Yu Ze, in order to test his medical talent, thought for a moment, paused to look at the document and found a diagram of human acupuncture points. He followed the diagram to identify the acupuncture points. He memorized the names of the complicated and even tongue-twisting acupuncture points by reading them once and remembered where they were located.

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He followed the detailed notes of the acupuncture point chart, calculating the distance to find the corresponding acupuncture point, and after finding it once, the next time he did not need to measure it. He thought of an acupuncture point in his mind and his finger would point to the location of that acupuncture point.

He tried several times, and his eyes lit up under the lamp because of the excitement. He became an unforgettable genius in medicine!

The system rewarded him with a talent that was even better than he had imagined, and he would soon be able to stay by Huo Yuan’s side, and perhaps restore Huo Yuan’s health!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. It took him a while to calm down and continue reading the nursing course, and after reading it, he went over the human acupuncture points and went to bed at almost three o’clock.

The next day, he was awakened by a ringtone. When it rang, he subconsciously tilted his head, put his left ear against the pillow, covered his right ear with the palm of his right hand, and said in a daze, “Leon, it’s noisy.”

The ringing didn’t go away, it continued to ring relentlessly.

Yu Ze froze and took his right hand away. The ringing went straight into his ears and he quickly came to his senses — this was a new mission world.

He rubbed his face, reached for the phone, and picked it up.

“Hello, Mr. Yu, this is the District Police Department, we transferred the surveillance of the night of May 8th at the Sanhao Hotel. Unfortunately, the surveillance from 9pm to 12pm was damaged due to a circuit accident, now there is no evidence to prove whether what you said is true.”

Yu Ze did not feel surprised, Bai Xiaowen and Huo Chi could not have left such a big handle. He raised his eyebrows, “Is the circuitry of a platinum five-star hotel that bad? Is this hotel often out of order? I wonder how many times the surveillance has been lost?”

He asked this, not really wanting to hear the police officers answer, but just to make the police more suspicious of Bai Xiaowen and Huo Chi.

If Bai Xiaowen and Huo Chi were in trouble, they would have no time to find Huo Yuan, and he would be relieved as he studied. He sounded emotional, “It’s really a coincidence that the surveillance went wrong when I sued them. As far as I know, Shenghao is a hotel owned by the Huo Family, and after the car accident of Mr. Huo, this hotel is under the responsibility of Huo Chi.”

After saying this, he could not help but sigh. If it was his first task in this world, he certainly could not handle it well. Yesterday’s microblogging response and today’s alarm, he was afraid that he could not even think of it. He was able to react so quickly this time, thanks entirely to the last world, he learned a lot around Leon.

Thinking of this, he pursed his lips, was Leon also in this world? What would his identity be?

The police officer did not respond to his words, but only reminded, “We will continue to investigate, without tangible evidence, I’m afraid we can not open a case.”

Yu Ze expressed his understanding, “Thank you for your hard work.”

After hanging up the communication, Yu Ze got up and changed his clothes, washed up and went downstairs to buy breakfast, ate and continued reading.

[Congratulations to the taskmaster for mastering the knowledge of nursing, activated the material: top food therapy book, can read in the consciousness at any time.]

Yu Ze was stunned, the top food therapy book? Just thinking about it, a thick book with a light green cover appeared in his mind, with a golden dragon icon in the upper left corner.

He used his consciousness to control the turning of the pages, and the first page was shown to him. The table of contents in black and white, generally divided into internal and external injuries, and under external and internal injuries there were many sub-categories, and different illnesses corresponded to several recipes, the recipes were very detailed, and every step of cooking was clear.

Yu Ze’s heart moved slightly, thinking of Huo yuan’s situation, the book page jumped directly to the page of injury due to a car accident. Below was the consideration of various possible conditions, nerve damage, spinal fracture, meridian damage, etc., respectively, corresponding to different recipes.

Yu Ze secretly reminded himself that the next time they met, he’d have to find a way to figure out what exactly was going on with Huo Yuan’s injuries. He skimmed through the recipes for Huo Yuan’s condition, looked at the time, and realized that it was already 2:00 PM.

He ordered a take-out and read the study materials on acupuncture and massage while waiting for the take-out. He had memorized the acupuncture point diagrams, the various acupuncture techniques and the acupuncture points corresponding to different diseases, and he could remember them after reading them once, so it was very easy to learn them.

He studied in a hurry, even during meals, and continued to read the materials after he finished eating.

Suddenly, an incoming call rang, and he casually picked up the phone and answered it, his eyes still resting on the computer screen.

“Yu Ze, you withdraw your complaint right now!” Bai Xiaowen’s voice was sharp and full of anger.

Yu Ze frowned and held the phone away from him, his tone dry, “Impossible.”

Bai Xiaowen gritted her teeth, “How much do you want, name a price?”

Yu Ze felt baffled, he was the one being set up, wasn’t he? “You seem very angry?”

Bai Xiaowen was not only angry, she was furious. She couldn’t figure out why Yu Ze had changed so much overnight, thinking of the various bad comments about her on the Internet, she was in a cranky state. She looked pure and exquisite, and had debuted as a pure beauty. Her reputation had always been very good, she could not stand the overwhelming negative comments.

She took a deep breath and reluctantly calmed down, “Brother, I’m sorry, it was my fault in the past, I should have lent you the money directly. I didn’t know auntie was so sick, will you forgive me?”

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Yu Ze asked, “You admit that you set me up?”

Bai Xiaowen said, “No, this matter really has nothing to do with me, I don’t know why this happened,” She paused for a moment and spoke much faster, “Someone must have tried to set me up, and the drugged water ended up being drunk by you, so you were dragged into it.”

Yu Ze said, “No need to bullshit. It’s useless for you to deny it. The excuse you said is not convincing, I think even a blind man can tell the difference between men and women. If it was really directed at you, even if I drank the medicine by mistake, there would not be what happened later.”

Bai Xiaowen was silent for a while and said excitedly, “So, it’s not only for me, it’s also for Mr. Huo! I’m Chi’s girlfriend, and targeting me and Mr. Huo must be to provoke the relationship between Mr. Huo and Chi, definitely designed by Huo’s opponents! The drug was wrongly administered, they must have planned for Mr. Huo’s reputation to be damaged and also affect the Huo group!”

The more she said, the more she felt that this reason was reasonable and particularly convincing. Softening her voice, she said, “Brother, you misunderstood me, I really wanted to introduce you to work that day, the role of the third male, it was hard for me to get you.”

Yu Ze, “…” If the original was here, he was afraid he would really believe it, and he now especially understood why the original was fooled by Bai Xiaowen.

Bai Xiaowen was really a master of bullshit, and the scary thing was, it was justifiable.

Yu Ze said, “You caused me to be ridiculed by the whole network and caused my mother to die. I will not withdraw the complaint, everyone will know the real you has that kind of disgusting face.”

“You!” Bai Xiaowen yelled, and again tried her best to control, “I said it has nothing to do with me, the police can’t possibly find evidence.”

Yu Ze asked, “In that case, why are you nervous?”

Bai Xiaowen exclaimed, “I’m not nervous! I just hate trouble, I don’t want to be asked around by the media! You won’t withdraw the case even if I tried to get the role of the third male for you, you don’t want it!”

After saying that, she hung up the communication in anger, holding the phone with a cold face. After a while, she dialed the communication, the other party quickly connected, and her voice choked, the tone of aggression diminished, “Dad…”

Yu Ze looked at the disconnected communication and shrugged his shoulders indifferently, the role of male third was just a bait used by Bai Xiaowen to fish, not a sincere introduction to the job at all, moreover, he only wanted to follow Huo Yuan now and make sure Huo Yuan was safe.

He opened his phone to browse the entertainment news, and after seeing the hot search, he understood why Bai Xiaowen had called him.

After the police investigated the surveillance, Bai Xiaowen was summoned, which was unfortunately caught by the media. He didn’t know how the media got the information, but there was news that he had sued Bai Xiaowen, and the problem with Shenghao’s surveillance was also thrown out.

Yu Ze explained the truth of that dynamic, but only a few people believed it. After all, Bai Xiaowen had many fans and a good reputation over the years. And after he called the police, things changed dramatically, more people began to believe him, and the news of his mother’s death was hyped up again.

#RuthlessBaiXiaowen #TrueBaiXiaowen topics exploded.

Yu Ze silently gave a nod to the reporter, while introspecting, he should have posted the dynamic immediately after he sued Bai Xiaowen, luckily the media gave it a go!

After reading the news, Yu Ze didn’t want Bai Xiaowen to bother him again, so he turned his phone off, thinking that no one would contact him except Bai Xiaowen and Huo Chi at this time anyway. In the original memory, he received a few phone calls a week, and almost all of them were advertising sales.

He continued to study, no one disturbed him and he was extremely efficient. Six and a half hours after learning a case study, his brain was full of knowledge on different injuries and the corresponding acupuncture treatment.

He squeezed the back of his sore neck, got up and moved around for a while, washed his face, packed his trash, and went out. He found a noodle shop and had a bowl of noodles for dinner. When he was paying the bill, he remembered that his phone was turned off and he turned it on to pay the bill.

Both the missed calls and unread text messages came from a single number, but because the number was not saved, the caller history showed a series of numbers. With the original’s memory, Yu Ze knew at a glance that the number’s owner was the original’s father, Bai Guanghua.

He slid his finger and found the earliest missed call, shortly after Bai Xiaowen contacted him. After a moment’s thought, he guessed why Bai Guanghua was looking for him. He wasn’t going to pay attention, and blocked Bai Guanghua.

He paid for the noodles, looked at the balance and could not help but fret, he only had less than five hundred yuan. However, he soon found out that this was not the worst, the worst was that this month’s expenses were all advance spending, and he had to pay it back the next month.

He sighed silently, if he wasn’t so short of money, the original wouldn’t have asked Bai Xiaowen for help.

He left the noodle store and went to the Chinese medicine store to buy acupuncture needles, the price was much cheaper than he thought. However, thinking about the balance, he hesitated and did not buy, and instead bought a box online.

It was after seven o’clock. However, because the weather was good, the sky was not yet completely dark, and the road was gradually lively with many people in cars. He stood under a roadside tree and thought for a while, looked for the nearest private Chinese medicine clinic on his phone map and took the public transport to it.

The clinic was small, and when Yu Ze pulled the door in, there was a young man standing at the counter and an elderly man standing in front of him, who was packing medicine and talking about the precautions of decoction and diet.

The old man smilingly responded, “I’ve had two of them already, I’m very familiar with them, no need to remind me.”

The young man smiled and said, “I still want to talk about it.”

On the long couch to the right, a middle-aged man lay with his pant legs pulled up, next to an older doctor in a dark blue coat who was giving him acupuncture.

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“Hello, please wait a moment, this side will be finished soon.” The youth smiled at Yu Ze when he saw him enter the door.

Yu Ze said, “It’s okay, you go ahead.” He moved closer to the couch and watched the doctor as he carefully applied the needle. The doctor smiled and casually said, “Interested?”

Yu Ze was busy nodding, “MnMn.”

The doctor was used to seeing young people who were curious about acupuncture, so he made small talk as he applied the needles, “Are you taking medicine or seeing a doctor?”

Yu Ze was embarrassed to ask, “Is it okay to consult?”

“Sure,” the doctor asked again, “What’s wrong?”

Yu Ze said, “Paralysis from a car accident.”

The doctor replied, “It’s hard to say, I’d have to see the patient. It’s too serious for me to handle,” he said and reassured, “but I’ve seen many cases of recovery, there’s still hope.”

He stuck the last needle into the middle-aged man, took a handkerchief and wiped his hands, Yu Ze went through the sequence of his needle application in his head and asked, “Is this for rheumatism?”

The doctor turned his head to look at him in surprise, “Yes, can you understand?”

Yu Ze held back his excitement, “Mn, I know a little.”

The doctor said, “It’s rare, there are very few young people who know these things nowadays.”

Yu Ze, seeing the doctor’s good nature, thought about it and asked, “If the paralysis is caused by nerve damage, what do you think about applying needles like this?” He told him what he thought.

The more the doctor listened, the more he was amazed, “Very good! Young man, you don’t just know a little bit.”

Yu Ze said honestly, “I have no clinical experience, only theory.”

“You can tell I’m treating rheumatism, you know all these points, right?” The doctor pointed to where the acupuncture needles were stuck.

Yu Ze named the acupuncture points for each needle in order from top to bottom, and the doctor said, “All right.

“I’m not a TCM major, but I’ve studied,” Yu Ze said, “I want to cure my friend.”

Seeing his serious face, the doctor was slightly moved, “If it’s convenient, bring your friend here to have a look.”

Yu Ze thought of Huo Yuan and said helplessly, “He won’t want to,” he bowed toward the doctor, “I’m sorry, I’d like to ask you a favor and I’ll pay the reward.” He paused, a little embarrassed, “I don’t have much money now, but I can make an IOU, and I’ll be sure to pay it as soon as possible.”

The doctor waved his hand, “Don’t be like that, I can come and see him, just add some money for the outside consultation.”

Yu Ze knew he had misunderstood, “I’m not asking you for an external consultation, I want you to test my acupuncture point recognition ability.”

The doctor froze, surprised, and asked, “How do you want me to test?”

Yu Ze said, “You can tell me the acupuncture points, I’ll put a needle into the dummy, and you can help me see if there are any mistakes.”

The doctor said, “That’s easy,” he turned his head and asked the youth to take the dummy and the disposable needle, and said to Yu Ze, “Just give me fifty, no need to write an IOU.”

Yu Ze was grateful, “Thank you.”

The doctor said, “You’re welcome, I’m not asking for less.”

The young man set the dummy aside and handed Yu Ze a box of acupuncture needles, which Yu Ze readied while the doctor pulled the needles on the patient and read the acupuncture points.

After the doctor finished reading one, Yu Ze took the needles and quickly stuck them into the corresponding points. The way he took the needles looked very professional and it was not obvious that it was his first time to take the needles.

The youth was surprised by his speed, “You know the acupuncture points so well.”

Yu Ze was also a little surprised, he was completely conditioned, and the medical knowledge in the brain was unconsciously completely integrated.

It didn’t take long for the dummy to be filled with needles, Yu Ze waited for the doctor to continue, the doctor paused and said with a smile, “Eh, I forgot what I said, wait a minute.”

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Twenty minutes later, the doctor sent the patient out of the clinic, walked next to Yu Ze, looked at the needles on the dummy and said, “You’re very accurate,” he exclaimed, “young people are really good nowadays, continue.”

The doctor continued to read the acupuncture points and Yu Ze continued to insert the needles. The doctor watched him operate and could not help but marvel, “Fast and steady, how long have you been studying? I’ve been learning for over 40 years, but I’m not as responsive as you, I’m getting old.”

Yu Ze didn’t dare to say that he had only learned it for two days, “Grandma was a doctor, so I learned it from childhood.”

“So it’s a family tradition, but even if it’s a family tradition, at your age, you’re still very good.” The doctor was pleased to see the talent and casually asked, “If your feet are cold, what acupuncture points should I put?”

Yu Ze immediately answered, “The Lin Weeping point, the bleeding treatment, but this point is on the Gallbladder meridian and at the end point, the Gallbladder meridian has more qi and less blood, which is not good, the Bladder meridian has less qi and more blood, I think it is better to pierce the point above it.”

The doctor asked several more questions, from the superficial to the deep, and Yu Ze answered them one by one. The doctor nodded his head, “Good, good, very solid learning, you can be clinical.”

Yu Ze was relieved and became more and more confident in himself, and sincerely thanked him, “Thank you so much.”

Doctor said, “You’re welcome, I’m paid to do my job,” he patted Yu Ze’s shoulder, “your friend will definitely recover, you can come to me if you have any questions in the future. I’m not a master, but I know a few masters, I can help you ask.”

Yu Ze hurriedly thanked him again. There was another patient to see, so Yu Ze did not bother again and left the clinic to go home.

When he entered the neighborhood, a car came out from inside the neighborhood. He casually looked at it, looked at the license plate, moved to the edge of the road, lowered his head, and the car quickly passed him and left.

Yu Ze looked back again to make sure he was not mistaken and frowned lightly. The car in the original memory of a very deep impression, the owner is the original father Bai Guanghua.

Six months ago, the original’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. The original had panicked, and had no choice but to go to Bai Guanghua. The result was Bai Xiaowen’s mother kicked him out, and he had no choice but to take advantage of Bai Guanghua who was going out to dinner. Bai Guanghua wanted nothing to do with him, pushed the original away to get into the car and leave. The original chased the car, but could only watch the car away, full of despair.

Yu Ze was secretly thankful that he was fortunately out of the door, he did not want to see Bai Guanghua at all, and did not want to waste time on Bai Guanghua. He went home and took a shower. He placed a lot of literature and cases about acupuncture and massage. He stared at the computer and carefully looked at it. When he saw the condition, his brain automatically came up with a treatment plan. He compared what he thought with the actual plan, pondered the advantages and disadvantages, and understood more deeply.


In Huo Yuan’s Villa, Huo Yuan was sitting in a wheelchair, wearing a Bluetooth headset in his left ear, and asked in a soft voice, “How is he?”

Assistant Han Te reported, “Yu Ze left the villa and stayed home until tonight, ate a bowl of noodles, went to the pharmacy again, consulted about acupuncture needles but didn’t buy anything, and then went to a Chinese medicine clinic to ask the old doctor for acupuncture advice.”

Han Te paused to add, “Yu Ze is very familiar with acupuncture points, and his acupuncture seems to be very good.”

Huo Yuan’s heart stirred, Yu Ze really wanted to work for him as a caretaker? He raised his eyebrows slightly, “The information you gave me before didn’t mention that he could do medicine.”

Assistant Han Te replied, “He did not reveal his ability in this area before, and no one knows about it.”

Huo Yuan’s eyes drooped slightly, his mind recalled the way Yu Ze said he would take care of him. He traced his finger on the armrest, making a soft sound that seemed harsh in the quiet, “How is Bai Xiaowen?”

Assistant Han Te said, “She’s living away from the squatting reporter, and has not gone out. Her dad went to Yu Ze’s neighborhood at night, but Yu Ze went out, so the two did not meet.”

Huo Yuan sneered, “What do you think is going on in this matter?”

Han Te thought of Huo Chi, one of the people involved, and did not dare to answer. He said, “If you don’t have a weak heart, how can you let her father go to Yu Ze?” There are problems with Bai Xiaowen, and Huo Chi was not clean either.

“As long as he doesn’t touch Huo at all,” Huo Yuan instructed in a low voice, “keep an eye on Chi.”

Assistant Han Te said, “Yes.”

Hanging up the communication, Huo Yuan’s eyebrows tightened, took off the headset and casually threw it to the sofa. He turned his wheelchair and moved to the side of the bed, and with both hands, slowly moved himself to the bed.

With just such a movement, his forehead seeped a layer of sweat, arm muscles were tense, and his hands trembled. Once next to the bed, he fell on the bed, rolled over and lay on his back. His eyes looked at the ceiling, raggedly gasping for breath.

What a waste.

He thought coldly, his expression cold and frightening, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly fierce. His hands moved to support his upper body, slowly moving to the head of the bed, the pain making his face contorted, with fierce eyes, looking somewhat hideous. He pulled up his trouser legs, staring at the legs as if they were garbage, he looked at them for a while, and then suddenly snorted coldly.

Think he’s easy to bully because he’s a waste?

He pulled a pillow to lean behind him and gently closed his eyes. His mind flew through Huo Chi’s appearance from childhood to adulthood, his fingers clenched in a fist at his side.

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This was the only family he had.

Yu Ze read the information late into the night when the mechanical sound suddenly rang in his head, he was scared enough to jolt.

[Congratulations on mastering the knowledge of acupuncture and acupressure, activating the information: Top Gold Needle Technique, which can be read in the consciousness at any time].

Yu Ze exhaled, “Before the next reminder, can you give a little hint?”

The system did not answer his words.

Yu Ze then guessed that it was a reminder program set by the system, which was not controlled and automatically reminded when the standard was reached. There was an additional book in his sea of consciousness, still with a golden dragon icon in the upper left corner, a silver cover, and the five words of Top Gold Needle Technique written in ancient style with a brush.

The first page was still the table of contents, Yu Ze read it and was full of surprise. This was a book of acupuncture and moxibustion, all for different people, different disease optimal treatment plans. There were many complete needle methods, in addition to cure, there was a health chapter and beauty chapter.

Yu Ze’s mind was completely absorbed by the book, and he studied all the acupuncture methods that Huo Yuan might use carefully before going to bed at dawn.

At 4:00 PM., Yu Ze stood at the entrance of Huo Yuan’s villa with a duffel bag on his back, waiting for the security guard to inform him.

Not long after, Madame Zhang came out with a nervous expression and said, “Mr. Huo is not in a good mood today, you can come back tomorrow.”

Yu Ze asked, “Did something happen?”

Madame Zhang shook her head, “Don’t ask more questions, you go.” She turned around and left.

Yu Ze grabbed the bars and shouted, “Wait, Madame Zhang, you tell Mr. Huo, tell him I came to apply for the job, he promised me last time, he won’t break his promise.”

Madame Zhang turned her head in surprise, “Apply for a job?”

“Yes.” Yu Ze nodded his head.

Madame Zhang’s face was torn, “I really don’t dare to bother Mr. Huo in this situation, why don’t you wait a little longer? Wait for me to call you, and then I will inform you?”

Yu Ze looked at the second floor of the villa in disbelief. Madame Zhang looked very scared, Huo Yuan was so scary? He agreed to Madame Zhang’s proposal, “Then I’ll wait here and tell Mr. Huo that I’m here when you think it’s appropriate.”

Madame Zhang said, “Thank you for your hard work. I’m really sorry, I can’t let the security guard let you in without Mr. Huo’s permission.”

Yu Ze expressed his understanding, “It’s okay,” he pointed to the next courtyard wall, “the sun doesn’t shine here, I’ll just sit here, I’m not tired.”

Madame Zhang went back to the villa, and Yu Ze leaned against the wall, squatting in the shadows, looking over the Golden Needle Technique in his head.

At 5:30 PM, Huo Yuan pressed the bell button leading to the kitchen and ordered in a low tone, “Send food over.”

Madame Zhang replied, “Right away.”

A short time later, Madame Zhang came upstairs with a tray. Huo Yuan was wearing black pants and a black shirt, sitting in a wheelchair with his back to the balcony. Madame Zhang put the food on the mobile table and pushed the table to Huo Yuan’s side again. She surveyed Huo Yuan’s complexion and was slightly relieved to see that he looked calm.

Huo Yuan picked up his chopsticks and looked at Madame Zhang, “What is it?”

Madame Zhang replied softly, “Yu Ze wants to see you, he said he came to apply for a job.”

Huo Yuan’s chopsticks moved, “When did he come?”

“Four o’clock.” Madame Zhang replied.

“Where is he?”

Madame Zhang said, “He’s waiting outside the gate.”

Huo Yuan lowered his eyes, his hand tightened around his chopsticks, and the image of Yu Ze’s serious face saying that he would take care of him came back to his mind. His only relative wanted to harm him, but a stranger said he wanted to take care of him, he felt somehow ridiculous. At the same time, he was also very confused and curious, what was Yu Ze’s purpose?

He ordered, “Tell him to wait in the living room,” he said, pausing briefly and added, “Call Chen Wei to the living room as well.”

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