Chapter 65: Kanata-kun Is Feeling Under The Weather

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“Haishin-sama is amazing! Don’t you agree?!”

“… Yes, I suppose.”

Kanata was enjoying his holiday as usual, but he was unexpectedly caught by a troublesome guy.

“Oh, Haishin-sama is so wonderful! I really want to meet him! I want to know more about him!”


The guy in front of Kanata was Aguila, who got punished by demons for pretending to be Haishin in the past. He was shouting about Haishin in front of Kanata.

Kanata was just relaxing in the town as usual, and Aguila suddenly appeared in front of him.

“Oh, you’re wearing that too!”

Aguila noticed Kanata was wearing the Haishin-sama shirt because he was also wearing one himself.

Kanata knew that Aguila had become a devoted Haishin follower after being abducted by the demons, but this was the first time Kanata had talked to him like this.

“What do you like about Haishin-sama?”

“… I…”

“I love everything about him! I can’t express it in words!”

“… I see.”

“What attracted you to Haishin-sama?”


“I love everything about him! I can’t express it enough!”

Kanata even thought about punching him once. Aguila kept repeating the same thing even while asking for Kanata’s opinion. He was a difficult listener. Kanata was happy to have fans, but he didn’t want to deal with people like him.

“Well, I’ll be going now.”

Kanata tried to leave quietly, but he got stared at and trembled.

Aguila did not show any hostility towards Kanata, but his eyes filled with blind love towards Haishin were really creepy to Kanata.

“Let’s not be like that. Why don’t we talk something good about Haishin-sama?”

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“… Please spare me.”

There are enthusiastic fans of Haishin in the capital, so it is natural there are fans with a similar interest as Aguila. However, it is not easy to show that in front of many people, and people looked at Kanata, who was being bothered by Aguila, with pity.

“I wonder if Kanata-chan is okay?”

“That nobleman is so creepy…”

“Hey, Mom, what’s that?”

“Don’t look.”

Kanata is a commoner, but he often goes shopping, so it’s no surprise he gets recognized often. That’s why it became a topic when he walked with beautiful women like Maria, Alphana, and Kanna, but there was never any malice behind it.


Suddenly, the figure of Aguila in front of Kanata blurred for a moment. Kanata pressed his forehead with his hand, but what attacked him next was intense nausea.

“What’s wrong? You look pale.”

He remembered this sensation. It was like symptoms of a cold from his past life and was quite severe.

(Damn it, I was feeling a little sluggish when I woke up, but was it really a cold after all?)

Thinking back, he realized that he had never caught a cold or any illness since he was born in this world, so he had let his guard down a bit.

“I’m sorry, I’m feeling a little sick.”

“Oh, I see! Then let me take you to the dormitory.”

The Aguila from some time ago had disappeared, and the current Aguila treated him equally, regardless of whether he was a commoner. Although he was quite obsessed with Haishin, it seems he was quite approachable among the nobility because he could be kind like this.

Kanata wrapped his arm around Aguila’s shoulder and tried to walk, but then he felt an even stranger sensation.

“… Huh?”

Before he knew it, the space had switched to gray. Kanata’s body was floating in the air, and Aguila, who had lent his shoulder, was frozen in that position. It was as if only Kanata had been separated from the concept of time.

“Is this the same as back then?”

Back then, it was when the Goddess Isla appeared in front of Kanata. Perhaps, Kanata was thinking about something similar when a woman suddenly appeared in front of him—yes, it was the Goddess Isla.

“Kanata. You seem to be feeling unwell.”

“Well, kind of.”

Kanata floated over to Isla and was held in a princess carry position. It was sudden, but he was at his limit and wanted to lie down immediately if he could.

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With a snap of her fingers, the scenery changed in an instant, and they had teleported from outside to Kanata’s room.

“Come on, lie down.”


Kanata gave up asking the Goddess how she knew where his room was.

“The human body is so fragile. They get sick so easily, and if they lose their head, they immediately die.”

“Well, obviously. You’ll die too, won’t you?”

“Do you think a goddess would die just from losing her head?”


“Yeah! How amazing is that, right?”

She had an impressive smirk.

She puffed out her chest with a thud, looking like an absolute powerhouse, saying that even if she only had her head left, she would still be alive, but Kanata shook his head when she asked if she should try it.

“Anyway, why did you come out at such a timing?”

“I’ve been watching over you for a while. I’m a goddess, after all.”


Kanata felt something suggestive but looked away.

“I can’t interfere too much on your side, but if something were to happen to you, I wouldn’t be able to rest easy. I would be troubled if you developed a serious illness and died.”

Isla held Kanata’s hand tightly and said so.

It was truly the love a goddess should have for a human, and Kanata could feel it on his skin, but she also spoke about such ominous things.

“Well, if that were to happen, there would be no meaning in this world…”

“Please don’t say such dangerous things…”

While he was very happy that she had brought him back to his room, listening to Isla’s words any further would have given him a headache.

As they talked, Isla’s body began to glow and gradually became translucent.

“Good grief, this is all I can do in this world with even a little bit of power. The constraints of being a goddess are such a bother.”

“Are you leaving?”

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“W-wait, Kanata! That ‘Are you leaving?’ with that lonely look is unfair! I’ll quit being a goddess and become a normal human to be your bride! Is that alright!?”

“You seem tired.”

“Kyaaaa! You’re supposed to nod at a time like this! Isn’t it wonderful that someone as beautiful and cute as me will be your bride!?”

Admittedly, Isla was beautiful and had a good figure, and he was happy that she had helped him like this, but she was also loud and dangerous… There were countless negative aspects once he started listing them off.

“You know, even goddesses can be hurt by what you say?”

“Don’t read my mind.”

“I’m a goddess, after all.”


Kanata gave her a stern look.

Even so, Isla seemed to realize she didn’t want to be seen as any more of a troublesome woman and decided to leave for today.

“I’ve delivered the oracle to Alphana. She’ll be here soon, so please wait.”


With those intriguing words left hanging in the air, Isla disappeared.

Kanata remained in a daze for a while, thinking about what she meant by delivering an oracle to Alphana during his encounter with Isla earlier. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

And then he felt the touch of cold fingers on his forehead and opened his eyes.

“Oh, you’re awake?”

“… Alphana?”

When he opened her eyes, he saw Alphana.

He wondered how he had gotten here and recalled his encounter with Isla earlier.

“I apologize for the suddenness. I have already informed the dormitory supervisor, and there are no problems with the harvest festival meeting, so please do not worry, Kanata-sama.”

“Well… That’s… I appreciate it, but…”

He felt bad for Alphana but was glad she came to his aid like this. It was the first time he had invited her to his room, but he didn’t have the luxury of feeling nervous about it at this moment. Alphana’s hand touched his forehead again, and a faint green light leaked out.

“It’s a healing spell. You should feel much better now.”

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“… Ohh.”

His body gradually relaxed as she said. 

However, it was only a temporary relief, and it seemed that he had to wait for time to pass before he could completely recover, like with a cold.

“… Fufu.”

“What’s wrong?”

Suddenly, Alphana burst into laughter, and Kanata asked her what was going on.

“It’s about when I first met you, Kanata-sama. You said you had a bump because something heavy fell on your hand.”

“… Oh, right.”

“To tell you the truth, I regretted not healing you with magic back then. But then, I wondered if I had healed you, would I have ever met Kanata-sama? “

Kanata nodded in agreement.

As a saint, Alphana was a pro at healing magic, so it wouldn’t have been a big deal to heal the swelling on his hand. But it was precisely because she didn’t do it that Kanata and Alphana were able to meet.

“But I’m glad it happened. If I hadn’t met Alphana, I would have been too lonely.”

“… Kanata-sama ♪”

She squeezed his hand tightly, her grip stronger.

Although he had been somewhat relieved, his condition was still bad, which meant that Kanata’s heart was slightly weakened. 

“Are you sure it’s okay? That it’ll take time to recover?”

“I’m totally fine.”

“Well, then. Could you stay with me for a while?”

“Yes, please let me stay by your side.”

Alphana smiled. Her smile was exactly that of a saint.

“Kanata-sama, it’s very… very disappointing, but please take a break from your streaming today.”

“No, I’m fine, see?”

“Please take a break. Will you promise me?”

“… Y-yes.”

Kanata later said that the smile that had gone from that of a saint to one that could put pressure on him was exactly that of a demon.

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