Outside of her apartments on the edge of Lot City….

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Alice closed her eyes and felt for any unwelcomed presences in her private apartment. Nothing. Quiet. So quiet today. Wait.

Natalia strolled forward into the two-story building before the demoness could yell the warning.

The enormous explosion propelled her backward like used a tossed paper ball. Even though she was several meters from the building, her natural demoness armor protected from any damage. Even a scratch.

"Natalia!" she screamed, eyes frantic, heart pounding at a million miles per hour.

As the ashes of the building fell to the earth, the young woman's hands trembled. She wasn't sure if the fury and sorrow could be controlled at this point. Then someone placed a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes widened, and she threw her arms around the girl.

"Ashfall work no doubt," Natalia said, "but if they think blowing up a building will do anything to us, then they're dumber than we give credit."

"All of those people inside," Alice said, sadness in her voice.

"Nothing we can do right now," Natalia said, "except get away from here before the authorities show up."

"Just wait till I get my hands around the throat of whoever did this," Alice said. "As my Clyde would say, I'll fuck them up."

Natalia blinked.

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"Sorry," Alice said.

"Highness," Natalia sighed. "Well, it's not like you spend your time acting like a proper lady."

"I am too a proper lady," Alice said.

"Keep eating sweets like that and demoness or not, you'll eventually gain weight," Natalia said then grinned.

Alice glared at the loli but said nothing. She wanted nothing more than to get back to Clyde. He wouldn't mind if she ate chocolate all day. Her soulmate. She actually found one, a handsome man from another world. Strange times. How would he react if she told him? Humans were odd, hiding behind frustrating mating rituals. She dropped the thought. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of love. Maybe she'd read one of those human housewife books to learn how to…

"Highness, you're flushed," Natalia said. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine—let's go—I think I hear sirens," Alice said. Maybe she really was sick, thinking of something as silly as marriage. Unlike humans who waited years, demons knew what they wanted and wasted no time.

The back of Clare's shop….

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"I'll kill her! You bitch! You whore! You slut!"

Clyde and Yusuke struggled to pry Kitome's hands from Sahara's throat. Toru helped pull back the furious woman then held with both arms. The dizzy look in the cool, collected silver-haired woman's eyes almost brightened the young man's mood. Almost. Kitome's feisty attitude loomed over them like a barely restrained bull in a cage. Released and well, people got hurt.

"Sheesh, Kitome, calm down," Clyde said. He turned his attention to the tied magical girls. They truly looked defeated. Maybe terrified, depressed, some on the verge of anime-style tears. Right where Clyde needed them.

"So anyone else feeling like they'd make good vampire bait?" Seth said.

"I do," Kitome said then punched Seth in the arm. "First decent suggestion you've ever made. When did you grow a pair?"

Seth glared at her. Yusuke simply shook his head. He was in normal form and sitting next to Sahara's head, as if ready to bash it in at any time.

"What's this talk of vampires?" Yusuke said. "And what does it have to do with fileting magical girls."

A few of the Fireside girls whimpered.

"Chill out," Clyde said. "I'm just as pissed as you, you know, almost dying and all. Imagine what would happen to them if Alice found out."

"Please, we're sorry. Please forgive us." Zera said, tears streaking.

"Nah, don't you start begging for mercy," Clyde interjected. "I remember how happy-go-lucky you were about torturing me until sunset. Hopefully, Clare will have us a decent solution when she gets back. You can mitigate this by giving me the answers I want."

He turned to Sahara.

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"What I want to know is what made them think they could force my brother to be their attack dog?" Kitome said, voice tinged with venom. "A bunch of cocky little bitches. Got their asses handed to them by two guys."

Clyde gestured for Kitome to relax. No matter how much he wanted to unleash her on them, he had to be the voice of reason. The leader of their team…. even though he didn't ask for the position.

"What can you tell me about vampires?" Clyde said. Sahara's eyes widened in surprise then hardened.

"It seems you intend to lead your team on a suicide mission to bother the local vampire clan?" Sahara said.

Clyde spared a brief glance at Harumi, who was standing then continued.

"Someone I know had a little sister who disappeared from home one day," Clyde said. "When she was spotted again, she attacked. Attacked as a vampire."

"That's normal," Sahara said. "If you trespass onto their property, you die, simple as that. They'll dispatch lower ranks to deal with the threat. Using compulsion."

Harumi gasped.

"Compulsion," Clyde said. "So a command the low rank can't refuse. Mind control. Well, that explains a lot, but I'm pretty sure our friend pieced that together. What else can you tell me? Do they sparkle?"

"What?" Sahara said, voice nearly a hiss.

"Do vampires sparkle?" Clyde said, holding a straight face. "In sunlight."

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," Sahara said. "You're either reading too many bad books or watching too many movies."

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"Could you be serious," Yusuke said.

"Alright, fine, lighten up," Clyde said. "Now, Sahara."

"How do you know my name?" she said.

"Don't worry about that, I know things," Clyde said. "Just tell me about vampires."

"My goodness, you really are planning an assault on them," Sahara said. "They're strong, high-level creatures. Weaker in sunlight, but full strength at night. They can wield both normal and vampiric magic, so I'd recommend not doing whatever idiotic assault you've got planned. They'll wipe the floor with you and then have you for that night's dinner."

"Is there any way we can simply get an audience with them?" Clyde said. "Harumi wants to talk to that friend's little sister."

Harumi suddenly sat on Clyde's lap, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. His erection jumped into stiff-mode so fast, the young man sworn it'd launch the pink-haired girl through the roof.

The magical girls on the floor blushed furiously, especially Sahara. Akane's nose bled a little. The cool, composed look from the Fireside leader fled until she looked like nothing more than a girl with bright-eyed dreams of marrying.

"You—you must send a letter, requesting an audience with the head first. State your reason on it and it mu—must be a good request, because the clan does not like their time wasted."

Clyde nodded. To think this meeting wasn't wasted after all. He was a little disappointed Chika couldn't make it. Her presence would scare them more than Kitome.

The sound of Clare's front door to her shop made a ring, signaling entry. The busty woman eventually stepped through the doorway, grinning evilly.

"The mayor himself has approved my punishment," she said. "He wanted to throw you in jail for assault, but instead, you'll be working here for six months and believe me, I'll be putting you lot to good use. The police, of course, will be here to enforce it, so don't try to be defiant." She smirked. "And Seth, Clyde, they'll be wearing sexy maid outfits."

Sahara fainted. Harumi laughed, followed by everyone else, except the magical girls. They groaned, some with helpless anime-style tears flowing from their eyes.

Clyde grinned at them.

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