Clyde and Alice joined Harumi, Kazumi, Toru, and Naomi for lunch. Melody was called to the student council's room but left a note before taking off. He placed it in his inventory for later, despite Alice's insistence on reading it.

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The academy's cafeteria wasn't bad but terribly expensive in Clyde's opinion. He ignored the demoness's protests and paid for both of their meals. All of the money won from the battles needed some use, although saving it for a better place to live was what he had in mind. He ordered a delicious beef curry bowl while Alice went for sushi.

Toru spent most of the lunch on the phone with Fumi, talking as low as possible, but lovey-dovey words slipped every now and then causing Clyde to cringe, Kazumi to give him scandalous looks, and Naomi and Harumi to blush.

"You've got a scoop, Naomi," Kazumi said. "I'm surprised he's here eating with us peasants."

Alice stifled a laugh. Everyone looked at her. She stared back, innocently.

"So…you're not dating Clyde, but that's not how it looks to me," she continued. Clyde barely noticed her quick glare at Harumi. Alice simply took another bite of her sushi. Kazumi started to protest, but Maki suddenly sat at their table. Sat next to Clyde.

"What time will you be at my party?" she said to him.

Alice grabbed Clyde's arm.

"The only party he's going to be at is mine," she said then shot Maki a condescending smile, shocking the entire table. Even Clyde gulped when she continued. "Funny thing about invitations, I don't see yours for this table."

Maki's face reddened until she looked as if to jump Alice. A professor known to be very strict sat only a table away. The popular girl probably never had someone speak to her that way. Most students seemed to be obedient, thrive among her cocky friend circle, or just avoided her entirely.

"Do you know who I am, new girl," Maki retorted in a voice that a rich woman would use for peasants she didn't like. "I'll have your apology right now, on your knees. You'll get a warning since it's your first day. Be grateful for that."

Clyde remained frozen, silent with the others. They all looked as if trying to blend in with the background.

"First, you come over here without an invitation and now you flaunt as if you have real reputation," Alice said in a mocking voice. "I could have you expelled with a single phone call. Text message, Maki Rosella. It would be in your best interests not to make an enemy of me."

The professor at the next table glared in their direction.

"You," Maki stood, took one look at the professor then stormed off, muttering to herself.

"Maybe shouldn't have done that," Kazumi said. "Making an enemy out of that one—"

"Do you doubt my influence?" Alice said, raising an eyebrow. Kazumi closed her mouth, uncertainty in her gaze. Toru looked amused.

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Clyde had no doubts. How else could she have easily transferred into a college this tough? Naomi looked uneasy, maybe even a little scared. Being associated with someone who expressed open dislike of the most popular girl in school was just asking for the wrong attention. The only other girl that Maki wouldn't go near was Chika. Top student Chika. Top student, rich, and with a father that donated to the academy regularly, the silver-haired young woman also took no one's shit.


Maki stood over her naked flushed fangirl, two fingers shoved inside the helpless twat. Her other hand held her against the walls of the abandoned Rec Room. She needed to vent—vent a lot. How dare that slut speak to her that way! Who did she think was? Maki had never felt so humiliated in her life. People bent to her will, not the other way around. She'd make the new girl pay for this. Oh, she'd pay—naked and raped by her entire fan club or whatever way she could manage. Even if it meant cutting off her pretty little ears or shaving her bald. That new slut needed to be put in her place—regardless of whose daughter she was—Maki didn't give two fucks. Well, except to this lowly groveler. Easily lured by a friendly voice, right into this room, she'd be taught a practice lesson. Maki never violated anyone like this before—never sexually engaged with anyone, but her intense craving for Clyde awoke the need for release. This groupie would have to do for now. She undressed while the girl moaned, helpless to her fingers.

"Who's your master?" She dug deeper.

"You…are," the girl said huskily.

Maki smirked, her own treasure soaked. She mounted her prey, riding viciously, thinking of Clyde. Her prey bucked, and Maki just rode faster.

"Beg, beg! Clyde! Augh!" She smacked the girl. "Call my name, slave."

"Ah! Master!"

Maki laughed, eyes intense, nearly shining. She'd find a way to lure Clyde to her. Her love.

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Lot city, after classes….

Clyde and Alice made stops at Clare's, the dojo to increase combat levels, and even a movie theater before heading home. He couldn't help but wonder how the demoness made a school day so fun. As they passed the ramen shop, he noticed a woman that somehow looked familiar, board a bus, doughnut in hand. Dressed in casual clothing, she looked so happy—reminded him of Alice's bliss when she devoured sweets. Why was she familiar? He never met her…right?

Suddenly, she looked at Clyde as if sensing his curiosity…or Alice, with widened eyes. Maybe eyes of recognition. The bus door closed, driving away with the young man's desire to care.

When they arrived at his apartments, Alice immediately checked the wards. Clyde racked his brain for something to craft. What was the point of crafting powers if he didn't actually use them? A book. He needed a book for recipes. And speaking of book. He pulled out his latest catch from his inventory and used it.

[The Book of Close Friend Upgrading System will allow you to spend your free points to give special boosts and upgrade anything on your close friends only. As of now, this system is at level one. You need to Soul Points to increase it. Very powerful enemies can award you a Soul Point upon defeat.]

[BCFUS level. 1. You can only present a temporary speed and jump boost. You may make only minor changes to their appearances, heal minor injuries, and sense their whereabouts.]

[You have been awarded with five free points. 45 in stock.]

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Clyde smiled, thrilled for such an amazing system. This would even have a use for battles he couldn't participate in. If he leveled this thing up, it'd make his entire team, or at least his close friends, completely broken. Overpowered. A boosted Alice was unstoppable.

He gazed at the demoness at work, wrapping up her ward inspection. Long blonde hair divided into twin tails. Maybe average height. Glistening pink eyes.

Harumi was maybe less than a head taller than both Alice and Chika, who were the same size.

At eight, the party gathered, awaiting Clyde's plan for the night.

"Alice can sense this Nezerath guy's elites. Anyone here confident enough to engage them or should we train more?"

"I need to burn off some stress," Kitome said.

"Then get a boyfriend," Chika said then addressed Alice, ignoring the magical girl's angry muttering. "Can we take them?"

"It won't be easy," Alice said, "but I believe we'll do fine, working as a team. At first, I wasn't sure…earlier…I think I saw someone, who worked as his head maid. Her name's Yuki. She's the one who'll give us the most trouble."

"Head maid?" Clyde said. "Why would he send a…" He paused as recognition dawned in his eyes. That woman. She was the one who reached out to him. In the vision, she looked terribly sad, hurt, possibly abused. "The woman from earlier. Do you know her?"

"I do," Alice said, "but we're not friends. As if anyone from House Hades would associate with the Ashfall family or their servants. But." She looked Clyde in the eyes. "Every demon house knows that Nezerath treats his servants like disposable trash. And they're almost never allowed to go outside of the barrier."

"Do you think we can convince her to ditch this fucker?" Clyde said. "Remember when I had the vision. She was in it. If you saw what I saw, you'd understand why I'd rather not fight her."

"I don't either," Alice said, "but Nezerath probably instilled enough fear in her that she'll blindly obey his orders. Not to mention the elites that surround her."

Clyde nodded.

"Everyone, kill the elites first. Try not to hurt this Yuki if you can. I think we may be able to reason with her."

"You sound as if you plan to fight Ashfall," Alice said. Not seeing any point of hiding it, he nodded.

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"I plan to destroy them all," Clyde said then held up a hand. "It's not by choice, but I'm more than happy to oblige anyway."

Alice's eyes were wide, but she didn't protest.

"Clyde…they're dangerous. Rival to our family," she finally said.

"Relax," Clyde said. "I'm not dumb enough to charge at the entire family with a ragtag group. We'll take down the big players first, one by one, make them tear themselves apart for leadership."

Alice suddenly grinned.

"Why haven't I thought of this? Clyde, that may just work." She looked excited, nodding. "I'll get Tear and Nattie on board with this. But it still means fighting the head and he's as strong as my father."

"We can come up with some way to deal with him," Clyde said. "Take out the big players then raid his palace."

"A raid, huh," Toru said. "I'm in."

"I don't mind," Yusuke said.

"That's for later," Clyde said. "For now, we'll need the names and the locations of the Ashfall leaders. Think you can handle that, Alice?"

Alice smiled.

"Already done. I'll consult with Tear."

She hugged Clyde.

"Thank you. Thank you. I'd be so much better off when I marry you—not be stuck as some pig's life mate."

Clyde didn't pretend like he missed the word, "when." He forced away the thoughts of the stone-viper game. Hope still occurred within… if Alice was on earth once, did that mean she could travel dimensions? Considering how OP she is, that thought didn't surprise him one bit.

One step at a time. First, destroy the Ashfall family. The demon lord of this city was still on the table though…But if he succeeded in defeating their mortal enemies, he could convince her father to see things his way. Or smash his face in for trying to send his daughter to the Ashfall Hell. One step at a time.

"Let's get moving," Clyde said. "Alice, take us to the elite. And everyone, remember the plan."

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