The Black Card

Chapter 92-93

Chapter 92 - The Almighty Organization 

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Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

The elder's eyes were still closed as he replied: "Mhm." The displease on his face was obviously seen as his thoughts were interrupted. He couldn't remember what he was about to write and he needed to concentrate again.

"Dad, the news is all over Wu Dong city. You…… Can I say that you are monkeying around?" The person who spoke was a woman about 25 or 26 years of age. The dissatisfaction was obvious under her delicate makeup. 

The elder finally opened his eyes, placed the calligraphy brush down and said: "It's my house. Do I need to inform anyone about whom I'm lenting it to?" 

The woman quickly lowered her head. Although the old man favoured her, but she could hear the irritation from his voice and she didn't dare to be impudent due to his favouritism.  

"I didn't mean that, but…… What do you see in those children? Who wanted to borrow the house from you?" 

"An old friend……" The old man raised his head and his vision's focus fell on a hollow point. "Someone I would never reject. He said to give it to a child for a cocktail party, so I did! Don't mention letting him borrow it, if that old friend likes it, I would give it to him." 

The woman was astonished and cried out: "What old friend? Don't tell me, it's those people?" 

The old man knew what the woman meant but shook his head: "How could they make a request like this to me, and how would they let their children to be so absurd." 

"Then, who was it?" The woman picked up the tea cup on the side, opened the lid, blew the tea leaves aside and passed it to the elder. 

The elder took a sip of the tea and shook his head: "You don't need to know. This old friend will not make any request to any of you now that I left." 

The woman was rather confused but didn't dare to voice out her doubts. She stared at her father strangely as it was the first time in her life to see such helplessness on her father's face.

"Alright. None of these are related to you and you can just let the news spread in the city. But those children who went to the mansion today, you can have some contact with them. Since their children walked into my house, then I shall find a chance and work with them again." 

As the elder spoke, his expression was as if he was a sovereign who had descended the world, and only in this moment, he displayed his dominance as the top tier billionaire in the country. During the day, the fuerdai, including Wei Qing, the less wealthier people had no less than 50 billion worth of asset, with 350 billion for those wealthier. But in front of this elder's asset, they were not even worth mentioning. Even the Forbes rank didn't dare to reveal his background, how could he be measured with a few hundred billions? Although it was only one digit more, but this one digit made all the difference.

The woman didn't dare to say anything else. She nodded and bowed: "Ok, Dad, I understand."  

"Go. When I'm writing, no one can come and disturb me. Not even you!" The elder waved his hand and the woman quickly left the room. 

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Picking up his brush again, the elder closed his eyes once again but the overwhelming emotions in his heart forbade him to calm down. Eventually, the elder threw the calligraphy brush on the snow white calligraphy paper. The brush tip which was filled with ink was out of shape and the paper was tainted with ink splatters of different sizes.   

"Shi Lei……" The elder leaned against the wooden chair, narrowed his eyes and said a name. 

"Are you from that organization? From Old Qin and Dai Qian's report, you don't seem like it. They said you were rather reserved. Although you didn't display any traces of fear, but you couldn't mask the perplexity in your heart. If you are from that organization, you shouldn't be like this. I can't even compare to anyone's imposing manner from that organisation. Then, who in the world are you? How did you ask the organisation to make the request to me for you?" 

It turned out that the old friend the old man mentioned was not a single person, but an organization. 

An organization which even the elder looked up to, what kind of existence would that be? 

After pondering for a while, the elder pressed a bell on his side. Someone quickly came in and spoke: "Master." 

"Call Pu Ti over." 

"Yes, master." That person left the room and after a while, a woman who looked rather similar to the previous one but seemed younger came in.  

After she closed the door, the woman who was Pu Ti spoke: "Dad, you wanted to see me?" 

The elder pointed at the chair on the side and said: "Sit." 

"Dad, what's wrong?" Pu Ti asked. 

"Have you heard about what happened during the day?" 

Pu Ti smiled and said: "I didn't leave the house today. I didn't know at first but after my older sister came back and made a big fuss, it was hard for me to not know." 

"That's just Xing Yue's personality. She doesn't know how to hide her emotions. Are you curious too?" 

Pu Ti smiled again and said: "I'm lying if I say that I'm not curious. But you always have a reason for doing things like this, so we don't have to worry about your decisions." 

"Hmm…… That mansion was borrowed by an old friend to a child called Shi Lei. Old Qin and Dai Qian reported to me that only the kid from the Wei family knew Shi Lei and it was his first time meeting the others. From my old friend's style of doing things, I don't think any of those children would remember the details and they would probably only remember that they went to the house. But the child of the Wei family might have some memories left……" 

These words were rather fantasy-like, revealing the meaning that someone was strong enough to wipe out a certain part of one's memories. But this woman called Pu Ti didn't show any traces of doubt or surprise. 

She simply nodded and replied: "Ok, dad, I understand. I'll talk to my sister that I will be responsible for following up to the Wei family. I will also keep my eyes on that person called Shi Lei." 

The elder nodded and warmed again: "Don't be too obvious. My old friend hates it when people try to dig everything up. But I, on the other hand, became more and more curious now that I'm older. Be cautious." 

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Pu Ti was shaken slightly at the elder's solemnness. 

"I know, I'll be extra careful. I won't make any direct contact with Shi Lei." The elder nodded his head slowly and closed his eyes. Pu Ti saw this and left the room quietly. The elder opened his eyes again and his eyes shone brightly. 

"I had earned such a big family property for you guys. Without the organization's help, I hope you can last for a few more generations." With that, the elder finally displayed the tiredness and sleepiness that an elder should have. His breath became steady and calm, as if he fell asleep on the chair. 

But the person called Shi Lei whom was mentioned by the elder, was sitting in a street side barbecue stall, sweeping through the skewers and beers. Although he had some proper food during dinner, but it wasn't enough and he was starving. 

Shi Lei didn't know that in that moment, someone was watching him in secret, and he didn't know that his name was circled again on an organization's list. 

The organization which the elder looked up to also held a sense of fearful respect towards Shi Lei. This organization which was known to very few people in the world had put Shi Lei under the list of noble guests whom they wouldn't touch easily, and even hoped that Shi Lei would one day contact them himself. 

This almighty organization knew nothing about Shi Lei too.

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Chapter 93 - It's Only Cute If A Beauty Acts Cute

Translator: Lav

Editor: Levs

After Shi Lei woke up and discovered that all of his roommates were gone, he realised that it was already Saturday and the other three had returned to their families. 

It was Saturday! Already! 

Shi Lei rapidly checked how much money he had left. Except for the 1,500 yuan of living expenses which his Dad transferred him monthly. Minus the 9,300 yuan of reward, Shi Lei realised that he had about 3,000 yuan left to spend this week. 

Merely 3,000 yuan should be relatively easy to spend and Shi Lei was relieved. 

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Shi Lei's phone rang and Shi Lei saw that it was a WeChat message from Zhang Liangliang. He opened it and Er'jie said: "Dashu, it's tutoring day again, don't forget." 

Shi Lei looked at the time and it was already past 12. He was really tight on time. 

Shi Lei rolled off his bed, brushed his teeth, and washed his face in a rush. He had been rather busy and forgot to shower he thought he was rather stale. He wanted to have a quick cold shower, but considering that the temperature outside was barely 7 degrees, he couldn't help but shudder. Nevermind, he'll just endure it a bit more. 

There was still 3,000 yuan left. If he was sick and didn't spend it all, he was screwed. 

Shi Lei put on the new Nike clothing he bought last time and ran out of his dorm energetically. 

He ordered two dishes in the restaurant in front of school and it was already 1:30PM after he finished eating. Luckily Zhang Liangliang's house was not too far from there. He only needed about half an hour to walk over and he could even use that time to exercise and digest the food. Shi Lei really began to worry about his health as he had being shoving whatever he could into his stomach recently. 

Hmm, as for next week's quota, Shi Lei had already planned on how to spend it. He will rent a house. He wasn't scared that it would be expensive, but he was worried that it would be too cheap. The furnishings definitely needed to be luxurious. It didn't need to be too big so that the Scepter wouldn't say that he didn't finish his quota as he didn't need such a big house all for himself. Shi Lei had originally thought that it was much easier to spend money if he lived in a hotel. But if he moved out from his dorm and lived in a hotel, even if his roommates didn't think it was strange as he was a fuerdai, but if any friends, such as Sun Yiyi, wanted to visit him, how would he explain it to them? 

Other than that, Shi Lei planned to sign up at the gym. He heard that wealthy people usually pay a lot of attention on exercising and health. As a fuerdai who didn't have any asset, company and income, he really should put health on his priority list. It was too corrupted for him to live a life where he had to spend all the money he had. If he didn't exercise, he would soon be someone who's well fed but never used his brain. It was too hard for Shi Lei to imagine himself as someone who was as fat as a pig. 

Of course, he would find a high class fitness center. He could also find a personal coach so that he could finish spending next week's sum easier. 

At the thought of him successfully planning the week ahead, Shi Lei became extremely happy. His footsteps also became lighter and even started humming. 

Originally, Shi Lei wanted to find a bank and ask the Scepter about this week's spendings. Although there shouldn't be a problem, but since he had a chance to do so every week, he shouldn't waste it. But he was a bit short on time at the moment. He will wait until he finishes tutoring Zhang Liangliang at night…… Or more accurately, accompany this prince, no, princess to finish her homework, then he would have plenty of time to ask, not to mention that there were no problems in the first place! 

At five minutes before 2, Shi Lei stood in front Zhang Liangliang's house and knocked on her door light heartedly. 

Zhang Liangliang opened the door as soon as she heard the first knock, as if she was waiting behind the door for Shi Lei to knock. 

"Aren't you fast?!" Shi Lei retracted his hands as he was about to knock again. 

Zhang Liangliang tied her hair into a ponytail today. Her forehead was bare and it looked rather fresh. 

Shi Lei subconsciously nodded and thought that she looked really nice. His nodding was captured by Zhang Liangliang and the little girl was rather pleased with herself. She could grasp Shi Lei's taste better now, but it was because she had the chance to meet Sun Yiyi last week. Sun Yiyi grew up with Shi Lei so she knew well what his likes were. She was also very naive as Zhang Liangliang simply said a few sentences and Sun Yiyi told her everything. 

Shi Lei didn't know about this though. If he did, he would definitely call Sun Yiyi stupid as this little girl was up to no good. She wanted to win your man over and you told her everything? 

"Dashu, you are so on-time today!" Zhang Liangliang didn't really have much to say but she spoke for the sake of speaking anyway. After Shi Lei walked in and closed the door, she even held onto Shi Lei's arms naturally. 

Shi Lei slapped her hands off and scolded with a stern face: "No manners! Does anyone act like this to their teachers? Your Mum left already?" 

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Zhang Liangliang wasn't unhappy and laughed, and she hugged Shi Lei's arms again: "My Mum left early. She seemed really busy today and she didn't come back till late night yesterday. As to this, hehe, you are dashu and I'm the loli, isn't it normal for me to hold onto your arms?" 

Shi Lei didn't bother to waste his time to talk back and asked: "You didn't go out and play secret in these past few days, did you?" 

"Nope. Ever since I agreed to you, I've been going to school everyday and doing homework after I finished school. Sometimes I wanted to bother you for a while and ask you to eat with me, but I was scared that you'll be annoyed so I didn't." 

"Hmm, not bad, keep it up!" 

"That's it?" Zhang Liangliang widened her eyes. 

Shi Lei was confused and asked: "What else do you want?" 

"I thought you would say: don't worry, I won't be annoyed. You can send me all the WeChat messages you want and bother me anytime, I just happened to need someone to eat with too." Zhang Liangliang pouted and made a face whilst speaking. Although she was purposely acting cute, but Shi Lei couldn't deny that it was only cute if a beauty did it. If an ugly person tried to act cute, it would just be a grimace. 

Shi Lei shook his head seriously: "No, not this." 

"Yes!"  Zhang Liangliang continued to act cute. 

Shi Lei's lips twitched and said: "Have you been eating by yourself everyday?" 

"Yep, I'm so sad." Zhang Liangliang was obviously addicted to acting cute. She pouted and her lips were pink and plump. 

Shi Lei was slightly annoyed and said: "Tell the truth!" 

Zhang Liangliang laughed again and said: "Well, not everyday. Mrs. Zhang Meimei comes back and look after me sometimes if she has the time to so, but she didn't do it to eat with me, she was just scared that I would run away to play. But after another week or two, she should believe that I've changed for good. When that time comes, I would never see her and no one would eat with me. Right now, I would eat by myself for at least five days per week. Let me think, it's like this week. She's definitely not coming back today, she wasn't home either last Sunday, so she only ate with me this Wednesday." 

Looking at Zhang Liangliang who was acting cute and pretending to be happy, Shi Lei suddenly felt sympathetic towards her. 

Normally speaking, Zhang Liangliang was pretty, smart, and studying wasn't even something she needed to worry about. Although she had a single parent family, but out of ten children, at least two or three children come from a single parent family, so it also wasn't something too new. The main point was that Zhang Meimei's income should be rather high. Shi Lei estimated her annual income to be above a million as she could afford all the expenses when Zhang Liangliang was rebellious. Even a new lawyer would have half a million a year, an annual income of over a million wasn't really strange. 

With conditions like this, Zhang Liangliang shouldn't have anything to do with the word 'sympathy'. 

But, under the glorious surface, who knew that to Zhang Liangliang, a 16 year old girl, even having a meal with her mother became such an extravagant wish?

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