The Black Card

Chapter 80-81

Chapter 80 - Cheap Maserati 

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Wei Shao smiled and threw his arms around Shi Lei's shoulders, and said: "If you don't want them to call you Shi Shao, then don't be polite with me. Wei Shao, it's fine if they call me that, but even you? Or do you also think that my name, Wei Qing, is too girly?" 

Shi Lei was speechless, thinking that he didn't even know his full name. This Scepter, why couldn't it tell me this kind of things first?

But this time, Shi Lei was really misunderstanding the Scepter. Because the millionaire card counted as a natural day, which is the midnight of the first day till the midnight of the second day. To these rich kids, their night life had just began at midnight. So, usually, after the millionaire card activates at midnight, Wei Qing, as the medium, would pick up Shi Lei on the way and go to a place to enjoy night life. Maybe a bar, maybe a party, or a quiet place to chat and drink together. Under a one on one private conservation, it would be the chance for Shi Lei to get to know him. 

But because Shi Lei activated the card at 10am, the process prior to that was ignored. The Scepter did pay some attention to at least let Shi Lei know how to address Wei Qing, and act as if they held a close relationship. 

"Don't be like this, am I not trying to show my respect to you?" Shi Lei probably knew that he won't be exposed, he pretended to joke lightly. 

Wei Qing kicked him and swore with a laugh: "This guy, are you gonna die for not roasting me? If you are gonna be like this, I'm leaving!" 

Shi Lei hurried up and apologised: "My bad, my bad!" 

Everyone laughed. Finally, Shi Lei told them about his bet with Wu Haoyuan. When he just began to tell the story, everyone seemed to lack interest as they thought that Shi Lei used his background to show off to some kid whom they didn't even know about. Even if it was so one sided, but it was boring. It was just because Wei Qing contacted them that they came to support him. 

But when he talked about the bet, as he expected, these people are princes and princesses who only come in contact with people of the same social class, that even if they had great grudges, they would not make a big fuss on the surface. So when Shi Lei said the loser will swim in the lake naked, and need to shout 'I'm an idiot' on the shore, they were suddenly excited and laughed, finally thinking that it was worth it to wake up early to come here. 

"Shitou, you are too cruel! Even if this guy's nothing, but after this, how can he still socialise in this circle? Even his family may be influenced by this." Someone laughed in the crowd. 

Shi Lei twitched his lips and said: "This really wasn't my idea. That dude thought he'd definitely won, so he wanted me to embarrass myself as much as possible. I was forced to agree!" 

Wei Qing pushed Shi Lei on the shoulder and bursted out laughing: "Stop kidding me! This was your trap and you forced him into it step by step, right? Don't pretend to be innocent with me, do you think I don't know who you are?!" 

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Shi Lei was innocent and shrugged: "Seriously, nope. I feel wronged, too. Honestly, I really didn't know that he would go as far as this. Too ferocious." 

Everyone laughed, then Shi Lei's phone rang. 

After he checked, Shi Lei shushed everyone and everyone knew that Wu Haoyuan was calling Shi Lei as he was almost there. 

"Shi Lei, where the hell are you? I'm here, how come I don't see you? I'm telling you, if you don't show up today, I'm going to fucking amputate your leg!" 

As soon as the call connected, he was greeted by furious swearing from the other side of the phone. 

Shi Lei may be slightly intimidated by these fuerdai, but he knew how to deal with people like Wu Haoyuan perfectly well. 

"What the hell are you screaming at, a toad's voice is too loud. I hope the engines of the cars you bring will be as loud as this! I'm already here a long time ago, where are you?" 

"You said in front of the park, I'm here waiting for you. Don't trip over in fear when you see it later……" Wu Haoyuan's voice sounded malicious and arrogant, which seems like the cars he called may be better than what he expected. 

"Ok, just wait 2 minutes." Shi Lei hung up after that. He told those excited fuerdai: "He's in front of the park, let's drive down a bit more? We'll save them the trouble of running away after they come up and see us." 

Everyone went on their cars and Wei Qing threw his car keys to Shi Lei: "Drive my car!" 

Although he didn't know which car was Wei Qing's, but since everyone else already went in their car, and Wei Qing went into the Koenigsegg, Shi Lei guided Sun Yiyi to the Maserati GT.

Although he knew how to drive and got his driver's license before university, but it took him a while to figure out the inside of the car. After he stepped on the accelerator, the engine let out a roar. Shi Lei felt refreshed by the sound it. He switched gears, stepped on the accelerator and the Maserati shot out lightly. 

As the team of cars wanted to follow, Wei Qing suddenly blocked them with his car. He stuck his head out of the window and said: "Let's go out a few minutes later." The others took a second to think, but they immediately understand what he meant. 

Wei Qing's car was the cheapest out of all eight at the price of about three million, which is the entrance level for them. The reason that Wei Qing didn't let Shi Lei drive the Koenigsegg, but his car, was so that Shi Lei could go out first. If Wu Haoyuan's car could not even win against that Maserati, then the win would be boring. He wanted to see if at least one of Wu Haoyuan's car could compete against Shi Lei, so when he sees Shi Lei alone with that three million Maserati, he would definitely be strutting and boasting. 

Then, Wei Qing and the rest would appear one expensive car after another. After the Koenigsegg appears, they would probably want to die. 

Shi Lei was indulged in the happiness of driving a three million luxurious car, and didn't realise that the rest of them didn't follow up. He turned at the corner and saw a group of cars in front of the park. 

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Wu Haoyuan was scanning the place around him. Although he thought that Shi Lei may be too scared to appear, but since he knew for certain that Shi Lei will show up, Wu Haoyuan wondered what kind of cars Shi Lei could bring. 

He noticed Shi Lei as soon as he turned at the corner, and saw Sun Yiyi sitting on the front passenger seat. Maserati GT? This guy really did spent a lot of time on it. Where did he borrow it from? From a wedding service company? But the car plate seemed to be a local one in Wu Dong.  

Wu Haoyuan turned around and looked at his team of cars. Six cars were his max. His Bumblebee was obviously the worst. A Porsche at 890,000 yuan. A Benz SL, which is a little over a million. A Lotus, which is 1.3 million. An Audi R8, 1.8 million. Although these were not as valuable as Shi Lei's car, but the key point was that Wu Haoyuan had an Aston Martin at 3.5 million. 

And this car didn't have high or low configurations, so even if Shi Lei's Maserati GT is of top disposition, but it won't be as good as the Aston Martin.

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Chapter 81 - Furious Yi'Jie

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

Although Wu Haoyuan felt that he won the bet for sure, but chills still shot up his spine. As for that Aston Martin, he begged a bro of his for a long time and he finally agreed to drive his cousin's car out secretly. 

If it wasn't for this three million car, Wu Haoyuan would really lose to Shi Lei. 

"Shit, this guy really put a lot of effort into it. That Maserati GT with high configurations would be close to 3 million, with all the tax and warranty, it would be over 3 million. Even if it had low configuration, it would at least be 2.2 million. He must have rented it!" 

Wu Haoyuan narrowed his eyes and said relentlessly. 

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The guy who stood next him, which was the guy who stole the car from his cousin, laughed in despise: "Isn't that just a Maserati? Although it's worth over 2 million, but he only has one car. Even without my cousin's car, we have another five. Don't tell me he could win one against five?" 

Wu Haoyuan pondered about this logic, but he still felt that there was something wrong. 

In this moment, Shi Lei drove the car in front of them. Without waiting for Shi Lei to step out of the car, Wu Haoyuan stormed in front of him and provoked him arrogantly: "Aiyo, you really did spend on this, it wasn't cheap to rent this car for a day, wasn't it? It's not bad, but, too bad you only have one car. Wedding ceremony companies didn't have that many luxurious either, right? Even if they did, you probably wouldn't be able to afford the rent? One car is your maximum?" 

Shi Lei didn't bother to talk back, except he was confused why he said that. Don't tell me Wu Haoyuan didn't see those sevens cars behind him? 

He turned around slowly. Holy, what happened? How come no one followed up? Oh lord, Black Card, Scepter, don't you dare screw up at this crucial time! 

But, Shi Lei pushed the door and got off the car as he thought that there shouldn't be a problem. He stood in front of Wu Haoyuan and looked at the cars behind him. 

"You have the nerve to put your Bumblebee in there? The rest of those cars don't seem too good either!" 

Wu Haoyuan was enraged and swore at Shi Lei whilst pointing at him: "Are you fucking blind? You think you are the best because you have a Maserati GT? Open your eyes more and check out my bro's cars. Porsche, Benz, Lotus, Audi! You lost already with just these four cars. It doesn't matter how expensive your car is, is it more expensive than all four of them together?" 

Shi Lei shook his head steadily and said: "Wu Haoyuan, I realised that you really are shameless. Why don't you find a taxi company and rent 200 taxis here? The total price for that would be 20 million or more. It's also majestic. You can have them arrange it into an S, then a B(1), and you can even block the traffic here. Isn't that great?" 

Wu Haoyuan almost fainted from Shi Lei's words. He couldn't help but to turn around and glower at his friend. His friends were the ones who said that, Wu Haoyuan simply added onto his friend's statement. 

But fortunately, there was an Aston Martin DB11 there, and Wu Haoyuan was glad that he made his friend steal his cousin's car out. 

Wu Haoyuan said gloomily: "Nevermind, I don't want to make a big fuss over your incorrect logic. Open your dog eyes and look at the car behind it carefully. Do you know Aston Martin? Same level as Lamborghini with the starting price of 3 million! Your car with top configuration would just meet 3 million! Shi Lei, how else do you want to compare them?!" 

Shi Lei didn't know those cars well. Out of the six cars behind Wu Haoyuan, he only knew about Audi, Benz and Porsche. As for Lotus and Aston Martin, he really didn't know much about them. 

But he believed that Wu Haoyun wouldn't play tricks on this. Since he said that Aston Martin is over 3 million, then it must be real. 

Shi Lei turned around and looked again. Those seven cars still haven't appeared yet. Shi Lei thought, hurry up and come out, I'm getting slapped in the face hard right now and it hurts. Don't be like this, it's enough to have us argue verbally. 

Shi Lei sluggishly said: "Oh my goodness, a 3 million car, I'm so scared. It's so expensive. Does it use electronic ignition? Is it petrol efficient? Is it convenient to fix the chain breaks(2)?"

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"Shi Lei!" Wu Haoyuan roared. "Stop pestering me with unreasonable logic! You are the one who rides a bicycle, your chain breaks! Even if I don't compare the number of cars, your car is at most 3 million, and my Aston Martin's pre-sale price is already 3.3 million. You also lost. What, are you going to drive yourself up the mountain and do the bet, or do you want me to escort you up to the mountain, strip you naked and throw you in the lake? Don't blame me for not telling you, but if I have to do it myself, you are done. Your family probably doesn't want to see you being unable to receive your graduation certificate after four years in university, right?" 

Sun Yiyi was sitting in the car shaking like mad. It was enough to scare her just by listening to Wu Haoyuan talking about those cars which were worth a few millions. 

She didn't even know about cars as much as Shi Lei. She only knew that the outside of all those cars which she saw seemed very cool, and the only brands she could recognise were Benz and Audi. As for cars on Shi Lei's side, she didn't recognise a single one and naturally didn't know their prices. In Sun Yiyi's perspective, Benz and Audi represented the top tier cars, hence she thought that Shi Lei had lost for sure. Plus, she also thought that since Wei Qing let Shi Lei drove the car and go first, it was definitely the most expensive car out of all. The only reason why Wei Qing and the others hadn't appeared was probably because Wu Haoyuan's cars were too good and they were too scared to come out. 

She panicked as she heard Wu Haoyuan's words. She didn't want to see Shi Lei swimming naked in the lake, and she would never want to see Shi Lei spend four years in university yet unable to receive his graduation certificate. And she knew that everything started because of her. With overwhelming emotions, she bursted into tears. She jumped off the car and blocked Shi Lei from Wu Haoyuan. 

"Wu Haoyuan, this happened because of me. Don't make things difficult for Shitou ge! Don't you think that you are almighty because you are rich. Don't bully people just because your family is wealthy!" 

The dandy youngsters behind Wu Haoyuan all laughed and teased: "Yooo, the beauty is trying to save the hero!" 

"Haoyuan, I'm not being mean, but shouldn't you be ashamed to lose to a poor loser like this?" 

"Cut the crap, just throw him in the lake!" 


Shi Lei was overwhelmed as he saw Sun Yiyi used her thin body to protect him. He saw her shoulders shake from sobs and was in distress. He held Sun Yiyi lightly in his arms and whispered in a low voice: "Yiyi, don't worry, we didn't lose. Don't be like this!" 

Sun Yiyi raised her tear filled face and looked at Shi Lei, which made him feel even worse. 

But Wu Haoyuan ferociously said: "Shi Lei, don't try to pull out the sympathy card, it's useless! I'm not a kind person. Since you agreed to my bet, you will do it. Bros, let's teach this loser how to behave himself! And, I take it back. I don't care whether you jump into the lake yourself or be thrown into it by me, you will never get your graduation certificate from Wu Dong university!" With his words, he walked towards Shi Lei step by step. Although Sun Yiyi was terrified, and her petite body was shaking, she stood firmly in front of Shi Lei and stretched her arms to keep Shi Lei behind her. 

"Not letting me get my graduation certificate? You better worry about yourself!" Shi Lei was enraged as he turned around and howled: "What are you all waiting for? Waiting for the sun to go down?!" 


SB: Abbreviation for idiot in Chinese 

Chain breaks: A saying for when someone screws up something at the most crucial time

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