Chapter 18 – Little Red Riding Hood figured it out

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When Little Red Riding Hood woke up, she was in a luxurious ward. It was so luxurious that she even thought that she was in a five-star hotel if it wasn’t for the fact that a nurse happened to check on her.

    “Are you awake?” The beautiful nurse sister stood at the head of the bed and smiled sweetly as she looked at the awakened Little Red Riding Hood.

    “Is this a hospital?” Little Red Riding Hood was still a little confused.

    “Yes.” Sister Nurse simply checked the status of Little Red Riding Hood and happily announced, “Your oxygen level is back to normal and you also don’t have any serious burn injury. You can be discharged after you wake up.”

    “Sister Nurse, may I ask you? Where is the person who was sent along with me?” Little Red Riding Hood still thinks about Brother Wolf and doesn’t know if he is dead or not.

    “You mean Mr. Hui Lang?”

    “Yes, yes!” Little Red Riding Hood nodded frantically.

    “Mr. Hui Lang is in the room.” Sister Nurse said.

    “In the room?” Little Red Riding Hood looked around. In this room, there were sofas, refrigerators, coffee tables, and safes, but there was no Brother Wolf.

    “This is the living room, the room is over there.” Sister Nurse pointed to the door to the side and explained thoughtfully, “This is Mr. Hui Lang’s exclusive ward. Because there are no vacant beds in the ward outside, Mr. Hui Lang especially prepared an extra bed for you in the living room.”

    “Oh, hehe…” Of course, he even has his own exclusive ward. Indeed poverty limits my imagination.

    “Since you’re awake, I’ll push this bed away. After all, it’s unsightly to put it here.”

    “Hehehe…” Sister Nurse, although what you said didn’t sound bad, but what’s wrong with the bed I sleep on? Is it unsightly? The exclusive ward sure is amazing, you can’t even put a bed in the living room? With a place like this even enough to rent it out to a group of tenant.

    By the time Little Red Riding Hood was completely ready, the nurse sister had already pushed the bed and left Brother Wolf’s exclusive ward.

    Little Red Riding Hood had nothing to do and planned to visit Brother Wolf, so she walked over and knocked on the door.

    “Come in.” Brother Wolf actually didn’t sleep.

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    Little Red Riding Hood pushed the door unceremoniously and entered. Brother Wolf was reading a book under a warm light. After hearing the footsteps, Brother Wolf raised his eyes slightly and turned his head. She noticed that on the pale eyes, the long eyelashes trembled slightly. Without the layers of hairspray, his soft hair was down, making Brother Wolf seem a lot gentler.

    She didn’t truly notice it before, but it turns out that Brother Wolf is a real beauty.

    “Awake?” Brother Wolf saw that Little Red Riding Hood was still standing at the door, looking dazed. He couldn’t help but speak out first.

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    “Ah, um.” What are you doing, Little Red Riding Hood? Have you forgotten that this person is a pervert? What gentle, it’s all false, false!

    “You still don’t leave when you wake up, do you have something to tell me?” Brother Wolf closed the book in his hand and put it on the bedside table.

    When Brother Wolf put the book, his body twisted slightly, and the snow-white gauze on his shoulders was suddenly exposed to the light.

    “You…you you you…” Little Red Riding Hood walked over, shocked.

    Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood in surprise.

    “You’re injured! Ha, you deserve it!” Little Red Riding Hood said with anger in her heart, gloating over his misfortune.

    “Heh…” Brother Wolf suddenly laughed, “Then I can say the same for you since you were in a coma.”

    “I did it to save you.” Little Red Riding Hood argued, “even with your self-confidence and stubbornness. Can you search for such selfless acts anywhere?”

    “For the fifth time. That’s five times in total you have prevented me from committing suicide. Five times.” Brother Wolf said.

    “If you know it, can’t you just stop?” Little Red Riding Hood was so tired, she has been in the fire and water, and she also has two hot searches on Weibo. It’s definitely not easy for her.

    “From childhood to adulthood, everything I do has been very smooth.” Brother Wolf suddenly began to show off, “When other parents were still worried about how to teach their children a language, I already learned English, French, and German. Three languages at the same time. I don’t need to take the grade test. I learn the piano as a hobby, and I still play the piano better than the piano students in our school. I sleep in class every day but always got first place in the exam. I don’t need to sit for the college entrance examination. The letters from the university have already filled my mailbox, just waiting for me. After graduating from university, everyone else has to find a job, so I just go home and inherit the family business. Some people say that I rely on my parents to create my success and just annexed my parents’ company.”

    Brother, isn’t this the standard male character set in the brain-damaged Mary Sue comics?

    “But suicide?” Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood, “I was stopped five times by a mad woman.”

    “Just go to a psychiatrist and see who is crazy.”

    “I’m complimenting you.”

    “What?” Little Red Riding Hood thought she had heard it wrong.

    “The five suicides are all random thoughts, but you can always appear in time and successfully prevent it, although it’s very strange…”

    “That…that’s a coincidence.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly felt guilty. Although the company would prepare a reason for her sudden appearance in front of Brother Wolf, but with so many coincidences, there is no guarantee that he will not have a suspicion.

    “But anyway, you showed me your abilities.”

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    Ability? Why was it confirmed all of a sudden? She was a little excited about what he wanted to say next.

    “So I decided to give you a chance.” Brother Wolf said.

    “No, you just going to tell me to treat you on the spot again.” Little Red Riding Hood would not be cheated the second time, but even if it was the second time, she would have to continue if he ask her. Sometimes life is so fucked up, that it just blatantly smacks you, but you have to still be content. So does it human nature to be masochistic?

    “I’ll give you a month this time.” Brother Wolf said suddenly.

    “What did you say?” My ears aren’t very good today, why do I always think I heard it wrong?

    “One month, with your treatment.” Brother Wolf repeated.



    “If you go back on it, you’ll never die, okay?” Little Red Riding Hood felt that she was too witty.

    “…” This refreshing and refined contract binding clause, even Brother Wolf was speechless.

    “Pull the hook!” Little Red Riding Hood struck while the iron was hot. She stretched out his little finger and hooked it with hers ecstatically.

    So childish? Although he was naive, he always had to abide by the decisions he made. Brother Wolf covered his face and stretched out his little finger, hooked up with Little Red Riding Hood, and said helplessly, “No change is allowed within a hundred years..(1) “

    “Huh? Why are you so childish? You still recite such lines?” Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t help laughing.

    Brother Wolf: “…”

    He suddenly wanted to die again. Does he inhale too much of the smoke before?

    But no matter what, they have pinky-promised each other. Little Red Riding Hood happily went home to change clothes. Brother Wolf leaned on the bed, constantly comforting himself, only one month, only one month…

    The next morning, Little Red Riding Hood dressed up with a radiant face, the joy on her face. As long as people are not blind, they can see it.

    “Are you in love?” Bai Xue couldn’t help asking.

    “Tsk! How is that possible?” Little Red Riding Hood denied it.

    “Woman, suddenly start to dress up, the face is full of love, and your eyes also look like the peach are blossoming. As long as someone is not blind, everyone will know that you are in love.” Cao Nuo also said.

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    “What nonsense are you talking about?” Little Red Riding Hood was puzzled. “People like us who are terminally ill and have to earn their life points are not qualified to fall in love.”

    “Are we not?” Xiao Ming suddenly became unhappy. “Then what should I do? I just became an adult this year, and I plan to go to college to fall in love.”

    “From a legal point of view, only death can deprive you of your rights, so as long as you’re not dead, you can do anything,” said lawyer Wu.

    “Then I’m relieved.” Xiao Ming suddenly felt relieved.

    “Xiao Ming, let me give you a piece of advice. Don’t be too eager to give up the entire forest for one tree.” Cao Nuo took the opportunity to teach.

    “What nonsense are you talking about?” Bai Xue took the opportunity to teach, “Xiao Ming, listen to your sister. When you are in love, you must find a girl you like and treats her wholeheartedly.”

    “At the same time, you need to consider the risks.” Wu Ge said, ” For example, if the person he likes doesn’t like him. He has never been able to find a girl he likes, and he doesn’t like any of those who like him.”

    “Will…will it be that bad?” Xiao Ming was confused.

    “According to scientific analysis…”

    “Shut up!” The three of them roared collectively, seriously doubting whether this lawyer was emotionally frustrated.

    “Okay, let’s get down to business, you are in such a good mood today, have you made progress with Brother Wolf?” Bai Xue looked at Little Red Riding Hood.

    This sounds a bit ambiguous.

    “That’s right.” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t think deeply, “Brother Wolf finally agreed to cooperate with me in the treatment.”

    “Oh, congratulations, congratulations.” The crowd applauded sparsely.

    “However, the reason why I am so happy is that I figured it out myself.” Little Red Riding Hood winked mischievously.

    “What did you figure out?” Bai Xue asked.

    “Anyway, the terminal illness can’t be cured, and the old dean doesn’t give advance salary or change the task target. I can only kowtow to the Wolf Brother. Making moves is dangerous and not making moves is also dangerous. I should live happily. It doesn’t matter if I succeed or not,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

    “Are you going to give up Brother Wolf? Then you’re happy with the rest…” Cao Nuo counted, “Twenty-five days.”

    “She has no money, so what can she do to be happy?” Wu Ge said.

    Are you guys the devil? Everyone stared at Wu Ge, but he didn’t care and calmly ate the buns.

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    “Who said I have no money.” Little Red Riding Hood slapped the table, “I am super rich now.”

    “Oh??” Everyone looked over in puzzlement.

    Little Red Riding Hood stepped on the stool: “Have you forgotten my mission goal? Brother Wolf, the pervert who has ranked in the top ten of the world’s richest people for five consecutive years.”

    Although it is not Little Red Riding Hood who was rich, nobody said she can’t ‘take’ some.

    “I have decided that for the remaining twenty-five days, food, drink, and play, not only will he pay, but he will also pay me.”

    Everyone thought of Brother Wolf’s celebrity-like appearance and instantly understand.

    “There are indeed a lot of idiot fans on the Internet, but please sleep with Brother Wolf, and die without regrets. Our Little Red Riding Hood is about to make it happen.” Bai Xue sighed.

    “That’s right!” Little Red Riding Hood said viciously, “If he doesn’t give up on suicide on the last day, I will rape him and die on his bed. I’ll see who can stop me then, ahahahaha…”

    “Admiration, admiration “

    “Vicious, vicious.”

    “Talent, talent.”

    “This is my business card.” Wu Ge was very unintuitive.

    “Why?” Little Red Riding Hood wondered.

    “Maybe Brother Wolf needs a lawyer.”

    Little Red Riding Hood twitched.

    “Don’t worry, within twenty-five days, I won’t reveal your plan.” Wu Ge added.

    Little Red Riding Hood took the business card with a guilty conscience.


1. There’s a rhyme to go with the pinky promise: 拉钩上吊,一百年不许变. Lā gōu shàng dià, yì bǎi nián bù xǔ biàn.

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