Chapter 58: Alraune

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“… Geez, the view is bad just because we’re on a mountain… Hey, you two. You should both go back to the village as expected. I’ll take care of the rest.”

“I won’t listen to you, Kanata-sama.”

“That’s right, Kanata-kun.”

After sunset, Kanata and the others faced each other in the growing darkness. The place they were at was further up the mountain from Roggin, where trees were dense and the darkness pitch black. Even though Maria and Alphana were using light magic to shine the way, Kanata thought it wasn’t a good idea to have them accompany him any further.

“If something happens to you two, it’ll be really bad.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll be fine.”

“It’ll be okay.”

“… I’ll lose my head.”

“That won’t happen.”

“It won’t happen.”

Kanata sighed, feeling that it was pointless to say anything more. 

Why were they walking in the mountains at such a dark hour in the first place? 

It was because Mira, who had gone hunting, had yet to return. He didn’t think anything was wrong since it was Mira, but it was natural to think something was amiss if she hadn’t even contacted them.

“… It’s wrong to have the princess and saint accompany me on something like this, but I’m counting on you both to help me find Mira.”

“Don’t worry!”


The two of them nodded happily in response to Kanata’s words. Nevertheless, if anything happened, they would immediately turn back. At this point, Kanata had no choice but to protect them with all his might while searching for Mira.

(Well, it’s a good thing I have experience running around this area from the past.)

Despite the bad visibility, Kanata had a general idea of the terrain, so he didn’t think he would get lost even among the dense trees. Moreover, Kanata was emitting an almost absurd amount of infinite magical power as a threat, deterred magical beasts, and a strong magical barrier to protect Kanata and the others.

“Wow, this is amazing. It feels like we’re being protected by Kanata-kun’s magic.”

“Kanata-sama’s magic is very warm and pleasant… so gentle.”

“Thanks for that. Now let’s go find Mira quickly.”

If Mira had returned to the village, she would have sensed the magic emitted and come to them. Kanata was sure she wouldn’t disappear from his presence without a word.

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Although he had been troubled by Mira’s stalking behaviour, he could not imagine her being gone because she was that obsessed with Kanata.


“What is this?”

“… It’s an ominous magic.”

As the three continued forward without ever separating, inhuman waves of ominous magic drifted toward them.

Maria unsheathed the sword at her waist, and Alphana enveloped herself in holy magic.

“Is it a demon?”

“It’s possible, but… it’s weaker than Shrouza-san’s magic.”

“Well, that’s probably true.”

Only Kanata knew that Shrouza was the Demon King, and if he heard that there was a demon with stronger magic than Shrouza, he would wonder what kind of demon could surpass the Demon King.

“I don’t rule over all demons. There aren’t many demons who have left the demon world, but they still exist.”

Those were the words Kanata had heard from Shrouza.

There was a story of an unnamed demon who had come here and saved the villagers, including Kanata’s parents, but whether that demon was already here at the time was unclear.

Although there were still many mysteries, Kanata and the others slowly moved forward.


“Ah! Mira!?”

Kanata heard Mira’s voice, which was hoarse, and he became anxious. But at that moment, something squirmed on the ground.

“What is this?”

“This is…!”


At Alphana’s scream, Kanata instinctively unleashed the magic he had been holding back.

He didn’t have much control over his magic, but when it came to this kind of trick, only possible with infinite magic, he was the best.

“Stay close, both of you.”

As Kanata spoke, he shielded them and violently scattered his magical power. As a result, the flowers and grass that had previously grown among the trees flew away, and something unpleasant and wriggling appeared.

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“Is this ivy?”

It was countless ivies, wriggling as if there were hundreds of snakes. Maria, who had no resistance to this sort of thing, showed her displeasure.

It is an eerie sight even for Kanata, but he is more concerned with finding Mira.

Thus, with Kanata’s magical power finally raging, Mira’s figure appeared before the three of them.


Mira got entangled in the ivy, which looked like tentacles, pulsating as if sucking something out of her body.

“Looks like her magical power is being drained!”

“Then it’s faster to cut it down!”

Maria slashed the ivy with her sword, freeing Mira.

(… That was like a scene from an erotic manga… Stop it, me!)

Kanata shook his head to dispel such indecent thoughts from his mind. With Mira no longer having her magical power drained, her complexion gradually improved, and she opened her eyes firmly.

“Everyone…You guys are…”

“Are you okay?”

“Yes…! But… where is she?”


When we three asked who ‘she’ was, a disgustingly sweet voice rang out.

“Phew, she got away. What a pain.”

Kanata immediately turned his attention to the source of the voice. A woman walked towards them… but Kanata quickly averted his eyes.

“Hey, why the h**l are you dressed like that…?”

The woman was not wearing any clothes. However, she was not entirely exposed, with leaves stuck to cover her chest and sensitive areas.

“A pervert…”

“Definitely a pervert…”

“She looks like a pervert, but be careful. She’s quite tricky.”

The atmosphere from a moment ago was a complete lie, but it was still clear that she was a skilled opponent to have captured Mira.

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“Being a pervert is terrible, but what can we do? We are Alraune, after all,” commented the woman, who seemed to belong to the Alraune species.

She had long green hair that reached the ground, green eyes, and even green skin. Everything that made up this woman was green.

“Oh my, what a fine man. Your magical power is so… hmm?” 

The woman looked at Kanata’s face as if she had noticed something.

She stared for a moment before suddenly covering her huge b*****s and crotch with her hands and blushing.

“Well, it’s not like hiding it now makes any sense.”

“I know, right…”


Kanata had already averted his gaze, but even Mira tilted her head in confusion at the sudden change in front of her.

Ignoring why an Alraune was on this mountain, Kanata was eager to return to the village now that Mira had returned.

“Could you be… Haishin-sama?”

Kanata realized that the atmosphere had completely changed as the woman’s face became that of a love-struck maiden. He had heard through Shrouza that Haishin’s existence was well-known among the demon race, but he never thought that this woman they coincidentally met was also a fan.

For the demon race who could see magical power, it was impossible to hide his true identity.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Mint of the Alraune.”

“Oh, yes.”

“I always listen to your streams. Your voice is amazing… I always drip with nectar while listening to your streams.”


Kanata was puzzled by what kind of nectar she was referring to.

As Mint slowly approached him, one step at a time, Kanata couldn’t help but find her bewitching body a little too much for him. But Maria was there to help.

“For now, wear this.”

“Huh? … Oh! That’s Haishin-sama’s shirt!!”

Everyone must have wondered why she had it. But if it helped her cover her body, Kanata didn’t mind waiting for Mint to put on the shirt.

“I’m a demon, so I couldn’t go into town to buy this myself.”

“So you tried to buy it…”

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Kanata was already tired of everything.

“I see… I didn’t take the demons into consideration. I’ll have to work on that with Shrouza-san.”

Meanwhile, Alphana fully focused on business.

While Kanata was relieved that nothing major happened, he didn’t want too much trouble since his hometown was nearby.

“Hey, by the way, what were you doing with Mira?”

“I was just going to absorb a little bit of her magic. It’s the best treat for our kind. Well, it was a little bland, though.”

“I’m not good at magic anyway.”

Mira didn’t seem to mind getting caught, either. Afterward, she told them she was only visiting temporarily and would soon move in the direction of the great forest.

“I took care of the nearby magical beasts just in case. They may not have known about Haishin-sama’s hometown, but they’re a threat to weak humans, right?”

“… I see.”

Kanata nodded since he didn’t encounter any magical beasts until now.

“… I’m sorry, Haishin-sama. I didn’t know, yet ended up involving myself with your acquaintances.”

Although her voice was as ponderous as ever, they could tell she was sorry for what she had done.

Mira nodded in agreement to indicate she was okay, and in a way, Mint’s action contributed to protecting the village, so Kanata couldn’t really scold her too harshly.

In the end, they decided to forgive Mint and head down the mountain, but it seemed that Mint was quite hungry, so Kanata let her absorb his magic power, even if she sucked him dry. 

Then, an incredibly difficult scene unfolded before them. 

“Oh… it’s going inside!! It’s going in a looot. It’s so wonderful!!”

The infinite and boundless magic power poured into Mint, surpassing even the highest quality. 

“Don’t look, Kanata-sama!”

“I knew she was a pervert!”

“Her belly is swelling up tremendously!”

Needless to say, it was a previous experience that reminded Kanata of erotic manga that had almost faded away from his mind.

“Thank you, Mint. You helped me recall an important memory from the past…”

Kanata conveyed his gratitude and turned his back on Mint, who trembled violently.

[EDN: Why.]

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