The Black Card

Chapter 124-125

Chapter 125 - Big and Small Beauty Fighting 

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

After they climbed back down, it was almost noon. As Zhang Liangliang commanded, Shi Lei drove her to a nearby place called Xinghua (meaning apricot blossom) Village. 

When people hear its name, they would think of it as an idyllic place, but after they arrive, it was rather disappointing. It was merely a normal assembly place for farmhouses and restaurants. Perhaps because it was winter, they didn't have too much business and as Shi Lei drove in, almost every single one of them was greeting him. 

There were barely anyone there. They were mainly the owners of the restaurants and almost no tourists. There weren't any flowers blooming in winter either, which made the village seem exceptionally bleak and desolate. 

As a result of such a place, they weren't too interested. They found a random restaurant and finished eating in merely fifteen minutes. Zhang Liangliang then hurried to the car and urged Shi Lei to drive back to the city quickly. 

They played games for more than an hour in the arcade and finished 200 yuan worth of game coins. After all, Zhang Liangliang was a girl and she stared at the claw machine for a long time, wanting to get a soft toy, except she was never skilled enough to catch one. 

Shi Lei shoved in the last two coins in and let Zhang Liangliang try her best for the last time. When Zhang Liangliang was about to fail, Shi Lei abruptly shook the machine and used violence to drop the soft toy into the exit hole while no employees were watching. 

Zhang Liangliang was shocked. In her opinion, Shi Lei was the classical representation of the good and earnest type. She never imagined that Shi Lei would do something like that and she was still frozen when Shi Lei grabbed the toy and shoved it into her arms. 

After she touched the soft and fluffy surface of the toy, she eventually wowed loudly. Shi Lei quickly covered her mouth in terror and whispered: "Do you want to be caught?" 

Zhang Liangliang quickly closed her mouth. They scuttled out of the arcade and Zhang Liangliang finally screamed after they got into the car. 

"Dashu, you are awesome! How did you think of that? Holy shit! It was lit! I really didn't expect you to have such a devilish side. I think I'm going back to believe that you are really the head of a mafia gang before now!" 

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said: "I only did it because you couldn't catch it and you looked like you were about to cry. I don't really know how to do this so I could only do that. This type of soft toys aren't worth much either. We paid more than enough game coins for this and we aren't really taking advantage of them." 

"Hahahaha, this is the best experience I've had playing the claw machine! I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life! It's so romantic……" 

Then, the girl's eyes began to shine. Except, Shi Lei couldn't understand why it was so romantic. 

Then, Zhang Liangliang made a request which Shi Lei opposed strongly. But Zhang Liangliang said that Shi Lei promised her that he couldn't say 'no' to anything before they left her house and he could only comply. 

They went back to the building which they had eaten a buffet twice before, the building which was temporarily the highest building in China. Except, this time, Zhang Liangliang's target wasn't the buffet on the 60th floor, but the very top. 

They took the observation elevator and reached the top floor. It didn't lack any tourists and because it was a Sunday, many parents took their children to visit the tallest building in Wu Dong city. 

After they walked out of the elevator, Zhang Liangliang held onto Shi Lei's arms but they seemed too sneaky, it couldn't be helped as what she wanted to do was sneaky. They observed for a long time and finally, they sneaked into the fire exit staircase and walked all the way up into the rooftop of the building called Lv Feng after a few struggles. 

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Shi Lei was horrified as he attempted to pull Zhang Liangliang back. After a moment of stand-off, Zhang Liangliang finally gave up trying to get closer to the edge of the rooftop. 

When she was five or six meters away from the edge, Zhang Liangliang yelled loudly. Shi Lei was extremely tempted to find a place to hide, how could she not attract the security guards?

Of course, the security guards came, brought them down and scolded them. But no accidents happened anyway and in the guards' perspective, they were a couple who wanted to mimic the scenes of couples standing on top of the building from Hollywood films as it wasn't the first time for things like this to happen either.  

When they left Lv Feng building, it was 3PM. Zhang Liangliang asked for afternoon tea and they ate a pile of food at a dessert shop. 

After a movie, it was dinner time. Zhang Liangliang chose a western restaurant on purpose and Shi Lei realised that the one she picked was the same one which he brought Sun Yiyi to a few days ago and he was astounded. 

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Yi'jie and Er'jie, was it really a coincidence? 

Shi Lei didn't tell Zhang Liangliang about this and ate a meal quietly. He made an exception and let her had a sip of cocktail. After that, they finished dinner. 

At first, Shi Lei thought that he could finally send her home, but Zhang Liangliang strongly proposed to go to the bar where they met each other. She promised that she would get him to drive her home before 10PM, Shi Lei finally agreed. 

It was different to the usual days. When Er'jie pulled Shi Lei into the bar, the traffic lights recognised Shi Lei, but including them and all of the waiters there, none of them recognised Zhang Liangliang the devil incarnate. Although, a few people who Zhang Liangliang always treated before hesitated after they walked passed her. Eventually, they chose not to greet her as they didn't believe that Zhang Liangliang would dress like a good girl. 

Except, Shi Lei was rather surprised. When she was drinking non-alcoholic drinks (because he had to send Er'jie home, he didn't dare to drink), he saw a rather familiar person. 

Well, maybe not so familiar. They had each other's contact number due to an accident but Shi Lei never thought of contacting the other person. 

That person also saw Shi Lei and waved towards her. Seeing that Shi Lei didn't have the intention to go over, she walked over amorously. 

She was still wearing an all white with a black silk scarf as emphasis as it was the only non-white textile item on her body. Whether it was her actions or smiles and glances, she was coquettish and gorgeous. The two vastly different styles on her seemed to fit so well together. 

"I didn't expect to see you here." Wei Xingyue smiled as she lightly tapped her wine glass against Shi Lei's drink, "How can a man drink non-alcoholic drinks? I'll order a glass of alcohol for you." 

Shi Lei was indifferent but Zhang Liangliang displayed her hostility.  

"Who are you? You know my dashu?" Zhang Liangliang was like a cat who was protecting her food. 

Wei Xingyue laughed and looked at Zhang Liangliang earnestly: "This young girl is quite pretty, but, are you at the legal age yet? You are at at an age where you can't even drink, don't learn from others and try to hook up with a handsome dashu. And, the good looking dashu in front of you…… Hahaha, you are making things difficult for me if you call him dashu. This person in front of you has a girlfriend." 

Although Zhang Liangliang appeared to be mature, but she was nothing in front of a woman like Wei Xingyue. 

She was completely suppressed by Wei Xingyue's aura and didn't know what to say all of a sudden. 

"Of course I know that he has a girlfriend, you don't need to worry about that. And you, since you know that he has a girlfriend, don't try to hook up with him. He likes clean girls, not a coquettish bitch like you." 

It wasn't that Zhang Liangliang was cursing at her but it was simply a viral internet slang right now. It specifically points to those woman who are different to green tea bitch(1), yet not the same type as the normal rich and pale girls. 

"I'm just greeting an acquaintance of mine, don't be so hostile. But, Shi Lei, I thought you are quite a good and honest boy, I didn't expect you make a move on a loli!" Wei Xingyue finally turned to Shi Lei, who kept silent for the whole time. 

Internet slang refers to woman who appears to be pure and harmless but are exactly the opposite on the inside 

Chapter 124 - Make Wishes In Front of the Buddhist Statue

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

What the present Er'jie wanted was rather simple; she only hoped that Shi Lei could spend a day with her and he would do anything she says without opposition. If she pointed to the east, Shi Lei definitely couldn't point to the west, if she wanted to hit a dog, then Shi Lei couldn't curse at a chicken(1).

After hearing Er'jie's proud declaration, Shi Lei coldly scolded her: "How pitiful is that puppy. It's gonna be beaten up by you and it doesn't even know what it did wrong." 

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Cold jokes which were funny for kids born in the 90's weren't recognised by Er'jie, who was close to be born in the 00's, as she snorted. 

Zhang Meimei completely agreed to their plan and walked Er'jie down herself. She even considered this and lent her car to Shi Lei —— Of course, after she made sure that Shi Lei did know how to drive and had his driver's license with him. 

She shoved eight paper notes of 100 yuan into Shi Lei's hands firmly. 

Shi Lei only hesitated for a while before he took it as he thought of this as a favor to him. With Shi Lei's rate of spending right now, it would be extremely easy for him to return the favor. 

After they got into the car, Shi Lei turned towards Er'jie, who was sitting on the front passenger's seat, and asked: "Where are we going? Also, are you sure you don't want your Mum to come? She looked like she was about to cry." 

"Hmm! She should have a taste of what it feels like to be abandoned! Let's go, go, go! I want to go to Niu Tou Mountain. I heard that they got a new Buddhist statue there recently and I want to pray. We can also climb the mountain and train our bodies." Zhang Liangliang was extremely excited and her hands were almost out of the window. 

Shi Lei stepped on the accelerator and the car drove away steadily. It was a Passat which was easy to drive, hence Shi Lei wasn't too pressured to drive it.

But as a small millionaire who had drove a 3 million yuan car before, Shi Lei shouldn't have any pressure when handling with more family friendly cars. 

Niu Tou Mountain was located in the outskirts of Wu Dong city. It was definitely the outskirts, or countryside as the people used to call it, except it was one of Wu Dong's famous tourism spot so there were plenty of wide roads which connected to it.  A few years ago, the prefecture where Niu Tou Mountain was had long been included into the urban areas and even became the prefecture which provided the most GPD for Wu Dong city. Although the mountains which surrounded Niu Tou mountain had not changed much, but no one would ever consider it as countryside again.

The car drove to the highway which surrounded the city and entered the road to Niu Tou mountain after half an hour. Not long after, Shi Lei already drove into the car park of the mountain view district. 

Wu Dong City had the saying of 'spring, Niu Tou, autumn, Hong Ye'. Niu Tou mountain was the most renowned scenery spot for excursions in spring and the 'autumn, Hong Ye' refers to Hong Ye mountain in the northern outskirts. Although both were related to Buddhism, but it was mainly because when it's autumn, the red leaves of hundreds of maples that covered the mountains were as if they were burning. It was majestic and attracted many tourists. 

In this season, one could not see too much greens other than the pines which remained green throughout all the seasons. Urged by her mother, Zhang Liangliang firmly shoved the ticket money to Shi Lei and he accepted and bought the tickets. 

The two of them followed the steps made out of bluestones. On the way, Zhang Liangliang seemed to be extremely excited and didn't say anything that made Shi Lei awkward. He was also quite happy that he could climb a mountain at a time with such air pressure —— well, the happiness was faked. Who wanted to climb a mountain in such chilly winds? The winds were like knives cutting through his face. Luckily it was only the middle of December, if it was January, Shi Lei would rather die than climb the mountain with her.

Mainly because Zhang Liangliang was delighted, Shi Lei could only pretend that he was happy too as he chatted with her at ease. Other than the strong wind, it wasn't that bad. 

Time flies when a loli was chirping non stop. After an hour, they reached the top of the mountain and entered the temple located there. 

It was said to be the biggest Buddhist statue in Wu Dong. Shi Lei didn't believe in Buddhism; he was firmly a proletariat and an atheist. 

From his understanding of Zhang Liangliang, this girl should be an atheist too, except today, she seemed to be exceptionally pious. She prayed in front of the statue and mumbling inaudible words which Shi Lei assumed to be wishes.  

Shi Lei didn't scorn at her action of seeking help at the last moment. Although he didn't believe in it, but he thought that if he did, it was never too late to believe it at the last moment. If one must say that it was too late for someone to believe, it was the type of person who said that if something happened, Buddha was always in front of them, but if nothing was happening, Buddha would be standing behind them. 

Plus, in the such majestic and solemn Da Bao Hall, Shi Lei discovered that he was affected by the solemn atmosphere easily. Even unbelievers could sense the power and influence, feeling a sense of deep respect from the bottom of their hearts. 

After Zhang Liangliang finished praying and walked out of the hall, Shi Lei asked: "I saw you mumbling, were you making wishes? What did you wish for?" 

Zhang Liangliang beamed and said: "I made a few wishes, which one do you wanna know?" 

"You can tell me all of them if you are willing to!" 

Zhang Liangliang stuck out her tongue and made a face: "Greedy." 

Shi Lei shrugged carelessly and looked at the sky.

"Fine, fine, I'll tell you. The first wish is that I hope Mum won't be this busy in the future. I don't need her to earn so much money and I can spend less. As long as she's safe and healthy, or spend more time with me it would be sweet." 

Shi Lei nodded and as expected, Zhang Liangliang cared about her mother a lot and all of her rebellious reactions were for the sake of hoping to receive more attention from her. 

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"The second wish is that I hope Yi'jie's mother can recover quicker. She loved to smile before as all her photos on WeChat previously were of her smiling. But after I've hung out with her twice, she didn't smile that much. I asked her, she said it was because her mother was sick and she couldn't be happy. So, I hope that her mother recovers quickly so Yi'jie can smile more. She's pretty and she will be even more beautiful when she smiles. Plus, she could only go back to university after her mother recovers. She almost gave up on university because of her mother's illness." 

Shi Lei also smiled. He didn't expect Zhang Liangliang to be so considerate and softly said: "I thank you on behalf of Yiyi. What about you? Did you make a wish for yourself? Such as make it into a good high school or university in the future." 

Zhang Liangliang ran down a few steps and raised her head to look at Shi Lei. She said loudly: "I do, but not tacky like what you said. Because I'm Er'jie, so I think with my intelligence, it's a must for me to make it into a good high school and university. So, I only prayed that he would watch over me and make me stay happy everyday. As long as I'm happy, I won't have any problems with studying."  

"This wish is a bit too much. No one can ever promise oneself to be happy for their whole life. What about your father? Didn't you pray for him?" 

Zhang Liangliang's eyes dulled slightly but quickly laughed again: "I didn't plan to make a wish for him initially, but then I thought, he is my father after all despite that my Mum and I dislike him a lot, so I prayed that my father will become a better person. Just a little bit, he can be a tiny bit less rascal, and not so…… Hmm, nevermind, I don't want to mention him, but I just want him to be slightly better than before, at least not to make my Mum want to call the police whenever she sees him." 

Shi Lei nodded silently. He knew that Zhang Liangliang must had a lot of other wishes. A girl at this age should have the most wishes. He knew that Zhang Liangliang wasn't going to talk anymore, then, she should protect her small secrets, so he remained silent. 

Chinese idiom that expresses obedience towards someone 

Chapter 125 - Big and Small Beauty Fighting 

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

After they climbed back down, it was almost noon. As Zhang Liangliang commanded, Shi Lei drove her to a nearby place called Xinghua (meaning apricot blossom) Village. 

When people hear its name, they would think of it as an idyllic place, but after they arrive, it was rather disappointing. It was merely a normal assembly place for farmhouses and restaurants. Perhaps because it was winter, they didn't have too much business and as Shi Lei drove in, almost every single one of them was greeting him. 

There were barely anyone there. They were mainly the owners of the restaurants and almost no tourists. There weren't any flowers blooming in winter either, which made the village seem exceptionally bleak and desolate. 

As a result of such a place, they weren't too interested. They found a random restaurant and finished eating in merely fifteen minutes. Zhang Liangliang then hurried to the car and urged Shi Lei to drive back to the city quickly. 

They played games for more than an hour in the arcade and finished 200 yuan worth of game coins. After all, Zhang Liangliang was a girl and she stared at the claw machine for a long time, wanting to get a soft toy, except she was never skilled enough to catch one. 

Shi Lei shoved in the last two coins in and let Zhang Liangliang try her best for the last time. When Zhang Liangliang was about to fail, Shi Lei abruptly shook the machine and used violence to drop the soft toy into the exit hole while no employees were watching. 

Zhang Liangliang was shocked. In her opinion, Shi Lei was the classical representation of the good and earnest type. She never imagined that Shi Lei would do something like that and she was still frozen when Shi Lei grabbed the toy and shoved it into her arms. 

After she touched the soft and fluffy surface of the toy, she eventually wowed loudly. Shi Lei quickly covered her mouth in terror and whispered: "Do you want to be caught?" 

Zhang Liangliang quickly closed her mouth. They scuttled out of the arcade and Zhang Liangliang finally screamed after they got into the car. 

"Dashu, you are awesome! How did you think of that? Holy shit! It was lit! I really didn't expect you to have such a devilish side. I think I'm going back to believe that you are really the head of a mafia gang before now!" 

Shi Lei rolled his eyes and said: "I only did it because you couldn't catch it and you looked like you were about to cry. I don't really know how to do this so I could only do that. This type of soft toys aren't worth much either. We paid more than enough game coins for this and we aren't really taking advantage of them." 

"Hahahaha, this is the best experience I've had playing the claw machine! I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life! It's so romantic……" 

Then, the girl's eyes began to shine. Except, Shi Lei couldn't understand why it was so romantic. 

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Then, Zhang Liangliang made a request which Shi Lei opposed strongly. But Zhang Liangliang said that Shi Lei promised her that he couldn't say 'no' to anything before they left her house and he could only comply. 

They went back to the building which they had eaten a buffet twice before, the building which was temporarily the highest building in China. Except, this time, Zhang Liangliang's target wasn't the buffet on the 60th floor, but the very top. 

They took the observation elevator and reached the top floor. It didn't lack any tourists and because it was a Sunday, many parents took their children to visit the tallest building in Wu Dong city. 

After they walked out of the elevator, Zhang Liangliang held onto Shi Lei's arms but they seemed too sneaky, it couldn't be helped as what she wanted to do was sneaky. They observed for a long time and finally, they sneaked into the fire exit staircase and walked all the way up into the rooftop of the building called Lv Feng after a few struggles. 

Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Shi Lei was horrified as he attempted to pull Zhang Liangliang back. After a moment of stand-off, Zhang Liangliang finally gave up trying to get closer to the edge of the rooftop. 

When she was five or six meters away from the edge, Zhang Liangliang yelled loudly. Shi Lei was extremely tempted to find a place to hide, how could she not attract the security guards?

Of course, the security guards came, brought them down and scolded them. But no accidents happened anyway and in the guards' perspective, they were a couple who wanted to mimic the scenes of couples standing on top of the building from Hollywood films as it wasn't the first time for things like this to happen either.  

When they left Lv Feng building, it was 3PM. Zhang Liangliang asked for afternoon tea and they ate a pile of food at a dessert shop. 

After a movie, it was dinner time. Zhang Liangliang chose a western restaurant on purpose and Shi Lei realised that the one she picked was the same one which he brought Sun Yiyi to a few days ago and he was astounded. 

Yi'jie and Er'jie, was it really a coincidence? 

Shi Lei didn't tell Zhang Liangliang about this and ate a meal quietly. He made an exception and let her had a sip of cocktail. After that, they finished dinner. 

At first, Shi Lei thought that he could finally send her home, but Zhang Liangliang strongly proposed to go to the bar where they met each other. She promised that she would get him to drive her home before 10PM, Shi Lei finally agreed. 

It was different to the usual days. When Er'jie pulled Shi Lei into the bar, the traffic lights recognised Shi Lei, but including them and all of the waiters there, none of them recognised Zhang Liangliang the devil incarnate. Although, a few people who Zhang Liangliang always treated before hesitated after they walked passed her. Eventually, they chose not to greet her as they didn't believe that Zhang Liangliang would dress like a good girl. 

Except, Shi Lei was rather surprised. When she was drinking non-alcoholic drinks (because he had to send Er'jie home, he didn't dare to drink), he saw a rather familiar person. 

Well, maybe not so familiar. They had each other's contact number due to an accident but Shi Lei never thought of contacting the other person. 

That person also saw Shi Lei and waved towards her. Seeing that Shi Lei didn't have the intention to go over, she walked over amorously. 

She was still wearing an all white with a black silk scarf as emphasis as it was the only non-white textile item on her body. Whether it was her actions or smiles and glances, she was coquettish and gorgeous. The two vastly different styles on her seemed to fit so well together. 

"I didn't expect to see you here." Wei Xingyue smiled as she lightly tapped her wine glass against Shi Lei's drink, "How can a man drink non-alcoholic drinks? I'll order a glass of alcohol for you." 

Shi Lei was indifferent but Zhang Liangliang displayed her hostility.  

"Who are you? You know my dashu?" Zhang Liangliang was like a cat who was protecting her food. 

Wei Xingyue laughed and looked at Zhang Liangliang earnestly: "This young girl is quite pretty, but, are you at the legal age yet? You are at at an age where you can't even drink, don't learn from others and try to hook up with a handsome dashu. And, the good looking dashu in front of you…… Hahaha, you are making things difficult for me if you call him dashu. This person in front of you has a girlfriend." 

Although Zhang Liangliang appeared to be mature, but she was nothing in front of a woman like Wei Xingyue. 

She was completely suppressed by Wei Xingyue's aura and didn't know what to say all of a sudden. 

"Of course I know that he has a girlfriend, you don't need to worry about that. And you, since you know that he has a girlfriend, don't try to hook up with him. He likes clean girls, not a coquettish bitch like you." 

It wasn't that Zhang Liangliang was cursing at her but it was simply a viral internet slang right now. It specifically points to those woman who are different to green tea bitch(1), yet not the same type as the normal rich and pale girls. 

"I'm just greeting an acquaintance of mine, don't be so hostile. But, Shi Lei, I thought you are quite a good and honest boy, I didn't expect you make a move on a loli!" Wei Xingyue finally turned to Shi Lei, who kept silent for the whole time. 

Internet slang refers to woman who appears to be pure and harmless but are exactly the opposite on the inside 

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