The Black Card

Chapter 128-129

Chapter 128 - I Have Alcohol In My Car        

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Although Shi Lei felt like that this woman had some sort of reason which couldn't be exposed to light, but Shi Lei couldn't bear to see her shaking in the frosty wind after all. He took off his jacket and gave it to Wei Xingyue. 

"Put it on. Don't catch a cold from this!" 

Wei Xingyue didn't bother to be polite with him either and put it on straight away. She patted her chest and said: "Thanks, much better now." 

Shi Lei saw her actions of patting her chest, he coughed in embarrassment and quickly shifted his gaze away subtly. He said: "Don't do that in the future. Oh, no, just don't do it at all." 

Wei Xingyue smiled enchantingly again. Now that she wasn't cold anymore, her charisma also began to spread to those around her. 

There weren't too many people at the barbeque stale but the owner was there. In this moment, he was holding a few skewers on the barbeque stand, but his head was turned 180°, facing Shi Lei and Wei Xingyue. He didn't even blink and his face was blushing red as if a statue was shining from the fire. 

Shi Lei coughed dryly again and said to the owner: "if you don't flip those, they are going to burn."

The owner snapped back and flipped the skewers in panic without daring to look at them again. 

"You are fine with beers?" Shi Lei asked as he opened two bottles of beer and passed her one. He even asked her in vain as they only sold beers there. 

Wei Xingyue watched as Shi Lei wiped the opening of the bottle carelessly with his hand and drank straight from the bottle. After a moment of hesitation, she mimicked his actions and drank a mouthful. 

It was actually a normal thing to drink beer straight from the bottle in a bar, but they were the small ones. She felt weird to hold a 500ml bottle of beer in her hands. 

After drinking a bottle of beer while eating peanuts and edamame, the skewers were also done. 

Without Shi Lei saying anything, Wei Xingyue picked up one. Although it was rather hot, but she happily munched on it. Icy beer, with the peanuts and edamame which turned cold, Wei Xingyue thought that she had become an ice statue. After two skewers, she finally felt alive again. 

She took the second bottle of beer which Shi Lei opened and gulped a large mouthful down. Seeing that Shi Lei was constantly staring at her but wasn't drinking himself, she suddenly realised that it wasn't very graceful for a girl to drink beer from a bottle. Even though she was such a charismatic woman, she couldn't help but to blush. 

"Did you do that on purpose?" Wei Xingyue glared at him. 

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Shi Lei didn't seem to fake his blankness and asked: "What on purpose?" 

Wei Xingyue didn't continue but her gaze subconsciously shifted to those beer bottles. 

Shi Lei stared at it for a long time and suddenly realised what she was saying. He quickly waved his hands and said: "I'm not as dirty as what you think. I really didn't think about it. Sir, give me two disposable cups." 

Wei Xingyue said: "Nevermind, I already drank like this for a while, I'll just drink like this!" 

As Shi Lei ate skewers and drank beers, Shi Lei didn't know what Wei Xingyue was up to as they didn't talk at all. 

After they finished drinking a whole box of beers, Shi Lei saw that Wei Xingyue's eyes were still clear and she had no traits of being tipsy or drunk. Even he was feeling slightly tipsy and Shi Lei secretly admired how much of a heavy drinker Wei Xingyue was. 

Seeing that Shi Lei got up and paid for the bill, Wei Xingyue was astonished: "Is that it?" 

Shi Lei noted down the sum of the bill and warned himself that there was a high chance that this amount of money couldn't be counted within the sum and didn't forget about that. 

"What else do you want? Do you really plan to be frozen into an ice cream here? Plus, it's getting late, there are not many customers since it's cold and the owner can clean up and go home." 

Wei Xingyue frowned and said: "I didn't drink enough!"

Shi Lei smiled: "Now I'm starting to believe that you are really in a bad mood. What, do I call a substitute driver for you, or do you want to catch a taxi home tonight and ask someone to pick the car up for you tomorrow?" 

Wei Xingyue was extremely dissatisfied and said: "How can you be like this? How can you stop drinking now that we've already drank this much? I'm not even done yet, how can you hang me  in midair?" 

Shi Lei was about to throw himself at her feet. He looked at the time and said: "Woman, first, it's already past midnight. Although the night life at a bar is probably just about to start, but it's about the end for places like this. Second, we've already drank six bottles of beer each. I don't know what your limit is but I'm almost at my limit. Be careful, I might puke all over you if I'm drinking more. Third, there is a university around here, except for KFC and McDonald which are open 24 hours, everywhere else will close in about an hour or so. I'm afraid that there's nowhere else which we can drink." 

"Let's go to the bar!" Wei Xingyue picked up the car keys and pressed it, pointing towards the Alfa Romeo which was parked at the entrance of the alley. The car's light flashed and a clear beep was extra clear in the middle of the night. 

After walking away from him a few steps, Wei Xingyue turned around and said: "Don't tell me that I can't drive just because I drank. Whether calling a taxi, finding a substitute driver or driving myself, we must keep drinking! You just said that you believe that I'm not in a good mood, the person in the bad mood gets the priority, you don't have the authority to speak!" 

Shi Lei was speechless and scratched his head: "But we really aren't familiar with each other and I don't have to comply to you. Uh, give me back my jacket. You can go wherever you want but I need to go back!" 

Wei Xingyue didn't even turn around. Shi Lei couldn't do anything else but to follow after her. The wind was howling more furiously than before. When he gave his jacket to Wei Xingyue, he was already shaking a little. Now he regretted that he shouldn't have been so kind. Otherwise, she would've left after five minutes because she had rather thin clothing on. 

Wei Xingyue opened the door and waited for Shi Lei. She pointed at the car and said: "Get in!" 

"I'll give you the jacket, I need to go back. I can't drink anymore!" With that, Shi Lei turned around and left without giving Wei Xingyue the chance to react. 

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Wei Xingyue's eyes widened. Shi Lei was the least gentleman-like person she had ever met. Not to mention anything else, but when was she ever rejected by a man ever since she was young? Even without her incredible background, there were barely any men who could reject the temptation of her body and looks. 

But she had seen it today!

"What an unusual guy, how could he reject me?!" Wei Xingyue licked her lips. The lip gloss were long gone from devouring skewers and her lips were filled with the taste of it. 

She bent her back and climbed into the car. Although she wasn't supposed to drive after drinking, but it was the middle of the night, there were barely any cars and since Wei Xingyue clearly knew what her limit was, she was going to be fine. Especially that she didn't plan to drive too quickly and only needed to follow Shi Lei.  

Four wheels were obviously quicker than two legs. Soon, Wei Xingyue caught up to Shi Lei and followed him at a steady pace. She saw that Shi Lei was hugging his arms and shivering, she lowered the window and chucked the jacket out. 

"I don't want your clothes, stinks like a bad man." 

Shi Lei turned around and looked at her but put the jacket on in silence. Now that he was much warmer, he continued to walk. 

"Hey, are you really planning to take me to your house?" Wei Xingyue yelled in the car. 

Shi Lei ignored her and kept walking. 

"You are quite smart to guide me to your hosue like this, this surely stands out from the rest!" 

Shi Lei couldn't hold it anymore. He turned around, cupped his hands and bowed: "Dear lord, please let me go, I really can't drink anymore. You have a lot of friends so why don't you just find one of them? I'm sure that most of your friends are still partying somewhere right now. And, first, I don't want you to go to my house and second, I don't have a single bottle of alcohol in my house. Although, I have plenty of water." 

"But I have alcohol in my car!" Wei Xingyue happily said. 

Chapter 129 - Kabedon(1)

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei could only keep talking to Wei Xingyue.  

"We did have a brief contact with each other but we really weren't close with each other even if you are a woman. Oh, to be more honest, a breathtaking woman, and the fact that I only know your name, perhaps it's fake too, and nothing else. At the same time, you only know that I'm a man called Shi Lei. Is it really ok for you to drink with me in the middle of the night?"

Wei Xingyue threw a flirtatious glance at him and said: "Don't underestimate your charisma……" 

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Shi Lei rolled his eyes: "Cut the nonsense. If you wanted to have sex with someone tonight, I definitely won't be good enough for you. Can we both be a bit more sane?" 

"Why are you not good enough in my eyes? A man like you, especially one that doesn't seek anything from me, is as rare as pandas. I'm pretty sane, you aren't. It's insane to reject a beautiful woman." 

"Have you considered that I might be gay?" Shi Lei spoke without thinking. 

"You have a girlfriend, which means that your sexual orientation is normal!" Shi Lei was really speechless. He continued to walk and Wei Xingyue drove after him. 

"Hey, are you really not going to accompany me?" Wei Xingyue sounded that she was close to tears. Shi Lei warned himself never to trust a woman, especially the prettiest woman ---- As said by Mr. Jin Yong(2). 

"I told you that I'm in a bad mood today. Don't use the excuse that we are not close with each other. If we were close, I wouldn't even bother to come after you. I just want someone to talk to and what's wrong with that? If I talk to those I'm close with, wouldn't everyone know about it the next day? I just like the fact that we are not close and you definitely don't look like the type to take advantage of people, that's why I found you." 

Shi Lei still ignored her but he was already at his apartment. 

"So this is where you live……" As Wei Xingyue saw Shi Lei was about to go in, she quickly parked on the street without caring that it was strictly illegal and jumped out of the car. 

Opening the trunk, Wei Xingyue took out two bottles of red wine and followed after Shi Lei. Shi Lei didn't turn around when he heard the clicks of heels as he knew that there was no one there other than Wei Xingyue. 

He growled silently; is this woman crazy? Did she really plan to follow me home? Did she want me to do things to her like a wolf as we go in? Considering the outcomes of the crime, Shi Lei didn't have the guts to do it. He might drag everything he had into it just for temporary happiness in one moment. Shi Lei definitely couldn't afford to provoke someone who could drive around with an Alfa Romeo so leisurely.  

When he opened the door, Shi Lei clearly saw the eyes of two sleepy security guards shine. Last time when he brought Sun Yiyi back, they were like this. However, in their eyes, Wei Xingyue was definitely more enchanting and attractive than Sun Yiyi as they exclaimed how lucky Shi Lei was. 

On the way, Shi Lei pressed the button for the elevator and Wei Xingyue was insane enough to follow him closely. 

In the elevator, Wei Xingyue shoved the wines into Shi Lei's hands forcefully and he could only hold onto it. Then, he watched Wei Xingyue taking off her pair of thin, white heels off in front of him and draped it off her fingers in a alluring way. 

Shi Lei mumbled 'don't look, it's not polite', as he decided to focus on himself like a monk who's cultivating. 

It wasn't that Shi Lei wasn't a man. In fact, a part of his body was already excited, but he clearly understood his character as a loser. Something good like this was definitely unreal as Wei Xingyue would be blind to take a liking in him. 

Shi Lei began to suspect that perhaps he wasn't modest enough, especially after the use of millionaire card, which allowed a woman like Wei Xingyue to notice him. If it was really the case, Wei Xingyue definitely came to him for the sake of the secret of the black card and he needed to stay calm. God knows if the Black Card will kill them both if he really did reveal the existence of the Black Card. 

If only Wei Xingyue died, Shi Lei definitely wouldn't feel too sympathetic towards her, but he didn't want to die! When he opened the door, Wei Xingyue was leaning against the wall. He shook his head speechlessly and pushed the door open. 

Wei Xingyue followed in barefooted. Shi Lei noticed that she wore stockings. Except it was in a nude shade and rather thin, so he didn't notice during all this time. It also proved that Shi Lei was very earnest and didn't look at her legs at all. 

Leaning against the wall with the pair of white heels in her hands, it was so high that it seemed like a weapon. Shi Lei firmly believed that if he had any bad intentions towards her, she would smash his head with those heels. 

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Changing into slippers, Shi Lei eventually passed her Sun Yiyi's slippers after a moment of consideration: "This is my girlfriend's, just wear it for the time being." 

Wei Xingyue giggled. She grabbed onto Shi Lei's neck, pushed him against the door and her body was also at a close proximity to Shi Lei. 

Although they were close, but she kept a polite distance. Shi Lei could only feel her chest touching his lightly. 

Wei Xingyue held his neck in one hand and her heels in the other. She said flirtatiously: "Are you a man or not?" 

"I'm definitely not as manly as you. This is the first time in my whole life to be kabedoned by a woman." Wei Xingyue couldn't control her giggles and finally let go of Shi Lei while throwing her heels on the floor. 

"You are really interesting!" Wei Xingyue saw that Shi Lei went to the living room and sat down. The aircon also raised the temperature of the room quickly as she no longer felt cold and Shi Lei took off his jacket. 

Picking up the wine which Shi Left on top of a shelf next to the door, Wei Xingyue didn't wear Sun Yiyi's slippers. He didn't know if she was a clean freak or she liked the feeling of walking barefooted. 

"Where is the wine opener?" Wei Xingyue asked, "Get me two glasses!" 

Shi Lei shrugged and said: "Do you honestly think I have these when I don't even have any alcohol at home?" 

"Are you serious? You really don't have a good taste. Don't you ever drink a few glasses of wine for the sake of being romantic?" Shi Lei didn't make a comment to this. 

It wasn't hard for Wei Xingyue to find a solution to it. She found a towel in the bathroom and made a few layers at the bottom of the bottle. She gave it to Shi Lei and commanded him like a queen: "Face the wall and bang it, the wood stopper will pop out," 

Although Shi Lei was unwilling to do so, but he followed her orders anyway as he hoped that she quickly get this over and done with so she could leave. 

Following Wei Xingyue's directions, Shi Lei quickly popped out the wood stopper. Wei Xingyue picked up the stopper, rotated it and took a big sip like an extraordinarily refined goddess. But when she stopped, the alluring and seducing smile on her lips completely changed the atmosphere and became enchanting. 

"Come, drink with me!" Wei Xingyue passed the bottle she drank from to Shi Lei and didn't seem to mind to have an indirect kiss with him. 

Shi Lei took it but placed it down on the table before them. He said: "Didn't you say you need to someone to talk to? Tell me what you are unhappy about today."

Wei Xingyue sat to Shi Lei and didn't care that her body was touching Shi Lei closely, but Shi Lei shifted slightly to the side. 

Kabedon: kabe means wall and don is the sound of someone hitting it, refers to the action of someone slamming their hand against the wall and trapping the girl between him and the wall 

Jin Yong: famous Wuxia author 

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