The Black Card

Chapter 142-143

Chapter 142 - Love Me, Speed

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki llikia 


The reality was that, Wei Xingyue obviously wasn't really pregnant. Even if she was, it definitely wouldn't be Shi Lei's.

Not to mention that Shi Lei didn't even touch her that intimately, but even if he did, it was impossible to check if she was pregnant already. It had barely been a week since that night of drinking, and if she really could get it checked, Shi Lei should be thankful that medical technology was so advanced …

But he really didn't have any sort of experience in this area. When he heard what Wei Xingyue said, he was so overwhelmed that his legs began to shake and he dropped to the floor.

"Look at how idiotic you are. We didn't even do it. And if we did, how many days has it been? How is it possible to know that I'm pregnant already?" Wei Xingyue teased over the phone.

Shi Lei let out a sigh of relief. Then he howled into the phone, "You know people can die from being scared, right? You insane, crazy, woman! How can you joke about something like this?!"

Wei Xingyue froze. Had she ever been treated in such a way before? Even her strict father had never spoken to her in that enraged tone of voice.

After Shi Lei let go of his resentment, he was slightly scared. He asked carefully, "Tell me, is that baby mine or not?"

His words completely stunned and upset Wei Xingyue and she roared, "Shi Lei, you fucking idiot! I'm still a virgin. Baby? Baby your ass!"

Shi Lei's earwax almost fell out from the vibration of the phone. But he felt fine and laughed. "Your fault for scaring me! Hahaha, why are you calling me?"

Wei Xingyue was so angry that she hung up on him.

When Shi Lei discovered that there were no sound coming from the other side, he glanced at his phone and saw that she had hung up. Feeling confused, he kept walking and mumbled, "Is this crazy woman's illness coming back again? Isn't this happening too often?" As he muttered to himself, an ear-piercing sound of the car brake sounded next to him. Shi Lei didn't even dare to look back as he jumped to the side immediately. Then, he saw that the shadow of a car stopped next to him. The door of the car opened abruptly and hit him, causing him to stumble and his waist to burn with pain. He turned around and was about to curse subconsciously when he saw a beautiful face filled with fury.

"Uh…Are you trying to murder me?" Eventually, Shi Lei muttered without too much confidence, as he really couldn't have any temper toward Wei Xingyue.

Her chest were rising and falling violently. It would be alluring any other time but now, as it was the sign of her going berserk.

"I'm going easy on you by killing you. If my family knew about what happened last night, it's not enough if you die a hundred times."

Shi Lei stared at the sky speechlessly and said, "Nothing happened between us that day, okay?"

"So I let you look for nothing?" Wei Xingyue glared with her charming eyes and Shi Lei realized that her eyes were exceptionally big, almost as big as those school girls from Japanese manga, which didn't fit in proportion to her face, making it very different from the faces of normal humans.

"It's not like you would lose a piece of flesh if I looked…" Shi Lei mumbled but changed his words as soon as he saw that Wei Xingyue really was about to explode. "Not to mention that I didn't see anything, only your back!"

"Do you mean that we should go upstairs now, and I'll take it all off and let you look at it carefully? Do you want to touch it?" Wei Xingyue stuck out her chest in an aggressive manner.

Shi Lei jumped back from terror but fumed subconsciously, "I want to touch it if I don't have to take responsibility for it!"

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Wei Xingyue threw a kick at Shi Lei. She controlled her power. With the level of combat skill she displayed the other day, she could easily kick her feet up to Shi Lei's height and put it on his shoulder. She was also wearing high heels and could easily make a hole in his body —— Shi Lei didn't doubt this.  

"Did you come here just to torture me?" Shi Lei dodged to at least five meters away from Wei Xingyue. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, protecting it as he was bullied by her.

Wei Xingyue rolled her eyes, twitched her lips, and said, "Get in the car!"

"Please don't be like this. I can even take everything off and let you have a look. What do you want!?" Shi Lei begged helplessly.

Wei Xingyue approached him step by step in a threatening manner. She seized the collar of Shi Lei's shirt and laughed ferociously. "Brat, you'd better listen to me or I'm going to eat you!"

The word "eat" could easily make people imagine things, but Shi Lei never thought about it as he only wanted to get away from this insane woman.

Wei Xingyue almost carried him into the car. It was the Alfa Romeo, but she was driving instead of Shi Lei.

"Did you call me a crazy woman over the phone?" Wei Xingyue asked him coldly as the car accelerated to a speed that was way too quick.

Shi Lei hurriedly buckled his seatbelt and didn't dare to admit it. "I just blurted that out. Such reactions aren't real when people are panicked!" He explained randomly.

"People usually expose their true thoughts when panicking!"

"I didn't, I swear to God!"

"It's fine…." Wei Xingyue suddenly turned around and licked her lips in a seductive way, but Shi Lei felt that danger was coming his way.

"You are right. I am a crazy woman. I'll show you what crazy means…." As she spoke, the car sped onto the airport highway which led them outside the city. This was a part of highway without a toll gate. Wei Xingyue abruptly stepped on the accelerator and Shi Lei felt as if a propeller was installed on his back due to the great force being exerted on him and the blurred scenery outside the window.

Shi Lei yelped in terror and quickly checked that he'd buckled his seatbelt. He grabbed onto the handle tightly, his legs pressed against the front as his body tensed.

He watched as the speed of the car exceeded one hundred kilometers per hour, then one twenty, one thirty, one forty…

"Enough! Are you crazy? You're going to die from driving this fast!" Shi Lei yelled in panic.

But Wei Xingyue was exceptionally calm. A breath-taking smile appeared on her face and her lips parted slightly. "As a crazy woman, of course I have to live up to such a name. You haven't seen when I'm actually crazy!"

The speed of the car didn't decrease but climbed steadily up. Shi Lei glanced and the speedometer, which showed that the car had already exceeded one hundred seventy kilometers per hour.

Shi Lei knew that protesting was no use. No matter what he said, this woman really was crazy and she refused slow down. Shi Lei could only pray to God that her driving skills were good and all he could do was grasp onto the handle tightly and straighten his body even more…

After the speed exceeded two hundred kilometers per hour, it finally steadied. It seemed like Wei Xingyue didn't actually dare to drive at three hundred kilometers per hour, the limit of a sports car. 

Good. She wasn't crazy enough to risk her life.

Shi Lei gradually became accustomed to the speed. Although his heart was still thumping violently, he wasn't as scared as before.

"What do you want? Can you let me go?" Shi Lei begged.

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Wei Xingyue turned her head and said, "Is that embarrassing to be with me?"

Shi Lei was afraid and quickly said, "Don't look at me, don't look me. Look at the road, you are driving! Everyone takes responsibility for safe driving!"

Wei Xingyue was speechless. This guy could always make her explode within seconds but he could also unexpectedly make her smile even faster.

Shi Lei stole a glance at Wei Xingyue's chest. It wasn't in the perverted way, as his intention wasn't to look at her breasts, but the chain of Xingyue Puti around her neck.

However…it should be fine to glance at her chest while with looking at the beads, right?

She was still wearing that chain of Xingyue Puti. Don't tell me…this crazy woman really fell in love with me? —— Shi Lei thought in horror. 

Chapter 143 - Please Spare My Life, Brave Man


Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki llikia

The speed finally decreased from two hundred to within one hundred kilometers per hour. Shi Lei suddenly felt that the world was beautiful and his sense of security returned.

After she changed lanes, the speed lowered to under seventy kilometers per hour, which was a safe speed at which to drive. Then, Wei Xingyue exited the highway from an off ramp.

Shi Lei took out his phone and checked. They had been speeding for more than an hour and with that speed, weren't they more than two hundred kilometers away?

Weren't they out of the province?

On the way, they had been driving at the average of more than two hundred kilometers per hour. They went through two toll stations and Shi Lei was able to  relax for a bit. He'd wished that the crazy woman would stop speeding after passing the toll station but since she was crazy, she stepped on the accelerator again and the speed immediately rose to what it had been before.

"Where are we going?" Shi Lei asked helplessly.

Obviously, it was a city Shi Lei hadn't been to before, probably next to Wu Dong city as the road was rather spacious. After they exited the highway, Wei Xingyue didn't keep speeding and she drove at around sixty or seventy kilometers per hour.

"Why do you have so many questions? I'll naturally tell you when we get there!"

Shi Lei closed his mouth obediently, but there was a question that he just had to ask. After a moment of hesitation, he spoke up. "You were speeding for an hour on the highway. The limit for highway was only one hundred twenty kilometers per hour. We're lucky that we didn't get caught by the police. What do you think?"

Wei Xingyue looked at him coldly and said, "My plate number is registered at the police station. When their radar finds my car and look at the number plate, they won't do anything to me."

"Damn, that's so cool! Is your family from the Ministry of Transportation?!"

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Wei Xingyue was completely speechless toward Shi Lei's naivety. It's one of the privileges of being wealthy, alright?

Luckily, they soon reached the destination. It was an empty area and Wei Xingyue drove slowly in.

Shi Lei realised that there were no streetside lamps. The road was brand new, yet the sides were filled with yellow soil. It seemed to be a newly constructed road that had yet to be developed.

A thought flashed through his mind as he recalled the scenes of drag races from movies. He timidly asked, "We are not drag racing with someone, are we?"

Wei Xingyue glanced at him in surprise and said, "You can tell? Looks like you are quite smart sometimes."

"What are you talking about? My IQ has always been high."

Wei Xingyue's expressions was filled with pity. "I really couldn't tell."

"But there's only your car here. Are you gonna drag race with the air? Oh, don't tell me there's really a phantom rider?"

Wei Xingyue couldn't help it but to smack him hard on the head. "Phantom your ass! Have you watched too many movies? We are early. Drag racing obviously happens at midnight," she said.

Shi Lei rubbed his forehead. "Just talk, don't hit me! It hurts!"

Wei Xingyue rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"Since it starts at midnight, why are we so early? Why couldn't you drive slower?"

"Well, who told you make me angry? I like to speed when I'm angry!" Wei Xingyue rolled her eyes at him again and added, "I'll let you experience what that feels like so when we do it later, you don't throw up."

Shi Lei jumped out of the car in terror and posed defensively. "Stop kidding. If you want to participate in a drag race or even die, I won't stop you. But I want to live I'm still young and a virgin. I have plenty of time left. I'm not seeking death with you!"

"Can't you say anything better? And do you think I'm discussing this with you? I'm simply notifying you. Today's rule is that there must be someone sitting in the front passenger's seat! Why else would I drag you here!"

"Sister, aunt, grandma, with your charisma, I'm sure a bunch of warriors would be waiting to get in your car if you wave your hands on the street. Can't you take someone else instead? I really can't do it!"

"As a man, you can't say no!" Wei Xingyue also got off the car and said aggressively.  

Shi Lei was close to tears and shook his head firmly. "I really can't!"

"Then don't blame me for tying you up and dragging you into the car!" With that, Wei Xingyue took out a bundle of ropes from her back trunk.

Shi Lei was in despair. He knew that although he was a man, his combat skills were definitely not as high as the woman in front of him. Since she was crazy, she would definitely do what she said. If he really refused to get into the car, she would actually tie him up.

"Please spare my life, brave man!" Shi Lei almost sobbed.

"Don't worry! This road isn't too long. Just a few kilometers because it is not fully constructed yet. It'll end after we drive to the end and come back. It won't take long.

Shi Lei was annoyed. Why did he feel that Wei Xingyue's tone was as if she was a strange dashu using a lollipop to try to kidnap a child?

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"Why are you so hardcore! You are even into bondage plays!" Shi Lei's mouth twitched as he looked like he was wronged. But it could be seen that he complied. Well, it didn't matter who it was, but he would definitely comply to such a fierce woman like this.

At this time, Shi lei noticed that Wei Xingyue's way of dressing was slightly different to how she usually dressed.

Although she was still dressed in white, but she didn't wear the black silk scarf around her neck, but the chain of Xingyue Puti which he bought.

White shirt and white pants. She wore a snow-white button-up shirt. The texture was thin and soft, clearly made from silk. The white pants were tight and elastic. She wasn't wearing high heels, replacing them with a pair of white runners. The pants were slightly too tight and displayed the shape of her long legs perfectly. Shi Lei couldn't help but to recall the scene of Wei Xingyue putting her legs on his shoulders. He swallowed hard.

Wei Xingyue saw his gaze and said in disdain, "Where are you looking?"

"Your legs!" Shi Lei said righteously.

"Do they look nice?"

"Not as nice as the other day."

"Do you believe that I can kill you right now?" Wei Xingyue glared at him viciously.

"You don't let me tell the truth, but you won't be happy if I lied to you…" Shi Lei quickly begged. 

Wei Xingyue didn't know why it was funny, but she laughed. She walked around the front of the car and her petite face stopped about ten inches in from his. Shi Lei tried to adjust the focus of his eyes by crossing them, but could only barely see her face.

"You can have a look, but don't have any perverted thoughts." Wei Xingyue's words drained all the colours out Shi Lei's face. This really was a sign that she was in love with me!

Shi Lei was speechless. He thought that his performance before her wasn't too bad, but it wasn't excellent either. But if he could make a crazy woman fall in love with him like that, it really…God, please spare me!  

However, could this woman be masochistic? Shi Lei was obviously rejecting her but she was willing and content with it.

"Brave man, let's discuss something!" Shi Lei said with a serious face, but his words weren't so serious.

Wei Xingyue glanced at him and didn't say anything.

"Can you please be generous and spare me? Tell me, what do I need to do for you to spare me?"

Seeing Shi Lei's serious face in such a situation, Wei Xingyue snapped. She seized his collar and said maliciously, "I'm not telling you to sleep with me. I just want you to play with me, why do you have to talk so much useless trash?!"

"But you need to take responsibility for playing!" Tears rolled down Shi Lei's face as he was drowned in despair.

Two light beams suddenly shone towards the Alfa Romeo, accompanied by the roaring sound of an engine. 

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