Chapter 41: Here comes the fanatic

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“Fufu, Maria, you’re very unusual. Usually, only the princess’s guards or attendants are brought along on such occasions.”

“Well, yeah. But I thought it’d be a good opportunity for students who don’t usually go outside the Kingdom to have various experiences.”

“Yeah, you’re right… Hmm.”

While Maria and Athena were happily chatting with each other, Kanata and the others were quietly walking behind them.

The duo of a princess and a lady of the duchy, it is needless to say who was in a higher position, but Athena also had a grace that did not lose to Maria’s. 

“… Athena-sama, the Duke’s daughter, is really beautiful.”

The guy walking next to Kanata muttered that.

Kanata did not respond to his mutter, but from Kanata’s point of view, Athena was certainly a beautiful girl, so he secretly nodded.

(The beauty standard of this world is simply too high.)

Kanata smiled bitterly, thinking how many times he had thought about this.

Incidentally, besides Maria and Athena, all of Kanata’s classmates who accompanied them on this trip were also handsome guys and pretty girls.

Kanata was by no means ugly, but he was only average, so he had a subtle feeling.

“Maria, you’ve come with me, but what about the rest?”

“No need to worry. I’ll give them instructions.”

Maria returned to where Kanata and the others were.

“As I had originally informed you, I will head to the castle with Athena. You are relatively free, but you must definitely return here by evening.”


“Got it!”

Kanata questioned if it really was okay to have that much freedom, but if Maria said so, it should be fine.

They were not here just to have fun, as they had to write a report on what they did on this tour.

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“… Well. I guess I’ll just have to look around then.”

His classmates had already gone off together in groups, leaving Kanata feeling somewhat left out, but he decided to take a step forward anyway. 

However, as he was about to leave, Maria, who had been seeing them off, approached him.

“I’ll miss you, Kanata-kun, but I’ll see you in the evening.”


Smiling, she walked away with Athena.

Athena turned back and looked at Kanata with interest but seemed not to have any particular concern and walked away. 

Kanata continued to watch their backs for a while, muttering that it was time to go, and finally, he also went outside.

“Well, where should I go first?”

Well, it is whatever it is. Even though he was going to be wandering alone, Kanata was excited.

He only knew the scenery of his hometown and the royal city, so it was refreshing to walk around the streets of a different country like this.

“Let’s go to the artisan district first!”

The development of magical equipment is said to have led to a district called the artisan district, where many skilled craftsmen do business, so he decided to head there first.

Kanata had no idea where it was as this was his first time. 

However, he didn’t get abandoned by the heavens because of his good conduct on a daily basis.

“Is there something I can help you with?”


It was a well-dressed woman who approached him.

Compared to Athena, she was less flamboyant and gave a more subdued impression, but she had a well-developed face and the grace of an aristocrat.

“Are you, by any chance, from the Kingdom?”

“Huh? Yeah…”

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She smiled, understanding. 

It seemed that the news of Maria’s and some of the academy student’s visit had spread among the nobles.

“This time, Maria-sama will probably get asked many questions.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. As one of the only people who met Haishin-sama.”

“… Ah~”

Kanata nodded, understanding that was also a possibility.

“By the way.”

“What? … Huh?”

She approached Kanata closely. 

Her eyes, looking straight at him, had a terrifying darkness that felt like it was from the abyss, and it was enough to plant fear in Kanata for someone he just met.

“Is something wrong…?”

At that moment, Kanata saw a badge that the woman was wearing on her chest.

It was definitely a Haishin-sama badge, to which he internally shouted, ‘You too?’

“You are from the Kingdom, aren’t you? Have you met Haishin-sama? Are Maria-sama and Saint Alphana-sama still the only ones who have met him? Ah, how enviable… How envy-worthy. But I don’t intend to hate or be jealous of them because it was all Haisin-sama’s will that he decided to meet with these women to ask for their cooperation.”

“Um, excuse me…”

“Oh, sorry, I got carried away.”

The woman, whose name Kanata didn’t know, quickly left him. 

In all honesty, Kanata wanted to run away immediately, not because she was a follower or her wearing a Haishin-sama badge, but because she sensed a madness that reminded him somewhat of Mira.

“Are you also a listener of the Haishin-sama?”

“Oh, so you are one too.”

Well, it seemed he had no choice but to pretend to be a listener.

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Upon hearing Kanata’s words, the woman’s eyes lit up, and she happily revealed that the greatness of the Haishin was spreading. 

He didn’t ask why she had such strong feelings for Haishin as she started talking about it on her own.

“Actually, I was falsely accused and was about to be executed a while back.”

“… Really?”

Getting executed wasn’t a light topic, but when he heard about execution on this land, a letter came to mind.

“I was in despair. My fiancé, sister, and even my family were all enemies at one point. I was thinking of dying, holding onto hatred and sorrow, but then I was saved.”

Her fiancé and sister. Kanata fully understood who she was.

This woman was apparently the lady who was supposed to get executed as written in the letter.

“Haishin-sama, that person’s words saved me. My friend had been a fan of his for a long time, but foolishly, I didn’t know about him. I am thankful to him for saving me! I can’t help but regret how foolishly unaware I was at that time!”


Kanata was pulling back with all his might as she was repenting to the heavens for her sins.

Seeing her in this mad-like state was too scary. He felt like he was watching a horror movie up close.

“I want to devote myself to him. I want to use the saved life for his sake. I was born to use this life for him, for Haishin-sama’s sake. My only support and purpose for living is him!!”


Kanata stopped her in the heat of the moment, forgetting to use honorifics.

Sweat was visible on her forehead as she took deep breaths. It seemed like she had used a lot of energy with the words she had just spoken like a machine gun.

Though her face was well-proportioned, her overall appearance was plain, and her clothes, made from a thick fabric, concealed a definite bulge.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Regardless of her strange behaviour, Kanata couldn’t help but think that a woman with good style is always wonderful.

Right when he was about to head to the artisan district, he encountered quite a lady.

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When she became aware that she had also acted a little out of control, her face turned red, and she looked down.

“… Excuse me, may I ask where the artisan district is?”

“Ah, yes… Um, if it’s okay with you, I can guide you there.”



Though the atmosphere became awkward for both parties, it’s technically all her fault, Kanata thought.

… Well, if you say it was Haishin who changed her so much, he may not be able to say anything back, but at least Kanata himself should have done nothing wrong.

Then, with her as a guide, Kanata safely arrived at the artisan district.

“Oh here…”

“Yes. You’re from the Kingdom, correct? Let me tell you this. This place is well-known for the development of magical equipment.”

“That’s why I’m here.”

“I see… Oh, by the way.”

With a clap of her hands, she lifted up her skirt slightly, taking a ladylike bow.

“Once again, my name is Lisa Inklaid. I am from an earl’s family.”

That’s how she, Lisa, introduced herself.

An earl’s position is lower than a duke’s, but both are still high-ranking nobles.

After that, Kanata also introduced himself, and they parted ways. 

Facing so many high-ranking nobles made him feel a little overwhelmed.

He smiled wryly.

“Well, it’s okay. Let’s go explore!”

With enthusiasm, Kanata began exploring the artisan district with a thrill in his heart.

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