Chapter 40 – Little Red Riding Hood’s Conspiracy

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Today, Brother Wolf was still woken up by the sound of Hat scratching at the glass window. He didn’t understand. They all said that cats are smart but when will this stupid cat find out that it can’t get out of the glass window?

    “Meow meow~~” If you can, just don’t bring me into the room to sleep.

    Hat was taken downstairs by the bodyguard brother when it kept meowing and was sent back after eating and drinking.

    Brother Wolf put down Hat and stood in front of the writing board. Looking at the writing board that was filled with writing on it, he was suddenly a little stunned.

    You can’t change the time and on the board, it showed that more than 20 days had passed in a blink of an eye. Brother Wolf didn’t think he had done anything the whole time, but looking at the writing board, there were quite a few things that happened.

    On the first day, go fishing with Little Red Riding Hood. Brother Wolf remembered how Little Red Riding Hood was suffering from sunburns.

    The next day, eat delicious food with Little Red Riding Hood. Brother Wolf remembered that Little Red Riding Hood went to the emergency room due to a lobster allergy.

    On the third day, daydreams with Brother Wolf. That was the first time he felt that the world was not as boring as it appeared on the surface.

    From the fourth day, the fifth day to the twenty-third day, Brother Wolf looked down day by day, and he could recall some brightly colored memories in almost every day’s writing.

    “There are only two days left?” Brother Wolf’s gaze slid down and landed on the twenty-sixth day.

    Day 26: Like Little Red Riding Hood.

    Brother Wolf stared at the last one for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the writing board again. From the first day to the twenty-sixth day, he carefully read it again.

    Then, Brother Wolf discovered a conspiracy.

    This so-called treatment plan is actually a well-planned, thoughtful and sophisticated pursuit plan.

    “I know you have a deep mind.” Brother Wolf glanced at Hat, “You are sneaking your plan day by day and planning to wait until the twenty-sixth day to confess to me with the last plan right?”

    “Meow~” Why are you asking me?

    “I promised you to cooperate with the treatment, then every item on this writing board is valid as a contract. I have signed countless contracts, but in the end, I was accidentally given a routine by you?” Brother Wolf continued to scold Hat.

    “Meow~~” I’ve only been at your house for a few days, so don’t blame it on me.

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    “But you didn’t write the breach clause on it. So, if I breach the contract, you can’t do anything to me.”

    “However, the reputation of my Brilliant Group can’t be ruined because of your single contract. Are you sure that I will keep my promises and be honest, so I will retreat instead of advancing?”

    “…” Hat is too lazy to reply.

    “She’s a little clever.” Brother Wolf commented, “There are many people who like me, but you are the first person who has spent so much thought and made me less disgusted? Huh?? Do you want me to give you a chance huh?”

    “Brother Wolf, good morning.” At this moment, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly pushed the door and walked in.

    “Meow!!” Brother Wolf was taken aback, and as soon as the hand that was holding Hat slipped loose, the cat was ruthlessly thrown to the ground.

    Fortunately, Hat is agile and has always been prepared for danger. It made a perfect turn in the air and landed safely on its legs.

    “Why did you suddenly come in?” Brother Wolf said angrily.

    “I… I come in like this every day.” Little Red Riding Hood was puzzled.

    “Cough…” Brother Wolf coughed with a guilty conscience, “Remember to knock on the door before coming in next time.”

    “Oh.” Little Red Riding Hood blinked, not knowing what medicine Brother Wolf took today, “Brother Wolf, are you looking at the treatment plan?”

    “No.” Brother Wolf walked away with a guilty conscience, and added superfluously, “I came here to catch Hat. Hat ran here just now, and I fell for its trick.”

    “Oh.” Little Red Riding Hood didn’t think much about it, seeing Brother Wolf walk away from the writing board, she squatted over by the board alone. She looked at her hard work over the past twenty days, and said with some emotion, “It’s been so many days, today is the twenty-fourth day, and there will be another day tomorrow. Then the course of treatment will be over in one day.”

    “Mm.” Brother Wolf glanced at Little Red Riding Hood, thinking to himself, don’t you just think about the twenty-sixth day.

    “Brother Wolf, what are we going to do today?” Little Red Riding Hood said, writing down a twenty-four on the clipboard with a marker.

    “I have nothing to do today.” Brother Wolf said.

    “Don’t you have anything you want to do today? Then it will be up to me to decide.” Every time Little Red Riding Hood said these words, her eyes lit up involuntarily.

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    Brother Wolf stared at Little Red Riding Hood’s gleaming eyes without knowing it and nodded expressionlessly, but what he thought in his heart was: there are only two days left, so I will give you more chances to see what tricks you can play.

    At this time, Little Red Riding Hood was completely unaware of what Brother Wolf was thinking, and her mind was filled with unimaginable joy that the plan went smoothly.

    What plan do you say?

    Time to turn back time to an hour before, change the scene to the breakfast meeting that morning.

    The patients began to discuss daily Little Red Riding Hood’s newbie task. Since there was not much time left, the group was unusually generous.

    “Little Red Riding Hood, if there is anything you need to help, feel free to ask. I have finished my school assignment in the past few days, so I will be free from now on.” Xiao Ming said, “Except for borrowing money, feel free to ask for anything else.”

    “…” Little Red Riding Hood sweated, “I see, thank you.”

    “You can find me if you want to borrow money, but remember to pay it back.” Bai Xue said generously.

    “Thank you.” Little Red Riding Hood’s thank you was much more sincere, not because of Bai Xue’s sentence to allow her to borrow money, but because of the latter sentence, remember to pay it back.

    You can only pay back money if you are alive.

    “I’ve been busy lately.” Wu Ge, who has always been stingy and rare to speak, also spoke. “But if you need a lawyer, you can find me. For the sake of another patient, it’s free for the first service.”

    “Okay… so generous.” Although Little Red Riding Hood knew that Wu Ge’s fees were expensive, who would go to a lawyer if she had nothing to do? She wasn’t a big tyrant like Brother Wolf who needed a bunch of lawyers to help him look after his property.

    “You people are all only writing verbal promises, without any practical help at all.” Cao Nuo said with contempt.

    “Then you be practical.” Bai Xue asked.

    “Of course I’m more practical than you.” Cao Nuo turned to Little Red Riding Hood and said, “Little Red Riding Hood, didn’t I promise you before that I would let you use my infinite flow1 therapy to treat Brother Wolf? My brothers are now back from filming and television series. Now the whole group is ready, do you want to try it?”

    “Infinite flow therapy?”, saying that Cao Nuo is a big fan of infinite horror novels. He likes to fight fire with fire, concocting a real life and death scene to let those clients who want to commit suicide find the meaning of life from the realistic dying experience.

    “Do you want to try?” Cao Nuo looked at Little Red Riding Hood with eagerness to try.

    “Does it work?” Little Red Riding Hood was still skeptical.

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    “Anyway, it’s better than just eating and drinking with Brother Wolf.” Cao Nuo said, “The so-called disease should be treated as a powerful medicine, there are only two days left, and I’m worried for you. Besides, I’ve been using this method a lot of times. And it’s a success every time.”

    After hearing this, Little Red Riding Hood also felt that Cao Nuo had some truth in what he said. She has been traveling and playing around with Brother Wolf this month, and now there are only two days left.

    “But…” Little Red Riding Hood was a little persuaded, but still had some worries, “Brother Wolf has bodyguards by his side.”

    “I said, Miss, you’ve been around him for so long, can’t you find time to leave the bodyguards?” Cao Nuo asked.

    “Then what are you going to do?” asked Little Red Riding Hood.

    “With Brother Lang’s net worth is natural for him to get kidnapped. What do you think about a perverted loser who kills the rich out of hatred?” Cao Nuo’s play spirit ignited again.

    “Kidnapping Brother Wolf???” It sounded quite emotional.

    Don’t know who said it but humans are rebellious by nature, so when they commit a crime, there is always an inexplicable sense of excitement. Wu Ge looked at the two who were excited and eager to try the plan. The words he wanted to mention only reached his mouth but he swallowed back in.

    Little Red Riding Hood’s time is running out, any method can be tried. It’s just…

    Wu Ge took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his secretary: (Push aside all the schedule after lunch today.)

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

    “Brother Wolf, let’s go to the movies, it’s in the Brilliant Square next door.” Little Red Riding Hood was excited.

    See a movie? Eating, shopping, watching movies, isn’t this the dating trilogy? It’s really not too obvious.

    “After watching the movie, let’s play another game.”

    “Play a game? What game?” Brother Wolf always felt that Little Red Riding Hood looked a little strange when she talked about the game.

    “It’s… a very special and unforgettable game.” Being kidnapped will definitely be unforgettable.

    Little Red Riding Hood deliberately proposed to play a game at this time, so that after the game was over, she could use it as an excuse to keep Brother Wolf from getting too angry.

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    As for him to not be angry at all, Little Red Riding Hood didn’t have the luxury to care at the moment. What? Is Little Red Riding Hood afraid? Che, people who may die tomorrow don’t care about this.

    Don’t say fake kidnapping, even real kidnapping won’t faze her.

    Apparently, due to death coming closer, Little Red Riding Hood just lets herself be free of any feelings.

    “Okay, I’ll let someone buy a movie ticket.” Brother Wolf saw that Little Red Riding Hood was reluctant to say, but he didn’t ask. Well, women like to make some small surprises that they think are interesting.

    “Buy the latest one.” Little Red Riding Hood said again.

    On such trivial matters, Brother Wolf naturally has no objection. They asked the bodyguard to buy movie tickets, and the two went to the movie theater by car.

    When arriving at the cinema, Brother Wolf took out the movie ticket.

    Brother Wolf saw the movie titled, “My CEO Boyfriend”

. No matter how calm he is, he couldn’t help twitching his lips at this time. I thought she could have some wonderful tricks, but I didn’t expect it to be as explicit as ever.     

     At this time, Little Red Riding Hood came over with a big bucket of popcorn and two cups of Coke, and asked excitedly, “Have you got the movie ticket


    “My CEO’s boyfriend?” When Little Red Riding Hood saw the name, her facial features were distorted. Isn’t this a movie that Cao Nuo has guest-starred in? It is said that the male and female protagonists kept ruining the production throughout the whole process, acting awkwardly with each other, and the lines were so bad.

    Cao Nuo’s original words at the time were: “This is a movie that you want to blow up the entire crew after watching it.”

    You know that on weekday mornings, the movies in the cinema are all bad movies.

    So in the No. 6 hall of the cinema, two bodyguards from special forces, a billionaire guy, and a girl who was playing tricks, were disgusted by this two-hour movie.

    She pitied the two bodyguards brothers. Even in the wind and rain, or the fire or the knife, the tall body was still tough and strong, but when they walked out of the cinema, their legs were weak.


1. Infinite flow: If you’ve been reading a lot of Chinese novels you might know this term but it essentially means a seemingly never-ending flow of survival games, puzzles, or entire worlds, in which if you survive all of them, you can return to the real world or retrieve a reward that you desire. A lot of Chinese BL novels use this genre and I love to read these horror novels late at night before sleep!

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