The Black Horse

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

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Good Intentions

Translated by Wook
Edited by sienz


Jiangsu Shipping Group had a contact point at the shore of Lianghuai. The moment the news about Bai Shiqi’s appearance at the inn passed around, her subordinate came to pay his respect and helped rent the place for her. He then respectfully invited her in.


“The last time I saw the Young Leader was when I went to Suzhou last year for the New Year’s greeting to Leader. I didn’t expect the Young Leader to come to Baoying during your idle time.”


Normally, Bai Shiqi looked undependable. However, when facing her subordinates, she looked very reliable: “I have something to do in Baoying. I heard that there were some disturbances in Baoying a couple of days ago?”


The shipping group guy was about thirty years old with a square and reddish-brown face coupled with rough and thick limbs. He would not attract any attention to himself even if he got thrown into a crowd of people as he looked like an ordinary coolie guy on the street. Though, the way he spoke was neat: “Young Leader is well-informed. A few days ago, the official salt store owned by the Huang family was destroyed. By the time the county government sent their people, the salt store had been robbed clean, and the mastermind behind has not been found yet.”


Zhao Wujiu and Yu Ang strained their ears to hear, but unlike them, Bai Shiqi was straightforward and asked: “Third Brother Deng, do you know why the private salt dealers have disappeared recently?”


The man’s surname was Deng, and he was the third sibling in his family, so the brothers on the dock called him Third Brother Deng. However, he did not dare being addressed this way by Bai Shiqi: “Young Leader should just call me Old Third Deng, how could this humble one dares being brothers with Young Leader.” He smiled sincerely, but his eyes looked shrewd. His gaze swept to the left and right, and finally muttered: “Regarding this matter… This humble one has heard some news about it, but it would not be suitable for outsiders to hear.”


What he meant was obvious. Zhao Wujiu and the others were outsiders, so they were not suitable to hear the news.


Zhao ZIheng did not even think of himself as an outsider: “Your leader and I are brothers, just tell us quickly.”


Old Third Deng hesitated for a moment and kept his mouth shut.


Bai Shiqi: “It’s okay, these people are close friends. Besides, it’s a matter of the salt group, which has nothing to do with our shipping group. So it’s fine for Third Brother Deng to just say it.”


Old Third Deng: “It is said that the disappearance of the private dealers is related to this matter. Some time ago, a renowned official was sent to investigate the Lianghuai‘s salt road. I don’t know how long he’s been gone, but he was so unlucky to have encountered the pirates the moment he set foot on the border of Lianghuai. In the end, he sank into the river as fish fodder.”


Yu Ang, the unlucky official who sank into the river as fish fodder: “… …”


“It’s just one unlucky official. So what if he sank into the river? What does it have to do with private salt? Since everyone can’t eat without salt, they will have to run to official salt stores, right?” A faint smile flashed within Bai Shiqi’s eyes, and she deliberately swept her gaze to Yu Ang, whose face looked tense, and asked: “Master Yu, what is your opinion on this matter?”


Yu Ang couldn’t endure it and his face darkened. He couldn’t keep pretending to be deaf and mute even though it was his benefactor who was treating the court’s law as nothing. Fortunately, he was tolerant towards this person: “Young Leader Bai, the dealings of private salt is not beneficial for the country’s taxation, how could the local official indulge in those private salt dealers? If the higher-ups had gotten some concrete proof of this deed, those people might lose their official positions!”


Old Third Deng noticed that his tone of speaking was a bit strange, so he wanted to say something in reply, but then, his young leader quickly shut  Master Yu’s mouth with sarcasm: “Of course ah. The people up there must care so much about their taxes. Which one of those officials genuinely cares about the death and life of common people? The price of official salt is so high, but why does it matter if the common people can eat it when compared to those lord officials in their comfortable halls? Everyone pretends to care about the well-being of the country and the people, but in reality, they only care about those silvers that you call taxes. Do you know how many people you have in this country? Do you know how many of them are suffering from illnesses due to lack of salt? Sure enough, silver is all that matters, while the common people are just ants!”


Yu Ang had been devoting his whole life to the monarch. He had learned the laws and the decrees and had heard a lot of unusual lawsuits. A plate with “Upright and Honorable Yu” engraved was even placed in the middle of his house, and he was often praised by the emperor. He truly did not expect that one day he’d be struck dumb by a youth in this Baoying County.


And this youth had a bad temper. As if it was not enough, she suddenly stood and rudely said: “Old Yu, I saved your life not to let you put on airs in my house. Since you’re penniless, you should start working around the house from tomorrow on. Even though your body hasn’t fully recovered, you should still be able to wipe the dust off the table, right?”


The blue veins on Yu Ang’s head twitched. For the first time ever, he missed the plank used to interrogate the prisoners. It was thick and wide, and the head of the plank was stained black. It was a color formed by god knows how many people’s blood. It had the power to instill fear. When people saw it, their calves would weaken, wanting to kneel down to beg for mercy.


Unfortunately, Bai Shiqi did not know the thoughts that went through his mind, and she was too lazy to talk any more nonsense with him, so she directly ordered: “Third Brother Deng, go and get cleaning rags and a feather duster for Old Yu. He can’t do heavy work, but light work should be okay. I don’t have money to raise idlers. Besides, the impoverished common people suffer many things in their lives. It’s impossible for Lord Yu to become so fragile from his injuries that he can’t even lift a feather duster.”


Zhao Wujiu: “… …”


—Letting a senior official wipe off your table with a feather duster, Shiqi, only you would dare to do such a thing!


Zhao Ziheng was eating melon with gusto, thinking that finally the person who suffered under the devilish hand of his good brother Bai Shiqi was not him. What a good thing.


Yu Ang: “… …”


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—This old man should copy the saying of “A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble” a hundred times once he returns, as a way to cultivate his moral character.


A penny stumps heroes. Not to mention that he was sick and poor now. He can’t even mention money for medicine or leaving Bai Shiqi’s place to live alone, he also wanted to tackle matters of the state tax, but he didn’t know where he had dropped the official seal. Regardless of whether he stayed at Lianghuai or returned to the capital, his path would still be arduous. So what was there to argue about?


And so, he turned into a mute once again, and peace came into the living room.


Bai Shiqi gestured for Old Third Deng to continue.


Old Third Deng went on: “Since that unlucky official became fish fodder, news had been spreading that the Imperial Court may send another official to investigate Lianghuai’s salt road. After sinking one, it wouldn’t be a problem to sink a group, right? So everyone went into hiding and will emerge again once the officials from the capital finish their businesses. Since the brothers of the salt road are gone, the official salt stores saw their opportunity to profit and increase the price by 30% from the normal price. Many people can’t afford to eat salt anymore, and there are the old and the young back home, so they can only rush to the official salt store to vent their anger.”


Bai Shiqi regretted deeply: “I came too late and couldn’t catch up with the good things, had I come in time, I would’ve gone to the store as well and smashed a few things.” People wouldn’t just start breaking things at other people’s stores for no reason. So she could understand why everyone vented their anger because of the unscrupulous and ridiculously high selling price from the official salt store.


“But in the end, it’s not quite right to smash the stores. It’d be better to report it to the government first if there’s something wrong.” Once these words came out of his mouth, even Zhao Wujiu himself felt that he was being hypocritical.


If the government managed the price of salt of official salt stores in Baoying County in the first place, the incident of beating, smashing, and looting wouldn’t have happened.


Most of the time, the government was not reliable, so the people could only rely on their own strength. 


Bai Shiqi felt that Zhao Wujiu was being old-fashioned and dull. So she said: “So the government actually can do something else aside from receiving money?” According to the governance of the country, the tax money should be used for public infrastructure construction. But the officials seemed to have no such idea. When building bridges and making new roads, the government called for donations from wealthy households. The development of private schools was also a matter of the local gentry, which meant it had nothing to do with the government.


Zhao Wujiu suspected that if he argued more, Bai Shiqi might arrange a job of sweeping the courtyard for him, so he could only shut his mouth wisely.


The room finally calmed down, and Bai Shiqi asked: “So what’s with the master of the Wu family being unconscious?”


Old Third Deng smiled and sighed: “The master of the Wu family may be out of luck. He was only standing in front of his own store, and the private salt looters mistook him as one of the salt store’s people. It is widely spread now that he took the blame for somebody else.”


Bai Shiqi: Taking the blame for somebody else may not even be real, but getting hit and suffering injuries is a real thing.


After the reunion, Old Third Deng still had something to do on the dock, so he hurriedly left.


The pitiful Yu Ang still did not know which of his words had offended Young Leader Bai, so he turned to Zhao Wujiu for guidance. However, the other party only said thoughtfully: “I could… somewhat understand.”


Although Bai Shiqi was mischievous, looking at how much she cared about the lives of her subordinates, she must be sympathizing with the situation of the common people. Yu Ang suddenly brought up the matter of taxation, when the common people she cared about couldn’t even eat salt, obviously, she would look down at the lord official.


Yu Ang was surprised: “What does Your Highness understand?”


Zhao Wujiu smiled: “Since Lord Yu can’t understand, please dust off the table while thinking more about Young Leader Bai’s words.”


Yu Ang: Do you think this is some kind of meditation?


His words were full of riddles.




Wu Dai had been in a coma for a few days, and his family members’ hearts grew anxious. They had invited Huang Youbi who checked his pulse and asked Zhu Shoumei to come forward for another diagnosis. From the bag he carried with him, Zhu Shoumei picked out the thickest acupuncture needle to be inserted in a certain area.


Since Wu Dai was still unconscious, there was a possibility that he had a blood clot in his head.


Huang Youbi was a skilled and bold person. He placed the needle neatly. It turns out the thickest needle is hollowed in the middle. After it is inserted, the blood will drip out slowly. And as the sky darkened, Wu Dai slowly opened his eyes.


“You finally woke up.”

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Under the lighting, Wu Dai regained his consciousness. He was not able to speak clearly and could only look at Huang Youbi with a grateful gaze. Huang Youbi patted him twice over the quilt: “Recuperate well, don’t worry about anything else.” Then he fell asleep again.


Wu Jing and Wu Rong heard that their father had regained consciousness. Before they could feel happy from his awakening, they saw that he was once again sleeping. They were shocked. They held onto Huang Youbi’s from both sides: “Uncle Huang, my father fainted again. Come over! Save him!”


Huang Youbi checked his pulse again and announced Wu Dai’s condition with a smile: “Your father’s illness has finally stabilized, but because his body is too weak, he went to sleep again. When he wakes up, he’ll be completely fine.”


The master and disciple felt hungry after being busy for half of the day. Moreover, there were also Bai Shiqi and the others. When they finally asked about the others, Wu Rong immediately felt ashamed. He was so anxious about his father’s illness and had thrown aside his responsibility to the housekeeper. 


The housekeeper was called in a hurry, and only then did Huang Youbi know that Bai Shiqi and the others had gone outside to find a place to rest, and they had left a contact address.


Wu Rong was extremely ashamed: “I… I was so focused on my father’s illness…” He had even forgotten about the guests, and had let them hanging in the side hall for hours.”


Wu Jing complained about her elder brother: “Brother, no matter how anxious you were, you shouldn’t have neglected the guests.” She poured tea for Huang Youbi and his disciple. When it was Zhu Shoumei’s turn to receive the tea, she smiled amiably at him and lowered her head slightly.


It was a pity that her eyes had become red and swollen recently. It could still be considered pleasing to the eyes when she cried, however, not so much when she smiled. As such, her smile seemed unfriendly in Zhu Shoumei’s eyes. He hurriedly stepped a few steps back, took the tea she had poured, and thanked her again and again: “Sorry for the inconvenience, Young Lady Wu!”


The master and disciple stayed in Wu’s house all night until Wu Dai was out of danger, then they insisted on finding the place where Bai Shiqi and the others had been staying.


Wu Rong could not keep them any longer, so he sent a sedan chair for them.

The master and disciple first reached out to the contact point of the shipping group. When they found the rented house where Bai Shiqi and the others were staying, they saw Yu Ang, who was wiping the dust in the living room. Thinking that he worked voluntarily, they immediately praised him: “Since you can already move around, moderate exercise will be advantageous for your recovery.”


As a physician, he liked to see patients who followed their physicians’ advice.


Yu Ang found it difficult to reply. After serving as an official for so many years, this was the first time he learned to serve tea and pour water for others. He personally made a cup of tea for Huang Youbi. He was so unskilled and ended up wetting the robe of his life-saver.


Sure enough, Bai Shiqi, acting as the master of the house, reprimanded him: “You can’t even serve tea. What else should I use you for? Still don’t want to retreat?!”


Yu Ang’s old face flushed red. He simply did not know where to place his face.


He got thick and plain rice congee for breakfast, which was flavorless with only the smell of rice. He could not even taste a thing after swallowing it. The food for lunch and dinner were not salty at all, they were all bland which made it hard to swallow. He finally realized— this energetic benefactor is trying to tell him how unpalatable meals without salt are.


Yu Ang had been in a high position for many years and developed a stubborn personality. He had refused to surrender. However, after eating unsalted food for three consecutive days, his mouth felt like it might fade out at any time. He eventually looked for Zhao Wujiu to complain: “Young Leader Bai is too petty, he’d actually let this humble official eat unsalted food for three days. How can I have any strength if this keeps going on?”


Zhao Wujiu secretly wanted to smirk, but he still put on a serious face and advised him: “Shiqi has a small heart and he likes to hold grudges, but he is actually a kindhearted person. If you go and apologize to him, he will surely let this matter go.”

[small heart: unforgiving, petty, etc.]


Yu Ang really felt like he wouldn’t be able to save his old face: “Your Highness, this humble official… this humble official is his father’s age…”


Zhao Wujiu tried to persuade him again, only to find that Yu Ang was someone who stuck to his ways. Running out of patience, he left him under the pretext of rehabilitating.


He had been able to walk a few steps by leaning against the wall recently. Just before he pushed his body to stand from the wheelchair, he heard a questioning voice above his head: “I have a small heart? And likes to hold grudges?”


When Zhao Wujiu looked up, he saw Bai Shiqi sitting on the wall. There was a tree whose leaves had not yet fallen, so it covered most of her figure, only exposing a pair of angry eyes between the branches: “Since your esteemed self believes this, I guess I shouldn’t let you take responsibility for my bad habits, should I?!” After saying that, she jumped off and disappeared to the other side of the wall.




“Shiqi, come back and listen to my explanation!”


It was inconvenient for Zhao Wujiu to move around, hence it would be extremely difficult to catch up with Bai Shiqi. Shu Changfeng had gone out, while Zhao Ziheng, the lazy good-for-nothing, was still sleeping soundly. He really didn’t know what to do.


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Bai Shiqi had always been a person that kept her word. Being the petty person she was, the food that was sent to Zhao Wujiu’s courtyard was the same as Yu Ang’s, all without salt.


Zhao Ziheng slept until the meal started. He held the chopsticks and brought the vegetables to his mouth, then he started to gag: “It’s so unpalatable, why did they not put any salt? Don’t tell me we can’t even buy any salt now?” After following Bai Shiqi to the official salt store to ask about the price before, the ridiculously high price had left a deep impression on him.


Zhao Wujiu also took a bite. The food in his mouth was plain and tasteless. He was a prince, and under normal circumstances, he should be angry for this negligence, but for the reason only the Heavens knew, he smiled instead after eating two mouthfuls— Perhaps in this whole world, Bai Shiqi was the only one who was daring enough to let him eat unsalted food, right?


He gobbled the rice in delight. Seeing him like this, Zhao Ziheng suspected that maybe the two of them were not eating from the same dish: “Cousin Brother, is it delicious?”


Zhao Wujiu’s brows were raised in delight: “It’s delicious.”


Zhao Ziheng then picked up the food from the dish Zhao Wujiu was eating. After tasting it, he realized it was the same plain dish, without any salt at all: “Cousin Brother, is it truly delicious?”


“It truly is ah.”


Zhao Ziheng’s mind: Shoot! Cousin Brother’s legs have healed, but now his brain is broken!


He put down his tableware and searched for Huang Youbi in panic. After explaining the situation in such a huge gesture, he dragged both the master and disciple over in panic: “My family’s helmsman is sick. He can’t taste things anymore. Mister Huang, can you quickly take a look?”


Huang Youbi was halfway through his meal when he was dragged away by Zhao Ziheng. After hearing the reason for his actions, he did not know whether to laugh or cry: “Shiqi this monkey must have played a prank again!” She had always been the one who loved to play tricks, and her nature had not changed even when she’s all grown up.


Zhao Wujiu, who was eating unsalted food, was reminded of Yu Ang’s grievances. He suddenly said: “Mr. Huang, the common people have caused riots because the price of official salt is so high. Do you think those salt officials can experience a few of the people’s sufferings if they’re not allowed to add salt to their meals for a month?”


Huang Youbi was surprised by his whimsical imagination: “Helmsman Zhao must be joking, right? Each of those officials is so prideful. Even when they’ve been served with delicacies from the mountains and the seas, they still want to weigh whether the things they are going to eat are rare enough. Who would dare to serve them a table of unsalted meals?”


Zhao Wujiu: “Elder is right, I wonder who would dare?” It sounded like he was asking Huang Youbi, but he was actually asking himself this question.


Bai Shiqi’s prestige in the shipping group seemed to be high. When she ordered unsalted meals to be delivered to Zhao Wujiu’s courtyard, the subordinates did not dare to ignore it. Not only did they not add salt to the meals, even a salted duck egg they did not dare to deliver…


On the first day he ate the meals, he had estimated that Bai Shiqi would probably appear in the evening.


But apparently, he had miscalculated. That day, not even Bai Shiqi’s shadow could be seen.


On the second day, he thought that even if Bai Shiqi did not want to personally visit, she’d at least send a servant to check for the news, right?


However, except for the aunt from the kitchen who delivered their meals, the mouths of the servants in the courtyard were shut like a clamshell. Even the servants who were sweeping in the courtyard seemed as if they had an agreement and did not utter a single sound.


On the third day, the food was delivered, and Bai Shiqi still had not shown up. Zhao Wujiu could not help it anymore and sent Zhao Ziheng to ask for Bai Shiqi: “Just say that I’ve said something wrong. Ask her to come over so I can apologize.”


He unexpectedly did the thing that Yu Ang would not do. The affairs of life are truly fickle.


Zhao Ziheng went to the house and looked everywhere, but he did not find Bai Shiqi. He then went to the dock to look for Old Third Deng, and instead was told by the brothers from the shipping group that stayed back that the young leader and Third Brother Deng had set off for Qing River two days ago.


“The court has sent someone to clean up the river. When has it ever been necessary for people from the shipping group to clean up the river?” Zhao Wujiu was very puzzled and questioned the responsibilities of the local officials.


Zhao Ziheng suddenly whispered to explain: “The brothers from the dock did not hide the reason for Shiqi’s departure from me. When they said cleaning up the river they didn’t mean cleaning it up from silts and stuff, instead, they meant… to clean it up from the pirates.”


Zhao Wujiu thought he had misheard: “Cleaning it up from the pirates?”


Zhao Ziheng was frowning and had already begun to worry for his brother: “Those pirates even dared to slash Lord Yu, will Shiqi be slashed apart to be fed to the fish?”


Zhao Wujiu had also seen Bai Shiqi who was as nimble as a fish in the river. However, upon hearing her cleaning the river, he was still worried: “Those pirates are fierce and cunning. Can Shiqi… kill people?”

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In terms of brutality, the two parties were not at the same level.


Zhao Ziheng: “The brothers from the dock said that Shiqi always takes the brothers from the shipping group to clean up the river when the number of pirates increases during this time of the year, because the officials who are positioned to guard at the coast never make a move, so the people can only do it themselves.”


Zhao Wujiu: “Did they mention when they will return?”


Zhao Ziheng shook his head: “There’s no fixed number for this kind of thing. It may go from half a month to one or even two months. And if they run into…” He spitted twice and swallowed the rest of his words: “I won’t say anything bad.”




When Yu Ang learned of this, he felt complicated.


He was very grateful to his benefactor Bai Shiqi, but he was accused as a freeloader and was tasked to clean up the dust. Even his meals were tasteless. He felt that Bai Shiqi was someone who did not know how the social class worked, as she dared to mistreat an official of the court in such a way. He was pretty angry.


However, when he heard that Bai Shiqi had taken the brothers from the shipping group to clean up the pirates, he wanted to praise her as a “young hero”.


As a person who had experienced a life and death situation and had barely escaped from the hands of the pirates, Yu Ang was still terrified when he thought of it. But Bai Shiqi took people to the river to fight with their lives at stake instead. It goes without saying that it’d be dangerous.


“Young Leader Bai… How skilled are his subordinates?” Yu Ang was also a little worried.


Zhao Wujiu: “… Do you not hate him for letting you eat unsalted meals?”


In the past few days, Yu Ang had also inquired about the price of the official shop from the servants. He felt that even with his salary, the price was outrageous, not to mention for the common people. He now had to admit that Bai Shiqi was a bright person: “I would also like to thank the young leader for this. It allowed me to look at the private salt matter not only from the perspective of an official but also understand how harmful the high price of the salt is from the perspective of the people.” He patted his chest and promised: “Since this humble official has been sent by His Imperial Majesty to investigate Jiangnan’s salt road, no matter how deep the water is, this humble official will get to the bottom of this matter!”

[no matter how deep the water is: equivalent to no matter how dangerous. Just a play of words because the next sentence speaks about “the bottom of something”.]


Zhao Wujiu: “Just relying blindly on you? Without even an official seal or an imperial decree?”


The imperial edict had long been lost on the official ship, and he had carried the official seal with him at that time, but it disappeared by the time he woke up.


His Highness Prince Zhou’s words were too hurtful. Yu Ang knelt at his feet: “This humble official knows that his abilities are limited. Even the official seal is lost. So if he wants to investigate the salt affairs of the Lianghuai, the local officials will not cooperate. Therefore this humble official wishes to use Your Highness’s name. Will Your Highness permit?”


Zhao Wujiu fumbled for something in his sleeve and handed the thing to him: “Is this… the official seal that you’ve lost?”


Yu Ang turned excited. While holding the seal in both hands, he expressed his gratitude towards Zhao Wujiu: “This humble official thanks Your Highness! Thank you, Your Highness! This is the official seal that I’ve lost!”


Zhao Wujiu said indifferently: “You don’t have to thank me. This official seal was found by Shiqi near the river when he rescued you. He thought it might be something important, so he left it to me for safekeeping. See? Had we given it to you before you healed from your serious injury, you would’ve been too anxious to handle this case. It was better to leave it to me first.”


“Young Leader Bai?!” Yu Ang, still with mixed feelings, and regretted that Bai Shiqi was not present at the moment, otherwise, he would have knelt and kowtow before her— Not only did she save him, but she had also saved his whole family!


The family members of the one who lost an official seal would also be implicated, which was the reason as to why he had been following Prince Zhou closely so that once he returned to the capital in the future, he could beg Prince Zhou to intercede for his family before His Imperial Majesty did anything.


Zhao Wujiu looked at the distance and sighed: “Shiqi had good intentions by letting you and I eat unsalted meals for a few days. It was so that we could experience the suffering of the common people. You have to inspect Jiangnan‘s salt road case thoroughly. If you recall today’s matter, it will certainly strengthen your resolve to be impartial and incorruptible!”


Yu Ang looked as if he was being enlightened: “Young Leader Bai is wise. This humble official will keep this in his mind. I only hope that he will return safely, so I can apologize to him!”


Zhao Ziheng chuckled beside him: “Then I can be the witness. I hope Lord Yu will not break his promise.”


Although his good brother always teased him, he couldn’t see his brother being wronged by others. He also felt that this good brother should live without restraint.



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