The Bloodline System

Chapter 1163: 1163

Author’s Note: Unedited Chapter

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“Yeah you get chased and if a teammate gets caught, they are disqualified. However, so long as one teammate remains till the game ends, the planet can progress to the next stage,” Gustav added.

“This seems more tricky than it sounded at first,” Aildris voiced out.

“Its fine so long as i dont get caught, right?” Angy stated as well.

“Yes,” Gustav replied.

“Alright then I won’t get caught,” Angy voiced confidently.

“You don’t even know what you’ll be running from yet,” Gustav chuckled but he didn’t doubt Angy’s capabilities.

“You can add any other two persons from the team since it doesn’t matter if they don’t do well,” Angy said.

“While I admire the confidence, we still need to make sure your backups are up to par. We can never be fully prepared for unexpectancies,” Gustav replied before turning to stare at the rest of the teammates.

“Phinx and Abestos you’re with Angy,” Gustav instructed.

Phinx turned to stare at Angy giving her a look with hidden meanings.

“Nothing beats the original,” Angy stated in response to her look.

“Uh sure… does this mean I’m permitted?” Phinx inquired.

Angy didn’t respond until Gustav gave her a look down, “This time she’son your side so it shouldn’t matter… infact its good,” Gustav voiced.

“Tch alright sure,” Angy replied before taking her seat.

“Abestos, i picked you cos you’re one of the fastest here besides Angy and myself so make sure to hold on as best as you can,” Gustav addeessed Abestos who was seated all this time with his arms crossed.

“No problem… I just hope we gather enough points to make it worthwhile,” Abestos voiced.

“As for the Seismic Climb only two participants are needed… I’m picking two teammates with the strongest grip,” Gustav announced as he moved around.

He arrived in front of Teemee first and stretched forth his hand.

“Shake me with all of your strength,” Gustav instructed.

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Teemee’s face turned serious as he stood to his feet and stretched his hand forward to shake Gustav’s.


An unprecendented pressure spread across the place as they shook hands but without the shaking.

The place began to quake as they stared facedown while their hands were clasped to each other.

“Alright that’s enough,” Gustav said before separating and moving onto the next person without saying another world.

“Try not to destroy the building we’re staying from a handshake,” Gustav stated as he arrived before Falco.

Hours later during midnight, Gustav stood in a part of the building corridor while staring through the massive traingular glass wall.

Other oddly shaped buildings could be spotted in the distance as he stood in place like he was in a deep trance.

“What is it?” Angy questioned while approaching from behind.

“Nothing,” Gustav replied without turning around.

“It doesn’t seem like nothing,” Angy said as she arrived on his left.

“My sensory perception is getting interfered with…” Gustav voiced.

“Hmm? Does that mean you were trying to spy on the other accommodations?” Angy inquired.

“Yes. I am always curious about my opponents,” Gustav answered.

He had made use of God Eyes to try and spy on the other alien species around but there was something interfering with it.

Gustav knew he could forcefully push God Eyes to break past the interference but he was also aware that the moment he did that, the ones responsible for the interference would immediately trace it back to his location.

His default perception was also encountering the same interference which was the reason for his response to Angy.

“Didn’t you already make research though?” Angy inquired.

“I did but no form of research is every enough especially when it’s done from database. It’s always better to acquire more information from the source itself,” Gustav replied.

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“That’s the Draconets accommodation area, right?” Angy questioned as she noticed where Gustav’s gaze was fixated upon.

“It is,”

“Weren’t you more worried about the Klaxosapes? The Draconets weren’t even top ten in the first challenge,”

“Pffft Angy you’re truly unaware about the situation,”


“Based on my findings so far, around two hundred and thirty seven out of almost three thousand planets hold a threat to us as we are now.

That is precisely four thousand, seven hundred and  forty opponents with the potential to cause our disqualification in IYSOP,”please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Angy’s face displayed a look of disbelief as she heard Gustav reveal this.

“Over four thousand? That’s… that’s a lot,” Angy voiced with a nervous tone.

“There’s also the probability that throughout the entirety of IYSOP we won’t encounter up to 80% of them due to the sheer numbers of IYSOP participants. However encountering a couple of them is inevitable and there’s no telling which one it will be and how high or low they are ranked on my danger list,” Gustav explained.

Angy knew Gustav to be very calculative so she wasn’t surprised about how he was stating his thoughts. This had also helped him take care of many battles that couldn’t be toppled with just strength or power alone.

“So the Klaxosapes…”

“The Klaxosapes are not even top twenty on the danger list. The Draconets rank higher than them,” Gustav cut Angy short before she could complete her sentence.

“That’s crazy talk but coming from you… I actually believe it,” Angy stated in response.

“The first challenge made things disadvantageous to a lot of species but the Klaxosapes were barely disadvantaged. The only thing they have going for them is their strength but some of these other species who couldn’t use their abilities are more ten times more dangerous,” Gustav voiced.

“The Tribetes, The Draconets, The Hixtos and even the Ozis are more dangerous than the Klaxosapes,” Gustav only mentioned a few as he was still making findings.

“The first challenge was not enough to observe but I can tell that things will get more difficult in the future,” A smirk appeared on Gustav’s face as he said this.

He wanted to address the group as well but he decided not to yet.

“You’re too excited about this,” Angy complained.

“Its no fun if they are not strong enough,” Gustav replied.

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“You should go to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day for you,” Gustav added.

“Will you be joining me?” She questioned while moving closer to him.

With their faces only inches apart, Gustav took a whiff of her feminine fragrance and held his breath to control himself.

“No,” He replied while his ears were turning red.

“You should,” Angy said with a seductive tone before planting a peck on his face and walking away.

Gustav’s cheeks had turned red at this point as he stared at her walking away.

“Women are dangerous,” He muttered while finally breathing out to calm himself.

“I should focus on my current task,” He turned his sight towards the front again before suddenly vanishing from his standing point.


Cheers~ Cheers~ Cheers~ Cheers~

The sound of loud cheering reverberated across a massive arena like area. Millions could once again be seen gathered in the spectators areas.

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“Send word to the reinforcements surrounding the upper district… tell them to bring back the captured member and leaders and also escort Officer Crimson back to this base,” Commander Colt yelled.

The operators in the control room nodded as they got to work.

Within the upper district, Gustav stood in place as his body bloated and turned greenish.


He stomped his feet on the ground and the cage surrounding the upper district began to open up.


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The ground quaked lightly as the iro silk walls rescinded.

in a couple of seconds, the entirety of the walls descended completely and the upper district was open once again.

MBO officers that had surrounded the upper district were visible now. They had formed a circular wall of their own due to their numbers being in the thousand.

Gustav’s body slowly returned to normal as he looked around without a morsel of surprise in his expression. He already knew they were there.

The MBO officers were shocked to see the upper district in such a devastating look. It was expected that the whole Aribia City would take a hit from this operation since the Genxodus members would not just back down without a fight.

However, they hadn’t expected this much destruction.

A massive crater that covered a quarter of the upper district, another large hole in a corner of the upper district, multiple structures with cracks and even some pile of dust in spots that used to contain houses.

Aribia City now looked like a place that had been devastated by war.

‘This is the power of mixedbloods and the earth is truly in danger having bore such monstrosities,’ The main leader who hid in the other dimensional frequency, thought to himself.

He was even more affirmed that Mixedbloods should be wiped off the face of the earth now or it would lead to destruction.

On the surface, the MBO officers face darkened even more as they spotted pile of corpses scattered across the upper district.

The ashy and dried out looking corpses were clad in MBO uniforms so it was obvious these were the MBO officers who were ensnared in the roots before they could escape the upper district.

There were thousands of corpses like these. The other corpses they could find had incomplete body parts and dried blood could be spotted.

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