The Black Card

Chapter 255: Chapter 255 - Inform With Their I

Chapter 255 - Inform With Their Imagination

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

Lü Jiaqiang turned his head around nervously when he saw Shi Lei standing up. He pretended to be on his phone, afraid that Shi Lei would see him.

When Zhen Xu paid the bill, he and Shi Lei sat back down at the table. Lü Jiahang used the advantage of his table being in Shi Lei’s blind spot to quickly walk to the front door. He threw the money for the coffee on the counter and left.

Although there was a table in between them and the person sitting at that table was typing loudly, Lü Jiaqiang still heard something about an app and investments. It appeared that Shi Lei was going to invest in an app.

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However, Shi Lei had almost been invisible during the three years he’d attended university. Everyone knew that he had an ordinary background, so there was no way Lü Jiaqiang would believe that Shi Lei suddenly had money and was going to invest in someone else.

So Lü Jiaqiang thought about the situation and had the feeling that he might have interpreted it incorrectly. Perhaps Shi Lei was the one who had created the app and was asking for investment from that elite-looking man. It was a shame that he missed the scene of Shi Lei leaving. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have this kind of misunderstanding when he saw Shi Lei leaving in an Audi A8, and he would instead misunderstand like Zhen Xu, thinking that it was Shi Lei’s car.

Of course, Lü Jiaqiang wouldn’t really report Shi Lei to a teacher like what he said he would do on the phone, since he knew that it was meaningless to report him at such a time. There were barely any credits left for the entire first semester of senior year and they were only minor subjects of little importance. Even the school didn’t really care about it, so he wouldn’t report it to the teacher and make the teacher think that he was meddling in other people’s affairs.

Lü Jiaqiang reported what he had heard and his theories to the teacher from the education department.

The teacher patted Lü Jiaqiang firmly on the shoulder. “Not bad. The future is in your hands.” Then he walked away with his hands behind his back.

Lü Jiaqiang felt flattered. The teacher’s random words made him feel a sense of acknowledgment and that he was one step closer to a Master’s degree and staying at Wudong University.

Of course, that teacher had been ordered by the dean’s son, Liu Dingwei, to investigate Shi Lei, so he happily reported the information to him.

Needless to say, he also added his own imagination into his report to Liu Dingwei, making it sound as realistic as possible. It was almost as if he had heard this with his own ears.

Liu Dingwei listened to the report and said, “Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Zhang. I’ll invite you over to my house when I’m free.” Although it was only a word of courtesy, the teacher named Zhang treated it seriously. He felt he was a step closer to becoming a director. Perhaps he would be promoted next year, or become the head of a group. Or he could just apply for the position of vice director of the school.

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Liu Dingwei dropped this call and quickly called Yu Deping.

Yu Deping picked up. “Go to Qingcheng Lounge at night, Room 888,” he said, not giving Liu Dingwei a chance to speak before hanging up.

Liu Dingwei felt like his heart had been tickled by a feather. He didn’t know what time he should go.

He was scared that Yu Deping wouldn’t be there if he went too early and he didn’t have the guts to just wait for Yu Deping in his room. But he was also worried that Yu Deping would be unhappy if he was late. It was almost 7 PM after dinner when Liu Dingwei drove to Qingchen Lounge. He sat in the car and stared at the front door of the Lounge without blinking. As soon as Yu Deping appeared, he planned on getting out of the car and saying that he had just arrived.

He waited for more than three hours before Yu Deping finally arrived at approximately 11 PM.

He was obviously drunk, swaying from side to side as he got out of the car. A man in a suit immediately greeted him with a smile when he saw Yu Deping. He held onto him and called him “Young Master Yu.”

Liu Dingwei quickly got out of the car and followed him. “Young Master Yu,” he called.

Yu Deping turned around and had the feeling that Liu Dingwei looked familiar, but forgot who he was. “Who are you?” he asked tipsily and in a daze.

“I am Little Liu. You asked me to do something for you and I called you in the afternoon…”

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Yu Deping remembered that something like this really happened and waved his hand impatiently. “Alright, let’s talk inside.”

Liu Dingwei also supported Yu Deping and walked him to Room 888 with the man in suit.

Yu Deping spent quite a lot of money here, and this room was kept open for him.

“I’m going to sleep for a while,” Yu Deping mumbled as soon as he entered. “I’ll drink with you all in the second half of the night!”

The man in the suit seemed accustomed to the situation, since it was Yu Deping’s usual state, so he helped Yu Deping onto the couch to sleep and caringly covered him with a blanket. He then walked up to the Liu Dingwei and smiled. “May I ask how to address you?”

“My surname is Liu.” Although Liu Dingwei acted like a coward in front of Yu Deping, he arrogantly put up a superior front before this manager of the lounge.

The manager smiled. “Mr. Liu, what would you like to drink? Do you want me to arrange it for you first?” Liu Dingwei had a thought. Isn’t this why he wanted to flatter Yu Deping so much? And Yu Deping was very generous with women, as he had had a great time at the hot spring hotel the day before. Although that girl was obviously unwilling, why would Liu Dingwei care if he felt good? Yu Deping held another party later that night. A few more models came and it was inevitable for him to take another one home.

Although Yu Deping was already asleep, since he had been brought there, Liu Dingwei didn’t think that he needed to hide anything.

So he pretended to be familiar with the environment and said, “I’ll have whatever Young Master Yu usually drinks and arrange everything that should be arranged. As for anything else, we’ll discuss them later.”

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The manager left with a smile but began to curse as soon as he left the room. “Who the hell are you to show off to me? Do you think you are Yu Deping?! You’re only his underling.”

Regardless, he had to arrange what he had been told to arrange. Quickly, the manager brought two girls to the room, as well as a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice.

The girls Liu Dingwei saw were both more than one hundred and seventy centimeters tall. Their legs were pale and long, which distracted him. He pretended to look at them and thought that it would be great if he could keep both. However, he didn’t dare to act too comfortable and he couldn’t make up his mind as he glanced between the two girls with his small eyes. 

The manager felt awkward and suggested, “Mr. Liu, why don’t you keep both?”

It was exactly what Liu Dingwei wanted to hear. He pretended to have the intention to reject the offer, but he didn’t exactly do it either. The manager knew that he was pretending as soon as he saw it. “Hurry up and sit next to Mr. Liu.”

The two girls sat down on both sides of him and Liu Dingwei still had to play pretend, even though he was extremely excited inside. His draped his arms over them and said, “You, really…Ah, never mind. I can’t reject this passion!”

The manager opened the champagne and left after drinking a glass with him.

He cursed again after he left. “Poser! Who the hell do you think you are?”

Liu Dingwei didn’t dare get too comfortable. Although he wanted to, he was too scared of disturbing Yu Deping, who was already asleep, so he could only contain the desire in his heart and have a feel with his hands.

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