The Black Horse

Chapter 58.1

Saving Oneself from a Desperate Situation

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Translated by Wook
Edited by sienz


Shu Changfeng mediated between the two: “Master was afraid that Young Leader Bai hadn’t sobered up yet, so… we followed you.” Even he himself felt that this was a lousy excuse.


Qiu Ying was still the gentle and shy young man before, and asked Bai Shiqi: “This person is?”


Bai Shiqi: “This is Zhao Ziheng’s cousin, you can just call him Eldest Sir.”


Regardless of how many older siblings His Highness Prince Zhou has, it was not wrong to call him ‘eldest’ as he was older than Zhao Ziheng.


“Eldest Sir, please be seated.” With outsiders here, Qiu Ying quickly got dressed and called Suan Pan to come in to serve tea.


Suan Pan lowered his gaze and came in to make tea, quietly standing behind Qiu Ying, looking like a loyal guardian. This amused Bai Shiqi: “Suan Pan, are you going to a fight or what?” With that little body, what kind of blow can he withstand?


“… No one can bully my young sir!” Suan Pan flushed and stood behind Qiu Ying.


“That’s enough, you can retreat. With me here, no one will bully your young sir.” Bai Shiqi assured him.


Zhao Wujiu looked at the young man sitting in the hall, and saw that he was born elegant and charming. His overall appearance looked like those who were born in Jiangnan. If no one points out his origin, probably no one can guess that he grew up in a shipping group.


The two people had not seen each other for years, but there was an indescribable intimacy. Bai Shiqi is very good at protecting him, and no one knew whether this Qiu Ying was being truthful or faking it. His gaze could not be separated from Bai Shiqi, expressing things like “I have forgotten everything. I can’t remember them. I’ll just listen to Shiqi. Shiqi is the most reliable” and so on. He was a natural boot-licker.

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After sitting for 30 minutes, Zhao Wujiu felt as if spikes had grown on his wheelchair cushion. It prickled and pierced him. He became restless and wanted to urge Bai Shiqi to leave: “Lord Luo went to the county office to see the county magistrate today. Nobody knows how the negotiations will turn out. If there’s no objection, the victims will temporarily be settled in a local farmland until their family members come and claim it. Would you like to see the scene again?”


Bai Shiqi was afraid of missing any clues. Even if Qiu Ying came back from death, tracking down the pirates had become a habit. Things back then were like a cloud of fog. Except for Suan Pan, she didn’t find a second witness, and didn’t want to draw conclusions easily.

“Then let’s go see it again.”

Qiu Ying heard that Bai Shiqi was going to the murder scene, and hurriedly shouted: “Shiqi—”


Nobody realized when Suan Pan entered the room: “Young Leader, you’ve been looking for Young Sir for so many years. Now that Young Sir is standing before you alive, you’re still going to the murder scene?”


Qiu Ying bowed his head shyly, looking rather embarrassed: “Suan Pan, don’t talk nonsense!”


Suan Pan straightened his neck and said: “Young Sir, haven’t you heard of it outside? It is said that Young Leader Bai of the Suzhou Shipping Group has eaten his fill. Every winter, he fights with the pirates on the canal. He even takes on the government’s work and his work is more effective than the local guard. Others may not know, but I know. The Young Leader became enemies with the pirates ever since the winter of the year that you had an accident!”


Qiu Ying said awkwardly: “I’ve spoiled Suan Pan and let him talk nonsense in front of you. Shiqi, don’t mind him.”


Zhao Wujiu saw that the young man had a pair of passionate eyes, so passionate that it might drown people. He couldn’t help thinking wildly: Did he… really forget the past? Is he not simply deceiving Bai Shiqi?


Bai Shiqi obviously trusted this playmate who grew up with her since childhood, and didn’t mind Suan Pan. She also said with emotion: “Suan Pan is right. I had vengeance with the pirates because of your accident. They even dared to move our people and steal from our ships. We can’t let them think that the shipping group is weak and easy to deceive, right?”


She also stared at Qiu Ying: “Ah Ying, I am very happy to see you standing here safe and sound! Really! But Suan Pan said that Xiao Shi was with the leader of the pirates at that time, and I have been tracking the pirates all these years, but I have never seen him even once, so I still need to track him down. I want to ask him for you and for the other brothers who died, why did he have to kill his brothers back then?!”


They grew up together since they were young, and their feelings for each other were good, even more intimate than ordinary siblings. Even though Qiu Ying was still alive, now there were only two of them.


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Qiu Ying seemed to be touched by what she said: “Then I… I will go over and take a look with you, maybe I can find any clues.”


Bai Shiqi: “… Alright then.”


Suan Pan wanted to say something but hesitated, only grumbling while pulling at his own sleeve.


“What’s the matter?” Bai Shiqi walked to the door, only to find that the master and servant were deadlocked.


“Young Leader doesn’t know, but Young Sir has suffered from headaches since he was injured that year. He can’t see blood or fights. If he sees it, he will have a headache. The pain is so severe that he can’t bear it and will hit his head on the wall.”


Zhao Wujiu watched as Bai Shiqi, who had already walked to the door, turned back and comforted that pale face: “Or you don’t have to go. I’ll tell you what you want to know when I come back.” She promised again and again: “Old Man Huang is back in his hometown. Once I’m done with this matter, I’ll take you back to see him. Maybe he can cure your headache.”


Qiu Ying held her hand resolutely, as if he had taken an elixir for an incurable disease: “Shiqi, after seeing you, I feel that my headache is completely cured.”


Shu Changfeng secretly praised the one surnamed Qiu in his heart: This kid is so good at talking!


No wonder Young Leader Bai was still obsessed with him even after he “died” for so many years.


It was also Zhao Wujiu’s first time seeing this kind of unprincipled boot-licker: “Apparently, Shiqi is more capable than Mister Huang. He can even cure illnesses without having to check on the patient first.”


Qiu Ying said earnestly: “I felt lonely and frustrated and got sick easily. Now I know that someone remembers me so much, that they are willing to work hard for me and take revenge for me. No matter how serious the disease is, I healed instantly.”


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Zhao Wujiu: “… …”


Boot-licker, please stop!


Shu Changfeng looked at Bai Shiqi with admiration. If he was the one being praised by such a handsome man, even he might be shaken and plunged into self-doubt. What’s more, Young Leader Bai is… a woman, a childhood sweetheart, even. That man stares so attentively and trustingly at her, does Master still have a chance?


Suan Pan couldn’t stop him, so he reluctantly followed behind the group into the murder scene again.


Bai Shiqi, who was still discussing the case with Zhao Wujiu yesterday, was completely entangled by Qiu Ying today. He followed Bai Shiqi step by step. After boarding the merchant ship, he smelled the strong smell of blood and took two steps back, holding Bai Shiqi’s arm firmly: “… What a heavy smell of blood.”


Suan Pan said in worry: “Young Sir, are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you have a headache? What if we get off the ship first?”


Qiu Ying held his forehead weakly and said, “It’s okay! You said I’ve been with Shiqi before, nothing will happen as long as I’m with him.”


Zhao Wujiu: “… …”


He really wanted to hit someone!


It turns out that the person Bai Shiqi never forgets is a boot-licker?!


Her aesthetic preference is a bit worrying.


Meanwhile, the usually bold and unruly Bai Shiqi seemed as if there was a thick layer of lard sticking on her brain, muddling her thoughts. She actually held the little pale face surnamed Qiu: “Don’t be afraid, just follow me. If you feel uncomfortable or have a headache, just tell me.”

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Qiu Ying smiled at her: “Alright, I will listen to you.”


Several people stood on the deck waiting for the Gaoyou Guard to go down and lift up all the corpses in the cabins, and put them on the deck one by one. They carefully looked at the wounds from start to finish.


Although the temperature was low, some corpses had rotted, and those hideous wounds were even more terrifying under the sun.


Qiu Ying only glanced at them and immediately went to the railing to throw up. Bai Shiqi followed him and patted him on the back: “How is it? Do you want to go back first?”


Qiu Ying didn’t spit out anything, then followed Bai Shiqi and refused to leave: “Suan Pan says we were inseparable before. I’ll just stay here, Shiqi.”




Zhao Wujiu put this word, which was quite uncomfortable in his heart, on the tip of his tongue and tasted it repeatedly.


After all the victims were carried out for inspection, they were covered up and lifted off the ship, put on a carriage and sent to farmland.


Bai Shiqi and Zhao Wujiu checked in the cabin again, and Qiu Ying followed them with a blank face. Before they arrived at the bottom cabin, he hugged his head and squatted on the ship ladder. Suan Pan already yelled anxiously, “Young Leader, Young Sir is sick, so he must go out quickly!” Qiu Ying was about to get him out at once.


Unexpectedly, Qiu Ying held on to Bai Shiqi’s sleeve and not letting go: “Shiqi—”


Zhao Wujiu had never felt so disgusted before.


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