The Black Card

Chapter 277: Chapter 277 - Going to Karaoke

Chapter 277 - Going to Karaoke 

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Likia

Because it was the weekend, Zhang Liangliang didn’t want to go home. She wanted to go to karaoke.  

Zhang Meimei obviously wasn’t very willing to attend this type of activity, but she trusted Shi Lei. “It’s the weekend and she almost has her end-of-the-term exams. If you are free, you can take Er’jie to relax for a little. I won’t go. I’ll let you youngsters play. It’s fine as long as you take her home early.” 

In fact, Shi Lei didn’t really want to do things with Zhang Liangliang. This little girl’s actions were too strange and he was afraid that something would happened if he got too close to her, especially because she was turning sixteen soon. Now that she wasn’t even trying to be subtle with what she wanted to say, she would only hold back a little when she was with Zhang Meimei. But if the two of them were really going to be alone by themselves, she may really do something once she turned sixteen. 

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Seeing that Shi Lei was hesitating, Zhang Meimei felt apologetic. “Er’jie, I think Teacher Shi may be busy at night. Don’t mess around.” 

“Dashu, do you really not want to take me?” Zhang Liangliang stared at Shi Lei. 

Shi Lei sighed subtly. He would do it to show his appreciation for Zhang Meimei’s help. 

At the same time, he decided to call Sun Yiyi and the three from the dorm over as well, since he hadn’t hung out with them for quite some time. Now that they all had girlfriends, their party Wednesdays were already gone and they wouldn’t be so shameless as to ask Shi Lei to treat them. Today was a good opportunity for them to gather and they could bring their girlfriends if they were willing, since Shi Lei really wanted to see what kind of girl could conquer Zhang Mo’s one hundred kilograms. 

“Fine, but I’m saying now that I was supposed to spend time with my friends from my dorm, so Er’jie, you can only follow everyone’s arrangements.” 

Zhang Meimei didn’t mind and asked, “Is Yi’jie going?” 

“Mhm, of course she is.” 

“Great! I haven’t seen her for so long and I kinda miss her.” 

Shi Lei was speechless. What Zhang Liangliang had once said flashed across his mind: marrying two sisters(1). However, Shi Lei didn’t want this kind of happiness.  

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Shi Lei seized the opportunity when Zhang Meimei went to pay for the bill. He said he was going to bathroom so as to quickly give Sun Yiyi a call. 

Sun Yiyi’s mother had recovered quite well recently and she had even begun to look for a new job. There was a workplace that had already contacted her, saying that she could start working there after Chinese New Year. It was the same as her old job. So Sun Yiyi only had to work at McDonalds during the day to earn some living expenses for her mother and herself. She spent the majority of her remaining time preparing for university. Shi Lei told her that it was unnecessary because studying didn’t matter as much in university as it did middle and high school, but Sun Yiyi didn’t listen to him because she wanted to study seriously if she was going back to school. 

Sun Yiyi hadn’t seen Shi Lei in quite a long time, and her mother knew that Shi Lei had asked her to relax, so Sun Yiyi agreed. 

The three people from his dorm felt embarrassed at Shi Lei’s invitation at first, but Shi Lei said that it wasn’t for them this time. He wanted to meet their girlfriends. They eventually agreed. 

Shi Lei booked a karaoke room before leaving the bathroom and informing Zhang Liangliang, “I booked a room. We are going to karaoke. But you need to go with me to pick up Yiyi first.” 

“No problem!” Zhang Liangliang yelled happily. She skipped outside in joy and Zhang Meimei shook her head, laughing bitterly. 

Shi Lei waved goodbye to Zhang Meimei and drove Zhang Liangliang to Sun Yiyi’s house. 

They successfully picked up Sun Yiyi, who knew that Zhang Liangliang was coming along. In fact, she wasn’t very accustomed to interacting with energetic girls like Zhang Liangliang, but she didn’t have a choice because Zhang Liangliang was too passionate and hugged her as soon as she saw her. They climbed into the back seat together. Sun Yiyi could barely manage, with Zhang Liangliang calling her “Yi’jie” continuously. 

On the way there, Zhang Mo called to tell Shi Lei that they had already arrived. 

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“Go to the room first. I booked the biggest one there. Also, order some drinks and snacks for yourselves.” 

“It’s okay. We’ll wait for you to come first.” Those three people’s attitudes had changed drastically after they borrowed money from Shi Lei, making it feel strange. 

“Are you crazy? Go back to the excitement you had when you guys were asking to hang out with me. We are only doing karaoke today, so don’t dilly dally. It won’t cost much. Alright, I’m driving right now, so I’ll stop talking and see you later.” 

Zhang Mo waved his phone. “We don’t have a choice. He told us to order.” 

Luo Ming suddenly slapped his thigh. “Alright, let’s not stand here and go to the room first. Shitou said it already. We are friends and we are brothers. We pay for the gatherings in turn and it doesn’t have to be expensive because we don’t have money. We shouldn’t be so embarrassed when he treats us to more expensive things because he has money. We can’t just not treat him as our brother because he has money now, can we? Go go go, let’s go to the room and have some fun first.” 

Xu Yi pondered for a while. “Right,” he said, “since he wants us to order, we’ll just order something cheap and not order that much. Wouldn’t that be fine?” 

Zhang Mo smirked. He was as shameless as usual. “I don’t really mind. I’m just scared that you two want too much face.” 

“Then what can we say? Let’s go and get drinking!” The three of them laughed, took their girlfriends’ hands, and walked toward the reception desk. 

When they mentioned Shi Lei’s name, a man in a suit immediately walked out with a smile. 

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Shi Lei had booked the largest room there was. Because it was the weekend, this kind of room was the lowest price they had. When Shi Lei asked “is half a dozen bottles of champagne enough?” the manager immediately fell silent. 

Champagne was always the most profitable drink in bars and karaokes. A bottle of champagne at the prize of 200 or 300 yuan could be sold up to 700, or even 800 yuan. Because champagne wasn’t as strong as other alcohol, there was no telling how much they could drink. With the stronger alcohol, seven or eight people could only drink two or three bottles, maximum. Their profits could only double at most. 

When the manager heard “half a dozen bottles of champagne,” it was at least 4,000 or 5,000 yuan. Adding the prices of all the other things and the fee for the room, this would cost around 10,000 yuan. To a perfectly healthy karaoke place without any special services or contents, although this wouldn’t be the most money spent, it could definitely make it to the top three. The manager, of course, had no objections. 

What if half a dozen wasn’t enough and he wanted another half dozen? 

“Are you guys Mr. Shi’s friends?” The manager smiled brightly and Zhang Mo and the others could see the money in his eyes. However, he had a few doubts. Why would someone who could afford to spend 10,000 yuan or more hang out with losers like these? It was obvious from Zhang Mo and the other’s way of dressing that they were ordinary people. 

Zhang Mo nodded. “Yes, he told us to go in first and said that he had booked the biggest room here.” 

Shi Lei had informed the manager clearly when he booked the room. He told him that his friends were three men and three women. The number and genders of the people matched and the manager immediately replied, “I’ll show you the way right now.” 

The manager guided the six of them upstairs and then informed them after they had entered the room, “Mr. Shi ordered six bottles of champagne over the phone. What else would everyone like?” 

Although Zhang Mo and the other two had changed and felt embarrassed to eat and drink with Shi Lei, they knew Shi Lei’s style and couldn’t refuse. “Two fruit platters and two dishes of sunflower seeds for now,” Zhang Mo said.

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