The Black Card

Chapter 174-175

Chapter 174 - Crush Every Single Bone

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

In high spirits, Shi Lei walked toward the door Song Miaomiao had pointed out.

He pushed it opened and, as expected, there was a small room. It had a row of couches and two closets on the side with shorts and gloves.

It seemed that although this place was an underground fighting ring, they didn't want any unnecessary deaths and allowed the boxers to wear gloves.

As soon as Shi Lei walked in, he heard a light clicking that he assumed to be the lock.

"Heart of a villain!" Shi Lei's lips twitched in disdain. He looked at the shorts of varying colors and lengths and eventually shook his head and gave up on them. Who knew what kind of people had worn them before?

He took off his jacket. After a moment of hesitation, Shi Lei also took off the shirt inside. He could feel that although the warehouse was quite spacious, it was rather warm and he wouldn't be cold even if he fought without a top on.

He didn't take his pants off as it wouldn't look nice to fight on stage in his underwear. Luckily, Shi Lei was wearing jeans and they shouldn't restrain his actions too much.

He picked up a pair of gloves and tried them on. They felt fine. He then finally said to the phone, "Click on Ancient Times' Martial Arts."

The screen of the phone that was lying on the couch lit up. The app for martial arts opened and three portraits appeared.

Since there weren't any details on them except a name, Shi Lei just casually picked the first one.

The icon of the first martial arts lit up slightly more than the others. A dialogue popped up, asking whether or not he wanted to choose this martial arts master.

Shi Lei walked to the door. He pulled opened a small gap and called out loudly after glancing outside, "Are you guys ready? I'm almost ready! Let's hurry up and stop procrastinating. There's plenty of time to enjoy the night!"

The malicious man didn't really have any reaction to what Shi Lei said, but Song Miaomiao felt like her lungs were about to explode. This brat. It was clearly for her. What time to enjoy? It was basically having sex with her for 500,000 yuan if he could still stand at the end of the fight.

"We're waiting for you to come out!" The malicious-looking man was one who spoke up.

"Okay, confirm!" Shi Lei said to his phone. With that, he lightly bumped his fists together, but didn't feel any difference in his body. Suddenly, he had a sinking feeling. Could it be that the Black Card was trolling him? What if he wasn't possessed by a martial arts master?

Things had already happened and Shi Lei's condition of having a nerve missing in his brain appeared again. He couldn't escape from it either way, so he might as well see how it would go.

Shi Lei swept the curtain aside, walking out wearing the same jeans and socks while revealing his naked torso. 

Although the malicious-looking man and Song Miaomiao hated Shi Lei, they felt sympathetic seeing him be so careless and fooling around. This guy doesn't have any muscles. Won't he fall down with a single blow?

Shi Lei saw them and even waved his fists at them, as if welcoming their cheers. Their slight sympathy immediately disappeared into thin air.

A man at least 1.85 meters tall with the appearance of a black tower walked over to Shi Lei and spoke in stiff, broken Chinese, "Are you the guy who doesn't know his own limits? I'll break your two legs and shatter you chin!"

Without needing to ask, this was Tachai(1). His name sounded southeast Asian. Underground fighting was extremely popular in that area. After many professional boxers retired, they went underground for money.

Shi Lei glanced up at Tachai and realized that it was rather difficult for him to create an imposing aura because there was a big difference in height as well as weight. The muscles on his arms looked like they had been assembled. Shi Lei looked at his own body. Thin arms and legs. They were probably robust compared to ordinary people, but he was as weak as a chicken compared to those who boxed for a living.

But Shi Lei wasn't scared. He had a strong heart…Uh, mainly because he had faith in the Black Card's powers. There was no need for a mysterious thing that could wipe out a human by turning them into a mist of blood to make him die such a miserable death under the hands of a boxer, right? If Shi Lei was going to be killed, then the Black Card should do the deed itself.

Shi Lei ignored Tachai and walked to the ring that was in the middle of the warehouse.

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It really was built like a professional boxing ground. The middle was the ring with steps built around it. The direction Shi Lei walked toward led to a long table. Behind the table was a tightly shut door. On one side was where Shi Lei had walked out earlier and the other was probably also a changing room.

But obviously, there was no audience today, although he could imagine what it would look like when it was filled with people. The seats would be filled, and the long table in front of the door was probably where the analyst sat. Then, the boxers would come out from their changing rooms on either side, waving their arms around. The situation would probably be really exciting even before the doors opened.

Shi Lei walked to the ring. It was a bit tall. He felt that he would look better if he jumped onto the ring from the corner.

He was probably already possessed by the martial arts master, so he should have qinggong(2) and wanted to try it out.

Standing next to the ring, Shi Lei jumped…

It wasn't as easy and as cool as what he'd imagined. He only jumped up and fell back down.

Shi Lei scratched his head with the glove and thought it was rather awkward. But why didn't I feel anything different? Am I really still the same old me?

When they saw Shi Lei's actions, Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man shook their heads. At that moment, the Thai boxer whom Song Miaomiao found also came over.

He wasn't too tall, about 1.7 meters. Shi Lei lowered his head to look down at him.

His weight was also not like the previous one. The muscles were much more restrained and not as exaggerated. But Shi Lei could almost sense the danger and all the hair on his body stood up.

"This guy has killed someone before!" Shi Lei was alarmed. Then, he felt all the muscles in his body contract violently. He didn't back off, instead taking one step toward the Thai boxer.

The boxer was astonished when he felt a bestial aura rise Shi Lei. He'd initially wanted to walk toward him, but somehow found that he could not move a single step forward.

In this situation, Shi Lei's aura changed drastically. The Thai boxer babbled for some time in a rough tone. Apparently, he hadn't left Thailand for long and didn't know how to speak Chinese yet.

Shi Lei was helpless. "What did he say?" he asked Song Miaomiao. "Can you translate it for me?"

In that instant, even Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man had felt the sudden change in his aura. After hearing those words, the threatening aura completely disappeared and he returned to his idiot-like manner.

"He said that he will break every single bone in your body!" Song Miaomiao told Shi Lei coldly.

Shi Lei nodded. "Okay, tell him not to bother. The two of them can come at me together. I want to end it as soon as possible!"

Tachai: the name which Shi Lei heard from Yingzi. It's not his actual name but just a close pronunciation to what it sounded like

Qinggong: the ability to move swiftly and lightly at superhuman speed and abilities such as walking on water

Chapter 175 - Bring It On Together

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki llikia


Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man were astounded. Tachai could understand Chinese and reciprocated furiously in a foreign language. Only the Thai boxer didn't know what was going on, but he still threateningly waved his fist at Shi Lei.


Because of his sudden rise in aura, Shi Lei clearly felt the power given to him from being possessed by the martial arts master. He was almost certain that even if both of them fought him at the same time, he would still win.

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He stomped the ground heavily and this time, he didn't jump in place. His body flew over the fence and landed lightly into the ring.


Shi Lei stood there, pointed at Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man, and said clearly, "I said, tell them to bring it on together! Do you not understand?"


In any case, Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man were extremely surprised by what Shi Lei just said. Even the two boxers were astonished that previously tired-looking Shi Lei was now so different. They didn't know what happened to him.


Perhaps there really was someone called An Men and the so-called neigong. Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man thought of the same thing without verbally pointing it out. They exchanged a glance as if they were confirming something from the opposite party.


Tachai was going on stage either way. He turned his body and squeezed through the fence made up of strings.


The Thai boxer still stood below the stage. He looked at Shi Lei, who'd begun to release a bestial aura, and lost his confidence.


Shi Lei saw that Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man didn't translate for him, so he could only use English. "You! Come here!" He thought for a long time, but with his poor English, he really didn't know how to say that he wanted them to fight him at the same time. Shi Lei could only seek help from Song Miaomiao. "Hurry the fuck up and translate for me! Tell them to fight me together. I don't have the time to play with them one by one!"


Damn! This is crazy!


But without knowing why, from the moment Shi Lei stomped and jumped, he was not the Shi Lei from before. Right now, he seemed like an invincible god of war and dazzled both Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man.


It was only the girly man who didn't see the change and cursed recklessly, "What the hell are you showing off for? What's so good about being able to jump so high!? Ying Shao, grant his wish! He wants it to be one versus two so he can die a quicker death. Shui Ye, say yes!"


Song Miaomiao glared and Shi Lei. "Are you sure?" she asked slowly.


"Cut the rubbish and hurry up! My gloves are thirsty!" Shi Lei waved his fist.


At that moment, Song Miaomiao believed Shi Lei and felt that the boxer she'd invited and Tachai together wouldn't be able to defeat him. But she couldn't just let it slip so easily. Suddenly, her eyes reddened and she yelled, "Cunt, you are bluffing!" Then she began to talk rapidly to the boxer in Thai. Shi Lei really didn't expect this damned ladyboy to be so fluent. Damn, what if she was from Thailand?


Shi Lei felt disgusted.

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The Thai boxer also froze. Of course, he knew Shi Lei was trying to provoke him, but he'd never thought that Shi Lei was so arrogant.


He didn't believe that Shi Lei had the ability to fight two people at the same time, so he told Song Miaomiao that he couldn't afford to lose face like this, and that he definitely wouldn't combine forces with someone to bully a loser.


"Go, I've already paid you!" Song Miaomiao spoke coldly in Thai. "Go and break every single one of his bones!"


The Thai boxer hesitated for a long time, but eventually followed Song Miaomiao's command and went on stage.


The three of them each stood in a corner. Shi Lei faced the opponents with his side and avoided exposing his centerline. His hands were crossed and placed behind his back, which gave him the appearance of a capable martial arts master.


At this time, Shi Lei felt like he was completely possessed by the master. He believed that any fist he threw out would be extremely powerful, and that immense power was not something the two people before him could withstand.


The reason why he didn't feel this power before was not because the master was delayed in possessing him, but simply because he didn't feel threatened and his body was in a naturally relaxed state.


He had to thank the Thai boxer. Shi Lei was sure that if they had fought one on one without him being possessed, he could be beaten to death, since this guy could even make him feel slightly threatened after being possessed. As for that Tachai…well, he wasn't even worth mentioning in front of the master because Shi Lei had no feeling of danger from him.


If it wasn't for the Thai boxer's threat, Shi Lei was afraid that he had to be hit by a fist to feel threatened. Even one fist was painful, alright?


Tachai and the Thai boxer were greatly insulted. Although they disdained to combine forces, both of them advanced on Shi Lei.


Tachai threw a punch, giving up on trying to deduce Shi Lei's skill level, instead heading straight for his face.


Shi Lei stepped aside and easily avoided this punch. Although he was wearing a boxing glove, he still used the palm method, which seemed to lightly hit Tachai's elbow, but he actually felt as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake and his entire arm dropped, devoid of energy.


The Thai boxer also threw a fist at him. Shi Lei didn't back off this time. He took a step forward and lowered his head to dodge it.


Without waiting for the Thai boxer to change to an elbow blow, Shi Lei raised his hands and hit his elbow as well. The Thai boxer also had the same sensation as being bitten by a poisonous snake and his arm also dropped.

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But the two of them only lost their focus temporarily. They felt their arms quickly return to normal. Shi Lei had hit their nerve swiftly and accurately, which caused them to temporarily lose feeling in their arms, but they also shortly recovered.


The two of them finally exchanged a glance between themselves as they realized that Shi Lei couldn't be underestimated, and was definitely not some small fry who could easily be beaten up.


Both of them practiced Muay Thai, and at one glance, they shared the same tactics. The two of them attacked, one in front and the other behind. One swept his leg at Shi Lei from the side and the other threw another punch at his face.


Shi Lei turned slightly on his feet and somehow squeezed through the gap between the attacks. It looked simple, but he possessed a lightness that seemed to transcend the power of the human body.


At this time, Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man had some inkling that Shi Lei was not who he seemed to be. Although they had yet to know the final outcome, Shi Lei definitely wouldn't be as easily beaten up as they'd imagined.


"Does neigong really exist?"


"Is there really an An Men?"


Song Miaomiao and the malicious-looking man spoke different words at the same time with the same meaning. They looked at each other and saw nervousness in each other's eyes.


The two boxers were still fighting on stage. Tachai and the Thai boxer quickly worked out the best way to fight together as they took advantage of every single gap. One used the advantage of having long legs to attack while the other attempted to keep Shi Lei busy at close proximity. Why not take a kick if he could make Shi Lei unable to escape from an attack?


But Shi Lei seemed to be easily handling both of their attacks. He always avoided them by a hair's breadth. The two of them felt helpless, as if they could never touch Shi Lei's body.


Only Shi Lei thought that there was plenty of time. He wanted to see what the martial arts master was really like. All he could do before was imagine. Now that he could experience it, he definitely didn't want to let the chance slip by.


He was like a disciple who swept the floor at Shaolin temple. Tachai and the Thai boxer were Xiao Yuanshan and Mu Rongbo(1). He only dodged their attacks but didn't choose to fight back.


After two or three minutes of ferocious attacks from two boxers, they were panting. Their stamina fell and their coordination also began to deteriorate.

Xiao Yuanshan and Mu Rongbo are both fictional characters from a wuxia novel called Tian Long Ba Bu, or "Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" in English (


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