated everyone better."

Clyde focused on his assignment with a renewed mood. A mental council with his family was just what he needed. Even Uncle Lenny's words were helpful for once. The man would rather have him mow his lawn half the time.

When class ended, Clyde pushed the disappointment of not leveling up crafting aside. A prompt popped into his mind's eye.

[Quest: gather materials and craft three items. Accept? Reward: 300 EXP.]

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May as well add it to the log, he thought as he accepted it. He noticed Toru down the hall and waved. They shook hands.

"Are you done for the day?" Toru asked.

"Yep, thank god," Clyde said.

"Could you give this to Harumi," Toru said, passing him a letter. "I've got an appointment with some of my father's advisers. And then a date."

"A date? You have the free time for that?"

"It's at my place," Toru continued. "She's from out of town."

"Good luck to you, dude," Clyde said. "Maybe you'll get lucky."

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Toru chuckled, but there was a nervous edge to his voice. If it weren't for his mystic senses, the young man was sure he'd miss it. Well, not his circus, not his monkeys—even a pretty boy could get nervous about a date.

Clyde frowned when Maki stood ahead, eyes lighting up in recognition, and started for them. He really didn't feel like dealing with her. The purple-haired girl was a walking beacon of beauty, charisma, and a ridiculous fan club. Even Clyde had to admit that much, but women like this sometimes came with an air of arrogance that pissed the young man off to no end.

"Oh, M—Maki, hey," Toru said. Clyde wanted to shake him until the fuzzies fell out of his brain and the shutters over his eyes vanished.

"Well hello," she said to them but with eyes on Clyde. She handed them both envelopes. "I'd really be happy if you showed up to my party this Friday." She gave Clyde one more look, invitation in those eyes, before continuing forward without a care in the world.

[Quest: Attend the party on Friday. Accept? Rewards: unknown.]

"You know it kind of pisses me off that she likes you," Toru said. "You're lucky I may be taken." He chuckled. "Why not go for it?"

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Toru beat him to the blank stare.

"Didn't take you for the josher," Clyde said. There was a moment of silence before the two young men laughed. They both aimed for the trash can, but suddenly found themselves surrounded by men dressed in white robes. On the left corner of the robe was a picture of Maki.

"Shit, the fan club," Toru said.

One of the robed men stepped forward, two gold-framed pictures of the popular girl on his attire.

"Our goddess has given you a beloved invitation. I fucking dare you to throw it in the trash."

Toru and Clyde did so, standing tall. Smirking. The fan club leader snarled, face red with molten rage.

[Your party has entered combat!]

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There were eight of them charging Clyde and Toru. They both easily dodged the first punch, followed by the second, third fourth. A large man attempted to spearhead the duo, but an easy evade led him to knock over his entire group of friends. This was so pathetically easy that Clyde didn't have to rely on the airflows, moods, or breathing. He and Toru fought nightmares daily. This group of ragtag perverts was a piece of cake.

Little did Clyde know, Maki watched around the corner, heart pounding. Her panties were damp, her face flushed. Never in her life did she have a crush this potent. She always had men crawling at her feet, barking for her like dogs, bending over as servants. He was different. She'd bend over for him. She hated herself for that but couldn't help it. She didn't know how to approach him…confess. Despite the air of defiance, Clyde hid in, she found out through her many sources that he was actually a decent guy. Those strong arms, well-kept body as if he fought for a living, and that otherworldly air about him. Maki had to have him. He wasn't dating any of the nuisances that hung around him like that silver-haired girl with the highest grades in the school, nor Harumi. Maki wouldn't harm Harumi, she was too sweet, but in the way. Ugh! She wanted to look as if she saved Clyde from her annoying, unwanted fan club. She wanted the young man to look at her…to be hers. To do perverted things to her, she'd never be able to tell her friends. Maki would find a way to get into those arms, pull him away. An ambush…but that man acted as if he knew when someone approached him.

For some reason, that seemed to turn Maki on further. Clyde's personality. She loved it. His hard to get would make pulling him into a closet for wild sex more satisfying. Although…she watched the sex videos online, she still didn't know what to actually do. No one ever had enough backbone to date her. She'd never tell anyone that she was still a virgin.

Maki felt her spirit wilt like a dying flower. However, when she looked at Clyde speaking calmly to her downed fan club, who beat themselves up, her panties damped even more. Her spirit blossomed. She needed to swipe him before the others did so. This commoner. She giggled. Just like the stories.

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