Chapter 33 – The misunderstood Brother Wolf

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People said that going down the mountain is much easier than going up the mountain, but it was the opposite for Brother Wolf. It was much more painful in his knee when going down the mountain than when going up the mountain.

    The bodyguards suggested carrying Brother Wolf down the mountain several times, but Brother Wolf waved his hand and refused. He insisted on walking down step by step with his own legs, even if he was sweating profusely while enduring the pain in both of his legs.

    Brother Wolf finally got on the wheelchair pushed by the bodyguard only after they rode on the cable car and went down to the foot of the mountain.

    Little Red Riding Hood who watched it the whole time felt both admiration and regret. If she knew that Brother Wolf’s legs were like this, she would not propose to climb the mountain.

    “Here.” Little Red Riding Hood handed Brother Wolf two tissues, wanting him to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

    Brother Wolf seemed to be very tired. He leaned against the back of the chair with his eyes closed tightly. He only glanced at her lightly when he heard Little Red Riding Hood’s voice, and then closed his eyes again, obviously not having the strength to pay attention to Little Red Riding Hood.

    He seems really tired.

    Little Red Riding Hood pondered for a while and had no choice but to help Brother Wolf wipe the sweat with a tissue.

    The moment the tissue fell on his forehead, Brother Wolf’s closed eyes suddenly opened again, dark-black eyes looking straight into Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes.

    “I…that…you’re sweating all over your body, I’ll wipe it for you to prevent you from catching a cold.” Little Red Riding Hood explained with a dry smile.

    “Continue.” Brother Wolf said suddenly.


    “Wipe the sweat.” Brother Wolf said.

    “Oh.” Little Red Riding Hood had to obediently continue to wipe the sweat for Brother Wolf, but this time, Brother Wolf did not close his eyes, and he kept staring straight at Little Red Riding Hood, who was embarrassed and blushed.

    Damn, my whole life I have never been stared at by a man that intensely, let alone by a good-looking man.

    The more Little Red Riding Hood thought about it, the redder her face became.

    This woman is thinking about something again. He visibly saw her neck reddened and it made him feel irritated.

    “Okay.” After finally wiping off the sweat, Little Red Riding Hood straightened up and asked worriedly, “Is there really no need to go to the hospital?”

    “No, just go back and soak in hot water.” Brother Wolf said.

    “Really?” Little Red Riding Hood looked down at Brother Wolf’s legs, even though he was already sitting in the car but his legs were still trembling slightly.

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    “Even if I’m lying, what can you do?” Brother Wolf looked at Little Red Riding Hood with interest.

    “Uh…” Little Red Riding Hood froze for a moment and said, “If your legs still have not recovered when I come tomorrow, I’ll take you to the hospital.”

    “What if I don’t go?” Brother Wolf asked again.

    “You…” Is he a three-year-old child? No, don’t get angry, hold back, hold back.

    Little Red Riding Hood adjusted her expression and persuaded with a smile on her face: “Brother Wolf, you can’t joke about your body. If you don’t want to go to the hospital, I can ask the doctor to come to your house. You should go or I will be worried.”

    You will be worried? You’re going to worry about something that doesn’t concern you?

    Brother Wolf arrogantly turned his head and closed his eyes again. As for whether to go to the hospital or not, he didn’t give Little Red Riding Hood a definite answer in the end.

    Little Red Riding Hood gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do about Brother Wolf. Despite that, she was still afraid that her suggestion will be the reason that ruin the legs that Brother Wolf had managed to cure, so she could only use her mobile phone to quietly send a message to the bodyguard walking in the front: (Bodyguard brother, go back and contact Brother Wolf’s doctor.)

    Bodyguard A in the front passenger seat glanced at his phone, then glanced at Mr. Lang, who closed his eyes and rested, before nodding to Little Red Riding Hood.

    Little Red Riding Hood was relieved.

    It takes about two and a half hours to drive from Mountain Maier to the city. Brother Lang had his eyes closed as he rested the whole way. He didn’t realize it since when he fell asleep. Meanwhile, at the beginning of the journey, Little Red Riding Hood was still swiping Weibo with her mobile phone, but half an hour later, she also fell asleep until her head slid to the side and rested on Brother Wolf’s shoulder. Even worse, her mouth was open and she almost drooled in her sleep.

    “Ding ding ding…”

    Suddenly her phone rang, waking up Little Red Riding Hood instantly. She took a quick glance at Brother Wolf who was still asleep and answered the phone quickly.

    “It’s Cao Nuo.” Cao Nuo called. Little Red Riding Hood took the phone and moved closer to the window to answer the call in a low voice.

    “Little Red Riding Hood, have you come down from the mountain?” Cao Nuo asked.

    “I’m down.” Little Red Riding Hood looked outside and said, “I will be back in about an hour.”

    “Where are you now?” Cao Nuo asked.

    “Just entering the city, we’re at the section of Jiangnan Road.” Little Red Riding Hood looked at the road sign and said.

    “Jiangnan Road? There is a Huihuang Mall nearby. Get off there and wait for me. I’ll pick you up.” Cao Nuo said enthusiastically.

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    “Are you here to pick me up? Do you have nothing to do?” Although Little Red Riding Hood and Cao Nuo have not known each other for a long time but she had heard a lot of rumors about him. Mr. Cao Nuo, the leader of extras, if he’s not doing any filming or assignments, he will definitely be on a date. What a typical dude.

    At this moment, Brother Wolf, who had been closing his eyes and resting, suddenly moved a few times.

    “I want you to do me a favor.” Cao Nuo laughed, “Please pretend to be my girlfriend for a while.”

    “Be your girlfriend?” Little Red Riding Hood exclaimed in surprise.

    Brother Wolf’s eyes suddenly opened, and he turned his head to look straight at a certain someone who answered the phone behind his back.

    “Alas, I blame myself for being too handsome, a lot of butterflies will always be attracted to me.” Cao Nuo said in distress, “But you also know our situation. We are terminally ill. How can a precarious person fall in love with a girl casually? So I can only sincerely refuse these girls but this one little girl can’t accept my refusal. She must find a better woman than her before giving up.”

    “Usually I will ask Bai Xue for help, but today Bai Xue went to deliver samples of the dress to her ex-boyfriend, and she didn’t have time to come, so I had to trouble you.” Cao Nuo said regretfully, “For everyone’s sake since everyone is a patient. Can you do me a favor?”

    “If you say it, I will agree,” said Little Red Riding Hood arrogantly.

    “Fine, I’ll treat you to a big meal later, the place is yours to choose.” Cao Nuo surrendered when he thought about his current affairs.

    “Then… wait until I come over.” Little Red Riding Hood hung up the phone with a smile, looked up, and said to the bodyguard in the front sit, “Bodyguard brother, can you let me down at the intersection ahead, I have a friend waiting for me in front.”

    ” What friend?” Before bodyguard B could answer Little Red Riding Hood’s question, Brother Wolf asked first.

    “Brother Wolf, you’re awake.” Little Red Riding Hood asked with a smile.

    “You won’t take me back to the apartment?” Brother Wolf asked.

    “I’m sorry, I have a friend waiting somewhere. But it’s not far from your apartment. It’s only about ten minutes away, so I won’t be seeing you there.” Little Red Riding Hood urged, “Brother Wolf, you should rest well after you go home. I am also exhausted from climbing the mountain today.”

    Brother Wolf did not speak, his face was gloomy, and he stared at Little Red Riding Hood with sharp eyes for a long time, until Little Red Riding Hood was restless and guilty.

    “Or… I’ll send you back to write a letter first.” Little Red Riding Hood, who had a strong desire to survive, noticed the subtle change in the atmosphere.

    “Stop.” Brother Wolf said suddenly.

    “Screech…” Bodyguard B braked and the car stopped on the side of the road.

    “Get out of the car.” Brother Wolf said to Little Red Riding Hood.

    “Ah?” Little Red Riding Hood still didn’t respond.

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    “Didn’t you say that a friend is waiting for you?” Brother Wolf said.

    “Oh…then I’m leaving, see you tomorrow.” Although it was inexplicable, it seemed that Brother Wolf agreed, and Little Red Riding Hood stopped thinking about it and got out of the car with her bag.

    After Little Red Riding Hood got out of the car, Brother Wolf stared straight out of the window, watching Little Red Riding Hood take out her mobile phone and call someone, and then he saw a man with oily hair and a pink face stopped in front of Little Red Riding Hood holding a large bouquet of roses, and then that damn woman actually…

    “Drive.” Brother Wolf turned his head and stopped looking at the pair of couples hugging each other.

    How lacking in love is this woman? A phone call and a bunch of roses and she promised to be someone else’s girlfriend, and she was just sleeping on his shoulder a moment ago.

    The temperature in the car plummeted, and the two bodyguards looked at each other full of questions but did not dare to ask anything.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

    “Is it enough? Release.” Although she was very happy to receive the flowers but this damn guy, which flower shop bought it from? The thorns were not even removed.

    “Hold on for a while, it will look more affectionate.” Cao Nuo hugged tightly.

    Damn, it hurts her to death. Little Red Riding Hood couldn’t bear it anymore and kicked the person out.

    “I’m going!” Cao Nuo was caught off guard, took a few steps back and he was pulled into the arms of a petite and lovely girl.

    When the girl saw Cao Nuo being beaten, she raised her eyebrows angrily and scolded, “How can you hit someone like that.”

    “Who are you?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

    “I… I’m Cao Nuo’s suitor.” The girl raised her chest and raised her head proudly.

    Little Red Riding Hood turned to look at Cao Nuo, only to see Cao Nuo clasping his hands together and nodding desperately.

    But Cao Nuo, you are too beast, this little girl is just coming of age, right?

    “Then do you know who I am?” Little Red Riding Hood asked.

    “I know, you are Brother Cao Nuo’s girlfriend.” The little girl said loudly, “But… I love him more than you, I know Brother Cao Nuo better than you, and I suit him better than you.”

    Hey? What do today’s little girls eat when they grow up, the three views are so distorted.

    “Come here.” Little Red Riding Hood hooked her finger at Cao Nuo.

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    Cao Nuo walked over very cooperatively: “Darling, listen to my explanation, me and her…”

    Little Red Riding Hood didn’t wait for Cao Nuo to finish speaking, she beat the roses and said, “I’m out for a bit and you already mess with flowers, you even attracted bees and butterflies. Fine then, I will let you hook up with three and four, let’s just break up!”

    “No!” Cao Nuo was born as an actor, and when Little Red Riding Hood suddenly added a show, he could face it calmly, he cried and hugged Little Red Riding Hood’s feet. Said, “No, I won’t break up, I love you so much, even if you kill me, I won’t break up, I only have you in my heart.”

    “…” It’s over, over, Little Red Riding Hood was embarrassed. She looked at the little girl on the side. This fake show, but hopefully she didn’t notice.

    Little Red Riding Hood didn’t know, but when she looked up, she was startled and saw the little girl staring at her with red eyes, as if she was going to pounce on her in the next second.

    “What are you looking at? You will still come to him in the future, and once I see you next time, I will beat Cao Nuo again.” Little Red Riding Hood was possessed.

    “You… Brother Cao Nuo…” The little girl went to Cao Nuo.

    “Dear, as long as you don’t leave me, you can kill me.” Cao Nuo said affectionately.

    “…” Little Red Riding Hood felt that she couldn’t hold it anymore, she wanted to vomit.

    “I didn’t expect that you really love her so much.” The little girl looked at Little Red Riding Hood aggrievedly, “Sister, I won’t come to him in the future, so treat Brother Cao Nuo well.”

    “I see, so hurry up and go.” Little Red Riding Hood has already tired of this drama.

    “Brother Cao Nuo, I’m leaving, I wish you happiness.” The little girl cried and left with tears in her eyes.

    “She’s gone.” Seeing the little girl leave, Cao Nuo immediately got up from the ground and complained to Little Red Riding Hood, “Why don’t you just follow the plan?”

    “Do you have a great time playing?” Little Red Riding Hood scolded, “You lied to such an intelligent little girl, do you have any conscience?”

    “Who lied to her, that little girl met a pervert when she was on the subway. I didn’t intend to reciprocate, but she was relying on me..” Cao Nuo complained, “Although I’m a playboy, I never lie to children who still haven’t passed their second year in middle school”

    “I think you are not qualified to say something like that. That line is so disgusting I even got goosebumps” Little Red Riding Hood stretched out her hand to show Cao Nuo.

    “This is the line of the male protagonist in the hottest romance drama. Don’t you all like it?” Cao Nuo said.

    “Also, where did you buy the flowers, the thorns were not removed!” Little Red Riding Hood said as she threw the bouquet on Cao Nuo’s face.

    “Ouch!” Cao Nuo screamed and was beaten by Little Red Riding Hood for the price of a big meal.

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