The Black Card

Chapter 16-17

Chapter 16 - Tutor  

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Shi Lei blanked out for a second, then shook his head immediately: "Impossible. I can even recount all the money I have spent this week. In addition, I am also positive that all the money spent are on consumptions. I did not give any tips, did not lose any, did not get robbed, you are lying to me!" 

"Stupid slave, as your noble master, how is it possible for me to lie to you?" 

Shi Lei asked in disbelief: "Then say it, which consumptions are not counted into the quota?"

The Scepter laughed coldly and swore: "Stupid thing. Telling you that you are 780 yuan short is already doing a favor for you, yet you still wish me to tell you the reason? Sure, if you want to know, tomorrow at this time after your punishments, you shall know." 

As it finished its sentence, the Scepter had finally obtained enough satisfaction from Shi Lei's worried and nervous expression. It exited the screen and the black card was ejected. 

Shi Lei took the black card and pondered deeply as none of this week's consumption was related to the number 780. He did not any have ideas and could not understand where it went wrong. 

But from the Scepter's words, he could understand that he was really 780 yuan short on this week's quota. He just needed to make up for the 780 yuan himself, but under the circumstance of spending those 780 yuan first. 

Shi Lei took out his own bank card and checked its balance. Damn it, it was not enough as it only had about 600 yuan left. 

As Shi Lei walked out of the self-service bank, he was rather gloomy. But the good news was that his life was saved. From the rules he knew for the time being, he did not violate against any of it as the Scepter cannot punish him for accidents caused by others. 

This was great news. 

As long as the rules existed, not only does it affect him, but it also placed restrictions on the Scepter. Then, Shi Lei definitely would not die without a reason. 

But, Shi Lei was 780 yuan short on this week's quota, yet all of his possessions are only about 600 yuan…...

'Zhang Mo, although you did not have to compensate my laptop, but presumably, you would be very willing to take responsibility for the rest of the 100 yuan…….' 

Putting the card back to his pocket, Shi Lei returned to his dorm quickly. 

Zhang Mo was already back. The table was filled with things he could never buy otherwise, such as BBQ, which were all meat, plus a bowl of crayfish, approximately 1 kg, and two cases of beer on the side. Shi Lei had shared the dorm with him for three years, this was his first time to see Zhang Mo spend these amount of money. 

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"Finally, you are back……" Seeing Shi Lei appear at the door, Zhang Mo sighed in relief: "I just checked the toilet and you weren't there, and scared the hell of out of me, I thought you couldn't take it lightly……" 

Shi Lei took out his shoes and threw it on Zhang Mo's head: "Bullshit! Don't take it too hard! You can be fucking dead and I'll be living comfortable. I just took a shit, and I thought that you'll take a while to buy the skewers so i went for a walk. I sat here playing games for the whole night, my neck's almost broken, I needed to exercise for bit." 

Zhang Mo was hit by the shoes but did not have any temper, he mumbled: "Stone, the laptop…… I'll talk to my family tomorrow and let them……" 

"Talk my ass! Told you I'm a fuerdai, this money is nothing! I'm gonna be angry if you mention the laptop again!" As Zhang Mo was dumbstruck, Shi Lei added another sentence rapidly: "In fact, I need to thank you." 

Zhang Lei was completely shocked; 'thank me?'

He glared at Shi Lei: "Stone, have you gone crazy because your laptop broke?" 

"What the hell! Cut the crap, open the beer for me. Speaking of which, we have been friends for three years now. And I've never seen you being this generous. I need to get to your money's worth!" 

"I really don't need to compensate for it?" Zhang Mo sat opposite to Shi Lei, he asked in disbelief as Shi Lei was gulping on beers and taking mouthfuls of the skewers. 

"Why are you dawdling on it? It's only 20,000 yuan, I'll get another one later. Actually, wait for two weeks, I'll get the 80,000 yuan one to show you!" 

Zhang Mo was thoroughly speechless. It was still rather difficult for him to believe that Shi Lei was really a fuerdai. They had been friends for three years, and shared the same dorm, everyone more or less knew about Shi Lei's family's financial situation. It really did not make much sense that Shi Lei suddenly became a fuerdai. 

"But talking about it seriously, I need to buy something tomorrow, but I just realised I'm short 200 yuan. My parents are travelling right now, I can't get in contact with them, and they can't make transactions to me so I can only wait till next week after they come back. Let me borrow 200 yuan first." Shi Lei toasted with Zhang Mo and gulped a mouthful of beer down, and skinned another crayfish. 

Ever since he got hold of the damned black card, Shi Lei discovered that he can lie on the spot, and the ability to trick someone is gradually getting better everyday. 

Zhang Mo was shocked. He finally convinced himself to believe the fact that Shi Lei was really a rich second generation, but now Shi Lei wanted to borrow money, and only 200 yuan, which made him doubt Shi Lei once again. 

"I'm really broke. I told my parents yesterday that I'm not going home this weekend, so they transferred this week's living expenses to me…… But I broke your laptop and I feel sorry, so I bought this much food, and I pretty much just spent all my money. As you know, I only have about 300 to 400 yuan a week. Now I only have a few bucks left on me. Good thing I have about 100 yuan in my canteen card, I was ready to live this week by eating less……"

Shi Lei heard it and did not take it too seriously. He was only short on about 100 yuan anyways. He could ask his other roommates tomorrow and it should not be too difficult. 

Zhang Mo had a thought, then said: "If you really need money desperately, I have an idea. I have to tutor tomorrow, and just accepted the offer recently. I haven't even told them my name yet, I just called and was planning to talk about it at their place tomorrow. Tutors are now getting paid after sessions, you can go tomorrow. The price we agreed on was 60 yuan per hour, two hours every time. It's still a bit under, but I have some change on me, It should be enough if I give that to you."

Shi Lei pondered for a while, thinking that it was not a bad idea, then said: "How come you are starting to tutor?" 

"I want to earn some money, you know? My second uncle is organising jobs for me and it's not a big problem. I'm about to graduate, I want to earn some money to buy some better clothes because I don't want to ask my family for it." 

"Then you gave me your job……"

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"Hey, it's nothing. You didn't even make me compensate for such an expensive laptop. Even if I was to take half of the responsibility, it would be 10,000 yuan. We are bros right?" 

Shi Lei nodded and agreed. After finishing their beers, he teased him with a laugh: "But even if you go tomorrow, the opposite might not want you anyways. Look at your body full of fat, doesn't look like a good guy to me." 

"Fuck off! This is called wealthy looking!" 

The two joked and threw the fact that the laptop broke to the back of their mind. 

After waking up in the morning, Shi Lei first contacted the family which Zhang Mo called, and confirmed that he's going to her place at 1:30pm to talk to about it. If everything went smoothly, they'll begin the first lesson right away. 

Shi Lei calculated the time; if it did not go smoothly, he will be back at school around 2pm and borrowing 100 yuan should not be a problem. Shi Lei departed after this as he needed to spend the 600 yuan he had on him. 

Chapter 17 - Girl With a Smokey Eye Makeup 

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

After a luxurious lunch, including his bank account, Shi Lei only had about 20 bucks left, and it was the result of Shi Lei giving out all his change. 

Shi Lei earnestly calculated this week's consumptions, he was only about 110 yuan away from the total of 40,780 yuan. If he could get the tutor job today and earn 120 yuan for just two hours, it was more than enough to accomplish the mission. 

Shi Lei called a taxi and arrived at the residential area which was not too far from the school. 

Shi Lei did not even knock yet and he heard snarls from the inside. It was a woman's voice. It seemed to be the woman who picked up the call in the morning, except it was obviously filled with strong resentment. Shi Lei hesitated, he wasn't sure if he should knock on the door. 

"Don't talk about this anymore, I won't give you a single cent!" The woman's voice sounded again from inside the house, then it was followed by a moment of dead silence. It looked like she was making a phone call, and now she'd hung up. 

Shi Lei fixed his attire and knocked on the door. 

"I told you, if you dare come over again, I will call the police!" The woman's furious voice sounded again, she seemed to think that Shi Lei was the person she was on the phone with and came to find her. 

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"Uh…… Hello, I'm the one who contacted you about tutoring this morning……" Shi Lei said loudly. 

The woman on the inside was blank for a second, then opened the anti-theft door. A rather good looking woman with a nice body stood in the doorway. 

She studied Shi Lei slightly and smoothed her slightly messy hair, and apologised: "I'm sorry, I thought it was…… Hurry and come in! You are Shi Lei?" 

Shi Lei nodded and said: "Hello, I'm Shi Lei, a fourth year student at Wu Dong University." 

"Come in, come in. I'm sorry about what happened just then, I thought you were that person……." 

After he walked in, Shi Lei discovered that the furnishings inside were rather nice. Except that there were traces of dirt on the walls, as if it just experienced a world war not long ago. 

Shi Lei took out his student card and ID, these were the essentials. 

"The situation is that my friend called you first, but he was not the one to apply for the position. He made the phone call for me so he did not tell you his name. After he talked to me, I contacted you. You have a daughter in middle school, third year, right?" 

The woman seemed to be much calmer and passed Shi Lei a glass of water. She sat opposite Shi Lei and studied him conscientiously. 

As if she was satisfied with Shi Lei's outer appearance, she finally said: "My child is probably very rebellious. Honestly, I'm not expecting a tutor to improve her grades, just someone who can take care and spend some time with her on the weekends. In other words, supervise her so she doesn't go out with those shady……" The woman frowned and changed her phrasing: "Don't let her hang out with those children that act willingly as they please and make a scene. So during these times, you just need to make sure that she doesn't leave the house. I'm busy and usually have to work overtime on the weekends. So I need you to come over every Saturday afternoon, sometimes Sunday if needed. I talked about the price with your friend, 60 yuan per hour. If you don't have any problems, you can start today." 

Shi Lei was slightly surprised, thinking that this woman was rather quick and decisive, and asked: "You don't need to ask about my studies or grades?" 

The woman shook her head, forced a smile, and said: "As I just said, I really only need someone on the weekends to make sure that she doesn't go out. It'll be even better if you can have a lesson or two. You can try it first. I won't hide this from you but I've tried a lot of tutors already. None of them lasted for a month. I really hope you can bear with my daughter!" 

Shi Lei thought, 'I didn't want this as a long-term job anyways. I only came here for the 120 yuan. As long as I deal with it today, next time I can just tell her to change to another tutor as I couldn't bear with her daughter.'

But obviously he could not say that aloud. Plus, Shi Lei was curious how this woman who had the manners of a strong and independent woman had raised a rebellious daughter. 

The woman looked at the time and took out 120 yuan, she passed it to Shi Lei and said: "Doesn't matter how it goes, I'll give you today's 120 yuan first. I requested a leave of absence, but I need to go back to the office before 3pm. Sorry for the inconvenience today." 

Shi Lei hesitated, and eventually took the 120 yuan, he nodded as he stood up. 

The woman pointed towards a room with closed doors, and said: "She's inside. Oh, she's called Zhang Liangliang." 

Shi Lei did not say another word, he walked straight to the room and knocked on the door. There was no sound inside. He turned around and looked at the charming woman, seeing that she did not oppose it, he twisted the doorknob and opened the door. 

To be honest, as soon as Shi Lei opened the door, he realised how hard this tutoring job would be. 

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Usually, girls in middle school, about 14 or 15 of age, their rooms should be colours like pink. But everything before Shi Lei's eyes was nowhere near that. 

There were some celebrity posters on the walls, but definitely not good looking guys and girls. Rather, it was some weird looking masculine men filled with tattoos, with ear and nose piercings, and ring-like objects everywhere where it could be pierced. 

The room was so messy that it seemed to have experienced World War III, it wasn't exaggerating to describe it as the look of turmoil and chaos of war. 

A girl wearing a black leather jacket sat in front of the desk, jamming along to the music with huge headphones. Even Shi Lei could hear the irascible music from the headphones; they were all in english. Shi Lei walked over and took away the headphones on the girl's head. 

Zhang Liangliang, who was indulged in her own world, turned around and glared at Shi Lei furiously as the music disappeared. 

As if she knew Shi Lei's identity, Zhang Liangliang said angrily: "Give me back my headphones!" 

Shi Lei ignored her. He also took the phone which was connected to the earphones, unplugged it and returned the phone to her. 

"What are you doing?" Zhang Liangliang grew even angrier. 

Shi Lei could finally take a good look at this 14 or 15 year old girl. 

Short hair, but also not that short. Because it was curled and styled rather puffy like an explosion just happened, it seemed to be a pile of instant noodles on her head which made it look short. If she straightened it, it would be about shoulder length. 

She had horrible makeup on her face. A big black circle, it was said to be the trendy smokey-eye makeup, black lipstick, and some red and green highlights in her hair. 

Her leather jacket was unzipped, with only an undergarment inside. Her bosoms weren't big so Shi Lei could not see the gap in between them as she was not wearing much. 

She was only wearing a pair of shorts. In this weather, this kid was not afraid of being cold. 

"What are you looking at! Haven't you seen a beauty before?" Zhang Liangliang was a tomboy, she scolded Shi Lei furiously with her hands on her hips. 

Shi Lei shook his head speechlessly, thinking that she was really rebellious, a hipster. The woman outside looked like an executive at a company. Whether it was her manners or virtue, she seemed rather good. It must be tough to have a daughter like this. 

The phone call just then might be the reason behind the way this family was. Suddenly, Shi Lei felt that he was blessed to be born into a ordinary family. 

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