Chapter 43: Both Kingdom and Principality are dangerous, seriously.

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That evening after Kanata and Maria travelled to the Principality, Alphana went to the church after school.


Today she had made plans to talk with Kanna, a high-class courtesan.


Even though she is high-class, was it really okay to allow a prostitute like Kanna into the holy church? The people in this church had no such discrimination in mind. She could visit without any problem.


“… Haaah.”




Alphana and Kanna both have heavy feelings toward Haishin… No. Let’s just admit it, they both have strong feelings toward Kanata. 


When they reunited after a few days, they talked only about Kanata.


However, during their conversation, Alphana let out a sigh.


Kanna nodded as if she understood, as it was similar to the longing for a lover who couldn’t meet.


“You miss him?”


“Ah… yeah. I miss him.”


Incidentally, at first, Kanna used to speak respectfully to Alphana, but she asked her to refer to her informally, so her language was more casual now.


(… Well, it’s only natural, given his charm.)


Being a prostitute, she did not usually go out. It was also not often that Kanna met Kanata without making an appointment beforehand.


Alphana’s loneliness is immeasurable as she attends the same institute, is in the same class and is the closest to him.




But then Kanna tilted her head.


Alphana certainly had an air of loneliness around her, but she also seemed excited about something else.


Her expression, gestures, and distinctive aroma led Kanna to the answer she did not expect.


She has a keen eye for observation, honed through her experience with many men as a prostitute, and it naturally works on women as well.


(Maybe Saint-sama… is in heat?)


Although it’s a crude way of putting it, Kanna thinks it’s normal for her age, but she would never say it out loud. 

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The saint is also a human being and a girl. It’s only natural for her to have feelings for someone she loves.


“… haah.”


Nevertheless, Kanna was troubled, so she sighed repeatedly.


She found herself lost in their conversation, not knowing what to say as Alphana seemed in her own world.


“… Saint-sama?”


“… yes.”


“Um… You’ve been spacing out since earlier, is something wrong?”




After a short pause, Alphana apologized quietly.


Wondering if perhaps there was something troubling her, Kanna pulled a chair up close to Alphana.


She asked her if she would like to discuss anything with her, as Kanna is young but still older than Alphana.


“No, it’s not like that, a worry or anything… It’s just that his voice won’t leave my head.”




Alphana explained to Kanna, who wondered what exactly it was about.


She explained that Kanata was thinking of providing the world with ASMR content. After listening to the recording of Kanata’s sweet whispering directed towards her, her mind was completely engrossed.


“Is it really that amazing?”


“As a Saint, I shouldn’t use such a crude expression, but it feels like my head is getting violated by Kanata-sama’s voice!”


Alphana wound up, with her excitement unabated.


As a prostitute, Kanna had already passed the dimension of thinking about whether such words as ‘violating’ were crude or not, so Kanna didn’t think much of it, but she was also interested in this thing called ASMR.


“I’m kind of curious.”


“If that’s the case, would you like to listen? The words got directed at me, but he hasn’t mentioned my name so far, so I think Kanna-san will be able to hear it too.”


“Is that so? Then, I shall try it out for a bit.”


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Little did she know that it was a trap that was about to drag Kanna into a swamp.


She was handed a terminal and told to listen while in the position she felt the most relaxing.


“Well, there you go.”


She sank deep into the sofa, pressing her back against it and achieving a state of complete relaxation. 


And now, with the terminal close to her ear, she listened to Kanata’s voice, which she heard so much from Alphana, in a completely defenceless state.


A few minutes later, after saying goodbye to Alphana, Kanna returned to the brothel.


“Welcome back, Kanna.”






She didn’t stop to reply and headed for her room as if she didn’t hear the owner.


In fact, she had a reservation coming up, and going to her room at this point would be a complete turn-off.


It was a rare sight for her, who had never cut corners on her work, much less slacked off.


“I’m sorry, owner, but please cancel all my reservations for today.”


“Oh, uh… that’s fine with me.”


Kanna was one of the best earners in Veneti, and perhaps because of it, she could ask for a certain number of unreasonable demands.






The owner’s body jerked when he turned around and saw Kanna’s eyes.


“Whatever happens today, don’t come into my room, and don’t let anyone near me. Promise, okay? If you break it, I won’t forgive you.”


“I get it!”


The owner saw the strong glow in her eyes. 


Keeping his promise, he instructed everyone that no one was allowed near her room today. 


And in the end, no one knew what had happened to her.


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“Is something in your mind?”


As the sun set, Kanata looked into the distance while enjoying his meal.


He was unsure what he sensed just now. It was as if someone was moaning while repeating his name.

[EDN: Why.]


“… Has anyone heard the rumours?”


“Ara, I probably have, you see.”


He didn’t press her on what she meant by that.


Incidentally, it wasn’t only Kanata and Maria, but all the classmates with them gathered there.


“Fufu, I’m glad you’re satisfied.”


Athena said while gazing happily at Kanata and the others.


They were at her ducal mansion, and today, they would spend the night in this magnificent building.


“But then again, you’re a little different from the rest, after all,” Athena said, looking at Kanata and Maria.


The other classmates looked at them as if they were also interested, but Maria was the first to speak back.


“I have become somewhat friendly with Kanata-kun, but he is not the type of person to worry about. Even though I am used to it, he is not. Athena, I hope you will stop that kind of thing.”


Maria spoke clearly to Athena. 


She emphasized that Kanata was not the type of person to be the subject of rumours, but Athena still seemed interested in him.


Nevertheless, it was understandable since her words were uttered with the utmost consideration for Kanata.


“I really appreciate your thoughtfulness, Princess. I am a commoner, so it is difficult for me to find a place in the academy. However, you protect me and take care of me. You are truly a kind person, and I think you are a princess loved by everyone in the kingdom.”




“Ara…ara, ara ♪.”


… Apparently, he made a mistake in his choice of words.


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Kanata looked away, feeling uncomfortable as Maria, whose face turned bright red and looked impressed, and Athena, whose smile deepened further in amusement, stared at him.


“Excuse me, Lady Athena.”


That’s when it happened.


The door opened, and a woman appeared, but she was familiar with Kanata.


Earl’s daughter, Lisa, was the one who showed up.


“You’re here, Lisa.”


“Yes. Um…”


Apparently, Lisa didn’t know why she got called in, either.


When Kanata’s eyes met hers, she bowed and approached Athena’s side.


“As a matter of fact, there was once a time when this girl was in an extreme situation.”


The air stiffened a little at those words.


“But it was Haishin-sama who saved her. It was his words that saved her from execution. Well, that doesn’t excuse my helplessness at that time.”


Not only Kanata but also Maria and the others seemed to understand who Lisa was when she used the words ‘Principality’ and ‘execution.’


It was even more so when it came to Maria, who sent a statement along with Alphana.


“Maria, since you are the only one who has met Haishin-sama, I would like you to tell Lisa many things about him. This girl has become an ardent fan of Haishin-sama since then, just like me.”


“Really? I don’t mind.”


Then, with Kanata by her side, Maria talked about her passionate feelings for Haishin.


It wasn’t just Lisa, who listened to the story, but also other classmates who were also followers of Haishin, which made the atmosphere even more lively.


(Staaaaaaaaph! My back is tickling!!)


Naturally, Kanata was writhing in embarrassment.


“… Fufu.”


However, Athena kept her stare fixed on Kanata with a seductive look, which was different from the reactions of the others. 


Although Kanata didn’t notice her gaze, Maria, while talking about Haishin and being attentive, did.

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