Chapter 20 – Day 1

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    “Okay, I’ve explained the treatment plan.” Little Red Riding Hood stared at Brother Wolf with a marker in her hand, “So, Brother Wolf, what do you want to do today?”

    “This is the beginning?” Brother Wolf said unexpectedly.

    “It’s only twenty-five days in total. If the treatment plan fails after twenty-five days, then today will be the first day for the remaining of your life, so hurry up,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

    The first day of the remaining of my life? Thinking of the countdown to the rest of his life, Brother Wolf suddenly understood all the boring stuff in this world. There seems to be a wonderful sense of finally about to leave and so he no longer felt as demanding as before.

    “I don’t have anything in particular that I want to do, and I don’t have anything I particularly dislike.” Brother Wolf said casually, “Let’s just forget about death today.”

    “Yes!” Little Red Riding Hood, you are a genius.

    “You seem very happy?” Brother Wolf always felt that Little Red Riding Hood today was a little different from what he had seen before.

    “Uh…?” Oops, she accidentally being too obvious, “It’s like this, although you don’t have anything special you want to do, your willingness to accept my treatment plan is already the biggest thing for me. Successfully encouraging you is my greatest honor.”

    “Did you get your brain damaged by the smoke? Suddenly become so hypocritical?” Brother Wolf asked.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

    “…” Little Red Riding Hood held back her anger and hypnotized herself for a while before she forced a smile, “According to the previous agreement, if you don’t have anything special you want to do, Brother Wolf, then you must follow my arrangement. What I choose, you just have to follow, okay?”

    “Okay.” Brother Wolf has always been a man of his word, “I also want to see how someone like you, who has an infinite nostalgia for life, lives in a world that is different from mine.”

    “Then I’ll show you.” Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes flashed, and she turned around and quickly began to write on the tablet.

    Day 1: Go fishing with Little Red Riding Hood.

    Two hours later.

    Above the endless sea, under the clear sky, a white luxury yacht floats quietly between the sky and the earth.

    “So, we’re going to fish here for a day?” Brother Wolf wore sunglasses and looked at someone whose face was flushed from the sun.

    “Forget about fishing, have you brought sunscreen?” It’s really a misstep. I don’t have time to prepare for anything when I go out today., My poor delicate skin.

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    “Why do you need to bring sunscreen when fishing?” Brother Wolf said deliberately.

    “Prevent sunburn,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

    “Oh, I’ve never been sunburned before. I guess you’re the only one who will get sunburned then.” Brother Wolf gloated.

    This person must have done it on purpose. Through the sunglasses, Little Red Riding Hood could feel his sinister gaze.

    “It’s not too early, should we start treatment?” Brother Wolf suddenly asked for treatment.

    Little Red Riding Hood looked at the golden sun outside, gritted her teeth, and stomped her feet before she felt better. Little Red Riding Hood walked out with a fishing rod that was set with a big fishing hook. She set up a small bench with a distance of one meter from Brother Wolf, and then… took out her mobile phone.

    “Kacha, Kacha…”

    From another angle,

    “Kacha, Kacha…”

    Although the sun was harmfully bright, the color of the pictures was unexpectedly beautiful. Continue…

    “Kacha, Kacha…”

    Brother Wolf looked at her in a speechless manner. Someone who is taking a selfie, silently fishing by his side.

    “Why don’t you move?” Little Red Riding Hood has almost done taking the pictures when she suddenly turned to look at someone who was standing still.

    Brother Wolf turned his head and looked at Little Red Riding Hood through his sunglasses: “What did you say?”

    “Didn’t we agree? What I do, you must do it too.” Little Red Riding Hood shook her phone and said, “So if I take a selfie, you will naturally take a selfie too.”

    “…” Brother Wolf raised his hand and took off his sunglasses. With the sunglasses off and without the cover of the filter, the woman’s sinister expression was much clearer.

    “You don’t want to break your promise, right?” Little Red Riding Hood raised her eyebrows.

    It turned out that he was waiting for me. Who was he afraid of?

    Brother Wolf put on his sunglasses again, took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and clicked seven or eight shots just like Little Red Riding Hood just now. After taking the photo, Brother Wolf impatiently put down the phone.

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    “Wait…” Little Red Riding Hood rushed over, “Show me the photo.”

    “As you wish!” Brother Wolf handed the phone to Little Red Riding Hood nonchalantly.

    “Tsk tsk, tsk tsk… unqualified.” Little Red Riding Hood shook his head.

    “Where is it unqualified?” It was the first time in his life that he was evaluated as unqualified.

    “Look, I’m using a beauty filter camera, but you’re using the basic camera that comes with the phone, so the pictures that come out will feel different. Also, you don’t have a beauty filter camera on your phone?? Oh my god, how can I let you be, I’ll help you next time.” Little Red Riding Hood downloaded a beauty filter camera on Brother Wolf’s phone without authorization, and then showed off the photo she had just taken as a reference for Brother Wolf, “And this, for the last two pictures, I pouted and used a cute rabbit emoji.”

    “Pouting??” Brother Wolf resisted the urge to explode and asked through gritted teeth.

    Why did the temperature suddenly turn cold?

    “Rabbit emoji?”

    “Ahaha…you don’t need to pout, little rabbits are not suitable for you brother wolf. Why don’t you use the emoji of the big bad wolf, mighty and domineering, hehehe…” Little Red Riding Hood’s survival instinct struck just in time.

    Brother Wolf stared at Little Red Riding Hood for half a minute and saw that Little Red Riding Hood was sweating.

    What are you afraid of, Little Red Riding Hood? If you don’t go crazy, you’ll die!

    “Healing, this is all for healing you…” Little Red Riding Hood said firmly.

    Brother Wolf is worthy of being a real man who is hard to chase. He took back his mobile phone and used the beauty filter camera to adjust and take a few pictures of himself. In the end, he also added an emoji of a big bad wolf.

    “Okay?” Brother Wolf asked.

    “Okay.” Sure enough, Brother Wolf who was photographed by the beauty filter camera looked more gentle. Although the wolf brother is still handsome under the high-definition cameras, his imposing manner is just too compelling.

    Seeing that certain someone had finally stopped bothering him, Brother Wolf turned around and continued fishing.

    “Then next, it’s time to post on the Moments (like Story on Instagram).” Little Red Riding Hood said, and she open the picture to edit it. Just as she was about to add text to the picture, Brother Wolf suddenly stood up.

    “What are you doing?” Little Red Riding Hood was startled.

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    “Friend…friend…circle?” Brother Wolf asked word by word.

    “Ah, isn’t the photo taken just to post to a circle of friends?” Little Red Riding Hood asked, “Or, you don’t have a circle of friends?”

    How could Brother Wolf have no circle of friends? He just never post on Moments before.

    “It’s very simple, just line up the photos just now, and then add a sentence, just like me.” Little Red Riding Hood said and showed the Moments post that she just sent to Brother Wolf.

    (Going fishing on a yacht, so happy…) Followed by happy emojis, and below are nine women’s faces with pouting mouths.

    Blue veins jumped on Brother Wolf’s forehead, especially wanting to kick someone down.

    “It’s your turn.” Little Red Riding Hood blinked her eyes and smiled cutely, “You need to cooperate with the treatment.”

    He must have had a brain attack before when he agreed to let this crazy woman treat him.

    “Don’t you feel ashamed?” Brother Wolf struggled with his feelings.

    “Shame? How could it be?” Little Red Riding Hood said nonchalantly, “Besides, I’m dying anyway, so what’s the use of that shame!”

    Are you mocking yourself? Or is it a deliberately offensive method? Is it like “if you don’t follow it, it’s proven that you really want to die”? Think positive!

    Brother Wolf immediately took out his mobile phone, swiped, and sent it out just like Little Red Riding Hood just now.

    Suddenly, thousands of waves were aroused.

    President XX: Is it truly Brother Wolf?

    CEO of XX: Hehe, Brother Wolf and the emoji match very well.

    Close friend XX: Brother wolf, you did not take the wrong medicine, right?

    Another close friend XX: Could it be that your depression has mutated?

    Subordinate of XX: Could it be that the Huihuang Group is going to go bankrupt?

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    Classmate XX: I can’t believe, Brother Wolf actually posted on the Moments! Share.. share it with the alumni group.

    Unknown person XX: Oh my god, a world-renowned entrepreneur, suspected of being out of the closet (people thought he’s gay, lol), likes cute avatars.


    Take a deep breath, take a deep breath again, continue to take a deep breath… It’s been a long time since I was so fucking out of breath.

    “Brother Wolf, drink water.” Little Red Riding Hood saw that Brother Wolf didn’t look so good, so she took out two bottles of ice water and gave one to Brother Wolf.

    Brother Wolf ignores it.

    Little Red Riding Hood wasn’t fazed, she sat down and went fishing, keep fishing, and continue fishing… Fishing is so boring, why do the big guys on TV like to go fishing, what’s the point? ??

    After an hour.

    The dizzy Little Red Riding Hood put away the fishing rod: “Brother Wolf, let’s go back.”

    “Go back?” Brother Wolf sneered.

    “Yeah, it’s almost the same. The fish was caught, the photos were taken, and the circle of friends was posted. Feels like we are truly alive.” Little Red Riding Hood said.

    “We set off at ten o’clock, it is just three o’clock in the afternoon. We agreed that today’s itinerary is to go fishing, you can’t go anywhere before it’s dark.” Brother Wolf asked back, “You don’t want to cooperate with the treatment?”

    Little Red Riding Hood dared to conclude that if she say no right now, she will not be able to do anything in the next twenty-four days.

    “You’re right, I need to cooperate with the treatment.” Little Red Riding Hood smiled and sat back on the small bench, and then accompanied Brother Wolf bitterly in the sun all afternoon. She felt like she almost got burned alive.

    This is not what I imagined!!!!!!

    The author has something to say: I saw a little angel (her fan) leaving a message saying that they didn’t want to live anymore, and the scared crab woke up from drowsiness.

    Don’t think too much. Brother Wolf said only those who are richer than him are allowed to commit suicide. Brother Wolf is the top ten richest people in the world. Let’s do an asset evaluation first. If you can’t compare to him, better go back to receive treatment.

    PS: I suddenly feel that this name is not auspicious, why don’t I change it to something like “Attack of Little Red Riding Hood” or “You Never Die”?

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