The Black Card

Chapter 262: Chapter 262 - A Chance to Avoid P

Chapter 262 - A Chance to Avoid Penalty

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Seliniaki Ilikia

“Fine, fine, fine, don’t be angry. We’ll have a nice chat, okay?” Shi Lei felt guilty when he saw the Scepter become completely silent.

“How about you tell me what reward I’ll receive, Noble Sceptre?” Shi Lei knew that he had to give it some face. In fact, it was very easy to make the Scepter happy. As long as he talked nicely, it would involuntarily reveal some hidden secret one hundred percent of the time.

As expected, the Scepter felt much better after Shi Lei’s flattery.

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“So the noble me has decided to give the Level Two Employee a chance to avoid penalty, but the percentage cannot exceed fifty.”

Shi Lei was blank for a second, then immediately asked, “What does that mean?”

“What it literally means,” the Scepter answered honestly.

Shi Lei was about to go insane. “Bullshit, of course I know what it literally means—”

He noticed that the Scepter was beginning to rage again and immediately changed his tone. “Ah, my noble Sceptre, this lowly Level Two Employee would like to ask what it means by ‘the percentage cannot exceed fifty.’”

The Scepter was easy to please, even easier than a teddy dog. It would be fine as long as Shi Lei said something nice. But just because it wasn’t angry, didn’t mean that it would answer honestly. “It’s really just the literal meaning. Please think about it yourself, Level Two Employee.”

Shi Lei cursed inside. Think it about it your ass! That’s way too vague.

Shi Lei forced himself to calm down and analyze what the Scepter had said.

A chance to avoid a penalty under fifty percent. This meant that if Shi Lei didn’t finish spending the sum of one million, or perhaps one part of the consumption wasn’t calculated into the sum, or even if he had already discovered the reason but didn’t have enough money to make up for it when he inquired about the remaining sum during the month, then this chance to avoid penalty would be extremely important. As long as he made sure that the percentage was less than half, Shi Lei could basically save his own life.

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That was half of his body! If he was getting amputated from his feet up, then he might have a slim chance of survival, but he might as well be dead if he had to live like that. So the reward for this penalty avoidance wasn’t small.

But Shi Lei believed that it definitely wasn’t as simple as it seemed. If it was only for the purpose of saving his life, then the Black Card didn’t have the need to set a limit of fifty percent.

And because he knew about the chance of saving his life prior to the actual event, it was possible for him to take out 500,000 yuan of the one million without spending it and turn it into his own money.

Shi Lei didn’t think that it was that simple. Since the Black Card and the Sceptre were constantly setting traps for him, if there was a simple bug like this, then there was no way it wasn’t a trap.

The key point was that if there was no chance to avoid a penalty, then no one would ever know where the unspent money went, whether it was Shi Lei or any of the people who came before him. Because they would be all dead.

Hence, Shi Lei asked carefully, “Do I need to trigger it myself or does it trigger automatically?” Shi Lei didn’t forget that all the cards he had required him to trigger it himself. The Ancient Times’ Martial Arts Card wouldn’t let the martial arts master possess him unless in dangerous situations, so this chance to avoid penalty may also work like so.

The Scepter’s response was unexpected. “There is no need for you to worry about this. When the calculation day is up and you haven’t spent all the money, this chance to avoid the penalty will trigger itself.”

Although Shi Lei was surprised, it was also reasonable after he thought about it. If the calculation day was almost up and he still had two yuan left, then it was only 1/500,000 out of one million which usually wouldn’t cause death. Of course, if the Black Card just had to use this penalty on an artery or another crucial body part, then he would die, but Shi Lei believed that the Black Card wasn’t willing to watch him die. Hence, if Shi Lei was to pick himself, then he would give up the chance to use it in his current situation, since the longer he kept this chance, the larger the sum of money would be.

This chance being self-triggering meant that the Black Card wanted Shi Lei to use it as soon as possible, which fit both the Black Card and the Scepter.

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“After this month’s sum is refreshed, if I intentionally keep 500,000 yuan and only spend the other 500,000 yuan, so I won’t die or receive any penalty on the calculation day because I have this chance to avoid it, then would the 500,000 yuan I don’t spend become my own money?”

“No! The money that the Level Two Employee doesn’t spend will be cleared.” The Scepter sounded rather annoyed because Shi Lei hadn’t fallen into the trap.

“What the f*ck!” Shi Lei cursed. He knew that it wasn’t going to be as nice as he’d imagined! The possibility of earning his own money was completely gone.

Shi Lei pondered carefully again. “Then, if I use this half of the money to invest, its profit…” In fact, Shi Lei knew that it was impossible, but he had to try. If he didn’t, then it was impossible, but if he did, then perhaps there was still a slim chance.

Except the Scepter’s response completely destroyed all of Shi Lei’s hopes. It laughed coldly. “Don’t forget that you don’t possess the right to use the Black Card’s money to invest.”

Well, it was impossible to play tricks with technology.

Although it seemed like Shi Lei didn’t receive anything too valuable, at least he knew that it would help him earn some more private funds. And even though he couldn’t use this money to invest, nor could he make the money his own, he could do something he couldn’t before.

He could do something he had to do without it counting in the sum.

Although She Lei didn’t have any requests like this at the moment, it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t have this kind of request in the future.

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For a Level Two Employee like him, the chance of saving his life was equal to 500,000 yuan. But what if when he waited until his sum reached a billion or more? He could received fifty million or more. As for this amount of money, although the Black Card would clear the amount of money that wasn’t spent, it wouldn’t be able to take it back if he spent it.

Life was long and who knew what kind of strange things one would encounter in it? Perhaps one day he would be forced to donate his organs, or perhaps he would get kidnaped and asked to pay ransom. There were too many possible accidents, so at least this was a life guarantee.

“About this month’s consumption, is there anything else you need to settle with me?” Shi Lei took the initiative and asked.

The Scepter snorted. “One more thing. Because your spending performance was too excellent, ten points will be added.”

“What the f*ck? Who the hell wants that? I don’t want it!”

“You have to!” The Scepter’s response was as shameless as usual.

Shi Lei knew that it was useless to fight back, so he stayed silent.

But he soon thought of another question. “Wait, something’s not right. I also had excellent deals during the trainee period, as well as when I was a Level One Employee, so if my guess isn’t wrong, then all excellent deals give extra points. But why haven’t you ever told me how many points I have? And what’s my points for Level Two? What’s up with this examination and points?”

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