The pay for ‘Alternate Dimension’was not particularly high, so compared to his current situation, it was a drop in the bucket.

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“I’ll think of something,”Ding Junqi said and ended the call with Yu Dong. He couldn’t tell anyone about the current situation of the Ding Group.

Mrs. Ding came in with a glass of water. Looking at her troubled son, she reached out and placed the glass next to his hand. “JUNQI.”

“Mom, why aren’t you junqi opened his eyes and asked.

“Is the company’s matter very serious? I heard from your aunt that your eldest aunt and second aunt didn’t pay back the money. Moreover, your uncle’s matter also caused the company to lose a lot of money,”Mrs. Ding asked worriedly,

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“It’s normal. The company just went through a big change. It’s normal for the company to be short of funds. I can solve it,”Ding junqi said and looked at the time. “Is my dad asleep?”

Mrs. Ding nodded. “Junqi, if the company’s –

junqi knew what his mother wanted to say, so he directly interrupted her and reached out to hold her hand, “The renovation company was founded by Dad alone. Besides, I’ve worked hard for the company for so long. I Can’t let the company fail just like that.”

Madam Ding sighed. She could only feel sorry for her son.

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“Rest early. There’s no need to rush now,”Madam Ding said and patted her son’s hand before turning around to leave.

After madam Ding left, Ding junqi tidied up the documents on the table. He did not return to his room, but instead drove away from home.

Le Tian brought Ding Yuejia to his home. Although the matter was settled, Ding Junqi had no intention of letting them move back.

Ding Yuejia was unwilling to sleep today. He was still leaning in his mother’s arms, asking her to tell him a story.

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Le Tian told Ding Yuejia a story while worrying about Ding junqi. She sent Ding junqi a few messages today, but Ding Junqi did not reply to her. In the past, even if he did not reply in a second, he would reply to her in an hour at most, but today, he had not replied to her for a day.

“Mom, mom –“Ding Yuejia saw that his mother was silent, so he could not help but call out, “What happened to Little Tiger in the end?”

Le Tian came back to her senses and looked down at her son. “Little Tiger finally found his mother and followed her home. Alright, go to sleep.”Le Tian put down the story book in her hand, after covering Ding Yuejia with the blanket, she looked outside.

Ding Yuejia mumbled a few words to himself. Seeing that his mother ignored him, he slowly fell asleep.

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After Ding Yuejia fell asleep, Le Tian got up and went out.

The clock outside showed that it was 11:30 pm. There was still no notification of Ding Junqi replying to her message on her phone.

Le Tian wanted to go and get some water. Then, she walked to the window and looked down, trying to see Ding Junqi’s shadow..

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