The Black Card

Chapter 233-234

Chapter 233 - Dog Bites Dog

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Manager Chen's face revealed a troubled expression. Wei Xingyue's words were undeniable. He had known about this incident for quite some time now and his thoughts on Shi Lei were exactly the same as Yu Deping's. Although he knew that Shi Lei was Wei Xingyue's friend, he also felt that if Shi Lei really was an important friend, she wouldn't just let him come by himself.

He didn't have to mention that not all wealthy people wore expensive brands. Nike was also a renowned sportswear brand. However, Shi Lei didn't even have a car when he arrived. Even though he bought a set of golf clubs worth 130,000 yuan and some other items which were about 20,000 more yuan, Manager Chen still believed him to be someone who was just slightly wealthier than ordinary people, but definitely incomparable to the members here.

After that, his bias toward Yu Deping became more apparent. He had heard the report from Meng Xiaodie a while ago, but nevertheless decided to remain still. After Wei Xingyue came, he discovered that she didn't step in to help him out, instead choosing to hide on the side and watch the drama, which further supported his theory that Shi Lei and Wei Xingyue were just acquaintances. Shi Lei was most likely an entrepreneur who had some sort of new idea that the Wei family liked. Hence, Wei Xingyue invited him out for the sake of discussing investments or purchasing the idea from him.

Of course, Manager Chen obviously wouldn't see this kind of entrepreneur as on his level.

However, Wei Xingyue's reaction completely surprised him. When he saw Yu Deping standing in the corner through the security cameras, he could no longer sit still.

But he also knew that if he stepped in at the very beginning, Wei Xingyue definitely wouldn't give him any face. Hence, he intentionally waited until Shi Lei had hit a few balls before making his appearance when he thought that the other had let off enough steam and wouldn't be as angry anymore. Luckily, none of the balls had hit their intended target.

What he didn't expect was Wei Xingyue refusing to give him any face. He could only cast glances toward Shi Lei, appealing for help.

Shi Lei only smiled silently when he saw Manager Chen looking at him.

Manager Chen had no choice but to step forward and extend a hand. "Hello, Mr. Shi. I am the head manager here. My name is—"

Shi Lei shook his head. "Since you didn't choose to stop our bet from the beginning, then you shouldn't stop me from getting what I rightfully won. What say you, Manager Chen?"

"Uh…" Manager Chen's hand hung awkwardly in midair. He could only sigh and retract it, since it was evident that Shi Lei didn't have any intention of shaking hands with him.

Shi Lei turned around and moved next to the remaining three balls. "Three more balls," he said loudly to Yu Deping.

As soon as he finished his sentence, he swung his club and a ball flew out. This time, it hit Yu Deping in the stomach instead of the wall.

"Ow!" Yu Deping felt a sudden, sharp pain in his stomach and bent over involuntarily.

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"Stand up! There's two more!" Shi Lei ordered mercilessly.

Yu Deping finally opened his eyes and looked at Manager Chen, begging for mercy. But Manager Chen turned around without hesitation. He knew that no one would be able to help Yu Deping. He had to withstand those ten balls himself.

Yu Deping could only straighten himself without a choice, but he inconspicuously turned his body to the side.

Shi Lei swung the club again and cleanly hit the ball. It flew in a straight line and hit the intended target once more.

This time, it landed on Yu Deping's thigh. The incredible force made him jump and grimace in pain.

"Last one. You are free to go after this. Where do you think I should hit you? The head? Or perhaps the chest? Never mind, let's go with the chest. You might get a concussion if I aim for the head!"

He swung the club the second those words left his mouth. The white ball soared out with a "bang" and really did land on Yu Deping's chest.

Yu Deping couldn't help but cry in pain at the intense force he had been hit with. He fell to the ground with tears running down his face and his expression twisted with horror.

"You should thank Manager Chen for that. If he hadn't interfered, I would've just scared you with the first nine balls and let you suffer a little with the last one. But since he came, I needed to give him some face, you know? So I let you know with the last three balls how…uh…What did you say before? Oh! How it feels to lose to someone who's not on the same level as you!" With that said, Shi Lei threw the golf club onto the rack next to him and leisurely walked back to where he was before. He picked up the bottle of water that had been brought over by the girl and took a sip, absentmindedly turning his gaze up at the sky.

Wei Xingyue smiled and stood next to him.

Manager Chen quickly signaled for two staff members to help Yu Deping up and take him to the changing room.

The three places where the balls had hit him were still aching horribly. Yu Deping took off his clothes and saw that those places were all black and blue. Although it wasn't anything major, it would still hurt for quite some time.

The more significant thing was that he lost all his dignity and was afraid that he would never have the face to come here ever again.

Manager Chen brought over a bottle of safflower oil(1) with a smile on his face and said, "Young Master Yu, hurry up and use it. Do you want me to help you? Or if you want, you can take a shower first and I'll tell my professional physiotherapist to give you a massage afterward."

Yu Deping looked at Manager Chen's face and his teeth almost shattered as he clenched them in hatred. He seized the bottle of safflower oil and smashed it onto the floor. The glass shattered and the oil splattered everywhere. "Stop pretending to be a f*cking good guy!" Yu Deping yelled hoarsely. "What the f*ck were you doing earlier? If you knew that he was Wei Xingyue's friend, why the f*ck didn't you notify me?! And now you're only pretending to be nice now?! That Shi person said he only planned on hitting me once, but I was hit three times because of you! Just f*ck off! Get lost! F*ck you!"

Manager Chen jaw dropped in shock, and he was soon furious. However, he couldn't just yell hysterically like Yu Deping, so he snorted heavily and left the changing room.

After he left, Manager Chen began to swear under his breath. "Who the f*ck does he think he is? Does he really think he's someone important?! You're not even good enough to lick Wei Xingyue's shoes! This is bullshit! You're the one who caused the drama and now you're blaming it on me!? What the hell!"

Yu Deping didn't take a shower. He quickly threw his clothes back on, took his things, and left in embarrassment and resentment.

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As he left, he felt as if every glance toward him was filled with mockery. He wanted to let everything out but didn't have an outlet.

He got into his car and drove away. After he rounded the corner, he abruptly stepped on the brake and stopped the car in the middle of the road.

Yu Deping pulled out his phone and called the woman whom he had chased away before. "Where are you?!" he yelled the moment she picked up.

"Why are you calling me again? What do you care about where I am?" The woman didn't recognize his abnormal tone and was under the impression that he regret his actions. And so she couldn't help but feel arrogant, thinking that he wanted her back.

"You f*cking stinky b*tch! How dare you talk to me like this as well! Do you think that I can't find some people to rape you?! Cut the bullshit! I'm going down the mountain to get a room, and you better be there to suck my d*ck. If I'm not satisfied, I'll make sure you never set foot in Wudong again!" Yu Deping smashed the phone fiercely onto the front passenger seat without waiting for her answer.

Safflower oil: a Chinese medicine that's used to help cease bruise and ease pain 

Chapter 237 - I Have X-Ray Vision

Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Next to the practice grounds, Shi Lei and Wei Xingyue sat opposite to each other at a small table.

"Is it really your first time playing golf?" She asked with interest.

Shi Lei rolled his eyes. "It's boring and tiring. The point of having such a big field is to hit the ball further. If the weather's good, it would be nice to lie down and bask in the sun. Playing this is just really troublesome."

Wei Xingyue laughed and covered her mouth. "You're not bad at all," she said. "It's only your first time and you already have the strength and accuracy."

"That's called talent. Just like how I conquered you, you crazy woman!" Shi Lei couldn't help but boast.

Except he wasn't bragging just then. With the martial arts master possessing him, he could control the direction of the ball however he wished. He had only used one tenth of his strength. No doubt if he had aimed for Yu Deping's head and hit as hard as he could, the guy's head would explode.

And now the possession time had passed, with it being almost half an hour. He would probably go back to his level of only being able to hit seventy or eighty meters.

"Conquer me? Young Master Shi, you sure talk big!" Wei Xingyue rolled her eyes, which somehow made her seem more ambiguous.

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Shi Lei laughed. "You sure were bored. If you had appeared earlier, that Yu Deping wouldn't have challenged me and embarrassed himself even more."

"What, were you scared?"

"No, I wasn't," he answered. "He doesn't have the guts to take revenge since you're here. I just think that you were bored enough to let it develop from something resolvable to something not so."

"Then you shouldn't have been angry with him."

"Bullshit. Do you not know the idiom of 'more than one can bear'?"

Wei Xingyue smiled and took a sip out of Shi Lei's glass, then licked her lips alluringly.

"Why don't you ask for a glass yourself? What you did is called an indirect—" Before Shi Lei could finish, he remembered that they had already kissed before and immediately swallowed the words he was about to say. His lower abdomen began to feel warm.

Wei Xingyue ignored him and asked earnestly, "I'm serious. If I didn't appear, how did you plan on making him do it?"

"I can't just beat him up, so I would've let him go," Shi Lei replied immediately.

"When did you discover I was hiding there?" Wei Xingyue asked again.

I can't just tell you why, Shi Lei thought. He had doubted it before, since he knew Wei Xingyue quite well. Although she wasn't as insane as Song Miaomiao, she wasn't much better. She had arrived along time ago, but only made an appearance when the situation deteriorated. Those actions fit her personality well, but he wasn't too certain.

When he was possessed by the martial arts master, Shi Lei's five senses had been strengthened manyfold. He suddenly noticed someone hiding behind the pole and immediately confirmed that it was Wei Xingyue watching the drama unfold, based on the expressions of the staff around him.

So when he was unable to find a solution to his problem, he forced Wei Xingyue to appear.

As for her other question, Shi Lei really didn't have another way to get Yu Deping to stand in the corner other than using violence and beating him up. When he was possessed by the martial artist master, he would be able to completely destroy ten Yu Depings. Or after Yu Deping left, Shi Lei could have used the Millionaire Card. With his previous two experiences, he clearly understood how to target one person. But Shi Lei didn't feel it necessary to do so. Although he had noticed that it was only ranked at Level E, which seemed useless, if he used it wisely, it could have some unexpected functions.

Shi Lei really didn't want to waste it on someone like Yu Deping.

"I just tried my luck. I know you all too well. You're the type who wishes for the whole world to be in chaos. You discovered that someone was harassing me, so you wanted to see whether I would choose to back down or to retaliate. You probably really wanted to see me fight back, so I just yelled randomly and you were really there!"

"It's that simple?" Wei Xingyue asked in disbelief.

"Fine. You got me. I have x-ray vision. I saw you through the pole. Right now, I can see through your clothes andyour—"

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"Do you want to die?!" Wei Xingyue raised an eyebrow as she blushed. She remembered the time when Shi Lei had accidentally seen her naked in his apartment and didn't know exactly how much he had seen.

Shi Lei chuckled, picked up the glass and was about to take a drink when he that she had also taken a sip from it, and eventually put it down.

"Why aren't you drinking from it? Do you think I'm dirty?" Wei Xingyue was unhappy.

Shi Lei didn't have a choice but to take a sip with great difficulty.

"Oh right! Wait a sec!" Shi Lei bolted up and ran off. Although Wei Xingyue was bewildered, she waited there anyway.

He came running back not long after with a small wrapped box in his hands.

"Here. A present for you." Wei Xingyue took the small box in confusion and could guess what was inside after a single shake.

It could only be perfume, a bracelet, or a watch, judging by the size of the box. It was most likely perfume.

"Hey, you've learned to give girls perfume? Shi Lei, are you trying to court me?"

Shi Lei rolled his eyes. "You are a few years older than me, alright?" he said in a not-so-kind tone. "If I was going to, I would go for someone younger. And I have a girlfriend, okay?"

"Are you saying I'm too old?!" Wei Xingyue yelled indignantly.

"It isn't because you're old, but because I'm too young!"

Wei Xingyue was speechless and unwrapped the box gloomily. It really was perfume. Chanel No. 5.

"Hurry up and use it!" Shi Lei urged hurriedly.

"I used some before I left." Wei Xingyue said, not wanting to.

"Can't you at least try it? What if it's fake? Hurry up! I don't really know much about it, so hurry up and see if it's real or not."

Wei Xingyue was confused. "Don't tell me you bought this online?" she asked hesitantly. Although she said that, she still sprayed some on the back of her hand. She was relieved after smelling it. It smelled like the real thing.

"Do I look like the type to cut corners like that? Although I'm not rich, I would go to special stores to get you a present. But even if it's a special store, you can't completely trust it. What if the worker there swapped it for another one?" Of course that wasn't the real situation. Shi Lei was simply worried that someone like Wei Xingyue would have enough perfume to hold a perfume exhibition. This bottle of perfume might be thrown in a corner and forgotten. Since there was only about seven or eight days left until the end of the consumption period, the Black Card may not count it into the sum if she didn't use it. Although it was only 1,000 yuan, it would still be his loss.

Wei Xingyue laughed. She really wasn't used to Shi Lei acting like this . But she didn't mind and sprayed it behind her ears, then said, "Don't worry. The workers usually don't have the guts to do that. Losing their job is more important than cheating a customer out of a bottle of perfume. As an employee of a named brand, their salary is at least two to three times more than if they worked for an ordinary brand."

Shi Lei didn't really care, since he had made up his question anyway.

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