Tw: domestic violence (not between main pair)

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Shen Mingbei and Xiao Zhang had a good conversation; after knowing that ‘planting loquats’ stemmed from ‘dead wife’1, they couldn’t help but laugh aloud. 

“It’s okay, outsiders don’t know about this. It’s just, next time Brother Shen wants to diss Lin, use an alt account.” This was also another reason why Xiao Zhang was secretly delighted; his Brother Shen was finally learning how to be eccentric. This was enough to annoy Lin. 


Seeing how harmonious everyone was, they probably thought Brother Shen was simply ‘playing around’ with gardening. 


After he arrived at the bank, Shen Mingbei stopped replying to Xiao Zhang’s texts and took out the money from his certificate of deposit; looking at the time, Shen Mingbei decided to directly go to his aunt’s home with a bag of fruits. 


Shen Xin was a little surprised when she opened the door for him; she wiped her hands over her apron and smiled. “Xiao-bei, why are you here?”

After the shock wore off, Shen Xin took the fruits from his hands and handed him a pair of slippers.


Shen Mingbei stopped his aunt from bending over and changed into the slippers himself; he was back in this unfamiliar ‘home’. 

Since his parents passed away, fifteen-year-old Shen Mingbei moved in and was protected by his aunt. He’d seen his aunt’s experiences with hardship, so he had no way to act cruelly towards her. If he helped her, he’d just be a little tight in money; when the compensation money for《Feng Yue》arrived, he’d slowly recover. 

In the end, he couldn’t just watch his aunt suffer.


Shen Xin poured a glass of water for Shen Mingbei; instead of continuing her work in the kitchen, she went to call out Ran Yisheng from the bedroom. 


“Old Ran, Xiao-bei came over.” Shen Xin’s manner of speaking was completely relaxed, indicating she knew the reason for Shen Mingbei’s visit; at least, it’d be less difficult for her compared to yesterday when she came back empty-handed. 


Shen Mingbei sat on the living room couch. His aunt was actually very diligent – the coffee table was very clean. However, the damage on the surface wasn’t something that a rag could clean off. 


“Old Ran, Old Ran, Yisheng…” His aunt’s voice faintly came out from the bedroom. Shen Mingbei thought that if his aunt left Ran Yisheng in the future, he’d buy a bigger house in the future so she could live with him. 


When Ran Yisheng came out, his body was suffused with the scent of alcohol; when he faced Shen Mingbei, he pulled up a smile.

“Xiao-bei is here. There was a dinner party last night, so I drank too much.” There was the scent of alcohol, but not so much drunkenness. He acted quite good-natured in front of Shen Mingbei, using the same gentle appearance he wore when he asked to marry Shen Xin. 


After Ran Yisheng walked over he sat closely beside Shen Mingbei, but Sheng Mingbei tried to avoid it; he looked at Shen Xin next to him and stopped insisting. 

Instead, he said to Shen Mingbei, “Uncle I don’t have any other skills, just a lot of friends. I’ve recently found a good project that’ll definitely make lots of money. Xiao-bei, you can just invest in it with ease – if you’re worried about loaning to me, you can act as a shareholder…”

 “I’m your uncle, can I possibly lie to you? If you don’t believe in me, then you should believe in Shen Xin, right? You’re blood relatives…”

 “Xiao-bei, you’re making a lot of money right now, but which celebrity could stay popular for a thousand days? Use this opportunity whilst you still have money to make some financial investments; this way, you’ll still have something to rely on in the future…”

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Ran Yisheng long-windedly talked positively about the project, his eyes constantly sizing up the paper bag in Shen Mingbei’s hands and guessing whether this paper bag held half a million or not. 


The more he listened, the colder and more distant Shen Mingbei’s expression turned.

To invest half a million in a ‘real estate’ project was just throwing money in water!


Shen Mingbei hadn’t even spoken before Shen Xin came over and helped Ran Yisheng say some good things, wanting Shen Mingbei to remember their past mutual affection. 

“Old Ran also just wants to make some progress so that you’d have less pressure in the future.” Shen Xin’s words were obviously used by Ran Yisheng to coax her; now Shen Xin was using them to coax Shen Mingbei. 


Shen Mingbei wasn’t Shen Xin – he wasn’t having any of Ran Yisheng’s nonsense. When he finished listening to the pair, he indifferently stated, “This project is no good.”


Shen Mingbei used to help Ran Yisheng pay off his debts; that time, it was because the creditors had begun showing up at their front door and Shen Xin was at a dead end. This time… 

He could still hear the sound of money being thrown into water. 


“How is it no good? This is Lu’s real estate project – I guarantee it’ll bring in money.” After Ran Yisheng finished speaking, the expression on his face slightly changed. With an inexplicable lack of confidence, he changed the topic and stopped talking about Lu; instead, he began talking about how profitable real estate was. 


After hearing of Lu, Shen Mingbei asked strangely, “How does uncle know Lu’s people?”

How big of a business was Lu’s Real Estate? Even if it couldn’t compare to the Qu Family, it was still second to none in the industry.

His uncle was a person who didn’t even have a proper job, so how was he able to participate in Lu’s Real Estate? Even if he used his toes to think he’d know this was a scam. 


Ran Yishen didn’t answer the question, he just unyieldingly said, “I already said I’ll make money! Your younger brother will be attending high school next year; if he can be sent to Wensi Secondary School, he’d definitely obtain great opportunities in the future. Our Ran Family will have to rely on him…” 


Shen Mingbei didn’t want to continue listening anymore. Wensi Secondary School was an aristocratic school and his biao-di2 wasn’t someone capable of protecting his mother. He felt extremely angry. 

“Auntie, divorce uncle and take custody over biao-di. I’ll pay for his tuition, even if he studies abroad.” 


Hearing this, not to mention Shen Xin, even Ran Yisheng was shocked; he stood up, his voice loud. “Definitely not!”

His voice sounded so shocked it almost seemed to tremble the small house. 

“Ran He is our Ran Family’s only child – don’t think about the end of your Shen Family, just think about my son!” 


Shen Mingbei cast him a cold look; looking into Shen Mingbei’s eyes, Ran Yishen felt an unexplainable panic. 

“You said it yourself – he’s your son.” After Shen Mingbei finished speaking he got up, left the couch, walked to the front door, changed out of his slippers, and opened the door prepared to leave; however, he was held back by Ran Yisheng. 

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“Xiao-bei, let’s discuss this matter more; Uncle only has Ran He this only child…” Ran Yisheng said with a smile. 

Shen Mingbei shook his head; in the end, he still refused. 


At this point, Ran Yisheng no longer held back Shen Mingbei anymore; he turned around and directly slapped Shen Xin. With a ‘slap’, his hand landed heavily against Shen Xin. “It’s all because you’re useless! It’s all your fault that Xiao Ran won’t obtain great opportunities in the future!”


Shen Mingbei didn’t expect that Ran Yisheng had fallen to the point where he’d lash out against his aunt in front of him. Upon seeing this, he hurriedly stepped forward and stopped him; after firmly grasping Ran Yishen, he said, “If you hit her again, I’ll call the police!”


Hearing him say he’d call the police, Ran Yishen fearfully stopped for a moment; taking advantage of this, Shen Mingbei hurriedly pulled Shen Xin out of the house. 


In this situation, he was too concerned to leave his auntie at Ran’s house. 


Even after the pair left the house, Shen Xin was still stupefied. After a while, she vomited a mouthful of blood and a tooth fell out from her mouth. 

Shen Mingbei was worried his auntie still had other injuries and they needed to see if they could repair her broken tooth; after some thinking, he suggested, “Auntie, how about we visit the hospital first?”



As soon as they exited Ran’s house, the road was beside them; there were no parking spaces there, so after Shen Mingbei spoke he bowed his head and prepared to call the driver. However, before Shen Xin could respond, Ran Yisheng had recovered his senses and rushed to the street. 

“Where are you taking Shen Xin?” Ran Yisheng rushed to pull Shen Xin’s other hand. 


Shen Mingbei stepped in front of Shen Xin protectively and confronted Ran Yisheng. “To the hospital.“

“I don’t allow it!” Thinking back to Shen Mingbei saying he’d call the police, Ran Yisheng suddenly panicked; thinking they were going to the hospital to inspect her injuries, he went to pull Shen Xin while he spoke. 


Shen Xin was weak – with one pull, she staggered and fell. Shen Mingbei was busy trying to pull back his auntie, so he also almost fell. 


Three people pulled and pushed on the streets; Shen Mingbei’s mask was suddenly torn off, but he couldn’t care about it anymore. 

Shen Mingbei was a man after all – he wasn’t short and he had enough strength – so he held Ran Yisheng’s elbow for a moment and broke it before pushing him away; only then did he help up the fallen Shen Xin. 


“Auntie, are you okay?”

Shen Mingbei wanted to make a phone call but found his phone had been broken; he looked at Ran Yisheng and said sternly, “If Auntie has any problems, we’ll see you in court!”

Ran Yisheng fell to the ground clutching his arms. He had more to say, but many onlookers had surrounded them – there were even people taking pictures and videos – and after a while, even the sound of police sirens sounded nearby. 


Only after hearing the sound of police cars did Shen Mingbei realise what he did just now; thinking it was better than nothing, he put on his mask. 

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He was a public figure after all; Shen Mingbei was taken into a small room for questioning. After explaining the situation, Shen Mingbei met his auntie. The female police officer was persuading her to a divorce, but Shen Xin’s head was lowered, not saying a single word. 

“Auntie.” Only after Shen Mingbei came over did she raise her head.


“Xiao-bei, if I divorce, what’ll happen to Xiao Ran? A child can’t just have no father… Lao Ran didn’t hit me; if he has a criminal record, Xiao Ran’s life will be over!” After Shen Xin said this, Shen Mingbei found that the expression of the female police officer beside her had stiffened. 

He didn’t even have to ask to know that the female police officer discovered not a single word she’d just said entered Shen Xin’s brain. 


Shen Mingbei stepped forwards to ask the female police officer whether Shen Xin’s questioning had ended… 

After the two negotiated, the female police officer quickly released Shen Xin and allowed her to talk with Shen Mingbei.


Looking at how stupidly stubborn his aunt was, Shen Mingbei said, “There won’t be a next time.”

Hearing this, Shen Xin’s eyes brightened.


“I originally took out the money to give to you anyway. Since it’s all here, later we’ll go to a nearby notary office to sign an IOU. Let’s forget about the money from before – just take it as my repayment to you for raising me. This time, since you said it’s a loan then let’s treat it as a loan; if it’s unable to be repaid, I’ll follow the legal procedures.” 

Shen Mingbei said all of this heartlessly, but Shen Xin responded happily. 

She couldn’t wait to find Ran Yisheng. 


A family dispute. Since even Shen Xin, the person involved, didn’t want the police to investigate this matter – absolutely refusing to talk about the domestic violence she’d suffered – the police could only end this with a fine. 

After they finished discussing, they went to the nearby notary office; no matter how hard he tried, Ran Yisheng’s smile just couldn’t be hidden. 

With a smile on his face, Ran Yisheng said to Shen Mingbei, “Back then when something happened to your family after Second Brother ran off, it was right of us to raise you. You really are a filial child.”


Shen Mingbei frowned and slapped away the hand Ran Yisheng wanted to use to pat him; he coldly said, “I’m doing this for auntie. But there won’t be a next time; if this money can’t be repaid, I’ll definitely punish you.”


Ran Yisheng laughed, not truly caring about Shen Mingbei’s threat; after so many years, he felt he was still quite clear on this aunt-nephew pair’s personalities. 


Before he left the police station, Shen Mingbei borrowed the police station’s telephone to call his company; listening to Cai Feng’s bellowing voice, Shen Mingbei reminded him, ”Boss Cai, this is the police station’s phone.”


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Cai Feng’s voice suddenly stopped. 

“Why are you still at the station?”


Shen Mingbei explained it roughly and asked if the things online could be controlled. 

When he mentioned this, Cai Feng wanted to curse at someone but he couldn’t – Shen Mingbei was at the police station!


“Wait for the company car to pick you up; just post an announcement explaining the situation. President Yu said he’ll contact the police to keep the peace.”


Cai Feng was annoyed that Shen Mingbei asked him for help but still told him the matter was resolved. 


After he hung up, he looked at his broken phone and couldn’t help but sigh in relief. 

It’s good that his phone was broken; at least, Cai Feng wouldn’t be able to send endless messages like ‘a celebrity must pay attention to their image’, ‘shady materials of beating someone on the streets can’t be washed clean for even a lifetime’, or ‘how old are you? How can you still be so impulsive?!’ 


Truly too nagging. 

Both stupid and nagging!




By the time Shen Mingbei exited his company building it was already evening; he returned to Qingtan Bay with a pale face. The company car hadn’t been registered in the Qingtan Bay villa before, so when it reached the entrance Shen Mingbei simply got out of the car and walked back. 

After a few steps, Shen Mingbei felt spasms of pain in his stomach; it stopped for a bit before the burning sensation returned. 


When entered the yard, the servant entered the phone for him and asked why he didn’t answer the phone today. 

Shen Mingbei was puzzled.


The servant explained. “Today, Mr Xiao Qu called over and asked why you haven’t been answering your phone.”

Shen Mingbei mildly said, “My phone broke. It’s fine, I’ll just call him back.”


Since Shen Mingbei said it like this, the servant stopped asking.


Shen Mingbei usually skipped dinner, so when he didn’t come downstairs the servant didn’t sense anything abnormal. It wasn’t until the next day when he went to knock on his door, did he find Shen Mingbei lying down with a fever, unsure of how long he’d been unconscious.


This is a reference to a Ming Dynasty prose by Gui Youguang called ‘Xiangjixuan Zhi’. The prose’s last sentence is ‘庭有枇杷树, 吾妻所死之年所手植也’ which translates to ‘there are loquat trees in the courtyard, planted in the year my wife died’. In modern Internet slang, people would use ‘your dad is planting loquat trees’ to curse someone NMSL (你妈死了 ‘ni ma si le’) meaning ‘your mum is dead’. Meaning ‘younger male cousin’. This refers to the person Ran Yishen called his ‘younger brother’. People tend to use ‘young/older brother/sister’ (弟弟, 哥哥, 妹妹, 姐姐) instead of specific relationship terms like cousin (表 [弟/哥/妹/姐].

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