[You've entered a Super Boss Fight.]

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Aunder sighed as he faced the three sisters of Venus. Three foolish sorceresses that served some goddess of love. He pulled out his flask and took a long savory gulp.

"Look, I've already told you I didn't know that was a marriage ceremony. Just wanted a drink. Come on, what's the harm in that?"

"You will not insult us!" Olivia barked. She was a cute lady with just the right shade of dark blonde Aunder liked. A tall woman with enough bust to feed anyone starving on the damn planet, he'd bed this one if he was in a better mood. She'd actually make a fine housewife for his brother. If his brother wasn't dead.

"Let's show him what happens when you insult us," Su Yang said. That one, Aunder would marry, if she wasn't apart of the Venus sisters. Long dark hair, draping over a nice bosom to compliment brown eyes. She also knew the sword—a great warrior, she was.

"I activated the containment spell so that he can't escape. Let's take our time," Momo said. The white-haired cool beauty. Pfft—more like a sadist and lacking breasts. That was probably why she spent most of her time wearing as little as possible. That silk white, nearly see-through mini dress told enough. This part of world switched from very hot and cold in the blink of an eye like the pleasing and angering of a lovely lady. Wearing a dress like that didn't speak concern of the weather.

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Aunder shrugged.

"Well ladies, do your worst. Free strike, right here. Shoot me with the deadliest magic."

"You just don't understand, do you?" Olivia said. "You…"

The faces of reddened rage brushed right off Aunder, which anged the women further. They aimed three golden wands at him.

"Think you can just ignore our customs," Su Yang snapped. Her angry expression only made Aunder wish he could bed her. A few things could be learned from angry sex. Sometimes women demanded it—not that he minded. He preferred sweet-talking his way through resistance, her barriers, until at last, she could think of nothing else but him.

[Olivia activated Silver Tier spell: Eroding Lightning Devastation.]

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[Su Yang activated Gold Tier spell: Hammer of Thunder God Thor.]

[Momo activated Silver Tier spell: Melody of the Waking Dragon.]

Aunder took another swig of his drink, sighed happily, and watched the multicolored lights of death approach him. He still could not shake the excitement of fighting the Stone out of his mind. To think he was so strong and didn't even know it—a true challenge for the first time in his life. And these women before him: simply worms. No, ants, lower than dirt compared to his true opponent.

He placed one hand ahead.

"Let me first do something about your pent-up aggression."

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[Aunder activated Almighty Tier Spell: God's Absolute Shield.]

A glowing wall of transparent energy blocked the deadly magic. The eyes of the three women widened and slowly, they took steps backward. Aunder teleported beside them, smiling.

"Ladies, ladies, you were all for trying to force me into marriage," he said, giving the women a merchant's smile. "I bed my women without force—because if she doesn't like it, it defeats the purpose. That logic can and will take you a long way. The path of success is but the start of a warrior's pride. Sadly, as much as I hate forcing anyone to do anything, I'll be bonding you. Women like you are far too dangerous to let devise plans behind my back. Like calling Venus herself down to strike me on your behalf."

Before any of the women could even so much as think of the next step, Aunder released the spell.

[Aunder activated Silver Tier Spell: Soul bound.]

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The power shook the three women, sent them to their knees. The smiling man knelt, black cloak fluttering in the wind.

"I would say next time, but there will be no next time for you," he said. "You shouldn't have picked a fight with a poisonous Viper." He chuckled. "But hey, at least you're still alive." He placed a hand on Su Yang's cheeks, examining her. "What a shame I can't do anything with you. I take women with my skills, fair and square, but with skill. Now you're just a slave. Get up. You're still aware and able to move. But now you follow my orders, can't harm me, nor can you not wander a mile from me." He pulled Su Yang close. "Since I can't have your heart, I'll give you the next thing. You are in charge of keeping those two in check. And hey, follow my orders for a good while and maybe I'll release all of you from this bond. Now let's go. We've got a long journey."

He released the dark-haired woman and started forward. The three miserable women followed sadly, pulled by a power that not even they could understand.

[All enemies have lost the will to fight. You've ended the battle.]

"The three sisters of Venus," he said. "Wow. Beautiful women and I can't bed any. What a stain on my name."

He pulled out his flask and enjoyed a bliss of the drink. Maybe he'd give these women to the Stone, share a drink, before they start the greatest battle of his life.

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