Chapter 78: The Start of the Mock Battle, Chaos Erupts Already

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The next day, the start of the group magic mock battle drew near. 

The battle was held in a wasteland away from the town, and the rules stated that the winner would be the team that managed to capture up to three of the opposing team’s bases. If the battle ended due to time running out, the number of bases captured and players remaining would be considered to determine the winner.

“I see… So we have to protect this thing.” 

Kanata murmured as he touched the specialized clothing prepared for the mock battle.

The clothing had a feature that determined whether an attack was fatal or not based on the strength of the magic or sword strike that had made contact with it. 

If the clothing judged the attack fatal, the wearer would get disqualified from continuing the battle.

“Yes, but it’s a very useful thing. Once this feature is activated, the magic won’t be able to reach us. It’s what the teachers call ‘perfect preparation.'” 


Kanata nodded in agreement with Alphana’s words.

If an attack was fatal, it would have a considerable amount of power, and the damage normally inflicted on the body would be quite significant. 

However, since the clothing would activate a defensive spell to protect the wearer before the magic actually caused any damage, they could feel reassured.

“In other words, our opponents will be using powerful magic without hesitation. In that regard, it’s no different from a real battlefield.”

“I understand.”

Kanata replied, and the other team members also showed their nervousness but didn’t seem intimidated.

“Alright, then. We’ve come this far, so we have to do our best!”

“That’s right! Let’s teach those Imperial b******s a lesson!” 

“Let’s do this!!”


They all shouted, and their morale was high. Just then, a spark set off as a signal for the start of the battle.

As mentioned earlier, the rules for the mock battle were to either capture or defend the bases.

“Then let’s get started. Everyone, please do exactly as I have instructed you.”

The command post was naturally taken by Maria, and there was no one to question it.

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With Alphana stationed by Maria’s side, the remaining students dispersed and attacked the enemy’s base.

“Alright, let’s go, Kanata.”

“Got it.”

Kanata had around ten allies around him, including Thomas, but naturally, Thomas was the only one Kanata could communicate with. 

Despite the importance of the situation, the other noble students didn’t pay attention to Kanata and instead gave him hostile glances that seemed to get in the way.

“It’s important to cooperate in situations like this… geez.”

“Well, I’m used to it by now. Besides, Maria has told me a lot about it.”

Except for Thomas and Ron, whoever Kanata partnered with, the hostile glances from the nobles were already severe, so Maria had warned him about it. 

This ended up being counterproductive, and both Maria and Alphana were on the verge of exploding. 

However, Kanata told them they didn’t have to say anything and that they didn’t have to push any further.

“Just having you here with me is reassuring. I’m counting on you, Thomas.”

“Kanata… Yeah, leave it to me!”

As they approached the Empire’s base, which was the target of their attack, the two of them smiled at each other. 

The Empire had also apparently set up a formation of about ten people and seemed to be waiting to counterattack rather than attacking themselves.

“What a leisurely pace. Let’s go, you guys!”

“Got it!”

“Hey, what are you guys doing!?”

One of the noble students jumped out, and the others followed suit without any coordination or cooperation. Kanata and Thomas were no exception. They couldn’t help but look at them with dumbfounded expressions.

Presumably, their goal was to do well and impress not only their teachers but also Maria and Alphana.

“Hey Kanata, shouldn’t we go too—”

“No, let’s wait and see for a bit.”

Kanata placed his hand on Thomas’s shoulder, who reluctantly followed along. 

To be honest, neither Kanata nor the rest of their group had much experience with group battles, and they didn’t really know what to expect on the battlefield. 

In contrast, the Empire was known as a military state and probably had some knowledge of the battlefield. That’s why Kanata judged they would only get in the way if they acted recklessly.

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“Wait, what?”

“What’s wrong?”

However, Kanata had known that if he didn’t follow along with their movements until the end, he would surely be complained about, so he had planned to observe the opponent’s actions to a certain extent before acting. 

It was just then that the opponent’s student suddenly shouted out.

“Sorry for the suddenness! You, the black-haired boy, you’re Kanata, right!?”

The opponent had used magic to make their voice heard. The noble students had already activated their magic, but the voice was still clear.

“By Kanata, you mean me?”

“Yeah, you.”

Kanata didn’t expect to be called out by name in such a place and made a silly joke. Although he didn’t respond specifically, the student looking for Kanata’s location fired a large ice spell toward the sky.

“We are moving to Base A from here! Move quickly!”

It was an unexpected move from the opponent in front of Kanata and the others. 

It was essentially the same as abandoning the base they were heading towards. Everyone was wondering what they were planning just as a flash of light ran through the sky.

“… Thomas!?”


They didn’t know what caused the flash of light, but they knew the opposing student had fled. Kanata felt something and quickly deployed his magical barrier to protect himself and Thomas.

“Freezing Ice.”

The moment Kanata heard that voice, his field of vision was filled with a silvery white colour.

Unable to resist, he closed his eyes, but it seemed that deploying a barrier was the right answer, as a cold sensation swept through his body.

“…!? What is this?”

“W-what’s going on!?”

When Kanata opened his eyes, the surrounding area had transformed into a world of ice.

Even the enemy base they were trying to attack was frozen, and all the allied noble students who had gone ahead were trapped in the ice as well.

Not only were they immobilized, but the magic that enveloped them in ice was deemed fatal, and the magic cast on their clothing was activated, forcibly removing them from the battlefield.

“Eight members of the Kingdom’s side have been eliminated.”

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As such an announcement was made, a beautiful ice witch descended in front of Kanata and Thomas.

“Hey there, Kanata ♪. Oh, wait, something’s still here.”

“… Anise?”

“Yes ♪. It’s been a day since we met, huh ♪.”

Fluttering her hand, she was Anise, whom he met last night.

The ice magic that had just targeted such a wide area was probably the one she had cast, and its power was undoubtedly a blow that easily surpassed advanced magic.

As expected of one of the strongest twins, she was a specialist in ice magic.

“That’s amazing, Kanata. I used magic with the intention of leaving only you behind, but I never thought you would protect the whole area ♪.”

Despite her magic being blocked, Anise seemed pleased.

As she said, the area around Kanata and Thomas was unaffected by the ice, so it was quite a strange sight.

“That’s one of the Gravatt’s twins, huh… What a monster.”

She was probably called a monster not just because of the pure strength of her magic but also because of her skillful use of it.

It seemed that they would have a confrontation with Anise in this situation, but… just then, Anise moved.

“You know what?”



As soon as Anise moved her hand, her voice came from right next to Thomas. And as if ice were growing from the ground, another Anise appeared from there.

“Are you Kanata’s friend? But you’re in the way now. Could you leave for a bit?” 

An ice blade appeared in Anise’s palm whilst speaking with a light tone, and she stabbed Thomas. He was therefore judged fatal and forced to leave.

“Alright, now there are just the two of us, Kanata.”


To be honest, Kanata didn’t know what Anise was thinking. She went out of her way to tell other students about Kanata and activated large-scale magic to eliminate everyone except him as if she had wanted the two of them to be alone from the beginning.


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However, Kanata, too, had experiences in this world that came to life in this situation. 

There was something similar to what he had felt from Maria and Alphana in Anise’s inexplicable behaviour and passionate gaze.

“Well, let’s just cover the two of us for now, okay?” 

Anise snapped her fingers, and a huge ice wall appeared around Kanata and Anise. 

It seemed communication with the outside world was now impossible, and it was unlikely anyone would see the two of them.

As Anise approached step by step, Kanata spoke to her.

“Did you realize it by any chance?”

At those words, Anise nodded with a soft smile.


Now at the Kingdom’s main base. 

The news that eight students from the Kingdom’s side had been eliminated quickly reached Maria’s ears, and it was natural for her to worry if everything was okay. 

However, Fest appeared as if launching a surprise attack.

“Well, as expected of the Princess and the Saint. Your strength lives up to the rumours.”

“The same goes for you. You’re truly the Empire’s promised Flame User.”

“Yes, if it weren’t for the two of you, we would have easily won.”

No matter how strong the opponent was, the combination of Maria and Alphana was formidable. 

Although there were a few students left standing with them, they had been relentlessly fending off Fest’s fierce attacks.

“Let’s admit that we underestimated this as just a mock battle. You are strong… No, the students of the Kingdom are a tough bunch, hence—” Fest said, wrapping flames around his sword.

Maria and Alphana remained alert and infused their magic power to respond at any moment.



As they faced each other, they unexpectedly received a message that somewhat eased the tension.

“Anise Gravatt, from the Empire’s side, has been eliminated.”

Fest’s eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the news.

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