The Black Card

Chapter 371

Chapter 371 - The Scepter’s Trying To Trick Him Again

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Translator: lav

Editor: SSins


The days of having nothing to do passed quickly and eventually, it became the small New Year’s Eve.

The small New Year’s Eve was a magical time and Shi Lei had countless complaints about it.

The big New Year’s Eve was always the 30th or the 29th if there were no 30th of the month. It was always the last day of the year on the lunar calendar. But the small New Year’s Eve started from the 24th of the twelfth lunar month. People from different regions claimed any day to be the small New Year’s Eve and it was probably the most chaotic festival of the country.

Runzhou’s small New Year’s Eve was the 25th or at least everyone who lived around Shi Lei’s area thought so.

But when he was in Wudong, Shi Lei heard the three from his firm mention which date they thought it was. One of them thought that it was on the 24th. Another one said it was the first day after the 30th. The third even said that the Lantern Festival was the small New Year’s Eve. Because of this, the three of them almost fought each other.

Shi Lei’s family didn’t do anything special for it. Shi Lei’s mother made a few dishes and Shi Lei drank a few cups with Shi Zhongping.

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They also had fireworks in the small city. After they had dinner, the three of them went downstairs to light a few fireworks and it was the end of the small New Year’s Eve.

“Mum, help Dad up first. I need to go out,” Shi Lei helped Shi Zhongping walk to the bottom of the stairs.

“Where are you going at this hour?” Shi Lei’s mother asked as a habit.

Shi Zhongping glared at her, “The child is grown up now and he has his own business to attend to. Oh, right. Shitou, let’s stay over in the new house tomorrow. Your Mum almost finished preparing for the things we need. Go to the supermarket with your Mum tomorrow and buy the things you should buy so we can move over. It’s the first time Yiyi and her mother are coming over to our place for the New Year and we must prepare ahead. Oh right, son. Which stage are you at with Yiyi?”

Shi Lei scratched his head, “We held hands. She’s my girlfriend.”

“That’s fine then. Both families can meet and talk about that matter. When Yiyi graduates, you two can get married.”

Shi Lei was speechless, “Dad, what’s that? How are you talking about marriage already?”

“Haha, this kid is shy. Alright, go do what you have to do. Remember to ask ahead when Yiyi’s mother goes on holiday and prepare to pick them up.”

Shi Lei waved his hands. He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the gate of the district.

In fact, Shi Lei didn’t have much business to attend to. There were only three days left until the end of the consumption period. All he had to do was find a self-service bank to ask the Sceptre how much money he had left for this month.

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He walked for almost a kilometer before finding a self-service band. He fixed his collar and walked in.

He inserted the card, entered the password, and the Scepter appeared.

“Did you come to ask about the remaining quota?” The Scepter seemed to be clear about Shi Lei’s goal.

Shi Lei nodded. Although he wasn’t sure what the Scepter observed him through, he knew that the Scepter could “see” all of his actions.

“The remaining quota of the Level Two Employee for this month is 37,208 yuan.”

It was slightly different to Shi Lei’s own calculations but it was only by around 10 yuan, which was nothing.

“May I ask what are my accumulated marks?” Shi Lei asked again.

The Scepter fell silent for a while before answering, “Less than fifty.”

Shi Lei was surprised. He thought that the Scepter wouldn’t reveal it, but it even gave him a general range.

The range for less than fifty was already too generalised, but it was better than not knowing anything. Shi Lei knew that he couldn’t think and comprehend the Scepter in a normal way. Usually when people said something was less than fifty, they mean around forty. This meant that Shi Lei only used one consumption period to receive more than forty points and it was as fast as a rocket.

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According to his own calculations, there was no problem with the basic six points and then there was the excellent deal which he created himself. As soon as the consumption was examined as excellent, then it was going to contribute a horrendous number to the marks. Although the only person he took in was Chen Yanü’s godson, the Bai family’s authority was already behind Shi Lei’s back.

Of course, Shi Lei hoped that he didn’t have to ask for any help from the Bai family. All his life, he never thought about relying on them to do something. He merely wanted this excellent deal. After all, to the Black Card, when the Bai family subtly became part of his background, it was the worthiest thing that Shi Lei had ever received after possessing it.

The basic marks were connected tightly to the quality of the consumption. Obviously, Shi Lei only used a few hundred dollars to complete a deal which was destined to be five plus stars level. Hence, this time’s basic points was possibly going to be exceptionally high.

Luckily, the highest basic points one could earn within a single week was thirty points. As a result, no matter how many extra points he earned from the excellent deal, Shi Lei couldn’t level up immediately even though the basic points exceeded sixty.

Of course, the later he leveled up, the better it was.

Shi Lei had quite a few extended consumptions and points that were going to be taken off from them. The biggest one was purchasing the car and Shi Lei thought that at least three or four points would be taken off by this deal alone.

The most ideal state was Shi Lei earning around twenty points with ten basic points and about ten points from creating excellent deals.

But now that the Scepter said that the points didn’t reach fifty, it made Shi Lei unable to figure out what it meant.

From his understanding of the Scepter, this was probably a trick as underestimation. It was around forty if it didn’t reach fifty. However, any value from one to forty nine were all possible values that were not as much as fifty. It was like when people seeked for marriage; the female asked her man what his annual income was and he said less than a million. The majority of people would subconsciously think that he would have 600,000 or 700,000 yuan to have the guts to say so. However, the monthly income of over 3,000 yuan was also less a million.

Hence, the Scepter’s words was really a trick after analysing his words. So Shi Lei’s accumulated points could be only twenty points, at most thirty, but definitely wouldn’t exceed forty.

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But what was the point of the Scepter wording it like that? Was it for the sake of making Shi Lei think that he already exceeded forty points? And if he included the points which was deducted for the extended consumptions, Shi Lei basically gained more than fifty points within this consumption period.

According to this value, he was ninety percent sure that the basic points was over twenty points and the excellent deals gained him at least twenty extra points.

However, he believed that something was wrong since Shi Lei knew it was a trick.

As to what exactly was wrong, he had to probe further.

Hence, Shi Lei asked, “Do you have a result to whether the consumption at the Bai family was an excellent deal or not?”

The Scepter was surprised as it thought that Shi Lei would definitely ask until the end about his points being less than fifty. It didn’t expect Shi Lei to neglect it.

It looked like this brat thought that the excellent deal was established so the basic points and the points for the excellent deal was high, hence reaching more than forty points.

The Scepter laughed secretly; it finally tricked this cunning Mickey Mouse.

It tried hard to retain its laugh, “Since I am so noble, I will tell you the examined result of this deal by the end of this consumption period.”

Shi Lei shook his head, “No, this deal must be included already because you already told me how much money I had left this month. Although it’s slightly off from what I had calculated, it was only a two digit difference so it couldn’t possibly include the deal with the Bai family. This means that the Black Card already acknowledged that deal. Since it was acknowledged, the excellent deal was established!”

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