Chapter 35: Otherworldly ASMR

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“Next week, everyone in the class will form groups and head for the dungeon.”

The whole class was excited by the teacher’s words.

Many people’s idea of a dungeon is a place where adventurers continue to challenge themselves, and the deeper they go, the more powerful monsters, traps, and treasures lie in wait.

Their image isn’t wrong, and it could be called a source of funds for those who can fight in this world in a sense, whether they want to get rich or earn steadily.

“Dungeon, huh… I wonder if there are scary monsters out there?”

“Of course, there will be. But I’m looking forward to it!”

“… I’m scared, seriously.”

“Really? I don’t think anything in particular.”

Everyone seemed to have their own approach to the dungeon, with some feeling anxious and others excited and looking forward to it with all their heart.

“This will be a real battle against magical beasts, and of course, if you get caught in a mysterious trap, your life may be in danger. So, be careful, kids. You don’t want to die at such a young age yet, do you?”

The teacher’s words were cold, but they can only lead to a better future if they are harsh.

It was a brief explanation, and it seems that two teachers and a party of high-profile adventurers will be assisting them, so to a certain extent, they should feel safe.

“… dungeon, huh.”

Kanata was still lying on his desk, but he, too, was interested in the dungeon.

Although he was satisfied with his current career as a streamer, if he had not been able to establish this means of streaming, he might have had a future as an adventurer, using his unlimited magical power as he wished.

(… Well, I’m not really interested.)

Uninterested, yet the idea of cheat ability is fascinating enough to imagine.

“Hey, hey. Let’s form a group if we are free to!”

“Of course!”

“I wonder who the Saint will be teaming up with.”

“I want to team up with you!”

So a group formed, but what would really happen to Kanata in isolation… It almost made me a little sad just to think about it.

Alphana, who was the topic of conversation about the group, was surrounded by her classmates and seemed to be having a hard time, but Kanata couldn’t help her, so he left the classroom as it was.

“… Will the badges finally go on sale the day after tomorrow?”

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The Haishin-sama badge. It’s finally on the verge of being released.

For now, it will only get sold in the Royal Capital, but if it sells well, they plan to supply it to the Empire and the Principality as well.

It was complicated to make the badge with that evil führer-like appearance, but as Haishin himself, he was hoping it would sell well.

“I’m getting nervous…”

Well, with how Maria and Alphana see it, it’d be a blast, but you never know about these things until it happens.

“Well, I’ll go home for the day.”

As Kanata walked briskly down the hallway, a group of friendly-looking boys and girls were in front of him.

“What do we do now?”

“How would you like to go to the salon?”

“Good. Are you going to treat me?”

“Yeah, I know a very good one.”

They were two beautiful girls with high levels accompanied by two handsome guys… As expected, the face standard in this other world is quite high, so much so that Kanata couldn’t help but feel jealous of them.

Kanata took his gaze away from them and let out a small sigh, looking at himself objectively with no one around.

“… I need to think of some topics.”

Kanata was eager to see what kind of mail he would receive today and to spend some time thinking about how he could improve his presentation or what more he could do in the future.

To tell the truth, there were plenty of things he’d like to do, but there was one thing he thought might be a little better.

“Not that I ever considered myself to have a good voice, but there’s this thing in my mind since Maria and Alphana kept telling me I have a good one.”

It was ASMR, something that was quite famous in his previous life.

It literally means Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and surprisingly, it is not often referred to as such, and few people know about it.

More to the point, this world is different, and as a matter of course, the culture of ASMR does not exist, so its pioneering was left in Kanata’s hands.

“That being said, I wonder how much of this can be reproduced with magic power.”

The first question is how to deliver the stimulation with a voice that resonates directly to the brain, and how does it work to achieve a thrilling sensation?

There are no headphones, earphones, or dedicated microphones, so it seemed that the only way is to change the wavelength of the magic power used when speaking in various ways.

“I can’t do it alone. I have to get someone to help me as an experiment…”

[EDN: I have a bad feeling about this.]

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Maria and Alphana would be happy to help, but since they’ve already left the academy, calling them would be a bit of a hassle.


That being the case, Kanata muttered to Mira in a small voice.

“You called?”

“Great, I knew I could count on you, Mira.”

“… Ehehe ~”

Mira appeared without a sound and smiled happily when Kanata praised her.

Mira is the ultimate stalker who evolves with each passing day, but these days, he decided to think of her as a dog or a cat.

He hadn’t told her why he had called her yet, but when he returned to his room, he finally got to the point.

“I’ve decided to take Haishin to a new level.”


“I want you to be my experiment.”

“You can count on me! I’ll do anything, anything!”

“Good, Kanata nodded.”

He activated the terminal and set up a place to stream as usual.

“Are you going to stream now?”

“No, I’m only allowing my voice to reach your terminal once.”

“I see…”

Mira had no idea what she had to do, of course.

“There’s this thing called ASMR. I’d like to try it once.”


“Simply put, it’s an attempt to stimulate the other’s brain with your voice.”

“… It’s hard to say.”

“I know,” Kanata chuckled.

After confirming Mira could hear Kanata’s voice through her terminal, he adjusted the magic power he was channelling and checked to see how well she could hear his voice.

“… No change.”

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“Though it’s very rewarding for me.”

“Thanks. But it ain’t like this.”

Because he knew Mira would say she liked it, it was important for him to look closely at her reaction as well.

Aside from the sight of Mira blushing and sniffling, Kanata shook his head that this kind of reaction was different.

“Hmnn… hnn…”

“… you all right?”

“I-I’m fine!”

She didn’t seem to be okay at all.

Still, he was grateful to Mira, who agreed with cooperating until the end, and he firmly observed Mira’s reaction while changing the wavelength of his magical power… And then there was a moment when he saw a big change.


“… Oh, here we are.”

A thrill shook Mira’s body as if her entire body was shaking.

It may have something to do with whether or not you have earphones or headphones, but this is how he found out how the magic flowed.

That is, through changing the wavelength of magic, the listener’s perception changes.

Since it was his voice, Kanata didn’t feel anything special or even embarrassed on the contrary, but judging from Mira’s reaction, it seemed like he could totally go for it.

“W-was it that?”


“I felt a kind of shiver down my back, and it was a bit frightening. I felt like I was going to go crazy if I heard any more!”

Kanata grinned at her words.

“Well done, Mira, that’s how I wanted it to be.”

It may not be complete yet, but Kanata felt a sense of accomplishment that he had established yet another new genre.

Of course, it is conceivable that it could be just Mira, so the cooperation of others willing to participate in the experiment is essential, but for now, he decided to see how Mira reacts a little more.

“It’s supposed to be used in a relaxed manner, not for something tense.”

“I see.”

“Mira, I want you to lie down on my bed and put the device to your ear.”

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Mira did as she was told and lay down on the bed.

She laid her body down, facing the wall, and held the terminal close to her ear, letting Kanata know she was ready to go.

“What do you want me to say?”

“Um… anything?”

“Of course.”

He would like to thank her for her assistance.

“Well then…”

Mira was embarrassed to tell Kanata, and Kanata decided to mumble the words, saying he understood.

Kanata uttered that line, matching the wavelength of the magical power he had just learned.



Mira’s body trembled.

“Live for me from now on. I need you.”

After saying it out, Kanata also thought, ‘what the h**l?’ but Mira’s reaction was so much more intense than that.

Despite arching her back as if to resist the voice that seems to enter directly into her brain, she fidgets and busily moves her body with a somewhat ecstatic demeanour.

“How was it?”

“… this… this is…”

Mira got up with a bright red face. 

Without trying to hide her somewhat debauched expression, she rubbed her cheek against the terminal and said,

“I would love to… listen to it alone at home. And… guhehehe ♪.”


Mira started drooling.

… Kanata tilted his head and wondered if it would be okay for him to succeed, but he came to the conclusion that there was still a lot to think about in addition to the room for improvement.

“I need to think more about how to showcase, let alone put to practical use.”

ASMR in the other world, it seems that it will not yet be made public, but if reactions like Mira’s flood the world… Kanata could not help but feel it would be a scary thing to see.

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