The Black Card

Chapter 387: 387

Chapter 387 - Second Use of Animal Language Card

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Translator: lav

Editor: SSins

Shi Lei looked forward and he could see the small building he went in last night. It was at most 200 meters away in the dark.  

At this moment, Shi Lei was desperate to know the conversation between Yu Banzhi and Vice mayor Bai. Shi Lei needed to know what Yu Banzhi wanted to do as it could decide whether he could help Wei Xingyue or not.

He got out of the car with Bai Shu, extremely distracted. Blunt as Bai Shu, he even noticed that Shi Lei was distracted, “Brother-in-law…” Perhaps he remembered that there were many people in the building, he quickly changed his way of addressing Shi Lei, “Brother Shitou, what’s wrong? Why do you look soulless? Are you thinking about those westerners? Don’t be embarrassed. We are both men.”

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Shi Lei was speechless, “Westerners your ass. My stomach isn’t feeling well. Hurry up and go in. I need to go to the bathroom.”  

Bai Shu laughed loudly and followed Shi Lei into the small building.  

There weren’t as many people as yesterday. Perhaps some hadn’t arrived yet since they came much earlier than yesterday.  

Shi Lei headed straight to the bathroom as it was the only place where he could close the door and think about what he could do. No matter what, he had to find a way to know what Yu Banzhi and Vice Mayor Bai talked about today.  

He opened the windows in the bathroom and a gust of wind blew in, making Shi Lei shiver as his mind cleared.  

However, having a clear mind didn’t mean that Shi Lei could think of any good methods. Even with Shi Lei’s skills, not to mention eavesdropping, it was difficult for even him to sneak into that lounge.  

After thinking about everything, Shi Lei still thought that the best option was the Martial Arts Card. The lounge was built like a garden; the walls weren’t tall and the area wasn’t big with a two-story building. He should be able to sneak in with the skills of a martial arts master in the dark. If that didn’t work, he could knock a few people out. In short, he had to know what Yu Banzhi and Vice Mayor Bai talked about.  

Shi Lei narrowed his eyes and his expression was firm. No matter what, he had to try it.  

He took out his phone and looked at the martial arts app on it. After clicking into it, he wanted to check whether there were martial art masters with high qinggong skills.  

At this time, Shi Lei heard a few barks outside which was extremely clear as it was near him.  

Shi Lei poked his head out and it wasn’t a wild dog. There was a black and white border collie with a collar on it. It was definitely a pet and it probably ran outside for some reason.  

The collie saw Shi Lei and it showed some hostility in its eyes as it barked at Shi Lei twice.  

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Shi Lei shook his head and reached out close to it, do I look like someone to be hated by dogs? I’m not doing anything to you. Why are you barking at me?  

When he was about to close the window, the collie barked again and Shi Lei’s hands suddenly stopped…  


And a border collie, which was the legendary dog breed that was the most intelligent.  

I have the Animal Language Card. It was already February and the chance to use it was refreshed. I could talk to it and ask it to eavesdrop Yu Banzhi and Vice Mayor Bai’s conversation for me.  

And other than this small building, there was only the garden-like lounge. If the dog wasn’t brought here by the children here, it could only be from the lounge. If that was the case, the collie had no problem in entering the lounge. Even if it was from the children here, no one would really mind a dog sneaking into the lounge.  

Shi Lei was extremely delighted and his eyes were filled with desperation and eagerness as he glanced at the border collie.  

He couldn’t wait to exit the Martial Arts app and tap the Animal Language app. He clicked the image of a small camera next to the search bar and took a photo of the collie.  

The collie’s tail straightened in alarm by the flash and jumped back abrupting, barking furiously at Shi Lei again.  

At the same time, Shi Le heard the words of the children outside, “Damn, where is the barking coming from?”  

“I’ll go out to check.”  

At the same time.

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Options appeared on the screen, asking Shi Lei to confirm whether he wanted to use the Animal Language Card or not and if he needed to know the language of the border collie.  

When Shi Lei was about to click confirm, he realised something was wrong. He could understand the dog because the Animal Language Card was helping him cheat. However, the border collie wasn’t going to understand human language no matter how smart it was. Otherwise, what was the point of having the card?  

This meant that if Shi Lei used the Animal Language Card on the dog, it only meant that he could use the dog as a spy. Even if the dog entered the lounge and sat next to Yu Banzhi and Vice Mayor Bai, it couldn’t possibly tell Shi Lei what those two talked about.  

All his excitement was extinguished as if someone poured a bucket of cold water over his head.  

The voices outside the bathroom grew louder.  

“Are you stupid? It’s barking so furiously and you don’t know where it came from. It might bite you. We have security cameras around the building, I installed miniature cameras on purpose, wireless, very useful. I can just check on the phone.”  

“Damn, why is the dog barking louder and louder. Looks like it’s a big one. Hurry up and check. Maybe we can have some dog meat tonight…”  

“Are you crazy? Do you really dare to eat wild dogs?”  

“That’s strange. Theoretically speaking, there shouldn’t be any wild dogs around this area…”  

“Damn, it’s a border collie. It’s definitely someone’s pet around here,” the person who spoke before obviously opened the monitoring and saw the barking border collie.  

“Oh, that’s the one. I’ve seen the dog before. It belongs to that lounge,” another voice spoke.  

Shi Lei smiled when he heard this. Wireless miniature camera; it was only the size of half of a thumb. There was no problem in hiding it on the dog. With this, Shi Lei could almost watch it live.  

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Not to mention that the dog belonged to the lounge. He could find someone here to send it back and the people from the lounge would definitely be delighted.  

Next, he just had to see whether the Animal Language Card was good or not and if the border collie could complete the mission that Shi Lei gave.  

Shi Lei opened the bathroom door and returned to the room.  

Knowing that the border collie belonged to the lounge, a few kids already ran out. However, they couldn’t follow the dog’s speed. Even if a few people surrounded it, they could only keep it in without catching it.  

Shi Lei was confident. He walked outside and waved his hands at the dog, “Come, come over to brother!” He added a few syllables at the end of his words and the border collie clearly froze. It was the same reaction as the tigers at the zoo. It thought, what the hell? He’s a human. How is he speaking my language? And he’s at least professional level eight.  

Shi Lei waved again, “Come, quickly. Brother will take you home,” of course, he added another few syllables behind his words.  

After this, the border collie couldn’t really care anymore. This kind of dog was intimate with humans. Discovering that there was a human who could speak his language and without knowing why, the person’s words seemed magical and made the collie want to listen to his orders. Hence, the collie wagged its tail and ran over. However, defensiveness could still be seen in its eyes.  

Shi Lei hugged the collie and stroked the fur on its neck. He mumbled a few syllables and the collie completely dropped its defense. It snuggled in Shi Lei’s arms and licked Shi Lei’s hands with its big tongue.

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