Chapter 24 – Death is coming

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 Emeilia  The Attack of Little Red Riding Hood  September 11, 2022 9 Minutes

Bianhua Hospice, breakfast time.

    Today’s breakfast is soup dumplings and seafood porridge1. Every person will get the same amount of food. One basket of soup dumplings, and one bowl of seafood porridge for each person. It is very enjoyable to eat, of course, except for Little Red Riding Hood.

    “Sure enough, the seafood porridge is delicious.” Xiao Ming praised.

    “The soup dumpling is also good.” Cao Nuo added.

    “Why don’t you eat Little Red Riding Hood?” Bai Xue looked strangely at Little Red Riding Hood who didn’t drink a single mouthful of porridge.

    “The doctor said that if I want to have a face, I can’t eat seafood anymore.” Little Red Riding Hood wondered, “What a coincidence, today we also eat seafood porridge here.”

    “I saw that you posted delicious food in the circle of friends yesterday, and they all looked good. So I asked the kitchen staff to cook it today.” Cao Nuo envied, “Little Red Riding Hood, must be fun doing this task. Riding a yacht and eating a luxurious meal, this task is comfortable.”

    “Brother Wolf is such a pervert. If you like it then take it from Little Red Riding Hood.” Bai Xue said.

    “I thought so too, but it’s too late for me to take it now.” Cao Nuo said, “Little Red Riding Hood has only 23 days of HP left. If the task is transferred in the middle, she still can’t take on new missions. Doesn’t she have to wait for death then? I think it’s better for her to stay in her current state and continue eating and drinking. Just enjoy and follow the flow.”

    “I still have to change Brother Wolf.” Xiao Ming reminded.

    “Yes, yes, this must not be forgotten.” Cao Nuo said excitedly, “Otherwise, you will lose a lot of money. Do you know how many women in the country want to sleep with Brother Wolf?”

    “But please sleep with the big bad wolf.” Xiao Ming took his phone out. He browsed through the comment under the report about Brother Wolf and said, “Why are women so hungry for him anyway? If we men say this, we will definitely get scolded for sexual harassment.” Xiao Ming stood up.

    “What’s wrong with you, Little Red Riding Hood? I don’t think you’re in a good mood today.” Bai Xue worried, “Did the lobster allergy not heal yesterday?

    “No.” Little Red Riding Hood said sadly, “My plan to eat, drink and play is probably going to go to fail.”

    “Why is that?” Everyone looked over curiously.

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    In this way, Little Red Riding Hood recalculated the account that Brother Wolf gave her in the car yesterday to all of them, and finally concluded: “In a word, I can’t spend more than 12,000 yuan per day in the future.”

    “Actually, 12,000 yuan (1737.54 USD) is quite a lot.” Cao Nuo said the truth.

    “What’s more, it costs hundreds of thousands to buy a piece of clothes from me.” Bai Xue said.

    “You are too embarrassed to say that you scam your customers with a high price for a piece of cloth.” Cao Nuo said contemptuously.

    “What’s wrong with me selling what I designed? If you want to say it like that, then Wu Ge who earned tens of millions with just a few words is an even bigger scammer than me .”

    “If you need to pay me to file a lawsuit in the future, I will let you know what my payment rate is.” Wu Ge said solemnly.

    “No, no, I can’t afford it, I can’t afford it.” To ask him for help in a lawsuit would be a lot of bad luck.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

    “Actually, this problem is not a problem at all.” Xiao Ming pondered for a while and said, “Brother Wolf is saying that if his illness is not cured, he will claim additional consumption from you, but if his illness is not cured, then you will die. Is there any point in pondering about paying back the money by then?”

    “What a crow’s mouth (t/n: someone who made auspicious remarks), how do you know that the mission of Little Red Riding Hood will fail.” Bai Xue quickly cut off the conversation, “I see the progress in the past two days. There’s hope that maybe within 25 days, the task will be successfully completed.”

    “Then it’s better if the disease is cured, and the money will not need to be returned.” Xiao Ming said again.

    “But it’s not for Little Red Riding Hood to decide whether the disease is cured or not.” Wu Ge finished his breakfast and put down his chopsticks and said, “Little Red Riding Hood should be worried that even if the disease is cured, Brother Wolf can say that his disease is not cured, such as occasionally he still wants to commit suicide just because he wants to ask Little Red Riding Hood to compensate for the loss.”

    “Yes, yes, if I don’t die and owe a debt, it will be uncomfortable.” Little Red Riding Hood immediately echoed, this big lawyer is different. He explained everything in just one sentence.

    “No way, Brother Wolf, that young president, would do such a rogue thing?” Bai Xue didn’t believe it.

    “Knowing people, knowing faces, but not hearts(t/n:  one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature). He told me yesterday that the reason why he was able to get rich was that he never allowed others to take a dime from him. This rich man, the richer he is, the more stingy he is, not to mention that he is still a sick man. Perverted.” Little Red Riding Hood gave evidence, “You say, what kind of chief executive who went out to eat would deliberately write down the price of each dish.”

    “When you said it like that…” Everyone had a new understanding of Brother Wolf.

    “And even if the mission fails, I’ll die. If you still owe people money in the living world and haven’t paid it back, I don’t know if it will affect my treatment in the underworld after death.” It’s really hard to live and worry, and to die and people still have a grudge. Whether to be a human being or a ghost, both are hard.

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    When everyone heard it, they all agreed. Others don’t know the existence of the underworld, and most are dubious about reincarnation, but the patients here are different, they are basically the staffs of the underworld.

    It’s really hard to say whether or not you will go to hell if you don’t pay back the money you owe after you die.

    “Yeah, what if it affects reincarnation, or… let’s ask the old dean.” Xiao Ming suggested.

    “You crow’s mouth!” Bai Xue couldn’t bear to knock him with chopsticks. This reminded him several times. Why did he imply that Little Red Riding Hood would die every time? Couldn’t he be more positive?

    Xiao Ming covered his head in grievance and did not dare to speak anymore.

    “It’s no use asking.” Wu Ge said, “The old dean will not easily reveal the affairs of the underworld.”

    “That’s right, look how close he is to the old men and ladies in the courtyard who are waiting to die. They play mahjong together every day. But, did he ever tell anyone when they will actually die?” Cao Nuo complained.

    Everyone looked at Cao Nuo together, as if to say, who would want to know such a terrifying thing?

    “He didn’t say it, but he will give a reminder.” Wu Ge suddenly said again.

    “What?” Everyone was shocked, and Cao Nuo was the first to ask, “What kind of reminder?”

    Wu Ge glanced at everyone in disgust. It’s been several years since they came here, and they didn’t notice it at all.

    “Didn’t you realize? Except for playing mahjong and Tai Chi with the old men and women in the hospital, the dean hardly cares about any specific affairs in Bianhua, but occasionally… he will suddenly ask the nurse to contact the family of a certain patient.” Wu Ge said.

    “Wait…” Everyone began to recall, “Six months ago, Grandma Wang’s daughter suddenly asked for a leave and came back from the United States.”

    “Then Grandma Wang died after seeing her daughter again.” Xiao Ming added.

    “Last month, when Grandpa Li’s grandson came to see him, he was about to leave, but the dean insisted that he stay for another day.” Bai Xue also recalled.

    “Then Grandpa Li was gone the next morning,” Cao Nuo added.

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    “And last winter, there was a lot of snow that day. Mr. Qiu’s son was trapped in the train station by the heavy snow, so he had to find a nearby hotel to stay in and plan to come back to see Mr. Qiu the day after.”

    “But then the old dean found Boss Zhang from a company that runs an excavator at home, and asked someone to use the excavator to pick him up.”

    “And of course that night, Mr. Qiu was gone.”

    “Clang!” The chopsticks in Little Red Riding Hood fell to the ground in fright. She said with a pale face: “When you listen to this, it feels like death is truly coming.”

    “He was originally The Death himself.” Wu Ge reminded expressionlessly.

    “…” Although you are right, the old dean is indeed a judge of the underworld, and a more foreign name can indeed be called the God of Death, but it sounds so terrifying.

    Originally, his image in Little Red Riding Hood’s heart was at most just a rogue old man, but now… Little Red Riding Hood didn’t dare to call him the old man anymore.

    During the breakfast, although there are various topics raised, Little Red Riding Hood still received some insights. Since the underworld is real, and the old dean will make a death call, then the cycle of karma must also be true.

    So, Little Red Riding Hood decided to stop taking advantage of Brother Wolf starting from today onward. In fact, what Cao Nuo said was right, 12,000 a day was enough for her. At most, she could delete private jets, luxury cruises, and travel around the world from her wish list.

    Still a little heartache!

    “What’s the matter with you?” Brother Wolf asked in a very rare way when he saw Little Red Riding Hood holding the board with a heartbroken expression on her face.

    “It’s nothing, hehe… That, Brother Wolf, today is the third day, is there anything you want to do or don’t want to do?” Little Red Riding Hood asked routinely.

    Brother Wolf touched his chin, glanced at Little Red Riding Hood, and said slowly, “Yes!”

    “Huh?” Little Red Riding Hood was so surprised that she couldn’t control her facial expressions.

    “You don’t seem very happy.” Brother Wolf asked meaningfully.

    “No, no, I’m so shocked, I didn’t expect the treatment to be effective in just two days.” Little Red Riding Hood said with “heartfelt” joy, “Then may I ask, Brother Wolf, what do you most want to do now?”

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    “I don’t have anything I want to do.”


    “But I think of something that I hate.” Brother Wolf added without waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to finish.

    “Hate it? It’s okay to hate it, what do you hate?” Little Red Riding Hood asked curiously.

    “Being lost in thoughts.” Brother Wolf spit out those words in a noble and glamorous way.

    Blinking, blinking again, Little Red Riding Hood blinked and blinked for a long time, and still asked a little uncertainly: “You mean, daydream?”

    “Well.” Brother Wolf calmly nodded.

    “All day?”

    “Yes.” Brother Wolf continued to nod his head.

    “Okay.” This guy definitely wants to piss me off. Little Red Riding Hood wrote on the writing board with a sad face:

    Day 3: Daydreaming with Little Red Riding Hood.


1. Soup dumpling and seafood congee:

Got hot soup in there

they add a bunch of seafood to the congee

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