Clyde's Party….

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"Who's making all that racket?" a half-naked man with light brown hair peeked out a room. A naked maid fell to the ground. The man kicked her. "Hurry and check, you useless sack of blood."

The man fell to the ground, holding his throat as Alice pulled back a dagger then wiped it across his pants. She spat on him.

He laughed.

"You think this would kill me? You dare insult the Ashfall, Lady Alice." He laughed and wheezed. "Nezerath, your soon-to-be life mate eagerly awaits. And when he's finished, we're all—"

His eyes widened then rolled to the back of the head. He let out a final gasp. A half-second later, the life faded out of him. Clyde released the gathered energy then started forward.

"Kick open all of the doors. Let the innocents make their escape. Kill all torturers."

His party didn't hesitate. He strolled forward, filled with calm rage. They casually threaten to violate his Alice, right in front of him. To them, she was no threat, just another body to torture.

For the following two floors, they repeated the process. Killed the unsuspecting Ashfall monster, slew all guards, rescued all captees. None showed loyalty to the Ashfall family. Some of the maids even hugged him, some Alice, but they all cried thanks to Yuki. Thanked her for bringing back help.

Alice suddenly halted, eyes wide, handles trembling.

"What's wrong?" Clyde said, worry in his voice.

"I've received a vision from Tear." Alice covered her mouth. "His mystery room. Calls it the room of No Return. It's a slaughterhouse. The slaughter of the innocent. And not all of them are his servants."

"What kind of sick psychopath is this guy," Toru said.

"Why do this," Harumi said. "Why be so horrible."

"He's a true bully, murderer to all women," Chika said, fury radiating in her eyes.

"I second that," Kitome said. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

"Nya-asty, nasty, Ashfall," Neko said.

Alice shuddered.

"She's got the Omen's sphere," Alice continued. "She's on her way."

"She needn't bother," Clyde said as he strolled forward. "He'll be dead before she gets here."

There were no rooms on the fifth floor, except up ahead. Clyde's anger made him tremble. Made his white aura flutter, rage, like an open flame. Even his friends were wary, but it caused them no harm.

[Advancing beyond this point is highly dangerous. Do you wish to continue?]

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Clyde and his party burst through the large black doors into a large area of metallic floors and golden walls. A blond man had a foot on the neck of a succubus. He turned to smile at the group. The man from Clyde's vision… Nezerath. His eyes eventually fell on Alice.

"My bitch of the hour has finally shown up. You were a pain in the ass, causing trouble in my mansion. Luckily, I called my elite in here to finish your friends."

He laughed maniacally as hundreds of guards rushed from hidden side doors, toward the group.

Clyde stepped forward, held forward a single finger and released his magic, if it could be called magic.

[Warning! You do not have access to this system! Your body cannot handle the strain for long, desu! Warning! Warning!]

Clyde broke the world.

Hundreds of shards of white needles jolted from his finger. The elite guard screamed in agony as they melted. Smoke and steam blasted around them. When the magic cleared, Nezerath tossed his succubus shield to the side.

[You have reached levels 41 and 42. You have learned Spiritual fire. It's equivalent is Mystic fire.]

"So what? You brought a pesky sorcerer along with you. That won't save you from the hard ride I'm going to give you right in front of your father."

[Alice activated Tier 1 skill: Right from Wrong bolt.]

[Nezerath activated Tier 1 skill: Sorcerer's Shield.]

"You're getting a bit big on the britches I see," he said as he blocked the magic. "I suppose it is time I deal with your pesky friends first. Then I'll teach you humility, bitch."

He waggled his tongue out, only to widen his eyes as Clyde's boot connected with his mouth. He launched backward fast enough to break the sound barrier. The wall dented upon impact.

Nezerath, Heir of the Ashfall Family.

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Level: 57

Type: sadistic demon.

Work under: Ashen City Demonlord.

Special: Intense Raid Ender [Does severe hell damage. Chance to cause agony and despair.]

Weakness: holy.

Resistances: Your hostile detection isn't high enough.

Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn't high enough for this.

[Your party has entered a Showdown!]

Lightning aura flared around the young man as he grimaced distastefully at the blond demon.

"Holy shit," Toru said.

"Yeah dude, what the actual fuck?" Seth said.

Nezerath climbed to his feet, enraged.

"You will pay for this," he said. "YOU WILL PAY!"

"Stand aside," Clyde told the others. "I will personally deal with this one."

"Taking on a fight like this solo? Are you fu…" Kitome's voice trailed off as she gulped. "Good luck. And hit him a few times for me."

[Nezerath's HP has dropped from 500% to 345%]

He roared, green aura surrounding him, yet it looked pitiful against Clyde's sun.

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[Nezerath activated Tier 1 spell: Waking nightmare.]

With a hand stretch toward Clyde, he unleashed a beam of black and green energy. Clyde walked through it, casually.

"What? This is—you're a pathetic human. No human can do that," Nezerath barked.

Clyde teleported next to the blond man. Nezerath jumped backward.

[Nezerath activated Bronze Tier spell: Half and half hell and earth fire.]

The large black fireball rushed toward the young man with the capability of incinerating anything and everything in its path. Clyde stared at it. It snuffed out. Everyone gasped. Nezerath sneered.

"Impossible—I will not have some human waltz into my estate and humiliate me. I will not! Fucking eat this, Alice!"

[Nezerath activated Tier 2 spell: All Shall Submit.]

Clyde teleported next to his Alice.

[You activated Almighty Tier Spell: Stone's shield.]

What was supposed to be a simple Spirit shield turned into something that Nezerath's puny bolt of energy couldn't so much as touch. The young man, eyes shining, nodded at Alice once then walked leisurely toward the murderous man. Before Nezerath could open his mouth, Clyde's fist hammered him in his throat. He followed up with a Roundhouse kick that sent the demon flying backward.

[Nezerath's HP has dropped to 200%]

When Clyde spoke, everything rattled—his voice took on a god chant.

"I will make you feel everything. And to threaten Alice right in front of me, I'll make sure it hurts ten thousand times over. DO YOU HEAR ME, MURDERER!"

[Your voice has inflicted spiritual blight on Nezerath.]

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[Nezerath was damaged by the spiritual blight. HP has dropped to 180%]

[Clyde activated Unknown Tier Skill: Creator's Immense Punishment Lightning.]

With a hand aimed at his prey, he released magic that just wasn't meant for the world. Winds raged in the room, the few windows shattered. The roof of the mansion dissolved into ashes. Nezerath roared in utter pain and agony. His skin rippled, burned, charred.

"I..I am power.." he wheezed. "This…who is this."

[Nezerath's HP has dropped to 0%]

[Single respawn initiated.]

The purple flames that would've devoured the sadistic demon, instead restored him.

"What's going on?"

The voice belonged to an older demon, emerging from a side door.

"Father," Nezerath wheezed. He forced himself to stand. Despite the respawn, he seemed weakened.

"Nezerath senior," Alice said.

"Demon lord of Ashen City," Neko said then shook her head. "Nya, I just wasn't ready for today."

"Father, she's broken the pact," Nezerath said. "Her father has the Omen's sphere. And instead of accepting the ceremony, she decided to become a peace breaker."

Nezerath Senior or Ashfall as Clyde thought of him, studied the party. He looked to be in his late forties, grey hair settling in, goatee on his face. Dressed in a black changsan, he somehow appeared to be more dangerous than his son.

"You let this band of misfits do you in?"

"It was—"

"Do not make excuses!" Ashfall roared, cutting off his son. "Begone from my sight. Go downstairs and make sure there are no more intruders. I will dispose of these fools. And for your punishment, I will take your life mate in front of you then release my sperm right at your feet."

"No, it's fine," Clyde said, ice in his voice. "I'm going to kill both of you."

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