One thing that always amazed Clyde was just how good food looked in anime. While it mostly portrayed Japanese food, other countries weren't left out of the mix. The same couldn't be said for Lot City—it clearly mirrored anime Tokyo or some other major city. Clyde once read a brochure that revealed strange foods he never heard of—but that was to be expected of this dimension. Original food.

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However, for this lunch, the duo ate from a variety of Japanese food including onigiri, takoyaki, and a few other selections.

Despite the cool cloudy day, the forest less than a few meters away, made him feel uneasy. Fortunately for him, Harumi was there like the ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Or Maybe ice cream of a hot summer day. The duo sat on towels of course—nobody wanted bare ass nor underwear on benches.

They talked for at least an hour after the meal, learning more about each other. Clyde was careful not to mention anything about the pink-haired girl's family. She talked about goals and even cooking school.

He nodded approvingly.

"You're the best cook I've ever met," he said truthfully, mentally apologizing to his momma. "You've got to teach me sometime."

Clyde knew how to follow directions but that wasn't the same as being a great cook. Anyone could look up a recipe from the internet and follow the instructions. Chefs can make miracles and have those miracles dance upon the customer's tongue.

"You're just saying that," Harumi said, blushing. She turned away but didn't look at the forest. Good. He wasn't the only one.

"Have I ever once turned down your cooking?" Clyde said. "Like I said, best I've ever had."

She gave him a million dollar, maybe poster girl smile, then suddenly caught the young man off guard with a kiss. She moved in on him, while stroking his horn, eyes longing, maybe predatory. The other half of Harumi. Just thinking about how he was about to nestled all over Harumi tripled, maybe quadrupled the strength of his erection. This side of the girl spawned out of nowhere, sometimes in front of others.

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Like sitting on his lap, knowing he'd get a massive boner or the time when she spent the night at his place, crawled in his blankets. They went at it for maybe three hours, switching positions and even apartments. The women of this dimension were turning him into some kind of sex fiend, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy every moment of it. He counted his blessings that Natalia didn't try him. He'd board up his room door and call the cops on her.

Harumi pulled open his robe first. He followed up, revealing the goldmine of breasts. His erection became steel. And to think he tried to avoid her on the first day they've met. Strange, because Chika was the last person, he would've thought to turn out to be a yandere. Silver-haired characters were the dangerous ones—he should've remembered that from certain RPGs.

Clyde laid Harumi onto the table and gleefully took in a mouthful of breasts.

"I think it's time for you to eat your second meal," Harumi said and before he knew it, she guided his head all the way to her treasure. The scent of soaps and hot springs still outlined it. He obliged. The second his tongue took the first long lick, Harumi clutched him tight with her legs, convulsed, and came on his face. It splashed too—putting anime and perhaps the darker side of anime's logic to the test.

Clyde sat up and gave her a blank stare. She smiled weakly.

"You finished your meal too quickly."

"Oh really?" Clyde said as he wiped his face with a nearby towel. Holy shit that was a lot, he thought. "Well, there's no harm in going for seconds."

He sat her up in a reverse cowgirl position. She, however, took control of the ride and the two danced a waltzed that rocked the picnic table.

"This is what you'll miss if you keep ignoring me," Harumi said, bucking triple speed. Clyde felt the climax near. She leaned back and met him with a kiss. Then the pink-haired girl took it to the next level, slipping her tongue inside his mouth.

The young man never experienced much of tongue kisses until Chika got him. Ecstasy and bliss overtook him. The thrust went on for forty-five minutes until they switched positions. Clyde took control of the ride on top. He watched Harumi's breasts bounce—just looking at them seemed to double his hardening.

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[Desu, I can't believe I'm doing this, but congratulations, you have unlocked a new system. Libido Power. You gain special benefits for having intimacy with women. Your benefits will double for wives.

Sex will increase a form of power within you called spirit energy or Ki. Building up this power will enable you to unleash powerful attacks, perform normally unattainable special abilities, contain a second, Ki-based, ultimate attack, integrate Ki with your combat style and martial arts and much more as you adjust to the system.

Let it be known that each partner house elements which will incorporate into some of your skills or even form temporary skills, even if the element isn't already apart of you. You also must try new things in the bedroom or the Ki inside will eventually lose interest. Your partner will most likely decide when she's ready for that.

Harumi's elements are: Life, Lightning, and Heart. You will earn + 1 to each after climaxing. Kissing passionately can sometimes increase a single stat, but sexual encounters guarantee an increase to all elements. Build them up to their max, even overflow, to have special advantages over your enemies. You are the only one able to use this system.]

Clyde almost released into Harumi, but pushed against her iron-like hold to unload into the air. She climaxed all over his stomach. They both panted, she rested on top of him, smile on her face. It looked victorious.

[Ki increased! Life is at 1. Lightning is at 1. Heart is at 1.]

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[Life will slightly increase your regeneration and improve fatigue, as well as bodily problems.]

[Lightning. You will have an electrical edge on some of your attacks. You do not have enough to fire bolts of electricity or lightning nor will you be able to take advantage of the super-speed boost.]

[Heart. Increase to composure and the ability to maintain calm. This can also heal mental fatigue. This stat will slightly reduce strain when accessing your true power.]

[Let it be known that increasing various Ki stats will enable you to access true powers and secret powers without relying on rage. Rage can cause you to make mistakes. So be nice to these women, desu.]

Harumi softly kissed Clyde. He accepted it, while baffled at the freaking brand new system that merged into his power pool. Seriously? He…he didn't know how to react. Power through sex…Definitely a trope there.

"I…don't mind if you cum inside."

He said nothing. Everyone talked during the heat of intimacy or during the post-climax. Women still felt it much longer than men.

After the two caught their breath, they donned robes then headed back. Little did they know, something greedily watched, drooling with excitement. It flew back into the forest, wings buzzing.

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Large House somewhere in Lot City….

Maki untied the helpless girl as they both climaxed, though she took it a step further and did it on her prey's face. This wasn't enough. She needed him. A man capable of resisting her. So much she could do to him or have done to her. He could leash her, make her swallow while upside down, or even take it from a strap-on. Nah, she couldn't bring herself to violate a man like that. No, she wanted to be the one violated—even caught off guard, thrown into a closet and ravished for all she was worth.

Maki realized she was drooling, but the other woman, her pathetic prey seemed too dazed to notice. The party idea failed due to that slut Alice. She'd worry about that later. Her fan club had orders to corner the bitch and pound her into obedience, any style, or even at the same time.

For now, she needed to take action. Enough waiting around, she was going to try. He had to be alone sometime. Maybe she'd ask Naomi of his usual whereabouts. That broke journalist would be more than happy to take her job. Follow Clyde, find out where he lived or hung out, then leave the rest to Maki. Immediate payment—enough money to live without working for two months.

She felt herself going wet again, just thinking about Clyde's thrust. Strong, powerful, ruthless. He was the only man she'd allow inside of her. The only one who'd not act like some obedient mind-controlled zombie. Oh this, oh that—why were men such idiots?

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