Chika gave Clyde no chance to object nor change his mind. She paid for the room by app and soon, they were in a room that looked to be worth more than everything Clyde owned. Dark black curtains, a large and round king-size bed, and even a golden minifridge, this casual, seemingly easy luxury annoyed the young man a little.

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On the table was a strange black button the size of an orange. He assumed one would use that to call room service. Room service for the love hotel trope. His anime trope senses had burned out from this one.

Abruptly, a naked Chika pounced him, control gone, lusty yandere face full of excitement. She nearly ripped the young man's clothes in haste to get them off.

"Damn, don't eat me alive," Clyde said with a laugh as Chika mounted his erected horn, incredibly wet. She gave him a slobbery kiss, licked his neck, and RODE. And rode. And rode. Her hips swayed, her moans filled the room, breasts danced.

Clyde felt like he'd explode. Burst. Chika clung to him like superglue.

"Oh! Ah! You have no idea…how hard it…was to wait for you to finish…your stupid, ah! Fight with Toru. Stupid…men!"

Clyde thrusted upward, very hard, causing Chika to nearly spasm of ecstasy.

"Yes! Fuck yes—I don't care if you impregnate me."

"Let's not get carried a—"

Another wet kiss drowned out his words. She pulled away, smiling in an adoring manner. Her ride slowed a bit.

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"Don't think about riches and other stupid materials people have," Chika said. "If you don't think like that, if you focus on what you have, the…sweet that's in your heart, you'll be fine. You may even rise up to the top of the school with me. Well, you'll be my number two."

Clyde laughed.

"Advice from the girl who 'accidentally' consumed aphrodisiacs."

Chika blushed then rode wildly. She tightened around him and swayed her hips enticingly. Clyde kissed her then sucked her breasts. She moaned. He gently led her into a position switch, her laying down then started a power-thrust.

"Harder! Ah! Harder dammit!" Chika said, excitement palpable. Her breasts jiggled, danced. While not as large as Harumi's, they were amazing to the young man nonetheless. He seriously needed to stop comparing.

When the climax approached, Clyde plowed Chika faster than any machine. She came first, holding onto with the strength of a bull with both her arms and legs.

"Cum inside," she said thoughtlessly as her juices released. He tickled her, which loosened her hold, allowing the pullout. He jetted over her stomach.

Chika stretched then accidentally hit the black button. A robotic voice spoke from everywhere.

"All occupants, please step away from the bed."

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The duo jumped off. Suddenly, the room made a change. The bed slowly flipped, revealing belt straps and chains, black spandexes, masks and mouthpieces, and all kinds of sadist and masochist crap that Clyde didn't recognize. Chika's face lit up.

"We've got to try it!"

"I don't think so," Clyde said, grabbing the whip before her, tossing it to the side.

"Come on. You owe me four more loads," she said. "I even gave you permission to cum inside."

Just then, the young woman's phone rang. She frowned as she picked it up to answer.

"Hello?" she said. "Is he really at it again? How many times do I have to get it through to him? Then have another child, I don't care. Mom! Fine, fine, I'll be there in about an hour." She hung up, dejected look in her eyes. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around Clyde. "Another positive side to not being rich. You don't have to deal with pushy parents and their politics." Clyde gave her a look of sympathy. They ended up showering together at Chika's insistence. The yandere couldn't fight her urges, leading to a round of shower sex so intense, she screamed, "you've got to marry me."

Clyde admitted to not wanting to see her go, not like this. She hugged and kissed him before entering the taxi. Her parting words were, "Call me later, okay?"

"Of course," Clyde said, brightening up her face.

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[Quest: Call Chika in the late hours. Accept? Reward: a relationship gain with Chika. 45,000 EXP.]

Clyde accepted. Holy shit that was a lot of EXP for a simple phone call. Simple. Yeah right. He headed home, remembering that it was Thursday. Time to shop at his personal interdimensional store.

No one was there, so he wasted no time in accessing the menu.

[Items available: Dracula's sword (120,000,000) Book of Storm Calling (52,000) Super Health Potion (1200) Super MP Potion(2500) Book of Close Friend Upgrading System (special 90% super discount: 10,000) Odin's armor set (23,000,000,000,000,000,000) ]

Annoyed at the obvious setup, Clyde made his purchase.

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[You have received the Book of Close Friend Upgrading System. Item value: mysterious.]

He'd experiment with that later, preferably with a test subject. Now was the time to get supplies before the meeting at noon.

Clare's shop was thankfully open. The busty woman gave him an inviting smile. He asked about materials and his desire to improve his equipment. She made sure he got a nice feel of breast to his back or face as she showed him to everything he needed. The seductive flirts were especially strong.

He invited her to the meeting, using that to regain composure and prevent any nosebleeds. The maiden declined, unable cancel any appointments with the potential big customers.

When Clyde stepped outside, his attention was immediately drawn to a scene, yards ahead. A small group of young women and Kitome's brother, arguing.

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