The Black Card

Chapter 412: 412

Chapter 412 - Undeclinable Condition

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Translator: lav

Editor: SSins

Wei Xingyue has yet to recover from Shi Lei’s remaining warmth. Her face was still pink and she was enjoying the rise and fall of Shi Lei’s breath while in his arms.

When she heard Shi Lei’s question, Wei Xingyue finally snapped back to reality and everything rushed back into her mind.

“My third brother had a weak body ever since his childhood and he has a weak immune system. He spent at least 300 days out of a year suffering from all kinds of diseases. This followed him all the way until now and my godfather’s family all are worried sick. But the doctors couldn’t do anything about it either. After numerous checks, they only knew that he had genetic imperfections and something was wrong with his blood. Well, it was lucky that he was born in my godfather’s family. He would’ve been long dead if he was born into an ordinary family. When godfather first agreed to work with my Dad, it was partially because of my third brother.”

Shi Lei nodded and kissed Wei Xingyue on the forehead before asking, “But the medics weren’t as advanced as now back then. Your godfather also wasn’t as authorized and powerful as now. It was understandable that he couldn’t heal his son. But why does he only have at most two years to live?”

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“Seven or eight years ago, my brother was diagnosed with leukemia. He always had problems with his blood and the doctor reminded godfather a long time ago. However, they didn’t think that he reached this stage even though they did everything they could to prevent it,”

“Leukemia? White blood disease(1)?”

“Yes, that’s what it’s usually known as, but there is a technical term for it. I can’t really remember because there are many types. My brother’s case is special. If he was diagnosed early and treated, the healing rate was three percent and the response rate was as high as seventy percent. It that wasn’t the case, he wouldn’t have held on for so many years. My godfather’s hair all turned white from worrying and it shouldn’t be all white at this age.”

Shi Lei recalled that the elder indeed had silver-white hair when he made appearances in the news.

“My brother is rather lucky too. He found matching bone marrow. But even if he changed it, he didn’t break free from the fate that heaven arranged for him because he returned to his initial state after a few months. The doctor said it was no use even if they found more matching bone marrow because his body couldn’t stand another surgery. If he wanted to, it was ninety-nine percent certain that he would die during the surgery. The godfather can’t do anything but he already gave up. My brother gave up too; one extra day alive is one extra day. According to his current situation, the doctor said that optimistically speaking, he won’t be able to survive more than three years. Realistically, he will pass away after two years.”

Shi Lei was consumed in his thoughts. This disease was rather complicated. He believed that the pill given by the Scepter could heal all diseases, but it was beyond his belief.

“But the doctor said that there may be a miracle. My brother is rather optimistic and trying his best to follow the recovery treatment everyday. Everyone in the family is hoping for a miracle to appear. Why did you ask about this?”

Shi Lei pondered and held Wei Xingyue tightly before whispering into her ears, “Remember that only you can know this secret. I can cure your brother’s disease.”

Wei Xingyue was astonished. She pushed Shi Lei away and widened her beautiful eyes at him.

“Impossible!” Wei Xingyue didn’t believe it at all.

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Shi Lei shrugged, “I know it’s hard to believe, but you just have to believe me because I have no reason to lie to you. And you are in your worst position just like a few days ago.”

Wei Xingyue looked at Shi Lei hesitantly and spoke in disbelief, “How is that possible? There are many specialists from American and Germany who checked my brother, but my godfather’s family knows that the miracle they talked about is just a way to comfort themselves. Even a few years ago, there was still only a three percent chance of healing. It’s barely one percent now. Don’t try to make me feel better.”

Shi Lei held Wei Xingyue tightly again and spoke gently, “You are mine now. How could I lie to you? All in all, I can cure him.”

“But you aren’t a doctor and you didn’t even know what disease he had ten minutes ago.”

“You don’t need to worry about that. You just have to believe me; believe me unconditionally. You can go and tell your godfather that someone can give him an indeclinable condition to save you and your sister Puti. No matter what, you need to convince him to give me a chance to see him.

Shi Lei thought that it was the best that the elder believed in him. If he didn’t, he had a Lotus Tongue Card. If he used that, the elder would have to believe him. As soon as the elder trusted him, the continuous effect of the card on him would make the elder keep to his words.

Wei Xingyue still couldn’t believe it but she also believed that Shi Lei wouldn’t lie to him. However, she was worried that if Shi Lei couldn’t achieve what he promised, he would be done for if the elder got agitated. Although the elder wouldn’t use any extreme methods, if he revealed his attitude slightly, Shi Lei’s life in this world would become extremely difficult.

“Can you really…?”

“Rest assured, I can do it. I’ll say it again; you just have to believe me unconditionally.”

Wei Xingyue accepted it without a choice but had doubts in mind. After doing it twice with Shi Lei after just recovering, she was exhausted. She laid in Shi Lei’s arms and fell asleep.

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After she woke up, Shi Lei already bought breakfast and Wei Xingyue enjoyed it in bed, devouring everything that Shi Lei bought.

“Hmm, the taste of happiness. But Shitou, can you really…?”

“I said I can! Can’t you be a woman who believed in everything his man says?”

Wei Xingyue pouted, “I’m just worried that you can’t do it and godfather will take out his anger on you.”

“First, I can do it. Second, I don’t believe that such a superior elder would easily let out his anger on someone else. To him, it’s just an attempt. It can’t possibly get worse, can it?”

Wei Xingyue had a thought and nodded, “It seems so.”

“Then get up, shower, and dress nicely to see your godfather. No matter what, make him give me a chance to see him.” Shi Lei flung the bed sheets open and patted Wei Xingyue’s bottom heavily.  

Wei Xingyue yelped and kicked Shi Lei subconsciously, “You have face now, don’t you? How dare you slap me!”

As expected, Wei Xingyue was still the miss who didn’t allow anyone to humiliate her.

Shi Lei grinned as he dodged the kick and touched Wei Xingyue’s legs. He then pulled her close, kissing her lightly on the lips.

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After a while, Shi Lei didn’t let her go until she almost lost herself.

“Go shower and do what I told you.”

Wei Xingyue climbed out of bed, showered, changed clothes, and Shi Lei watched her leave.

Standing in the door, Wei Xingyue still looked at Shi Lei with worries, “Will it really work?”

Shi Lei patted Wei Xingyue’s plump bottom again and pulled down his face, “I’ve said it many times!”

Wei Xingyue rolled her eyes and finally agreed, “Alright. If something happens to you, I’ll die with you!” She hugged Shi Lei’s neck and kissed him emotionally.

It was the same old Buick GL8. The driver was very delighted to see Wei Xingyue.

“Miss, it’s great to see that you are fine. I was so happy to receive your call. I’ve waited for your call on the first of the New Year, but you never did. So I went to his house and asked. The guards at the door told me that you were sent to the hospital. I couldn’t get in contact with you and I was worried sick.”

Wei Xingyue smiled, “Thank you for your care. Let’s go to the same place.”

White blood disease: leukemia in Chinese is ‘bai xue bing’, literally meaning white blood disease. There is no other English equivalent so I literal translated it to distinguish the terms.

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