Chapter 29: Never reveal any hints that could expose your identity

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“Hey, guys! I’ll be reading your letters today!”

With the addition of the support group for Haishin and the unexpected, and in some ways predictable, faces, Kanata’s life is still the same.

As usual, it was now the time for streaming today.

He has no bias when reading the letters, but this time, he decided to clear out all the ones that arrived during this time period.

[Where do you live, Haishin-sama?]

[You seemed very close to Princess Maria and Saint Alphana on that day when you showed the miracle to many people, including me… Are you perhaps living in the Kingdom?]

[If so, I’ll be happy to move in and let you know.]

[You’ve gotta be kidding.]

He was just being honest.

He didn’t know why they felt compelled to ask him where he lived, and he became a bit scared, maybe needing to move out.

The comment section was quiet as if they were asking Kanata to tell them by all means.

[This is something that I can’t tell you. As for the Princess and the Saint, I told you they came a long way, didn’t I? Well, it’s up to you guys to believe me or not.]

Only three people knew about Kanata, and he could only thank them for not leaking any information to the public.

The public’s opinion of him was that he possessed unlimited magical power and was a treasured existence desired by many countries.

[… By the way.]

It was just an afterthought and not anything serious.

Kanata merely uttered a thought that came to his mind in a flash, but his words caused the comments section to get stormed.

[What would you do if I said, ‘I’m going to build a country!’]

: I’m moving!

: Marry you!

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: I’d like to form a friendly relationship with you.

: Leave the security to me.

: Is it a country you want?

The comments flowed one after another, and it seemed that some of them were people who always made comments to him.

He chuckled that they’re really always here and looked over the next letter.

[Do you have any plans to get married, Haishin-sama? And do you prefer beautiful people like the Princess and Saint?]

[… What’s up with these letters today?]

Kanata crossed his arms and thought about whether it had to be a matter of preference.

As he reincarnated into this world, he had seen his fair share of unearthly beautiful beings.

He would definitely say that Maria and Alphana were among the outstandingly beautiful girls.

It was something he was embarrassed to say to their faces, but he thought it would be fun to tease them once in a while and say something like this.

[If you’re asking me if I like them, I’d say I do. My preference is… I won’t go into details because I don’t like to say too much in public like this. As a man, isn’t it nice to have such lovely ladies by your side? Don’t you agree, all you lonely guys out there who, just like me, don’t have a partner!?]

Kanata’s words made the comment section more excited.

Maria and Alphana were a princess and a saint, but to those who didn’t normally associate with them, they were like idols.

He had no idea how serious they were, as he got flooded with comments from lonely men who wanted to have beautiful women like the two of them as their wives or to have a relationship with them.

[Kukuku. Well, so much for talking like this. Let’s move on to the… Huh?]

He was about to read the next letter with great enthusiasm when he heard some strange female noises from somewhere far away, but then again, he nodded, thinking it might be his imagination since this was the men’s dormitory.

[Uh, let’s see who’s next?]

[Dear Haishin-sama, I am a slave living in the Empire.]

[Before, we used to live in a horrible environment, but thanks to Haishin-sama’s message, people’s view of slaves has changed, and we get treated much better.]

[It was said that slaves normally do not live that long, and there was a time when I, too, was frightened that I would die at any moment.]

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[But now a very kind master has taken me in, and I live happily every day.]

[Thank you so much, Haishin-sama!]

[… I’m happy for you.]

By the time he finished reading it, Kanata was in tears.

Although he was physically 17 years old, he still had a tendency to become emotional when he heard stories like this, a remnant from his previous life.

(I used to cry during emotional scenes in video games like this.)

He sounded a little nasally, which was probably heard by the listeners.

But there were no obvious comments like ‘Are you crying?’ and there were no words of ridicule for Kanata, as all the listeners were aware of the situation.

[All right, let’s move on to next!]

He moved on to the last letter of the day, but the next one was not a letter of concern or gratitude but a letter of resentment towards Kanata, which is sometimes the case.

[Haishin, my life is in shambles because of you.]

[I was just getting manipulated, but you ruined everything by brainwashing my fiancée.]

[What are you gonna do about it?]

[I will not forgive you for ruining the future I got promised!]

[I will never forgive you for turning a man’s fiancée into a fanatic!]

[… this looks familiar.]

He had a vague idea of who had written that.

He doesn’t mind getting told he wouldn’t be forgiven or that they don’t like him. It is something he has to accept as an influencer.

But it was far better than getting death threats to kill you in person like the previous bandit group.

[Could it be that whoever sent this letter is from the Principality?]

He had told them to find out if the victim was under a charm spell before anything. [TLN: From chapters 8 & 9.]

He had already received a letter thanking him for resolving that, but he didn’t mention it on the stream because he didn’t want it to bring up bad memories for the victim who might be listening.

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He doesn’t know she turned into a fanatic, and he doesn’t see how his life is in shambles after his manipulation was no more… Well, Kanata may be wrong in some places but still.

[Well, I don’t have to respond to this kind of message. But if I were to say something, I’d say, I don’t care. Whether she is a fanatic or something, she’s my fan. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Miss!]

Kanata laughed, saying that every fan is important.

However, something was going to happen in the Principality because of the letter. Something that Kanata had no way of knowing.

[Well, that’s it for today! Good night, everybody!]

Kanata let out a big yawn and crawled into his bed, going to sleep comfortably.

[Well, I don’t have to respond to this kind of message. But if I were to say something, I’d say, I don’t care. Whether she is a fanatic or something, she’s my fan. I really appreciate it. Thank you, Miss!]

After such words echoed from the terminal, the man slammed his arm on it.

The terminal where Haishin’s voice was heard broke, but the man shouted loudly with veins appearing on his forehead.

“S***w you, you crook! Because of you, I… am on the verge of being abandoned by my family!”

The man didn’t stop screaming as he held his head up.

He was a certain nobleman of the Principality of Randall, but his foothold had become so shaky that his position was under threat.

It all started with a letter that arrived at Haishin’s platform, informing him that a lady of the Principality of Randall got imprisoned for a crime she didn’t commit and was about to be executed.

“Follow me. We need to examine you.”

Yes, he was the man enchanted by the sister of the innocent lady, Lisa.

The man had lost himself in the power of the demon eye, but unlike the other men who had been spit on, he had offered everything he had.

He had been dipping into his own fortune and, of course, that of his younger brother and sister.


He could have just dismissed it as nothing more than an inevitable consequence of the influence of the demon eye. Instead, he had the audacity to say that he had fallen under her spell because she—Lisa— was unworthy of him.

“I did nothing wrong. It’s because you didn’t hold the reins of your own sister. It’s not wrong to call you a stupid woman!”

So this guy had a s****y personality, to begin with.

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Naturally, these words and actions spread, and the man walked down the path of his own destruction… Dumb enough to tempt people to ask, “Who is the stupid one?”

“… Haishin, I will never forgive you. I will find you, I promise.”

The man was no longer salvageable when he thought that much about his fiancée, that ‘if she had been executed quietly, none of this would have happened.’

He also thought it was all a lie about Haishin’s infinite magical power, and from a man’s point of view, the trend of praising Haishin’s actions as a great achievement was even nauseating.

“Oh well, it all starts tomorrow. I’m definitely going to do it.”

With a firm resolve in his heart, the man lay down on his bed to face tomorrow.

A while after that, the only sound in the room was the man’s sleeping breath.

But the door unexpectedly opened.


People came in by the dozens.

Them not being noticed at all is probably due to the magical equipment developed only in the Principality.

People surrounded the bed where the man sleeps, all of them familiar to him.

His brother, sister, father, mother, and the mansion’s servants all looked down on the man.

“Whew, that was totally stupid. Hey, Lisa.”

“Yes, Lady Athena.”

The last two to appear were Lisa and a woman of noble bearing who hid her mouth with a fan.

“I can’t deal with it… it’s up to you guys.”

“I don’t care anymore. This man is no longer a family.”

“Yes. I will not tolerate such an insult to our faithful.”

“Very well then.”

The woman who folded the fan with a snap looked down at the man with a spooky atmosphere.

They say the man was never seen in the Principality again after that day.

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