Chapter 48: A new method: Delayed Streaming 

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Kanata’s second day of their stay wasn’t particularly different from the day before.

Maria, as a matter of course, joined Athena in the diplomatic scene, while Kanata took Mira to some high ground where they could have a panoramic view of the city.

“Looks wonderful.”

“Yes. It’s very beautiful.”

Mira, staring at the cityscape next to Kanata, was also satisfied.

Now that he knew that Mira was following him, he could rest assured about not being watched most of the time if he kept her by his side.

Though now Kanata was more worried about what to do with this girl with a lovely expression yet a stalker’s temperament.

“Well, let’s surprise them then!”

“I understand!”

Kanata came here this time with a purpose.

It was to do guerrilla streaming, as he wasn’t able to yesterday, nor he may be able to do so this evening.

“But will it work?”

“Kukuku, I’ve thought of quite a few things.”

Kanta was in a state where he had neither a black robe nor a mask, so if he got seen, he would get exposed to his identity at that moment. 

To prevent this, Kanata came up with the idea of delayed streaming.

It was also one of the methods of streaming he saw in his previous life and a gimmick where the video from the source is shown to the viewers a few minutes later.

“I’ll start live, but put it on hold with magic. Then I will release the magic so the video reaches the listeners’ terminals a bit late… Well, it’s hard to explain, but you’ll know it when you see it. Besides, I’ve already tried it at Maria’s terminal.”

“I see! I don’t understand well, but you’re a genius, Kanata-sama!”

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“Ahaha! More! Praise me more!”

“Genius! The best! Coolest, Kanata-sama!”

It was a stupid brother-and-sister-like exchange, but it was a pleasing sight. 

Incidentally, during this time, Mira was also deploying the presence perception she had developed as an assassin for several kilometres, always making sure that not even an animal was approaching in this vicinity.

“Mira is really versatile. It’s amazing.”

“Th-thank you ♪”

Wiggling her body, Mira smiled happily, but her expression soon darkened, and she continued her words thus.

“But when it comes to magic, I’m less than an amateur…”

Kanata knows Mira boasts exceptional physical abilities, but her magical power is below par, and she has no talent whatsoever.

In the first place, Mira’s abilities have already helped Kanaata in the past, and they are in a realm that even those who can use magic to some extent cannot reach.

“Don’t make that face, Mira. You’re already so amazing. I’m so proud of you.”


Stalker? Creepy? But, since she’s also like a cute little sister, Kanata felt the urge to speak kindly to her.

While in a good mood from being flattered, Kanata wrapped his arm around Mira’s back, patted her and gently stroked her head.

“… ♪♪”

Her expression was full of joy. If she had a tail, it would wag vigorously.

“Of course, there’s still a delay of about ten minutes, so we can’t be like this for long. I’ll make it short, and that’s how our broadcast will end.”


“Mira, it’s short, but it’s gonna be a live show. Have fun.”

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Kanata nodded when he heard the shouts of joy.

Given he was streaming as Kanata, he had some constraints and couldn’t have a substantial conversation, but he wanted to make the most of the feeling of travelling and have an exciting live broadcast.

He installed a camera on his portable device. It may be slightly blurred, but it couldn’t be helped.

“… Awa… awawawa!”


For God’s sake, don’t get too excited and don’t let your voice in, Kanata chuckled.

He started the recording immediately and began with his usual opening remarks.

“Hey everyone! We’re going to do a short one today!”

“…!!! ~~~!”

Are you okay, Mira…? Though he was worried, he decided to continue anyway.

Kanata was quite motivated and knew that the important thing was to convey the excitement, the whole thing.

“Do you know what this view is? That’s right! I’m in the Principality now! Oh, it’s a great country. It’s beautiful, the artisan district is the best, and, above all, the food is delicious!!”

The camera turned toward the view seen from there so that the listener shared the same view as Kanata.

It was a little different from a live broadcast because there was no commentary, but seeing the same view this way was probably one of the most enjoyable aspects of the event.

“You might have just passed me on the street! I’m not wearing a black robe and a mask, and maybe you’ve seen me…?”

There was nothing exciting about crossing paths, but his excitement was at its peak, so he said so many meaningless things happily.

“It’s my first time coming to a foreign country and filming it as a tourist, but I think it’s a good country even if I’m just a tourist. Leaving aside the problems that arose a little, the food is really delicious.”

Good food is important.

That is because it means that crops and other resources are abundant.

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Of course, the food in the Kingdom is good, too, and it is hard to say which is better, but… the Kingdom may be better because it was more familiar to him.


Then Kanata thought of Cid, Athena, Lisa and the others.

Although Athena and Lisa had heavy feelings for Haishin, they were still good people.

The people who had taken care of the castle, the soldiers who had moved to save Lisa, were also friendly.

“There are all kinds of people. There were people who treated me with malice, but there were also many good people who treated me well in this Principality… It’s a good country, this place.”

So, Kanata took a pause.

If you are an influencer, you should still say this to the countries that have helped you in any way.

“You guys should come to the Principality for a trip and all that! It’s a wonderful country!”

Then, after ten minutes of talking about a few random things, Kanata finished his recording and released the magic he had used to stop the stream.

Now, the broadcasting began for the people who had Haishin registered on their terminals and were holding them.

“Mira… Mira-san?”

“… ♪”

She had her back to Kanata and was wriggling her body in some way.

When he put his hand on her shoulder, she turned around with a jerk and stood straight with her face bright red.

“Your face is all red…?”

“Well… I tried a little hard!”

“What do you mean…?”

Then she got back in shape, and while carrying him in a princess hold, she took him away from there.

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The people who lived there, of course, with knowledge of the area, will immediately understand where that place is, so this is an escape based on that consideration.


“Haha, Kanata-sama is really excited today!”

“It’s fun to do stuff like this. It’s embarrassing to be carried like a princess by someone shorter than me, but oh well.”

“What are you saying? It’s important to do the best you can in the role you can do at the moment. Besides… it is a lot of fun for me right now.”

“I see…!”


They moved from building to building, happily talking to each other in this manner. Thanks to Mira’s camouflage skills, also used on Kanata, they were able to travel without anyone noticing.

“I’m going to land.”


The moment she landed, Mira held Kanata’s body for a bit.

Then, rather than the impact of landing on something solid, the feel of Mira’s huge b*****s cushioned his face.

Kanata and Mira then decided to walk around town together.

“What’s up with them…?”

“Don’t tell me—”

A not-so-small number of people were running in the direction where Kanta and Mira had come from. It seemed like it had turned out as they had expected.

“You are very popular ♪.”

“Right. And I’m thankful for that. Alright then, let’s go exploring, Mira!”


At noon, the last day of his stay in the Principality, Kanata enjoyed his time wandering around with Mira.

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