The fragrance of perfume and sex invaded Clyde's senses. His raw beast mode was beginning to peek—no, it forced its way out. The succubus, a man's ancient bed invader since the start of time, the original monster girl before them all. Hair dark as midnight, eyes an intense blue, a bust at Harumi's level, maybe even bigger. She carried all of that in a dignified, controlled and calm but seductive manner. And she was naked. Her bat-like wings were not spawned in existence, but Clyde did notice the devil tail. Well, he noticed it as soon as it wrapped around his super-erection. Tear gave him a grin that made him feel like a mouse looking up at a hungry cat.

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The young man actually took a wary step back, only to be pulled into a naked embrace.

"You're the Stone, a legendary figure that can pull events around him," Tear said. "It's probably why you felt like you were dragged by the system, but in fact, you were pulling it toward you. You're the star of the show, the spotlight of the stone-viper game. Do you really think the watchers would bring you into this world so that you can do whatever you want?"

"What do you know about this so-called game?" Clyde said, breaking through the fog of his mind.

"Like Neko, I only know what I'm supposed to know and can only spill what they allow, which isn't very much," Tear said. She began a stoke of his horn that made him thank the god that created him. The tail felt like sex incarnate. "But you're special to my beautiful baby cousin, so I don't mind helping out on your mission when possible." She pulled Clyde's horn into her and then let out a gasping moan. "So this is what it's like in the real world. Rail me, Clyde."

It was way too late for Clyde to back down, even if he wanted to. She was a whole lot of woman—one that he felt lied eons out of his league. He thrusted as hard as possible and fast. Tear smirked.

"Yes! Keep it like that—oh."

The duo ended up taking the activity outside of the water. Clyde took control again and plowed. Inside her felt like bliss—an intense pleasure that he was sure he'd get nowhere else. Well, except with Alice. He knew it was probably arrogant to compare women like this—but a man is a man, so he did anyway.

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"Clyde, I need you to satisfy me," Tear said, her voice filled with honey and seduction. "This is my first time in the real world, so make it enjoyable."

The young man gave her a skeptical look, shrugged, then continued the plow. She pulled him in for a kiss that jam-packed him up with enough lust to break a man's mind.

[Your heart protection has prevented mind break.]

"Okay look, if we're going to be teammates, you've got to stop that," Clyde said. Tear only grinned, her insides seeming to get wetter, tighter. Despite being on a high horse, the succubus's breathing grew heavy, labored, and eventually, she was moaning.

"Right there! Oh! Keep it going."

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Clyde sucked her breasts and then glided his tongue up her neck and back to the chest. She tightened even more, breathing faster, sweating as much as Clyde.

The duo climaxed simultaneously—the young man pulling out a second ahead of his spray. He felt like he unloaded more than a gallon in that release.

[Secret quest completed: Satisfy Tear. Legendary Reward: 1 summon of Tear. Congratulations.]

The succubus stood, giving Clyde an appreciative view.

"Call on me anytime," she said. "Use those bracelets, they're special. Just think of me and I'll be there. Of course, if you open up your dreams to me, we can have some real fun."

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"I'll pass on that," Clyde said. "I'd like to keep my spirit energy if you don't mind."

"Suit yourself, big man," she said then started for the exit. Her devil tail vanished.

Clyde showered, deciding he had enough of the hot spring for the day. This was a training camp and the real ordeal would begin the next day.

As he walked down the empty hall, a presence made him stop. The lights began to flicker, the air grew chilly. A figure appeared at the other end of the hallway. Alice? What was she doing? She walked toward Clyde, eyes of…madness and lust. The windows around shattered.

"Clyde," she called from two dozen feet away. "I think you and I need to have a chat. There's a lot of things that I need to do to you—I mean chat with you about."

This was the first time Clyde decided to take an idea from a harem main character and utilize it. Except that his flash step wouldn't activate.

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[Alice used tier 3 spell: Targeted Spell canceller]

As she approached, he noticed that she held a large metallic tong. And clamped it repeatedly.

"I found this in Chika's room. And…the candy..ugh—get over here!"

Clyde took one more look at the clamps, that snapped open and closed harder than what any human could do, then took off running.

"You get back here! I will not be denied."

"Fucking goddammit Chika," he muttered. "What the hell did she have planned? And how did Alice get into her—why did she bring the aphrodisiacs? Fuck, fuck, fuck."

The snapping of the clamps loomed behind him. He needed to get to his room and lock up, quick. Pfft—as if. She'd break the door down. Clamp! Clamp! Clamp!

"You're fucking kidding me," Clyde snapped then accessed his list of skills to see what he could use to get out of this situation. Wresting the clamps from the demoness was going to be a brutal but necessary option.

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