Chapter 57 – Sleeping Wolf Project

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Because she was called out in the middle of the night to pick up the “molester”, Little Red Riding Hood appeared in the restaurant early the next morning with a hood covering her head.

    “Didn’t you come back very early last night? Why are you still sleepy?” Cao Nuo asked curiously, looking at Little Red Riding Hood, who was seriously sleep-deprived.

    “I… let’s not talk about that. What’s for breakfast today?” Little Red Riding Hood already sat down on the chair and was lazy to get up to get breakfast.

    “Millet porridge and wontons. What do you want to eat? I’ll get it for you.” Cao Nuo managed to become a playboy because he mostly act like a gentleman.

    “Wontons, with lots of peppers.”

    Cao Nuo stood up and helped Little Red Riding Hood to get a bowl of wontons. After a while, Wu Ge and Xiao Ming also came in one after another, Wu Ge went straight to the window and brought a bowl of millet porridge.

    Xiao Ming lowered his head and swiped his phone. The moment he walked into the restaurant, he saw Little Red Riding Hood who was having breakfast and started shouting: “Little Red Riding Hood, Brother Wolf is definitely in love with you.”

    “Did you just realize that?” Cao Nuo couldn’t help complaining. Those two almost sign in their marriage certificate, how could it not be true love?

    “No, look at this news.” Xiao Ming showed his mobile phone to Cao Nuo, “At one o’clock this morning, Brother Wolf held a press conference in country M, officially announcing the acquisition of the research institute of M Medical University. At the same time, they have acquired ten of the top 30 research institutions in the world and officially announced its entry into the pharmaceutical industry.”

    “Brother Wolf already has money, so what is it to acquire a few more research institutions.” Cao Nuo said with disapproval.

    “Look! Look at what these research institutions are doing.” Xiao Ming reminded.

    “Top 10 terminal illnesses.” Wu Ge didn’t look at Xiao Ming’s phone, but he had already guessed something from Xiao Ming’s words.

    “Damn, it’s true. It’s written below, the purpose of Brother Wolf’s acquisition of these medical institutes is to overcome the top ten terminal diseases among human diseases. There are still people who speculate that it may be that the people around Brother Wolf have terminal diseases.” As Cao Nuo finished his sentence, all the eyes at the table turned to look at Little Red Riding Hood.

    Little Red Riding Hood wasn’t eating the wontons at this time. She was staring blankly at the news pictures on Xiao Ming’s mobile phone. Looking at the handsome Brother Wolf in the pictures made her speechless for a long time.

    “It’s not just true love anymore,” Cao Nuo said.

    “This is the blindness of love.” Xiao Ming said.

    “I hope Little Red Riding Hood can live until the research is successful.” Wu Ge added.

    “Are you a devil?” Cao Nuo and Xiao Ming roared at Wu Ge in disbelief.

    “What I said is the crux of the problem. What you two are talking about is nonsense.” Wu Ge never admits defeat in a battle of words.

    “At this time, shouldn’t we be grateful first?” Cao Nuo said.

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    “That’s right, shouldn’t we have a positive attitude for a better future?” Xiao Ming said.

    “I’ll go first.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly stood up from the chair.

    “Why are you going?” Cao Nuo asked.

    “I’m going to find Brother Wolf.” Little Red Riding Hood said, turned and ran out of the restaurant.

    The three people in the restaurant were stunned for a while, but Cao Nuo, an actor, was the most emotional: “Isn’t this like those dramatic moments? I want to see you and want to appear in front of you right away.”

    “Little Red Riding Hood is moved, so she is taking the initiative. Is she going to run to Country M?” Xiao Ming asked.

    “She can’t.” Wu Ge drank the millet porridge slowly, “She has no money to buy a plane ticket.”

    “…” Although they are both men, Cao Nuo and Xiao Ming couldn’t help but want to say that a man like Wu Ge will absolutely have no girlfriend.

    “That’s it. If you haven’t had breakfast, you can join us.” When the three of them were still thinking about the topic, Bai Xue suddenly appeared at the door of the restaurant with a girl in a sky-blue dress.

    “Then, don’t mind if I do.”

    A soft and waxy girl’s voice attracted the attention of the three guys. The three of them turned to look and saw a beautiful girl with long and curly chestnut hair standing at the door of the restaurant politely, facing the three of them. The girl smiled sweetly.

    “Lingling?” Cao Nuo stood up in surprise, “Why did you come so early.”

    “Female…goddess?” Xiao Ming, who was an otaku, was a little flustered.

    Wu Ge put down the half-drinking porridge bowl, stood up and was about to leave.

    “You said you were all together here in the morning, so I wanted to come early in the morning so that we could chat longer.” Lan Lingling waved to the excited Xiao Ming while explaining to Cao Nuo.

    Wu Ge narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and was about to sneak out from the side.

    “Wu Ge, are you leaving now?” Bai Xue couldn’t help but called out when she saw that Wu Ge was walking out.

    Wu Ge’s footsteps paused, but after only ten seconds, he quickly reacted and continued to walk forward with his head lowered.

    “Wait a minute.” Lan Lingling turned around suddenly and hugged Wu Ge’s waist.


    The three of them collectively took a breath and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

    It’s over, it’s over, Wu Ge won’t beat a woman, right? This is the unanimous voice of the three at this time.

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    “Let go.” Wu Ge twitched the corners of his mouth as if trying to control his emotions.

    “Are you Brother Wu Ge?” Lan Lingling asked.

    “No, you recognized the wrong person.” Wu Ge quickly denied it.

    “Impossible.” The girl said confidently, “My heart is telling me that you are brother Wu Ge.”

    Her heart is telling her???

    The three of them took a breath again, and this simple sentence is enough to provide explosive content.

    “You… know each other?” Cao Nuo couldn’t restrain his curiosity.

    “Don’t know.” This is Wu Ge.

    “Know!” This is Lan Lingling.

    “Know.” The three decided to unify their belief in Lan Lingling, because if they didn’t know each other how can Wu Ge still be hugged like that? Usually, people will be scolded by him long ago until they regret ever being human beings.

    Due to Lan Lingling’s insistence, Wu Ge never made it out. He sat at the dining table with a sullen face and he won’t admit that he was the brother in Lan Lingling’s mouth even if he got beaten down.

    “My brother Wu Ge is twenty-eight years old this year. His birthday is on the sixth of September. How old are you and when is your birthday?” Lan Lingling sat opposite Wu Ge and asked.

    “…” Wu Ge ignored her.

    “Twenty-eight years old and the sixth day of September.” This is Xiao Ming who has just hacked the hospice data system.

    Wu Ge glanced at Xiao Ming coldly.

    “My brother Wu Ge has a circular birthmark on his waist.” Lan Lingling’s eyes stared straight at Wu Ge’s waist.

    “Yes, I’ve seen it before. It’s round, so big.” This is Cao Nuo, who had bathed with Wu Ge.

    Wu Ge couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

    “My brother Wu Ge is obsessed with cleanliness and hates being disturbed when he sleeps.” Lan Lingling said.

    “Yes, yes, it’s him, it’s him.” The three nodded collectively.

    “…” Wu Ge.

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    “My brother Wu Ge has a very poisonous mouth and his scolding is very terrifying.” Lan Lingling continued.

    “That’s right, that’s right, it’s him.”

    “…” Wu Ge.

    “My brother Wu Ge…” Lan Lingling’s big eyes suddenly overflowed with water, “Said that when I was eighteen years old, he would marry me and go home together.”

    “What??” Xiao Ming.

    “Damn it!!” Just now Cao Nuo said that Wu Ge will never have a girlfriend but he quickly got a slap on his face.

    “Sister Lan, how old are you this year?” Bai Xue asked.

    “Twenty.” Sister Lan replied obediently.

    “Scumbag!” Bai Xue charged at Wu Ge.

    More insults, please! Cao Nuo and Xiao Ming couldn’t help expressing their inner call on behalf of their single brothers all over the world.

    “You didn’t come on my eighteenth birthday. I secretly went back to China to look for you but they said you had already moved. I finally saw you today, but you still don’t recognize me, uuu……” Sister Lan was heartbroken that tears kept pouring out of her big eyes, reflecting her sorrow.

    “You… don’t cry.” Wu Ge finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

    “Woooooo…” Sister Lan continued to cry, not wanting to stop at all.

    “I… Yes, I admit it. Is it not enough yet?” Wu Ge compromised.

    “Woooooo…” Sister Lan cried even more sadly.

    “Hey…” Wu Ge helplessly stretched out his hand, rubbed the top of the girl’s hair gently, and coaxed softly, “My dear, don’t cry.”

    Sister Lan sobbed twice, but she gradually stopped crying.

    The three onlookers, who were frightened by the suddenly gentle Wu Ge, had goosebumps all over. It turns out that Wu Ge’s poisonous tongue is not incurable but that he has never taken any medicine.

Please read The Attack on Little Red Riding Hood at

    At ten o’clock in the evening, Star City International Airport.

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    Brother Wolf, who flew to six countries in five days and bought ten research institutes, walked out of the aisle with a tired face.

    “Brother Wolf.” A familiar call passed through the crowd and fell into Brother Wolf’s ears.

    Brother Wolf looked up, and at a glance, he saw Little Red Riding Hood jumping among the crowd. Little Red Riding Hood was wearing a red top and a cute denim skirt. There was a faint blush on her face making her look sweet and lovely.

    She waved her hands cheerfully and looked very healthy, not at all like a terminally ill patient who was dying.

    This is what Brother Wolf wants to protect. He wants to keep Little Red Riding Hood healthy forever.

    “Little Red Riding Hood.” Brother Wolf shook off the assistant behind him and walked forward quickly.

    Little Red Riding Hood rushed over and hooked her hands on Brother Wolf’s neck before kissing him. The enthusiastic movements of the two caused the surrounding people to exclaim.

    “This is the airport.” Brother Wolf didn’t have the habit of showing affection in public. He only kissed twice before stopping Little Red Riding Hood.

    “But I want to kiss you.” Little Red Riding Hood suddenly began to act coquettishly.

    Brother Wolf was a little surprised by Little Red Riding Hood’s anomaly today, but no man would not enjoy the coquettishness of their beloved one, so Brother Wolf patted Little Red Riding Hood on the head arrogantly and said: “Troublemaker. Let’s go back and let you kiss.”

    Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes turned bright as she quietly tugged at Brother Wolf’s sleeve.

    Brother Wolf lowered his head suspiciously.

    Little Red Riding Hood leaned into Brother Wolf’s ear and asked softly, “When we get back, can you sleep with me?”

    Brother Wolf was startled, staring at Little Red Riding Hood gloomily.

    “Or… not?”

    I’m just too happy, so I want to be closer to you.

    So that night, Little Red Riding Hood finally succeeded in climbing the bed. She, who insisted on her high consciousness that she would never say no to Brother Wolf’s request, was tossed to death by Brother Wolf.

    Not rejecting Brother Wolf’s every request is the ultimate treatment Little Red Riding Hood can do for Brother Wolf.

    Maybe what I can give to you is not as much as what you give to me, but I will definitely do it without reservation.


I want to scream so much when I was reading Wu Ge’s part but my mom was near so I silently screamed for a while. Finally…. it’s obvious that he’s gonna be the ‘gentle only to my lover’ type. But the gang’s reaction is the best part, I can already imagine their face in my head. Hahahaha. Couple more chapters to go.

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