Luo Xi listened to him in silence. She now understood why she came to Earth.

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The humans on the planet Asmana may have shared the same ancestors and legends with the people on Earth in the past. A turning point in history made the Asmana and the Earth people embark on a different history. 

Excessive exploitation of the planet has destroyed the ecological environment of Asmana. Natural disasters became frequent. Nature began to clean up the pests on the planet. The Asmana people flaunted themselves as the wisest of all creatures. Only when they confronted the forces of nature did they finally realize how frail they were. 

Humans began to save themselves, but unfortunately, it was already too late. 

The Asmana’s technology was more advanced than the Earth’s. But, it wasn’t progressive enough to defy the natural order. There was no second planet suitable for humans’ survival within the known star field of Asmana. As long as the humans didn’t have the needed technology, no matter how far was the planet they were unable to travel there. 

When the technology became powerless, the Asmana people began to focus on mythologies and legends in the hope to use the power of these mythological creatures to cut through the void, save mankind and transfer them to another safe world. 

Unfortunately, the humans in the Asmana used the technology to create a dragon egg but did not manage to wait until it hatched. 

After the death of the last human, another ten years passed before the Little Golden Dragon came out of the shell. 

As a man-made dragon, its powers obviously cannot be compared with the dragons in myths and legends that had the ability to know all under heaven.

It resembled more like a dragon-shaped thing. It carried dragon blood in its body and maybe one day it will evolve into a real dragon. 

Apart from lacking innate abilities and extinct humans, it faced a food crisis as soon as it ate its own eggshell. The Little Golden Dragon began to look for a way to fill its stomach. It wandered into the empty city left by mankind. The Artificial brain which was still working after the extinction of humans taught it a lot of knowledge. 

As it grew older, it learned that there was a race called “Sirens” in the sea. 

In the records of the artificial brain, sirens were higher life forms. They were species with long lives and formidable power. After a bit of analyzing, the Little Golden Dragon thought that since sirens were so powerful they were certainly very nutritious.  

One day, all of sudden, it noticed that a powerful life was born in the sea. It seemed to have the purest and the most powerful lineage since it was able to intimidate the surrounding upon its birth. The Little Golden Dragon instinctively knew that if it ate that newly born life from the sea, it can make it evolve. 

For this reason, it has secretly peeped at the sea for a long time. Finally, the Little Golden Dragon saw it. 

It was a little siren with a golden tail. Even within the siren tribe, her tail was quite uncommon existence. The young siren wiggled its golden tail and played on the sea. The Asmana’s ink-coloured seawater made her stand out and seem sparkling. 

At the time, his eyes were glued on her and his saliva kept dripping down. Since then, he yearned day and night, thinking about how to eat this little siren with a golden tail. 

It couldn’t go into the sea. In the sea, it stood no chance against the sirens. The Little Golden Dragon racked its brain and finally thought of a way. It impersonated the medium and constantly called out to Luo Xi. 

Since it couldn’t enter the sea, it had just to make that young and delicate siren go ashore. Children were always easy to fool. 

What a pity that Luo Xi didn’t give it a damn. 

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She was within its sight but out of reach. Hence, the Little Golden Dragon kept thinking about that siren for several hundred years. From being a little soft dumpling when she was born to gradually growing up, she was the only one left in the entire Siren tribe, and she was about to reach adulthood. 

At this time, the Asmana planet could not hold on anymore and perished. 

Although the Little Golden Dragon wasn’t powerful enough, it had one remarkable gift. It could tear open the void and reach another world. 

It is also because of this gift that it was being cultivated by humans. 

When the core was destroyed, the Little Golden Dragon has almost used up all of the energy left behind by mankind. It was practically a remnant of the entire world. With its strength, even if it lived for hundreds of years, it wouldn’t be able to tear the void without external force. 

Even so, it was uncertain whether it would be successful. Fearing that it’d lack the strength to continue, it didn’t forget to sweep along the little siren from the sea who it had kept thinking about for hundreds of years. She was looked upon as a stockpile that was wrapped up for take-out. 

In case it was heavily injured, it’d at least recover faster with food. 

In the end, no one expected that soon after he swept along Luo Xi and arrived in this world, used the artificial brain to hack this world’s network to create Luo Xi and itself an identity, it would be targeted by the Law of this world. 

If the Law of Asmana planet was dilapidated because it was on the verge of perishment, then the Law of this world was complete, fit tightly, and without any loophole. 

When the Law sensed things that did not belong to this world, it instinctively began to expel them. 

At the time, the Little Golden Dragon felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. It was as if something was coldly looking down upon it in the sky and asking it overbearingly: ‘Why are you not scramming?’ 

As it tried to hide, the sky began to surge with purple-black thunders which chased after him. 

It immediately turned its body and escaped from the lighting from Heaven, having no time to attend to Luo Xi who was still unconscious. 

What followed was a tragic sight. Its dragon ball was split into several pieces and its whereabouts were unknown. It was stroked by lighting into a tattered state. It endured the pain and dived into the seafloor, but accidentally got stuck in the sunken ship and was unable to move for unknown reasons.   

After this little siren finally found it, sh-sh-she actually wanted to abandon it! 

When the Little Golden Dragon thought of it, it cried out sadly. 

“Shut up.” 

Luo Xi rubbed her forehead, feeling that her brain was about to explode. She extended her hand and reach it into the crack, “Come out. No bites.” 

With tears in its eyes, the Little Golden Dragon leaped out to her palm. It raised its dragon head and asked aggrievedly: “Y-you won’t leave me, will you?” 

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Luo Xi: “No matter what was your purpose to bring me to this world, in essence, you still have saved me. I’ll repay this kindness.” 

The Little Golden Dragon was overjoyed. It shyly wagged its tail and threw her a stream of questions.

“In that case, can you let me drink your blood?” 

“Will you help me to find my dragon pearl?” 

“Will you provide for me?” 

“I want to eat exotic delicacies and take a petal bath every day.” 

Luo Xi: “……”

Is it too late to throw this troublesome dragon away? 

When Luo Xi returned to the reef island, she received great attention. 

There were two more people on the island, Li Wei and Mo Nan. 

Li Wei’s condition was particularly miserable. His shoes were gone and his outer coat was also missing. Maybe it was because he has choked on water, but the corners of his eyes were red. 

Apart from having a pale face, Mo Nan seemed to be fine. 

The four people on the island unanimously stared at Luo Xi. Xie Ze’s eyes were shining with excitement. 

Luo Xi: “….why are you looking at me? I didn’t see Mo Nan and the others in the sea. It seems that we have missed each other. I’m glad you’re fine.” 

Mo Nan and Li Wei smiled at her and said their thanks. 

No matter whether she found them or not, she went to the sea to search for them. It was her goodwill. 

Xie Ze couldn’t help but jump up excitedly, “Do you know how were they rescued? They were saved by dolphins! Dolphins! A pod of dolphins carried the two of them over here! Those dolphins were called by you, weren’t they? You’re truly the child of the sea!” 

Luo Xi patted him and prompt him to speak after her: “Pursuit of prosperity, democracy, harmony, dedication, and integrity1.”

Xie Ze dumbly repeated after her and then he came back to himself, “You’re again using science to trick me!”

Luo Xi said tactfully: “……you can watch more of the animal world. If it’s not possible, the news will also do.” 

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Dolphins saving humans happened more often than not. These incidents were often reported by the news. 

Xie Ze pouted. 

He knows. But, how can news compare to personal experience? When he and Li Mo saw a pod of dolphins cheerfully carrying Li Wei and Mo Nan over, they simply couldn’t believe their eyes. 

Their mind was filled with only one thought: Luo Xi said that she will go to find them and then dolphins came with them. Holy shit, what was the probability of such an occurrence? A mere science couldn’t convince them! 

Li Mo tugged at him. She looked at Luo Xi and said heavily: “It seems that only Gong Xu hasn’t been found yet.” 

It was already this hour, yet he still wasn’t found. If Gong Xu was still floating in the sea, then the odds were against him rather than in his favor. 

Luo Xi frowned slightly. Since even the pod of dolphins couldn’t find Gong Xu, it was very likely that….

Mo Nan’s face was pale. He shook his head and stood up, “I’ll go look for him again.” 

Li Wei grabbed him, “Don’t be silly. You’re worn out. If you go to the sea, it would mean death.” 

After being separated by the tsunami, it was Mo Nan who dragged him and didn’t let him sink to the bottom of the sea. He also wanted to look for Gong Xu, but he won’t just watch Mo Nan throw away his life. 

Everyone’s face took on a ghastly expression. The guests who were not too familiar at first, because of the shipwreck and sticking together through thick and thin, didn’t want anyone to meet with a mishap. It was just that their power was too insignificant. In the face of nature’s force, they were too weak to withstand even a single blow. 

“I’ll go to look for him again.” Luo Xi got up. Maybe she should let the dolphins go to search in a further away place. 

“No.” Li Mo stopped her with a solemn expression. 

The sea at night was much more dangerous than during the day. Because of the tsunami, the sky was filled with black clouds. The visibility was also worse. 

The entire surface of the sea was almost pitch black. Even if Luo Xi was a good swimmer, she can’t go like this. She had already swum a lot during the day. If she exhausts herself in the sea, before Gong Xu is found, another one would be lost. 

“It’s okay, trust me.” 

“No!” Both parties refused to budge, and no one was able to convince the other one. 

At this time, Xie Ze suddenly pointed at the sea and said: “…….L-look over there. Is it light?”

Everyone looked over. There was indeed light. It was far away. A vague white light. It didn’t look obvious on the sea. 

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Li Wei squinted his eyes for a while and let out a sigh of relief: “It should be a ship’s searchlight. Rescue is here!” 

Li Mo glared at Luo Xi and said angrily: “See, the rescue is here. Let the professionals find Gong Xu’s whereabouts. Don’t foolishly run around.”  

Luo Xi thought inwardly: ‘I’m a professional. Who can be more professional than me.’ 

Mo Nan’s face was still pale. The closer the rescue ship got, the more anxious was his heart. 

There wasn’t only the navy rescue boat, there was also a ship that seemed to be privately owned. The only thing he could think of was…..the person Lu Hao Zhi sent for the rescue mission. This content belongs to, if you see this translation elsewhere, it’s been stolen!

The good news was that Luo Hao Zhi has sent someone. In that case, no matter what, they won’t give up on the search for Gong Xu.  

The bad news was that he was truly afraid to meet with Lu Hao Zhi under such circumstances…..

The people on the reef island began to shout loudly. The appearance of the rescue ship meant hope for them. But it was dark right now. They feared that the rescue vessel won’t find them. 

Fortunately, the rescue ship seemed to detect something and headed all the way to the deserted island they were located at. 

Seeing the rescue boat reach the land and the people aboard wearing the rescue wear, except for Luo Xi, everyone else was relieved. 

As soon as the Lu Group’s rescue boat docked, a figure rushed forward toward Luo Xi. 

A pleasant surprise as well as anxiety filled the tall man’s face. He blurted out: “I knew that you were alright. God bless you. I finally found you!” 

Luo Xi frowned slightly, trying to avoid him. From the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of a sharp reef behind her. She murmured but did not move. The man directly threw himself at her. 

“Are you alright? Do you have any injuries? Do you hurt somewhere?” 

The boss of Batian Entertainment bombarded her with a series of questions, revealing his worry. 

His actions made the other people raise their eyebrows. Especially people like Li Wei and Xie Ze who didn’t have much contact with him. They muttered in their hearts.

Boss Feng of Ba Tian Entertainment wasn’t as horrible as the rumors described him. He didn’t seem to be pretending his worry toward his artist. 

Li Mo watched intently boss Feng, watching how he openly showed his concern to Luo Xi. She narrowed her eyes. 

Translation notes:

[1] The pursuit of prosperity, democracy, harmony, dedication, and integrity refers to one of the core values of the Chinese socialism.

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